God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 32

"Can you move in directly?" Xiao Tian frowned and asked.

He exchanged such a house with Wei Yi in "Crow Array".

If he asked him to take the money to buy a house, and it would take some effort, it would be better to directly ask Wei Yi for help.

Anyway, according to Xiao Tian's understanding, Wei Yi had set up several houses in Nanjiang City, just for trading and favoring people.

"The contents are all complete and you can move in at any time," the young man nodded earnestly.

"Take me to have a look. By the way, I don't need to come out in person for the procedures or something?" Xiao Tian suddenly remembered and asked.

"That's natural," the young man nodded, a look of pride on his face.

Xiao Tian didn't say much, and followed the young man to the depths of the villa between the blue water and the clouds.

The single-family villa that Wei Yi exchanged to Xiao Tian was located in the depths of the villa area, near the waterhole, with a hill behind it, and the layout of the villa was also quite good.

Even if Xiao Tian didn't understand the market, he could guess that such a house was very valuable, but Xiao Tian didn't say anything.

Let's not say that "Crow Array" is worth this price, and Xiao Tian does not take this money into his heart now.

If he really wants to make money, he can get a lot of rare treasures by his means, and people will swarm in at that time.

As for what Wei Yi said before, there may be some minor troubles in the future, Xiao Tian didn't take it seriously.

If something really happened, wouldn't it smash the Wei family's sign?

I'm afraid he doesn't need to take action, the Wei family will handle the matter properly.

"Is Mr. Xiao satisfied with this house?" The young man looked at Xiao Tian with a bit of envy in his eyes.

As Wei Hong's confidant, he knows the value of this villa. It can be said that as long as Xiao Tian sells this villa, he will be able to live without worry for the rest of his life!

"It's alright," Xiao Tian nodded.

"This is the proof of the property rights of the villa, Mr. Xiao please take it away. As for the transfer of ownership and the like, Lao Wei will arrange it. Mr. Xiao is not required to come forward." The young man took out a document bag from the briefcase and handed it to Xiao Tian. Seriously.

Xiao Tian took the bag of documents and nodded without speaking. The intention of seeing off the guests was already obvious.

"My task is complete, so I won't bother Mr. Xiao," the young man also had eyesight, and immediately smiled.

"It's hard work," Xiao Tian smiled at the young man, and then watched him go out.

After the young man left, Xiao Tian searched around the villa several times, found several hidden listening devices, and smashed them into pieces, then nodded.

The eavesdropping device Wei Yi left in this villa was not necessarily aimed at him, but his defensiveness was indispensable, and Xiao Tian didn't want to get into a lot of trouble for no reason.

"System, is there anything like a phantom array?" Xiao Tian walked around the courtyard a few times before asking the system in his heart.

He planned to plant the flat peach spiritual roots in the yard, but when the heaven and earth spiritual roots were mature, they would inevitably show signs. Even though the flat peach spiritual roots in his hands were extremely incomplete, he could easily see its extraordinary.

In order to avoid being jealous, Xiao Tian felt that it would be better to arrange a formation to cover it up.

The system did not respond, but a transparent light curtain emerged in front of Xiao Tian——

A gas burst: 8888 Shien point!

Liangyi Array: 5888 Shien Point!

Four Elephant Array: 3888 Shien Point!

Bagua Array: 1888 Shien Point!

Shijue Formation: 588 Shien Points!

Zhaowu Xuanguang Array: 388 teacher's favor points!

Xiao Tian twitched at the corner of his mouth, looking at the lonely 559 Shien points on his attribute panel, a little speechless.

Chapter 61 The Role of Reputation!

"System, don't let out the things that I can't redeem in the future," Xiao Tian shook his head and said in a bad mood.

The system surpasses the good, and all the formations except the Zhaowu Xuanguang array on the light quality panel are hidden.

"What role does this Zhaowu Xuanguang Formation do?" Xiao Tian asked in his heart.

"Zhaowu Xuanguang Array, which combines illusion, defense, and spirit gathering effects into one, can't be seen by monks below the pill formation level," the system's voice is still cold, but Xiao Tian's heart is hot after hearing this.

"Exchange Zhaowu Xuanguang Formation," Xiao Tian said quickly.

Then a slap-big formation suddenly appeared in his hands.

"How do you use this?" Xiao Tian took a look at the array carefully, and suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to have learned similar methods.

"Just bury it in the ground," the system's voice sounded, with a hint of contempt.

Xiao Tian didn't speak, and buried the formation pan in the yard according to the system's instructions, then took out the extremely incomplete section of the pan peach spirit root and buried it beside the formation pan.

According to the system, the vicinity of the array plate is the place where the Zhaowu Xuanguang array has the best spiritual gathering effect, and it is more suitable for the growth of the flat peach roots.

After finishing these things, Xiao Tian returned to the villa and fell asleep directly on the bed.

In the next few days, Xiao Tian didn't go out. In addition to taking care of Pan Tao Linggen, he was doing what he had learned again.

Perhaps because of the lack of aura in the real world, even though Xiao Tian has mastered everything in martial arts, his inner strength cultivation still stops at the congenital extreme realm and has no progress.

Five days later, the culture solution in the small silver gourd was consumed, and the extremely incomplete flat peach spirit root began to sprout, but it would take a lot of time to fully grow.

"System, can the spirit root culture solution be exchanged?" Xiao Tian asked in his heart, wearing a moon-white robe, sitting on a stone bench in the yard with an empty silver gourd in front of him.

If the spirit root culture fluid can be exchanged, he can see how much the remaining 171 points of teacher grace can be exchanged.

After all, the growth of this flat peach spirit root is indeed too slow!

"Linggen culture fluid is limited to lottery and random rewards, and cannot be exchanged directly," the voice of the system sounded, making Xiao Tian somewhat disappointed.

However, Xiao Tian thought about it. It is estimated that even if the spirit root culture fluid can be exchanged from the mall, it should cost a lot of mentor value, and the little loss in his heart will soon disappear.

"System, can I pass through the Heavenly Dragon plane now?" Xiao Tian asked in his heart.

Before he returned to the real world, he used up all the four lucky draw opportunities saved in the plane of the gods, and one of the rewards was the permission to cross the plane of the dragon.

"The host can travel through at any time, but please be aware that once the host crosses the Heavenly Dragon Plane, the prestige that the host gains on the Divine Carving Plane will be reset," the system's voice sounded, shocking Xiao Tian's heart.

"Reputation reset?" Xiao Tian frowned and asked, "If the reputation is reset, will there be rewards for the achievements that have been achieved when they are achieved again?"

"No," the system's voice was still cold, with a somewhat indisputable meaning.

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