God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 328

A Yin nodded, and together with Tang Hao, he hurried towards Notting City with Tang San Xiaowu.

At the same time, in a simple office in the Junior Soul Master Academy of Notting City, Xiao Tianyi dressed in white, with his hands on his back, looking at the map of Fastino Province hung on the wall, and said leisurely: "For me Let you go to Clear Sky School, do you have any ideas?"

Not far behind Xiao Tian, ​​a middle-aged man of medium build and slightly thinner stood upright. The man had a very ordinary appearance, but he had a special temperament. His eyes were open and closed with a bit of laziness and decadence.

"Since the teacher has arranged this way, he must have his own plan," the middle-aged man smiled slightly, full of confidence in his words.

It is not unacceptable for this middle-aged man to worship a young man who looks younger than himself as a teacher.

After all, the middle-aged man knows very well that his young teacher is probably at the peak of the mainland, and in terms of erudition, he is not worse than him!

Therefore, not only did the middle-aged man have no resistance to worship Xiao Tian as his teacher, but he had a little more hope in his heart. Perhaps his young teacher could really solve the problem of his martial soul mutation!

"The Clear Sky Sect is the number one sect in the world, although the Clear Sky Sect is unable to compete with the Spirit Hall after Tang Chen's disappearance.

However, with one double Douluo of the Clear Sky School, it is still sufficient to suppress the remaining six sects, so the resources that Clear Sky School controls are also the largest among the seven..."

Xiao Tian turned around, looked at his apprentice, who was related to his main mission, and smiled: "You have gone to the Clear Sky School, and Tang Hao and A Yin will take care of you, and you will have more resources. If you follow me, it will limit your development.

What's more, I have to look for ways to improve your qualifications, and I cannot take care of you in a short time..."

"So that's it," the middle-aged man nodded slightly and smiled: "If it wasn't for the teacher, you would have offended Qian Daoliu to death, and if I had some grudges with Wuhun Hall, teacher, you are planning to let me enter the Wuhun Hall. Right?"

After all, although the Seven Great Sects are powerful, they can't compare with the Spirit Hall that has collected most of the soul masters on the mainland. Compared to the Clear Sky School, he can use more resources to enter the Spirit Hall, not less!

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded, and then said faintly: "But who made me look at Qian Daoliu's old thing upset?

Besides, I also have my selfish desire to let you go to the Haotian Sect. Tang San’s kid is your senior sister A Yin’s child. After Xiao Wu has grown into a human form, your senior sister is taking care of...

Your knowledge in martial arts theory, looking at the entire continent, I am afraid that no one can surpass you. Let you guide the two little guys, and I don't have to worry about them being abolished by the elders of the Clear Sky Sect."

With that said, Xiao Tian looked at the middle-aged man, his face softened, and smiled: "After all, you are a master!"

That's right, this middle-aged man is the other disciple Xiao Tian and A Yin said about him, the wisdom corner of the golden triangle known as the "master", the master of theory, Yu Xiaogang!

Chapter 748 Xiao Tian and Master!

Xiao Tian also thought about accepting Yu Xiaogang as a disciple.

Originally the best choice should be the Seven Shrek Monsters. Not to mention Tang San and Xiao Wu, the remaining five were also rare talents.


The Seven Shrek Monsters are amazingly talented, but to accept these seven people as disciples, Xiao Tian also spends a lot of effort in them. In contrast, although Yu Xiaogang failed to mutate due to his martial spirit, he mutated negatively, resulting in extremely poor talent. , But his theoretical attainments in martial arts are indeed unique to the mainland!

To accept Jade Xiaogang as a disciple, Xiao Tian only needs to find a way to improve Yu Xiaogang's talents. Whether it is hunting and killing spirit beasts to obtain spirit rings or how to match spirit ring spirit bones, Xiao Tian does not need to worry about it!

And this is exactly what Xiao Tian wants most!

After all, although his strength is the most powerful in the mainland, it is the mainland’s three extreme Douluo Tang Chen, Qian Daoliu, and Bo Saixi are not necessarily his opponents, but it is necessary to talk about the understanding of spirit beasts, the combination of spirit ring skills, etc. However, Xiao Tian knew very little.

And there is no way, whoever makes his spirit ring and martial soul match directly based on his strength, apart from being a decoration, it has no other use at all!

Therefore, it is necessary to find a disciple who does not need him to worry about hunting and killing what soul beasts he needs to hunt for promotion, and what kind of soul ring skills he obtains is the most effective!

"Teacher is absurdly praised," Yu Xiaogang shook his head when he heard Xiao Tian's words, and said: "Teacher, your understanding of Wuhun far exceeds that of students. Many of the concepts you have said before are not thought of or heard. Said.

For example, relying on external forces such as Heaven, Material and Earth Treasures to increase soul power, as well as raising soul power absorption speed and operating speed by warming oneself with soul power, etc..."

Yu Xiaogang paused when he said this, and then looked at Xiao Tian, ​​his face was full of admiration: "Especially self-created spirit abilities, ordinary people can create a complete self-created spirit ability is enough to be regarded as Genius has attracted countless forces to compete.

And the self-made spirit abilities created by you, teacher, there are no less than ten that the students know, not to mention the ones that the teacher you have never used..."

Xiao Tian couldn't help being dumb when he heard this. This self-created spirit ability was actually the martial skill and tactics he had mastered, but without using the Dark Chen sword, none of his skills would cause a reaction from the spirit ring, so it seemed to fight Luo plane's self-created spirit ability is no different.

"Haha, create your own soul skills..." Xiao Tian shook his head and laughed: "When your strength reaches a certain level, based on your understanding of martial arts, you will find that creating your own soul skills is actually eating and drinking. It's as simple as that."

The master couldn’t help being fascinated when he heard the words. Although he was invincible in theory, his spirit power had been stopped at level 29 for a long time because of his martial spirit, and his spirit power was simply not enough to support his own spirit abilities. He also looked forward to what God said.

If his strength can really reach that level, then those many big families who cannot tolerate him because of his theory will all have to kneel down in front of him!

And the comrades of the Blue Dot Tyrannosaurus family can never laugh at him anymore, let alone say that his Yu Xiaogang has put the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus to shame!

Before encountering Xiao Tian, ​​these things were the driving force that supported him to study the martial soul theory!He wants to prove to the world that he Yu Xiaogang is not a waste!

So after hearing what Xiao Tian said, even though his obsession had faded a lot because he lived in Notting City all the year round, Yu Xiaogang still couldn't help but feel a little upset when he thought that he could justify his name!

Chapter 749 Confused Ah Yin!

When Xiao Tian was talking with Yu Xiaogang, there was a knock on the door.

At the same time, there was a voice like a silver bell: "Master, we are here, open the door."

Xiao Tian was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, and with a wave of his hand, the originally closed door opened in response.


The moment the door opened, a pink shadow jumped in from the door, before rushing far, it hit an invisible wall of air, and immediately covered his forehead and screamed.

"Xiao Wu, how many times have I told you, don't jump like this, like a rabbit," Xiao Tian said with a suffocated smile, "there is a defense I set up in this room, you will naturally run into it. ."

Xiao Wu curled her lips, her face was innocent, and she said crisply: "People are rabbits."

Xiao Tian shook his head, and stopped arguing with Xiao Wu, his eyes fell on the Tang Hao family of three, and smiled: "Didn't I give you time to rest? Why did you come here so early?"

"I would like to meet the younger brother who can be regarded by you, Master," A Yin said with a slight disapproval: "Hao is such a talented person, Master, you are not tempted, my younger brother can be your favorite. , There must be something extraordinary, right?"

A Yin was also a bit hard to let go of Xiao Tian's refusal to accept Tang Hao as a disciple, especially after knowing that Xiao Tian had accepted another disciple, some dissatisfaction arose in her heart.

If this junior can't satisfy her, even if she doesn't say anything, she will never try her best to help this junior!

"Then you are going to be disappointed," Xiao Tian shook his head and said with a calm expression: "Your junior's talent is very poor. When he awakens his martial soul, his spirit power is only half level, so he can barely cultivate.

Not to mention the comparison with Tang Hao, just bring a soul master who can cultivate soul power on the street, and the talent is probably much better than your junior brother."

When Xiao Tian spoke, he didn't pay any attention to Yu Xiaogang's presence, but when he heard Xiao Tian's words, Yu Xiaogang didn't show any expression on his face.

If he still cared about his talent before he met Xiao Tian, ​​now he doesn't care so much about his talent.

Especially after Xiao Tian told him that improving his strength was not just about cultivating soul power, Yu Xiaogang even left the disadvantage of his talent behind!

What if the innate soul power is only half the level?

Even if Wuhun mutation fails, what about reverse mutation?

He can also use external forces to increase his soul power, especially according to Xiao Tian's guess, when his soul power reaches a certain level, his martial soul Luo San Pao might be transformed into a real golden holy dragon!

At that time, his Yu Xiaogang will be one of the people standing at the top of the mainland, regardless of talent or strength!

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