God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 331

Although his martial arts and spirit ring are all decorations made by the system, they have no other purpose besides being good-looking, and he has no spirit ring skills.

But except for domains, Xiao Tian also possesses domains, but his domain is different from those possessed by martial spirits or endowed by spirit abilities.

His domain can be called the sword domain, but he realized it after his sword intent became great. Once unfolded, a kilometer radius will be filled with strong sword aura, and any creatures stepping into this range will be instantly cut by the sword aura. !

As early as on the plane of Zhu Xian, Xiao Tian was able to use the sword domain, but at that time his strength was the highest on the plane of Zhu Xian, and no one could force him to use the sword domain.

The same was true for the subsequent Doupa planes, even Gu Yuan and the Soul Heaven Emperor couldn't let him make a full shot, so he had never used the sword domain before.

Even Xiao Tian himself did not expect that Douluo's plane actually had an existence that could force him to use the sword domain.

"What domain is this?!" Xuedi's eyes flashed in shock, and she said in disbelief. She was shrouded by Xiao Tian's domain, she only felt as if she was being pointed at by countless sharp swords, and her skin pierced from time to time. It feels like she will be shrouded in countless sharp swords in the next moment, cut into pieces!

"Sword Realm," Xiao Tian said with a calm face, but Anchen Sword was held in his hand by him at some unknown time. There was a faint starry light flowing on the sword, as if there was a galaxy in it.

Emperor Xue took a deep breath. She took back the area that was originally covering a 10,000-meter radius. Looking at Xiao Tian, ​​she said in a bad tone: "This time you are lucky. This emperor wants to meet the catastrophe, and doesn't want to spend too much. Strength, I will give you three days.

After three days, no matter whether you find the spirit grass you want, you must leave the Far North, or even if I fight the catastrophe, I will share life and death with you!"

Chapter 756: The Compromise Snow Emperor!

Seeing Emperor Xue's sudden concession, Xiao Tian couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted and took back the sword domain, and the Dark Chen sword was also taken into the ring by him.

"Xuedi rest assured, after three days, if I can't find the spirit grass I want, I will leave," Xiao Tian nodded to Xuedi, and said lightly: "But I also ask Xuedi to restrain the soul in this frozen forest. Beast, I don’t want to have to take time to clean up the soul beasts that get in the way."

Xiao Tian also guessed why Emperor Xue would give in suddenly. After all, unlike Xiao Tian, ​​Emperor Xue was the body of a soul beast. Even if she was extremely powerful, there were few opponents on the Douluo plane, but she was a soul beast after all!

After the soul beast's cultivation base reaches one hundred thousand years, it will usher in a tribulation every 100,000 years. After passing through it, its strength will rise to a higher level, but if it can't pass, it will be the death of the body and the soul, and fall in the sky. under!

Obviously, the head of the three northern kings who dominate the far north will soon usher in the catastrophe, so Emperor Xue didn't want to fight with him, lest it affect her response to the catastrophe.

Therefore, Xiao Tian didn't mind going too far, letting Emperor Xue restrain the soul beasts in the frozen forest, lest some soul beasts with short eyes would trouble him.

Xuedi heard that a pretty face quickly turned red. Of course, this was not shy, but angry. At the same time, a terrifying chill burst out of her body, turning all the vegetation within a ten-meter radius of her into crystals. Ice sculptures!

"Human, don't go too far!" Xuedi glared at Xiao Tian, ​​his narrow eyes filled with strong killing intent.

Xiao Tian's expression remained unchanged, as if he hadn't noticed Xuedi's anger, and said leisurely: "I ask Xuedi to restrain the soul beasts in the frozen forest, also for the sake of Xuedi.

After all, if there are other soul beasts blocking me and delaying my search for the spirit grass, I am afraid that I will slaughter the entire ice-bound forest. Snow Emperor does not want to see the blood of your people flow into a river, right?"

"Do you dare?!" A blazing killing intent flashed in Xuedi's eyes, and a crystal clear ice and snow long sword appeared in his hand. The brilliance of the sword body flowed, and at the same time a terrifying chill radiated from that long sword.

"Do you think I dare?" Xiao Tian couldn't see the slightest expression on his face, and even the An Chen sword didn't take it out, and he said calmly.


The Snow Emperor roared, surrounded by snowflakes, and the terrifying chill turned the surrounding area into an exquisite area of ​​ice.

Xiao Tian's face was expressionless, and he looked at Emperor Xue with such a calm expression, but the true energy inside his body became a little more active.

He was also afraid that Xuedi would suddenly and desperately attack him. After all, this is a super soul beast with a cultivation base of nearly 700,000 years, and it is not much worse than the deep sea monster whale king in the deep sea. .

If Xuedi really didn't care, and if he had to fight him hard, he would have to spend a lot of effort to be able to settle.

Fortunately, although Emperor Xue was angry, he did not lose his mind. After a while, Emperor Xue slowly calmed down, glaring at Xiao Tian, ​​gritted his teeth and said: "There will be no soul beasts to interfere with you in three days. After three days, get out of the extreme north immediately!"

"Then I would like to thank Emperor Xue," Xiao Tian nodded towards Emperor Xue with a little smile on his face, and then walked towards the depths of the frozen forest.

Jiu Xuan Tong Luo Grass has extremely harsh environmental requirements, and the temperature outside the frozen forest is too low to be suitable for the growth of Jiu Xuan Tong Luo Grass.

Therefore, in this frozen forest, the only place where Nine Profound Tongluo Grass can be found is only in the depths of the frozen forest.

Chapter 757 Nine Profound Tongluo Grass!

Far north, deep in the frozen forest.

In the past few people walked, even the soul beast rarely stepped into the forbidden land, ushered in a white figure graceful.

"This place is not much better than the lake of life in the center of the Star Dou Great Forest," Xiao Tian looked around and found that the depths of the frozen forest were completely different from his imagination.

Originally, Xiao Tian thought that even if the temperature in the depths of the frozen forest was much higher than that in the periphery, it would not be much better.

After all, this frozen forest is located in the extreme north and is shrouded in cold wind all year round.

However, after entering the depths of the frozen forest, Xiao Tian discovered that although the temperature here is not like the Star Dou Great Forest, it is already a rare warmth in the far north.

"This place is my palace, so even in normal times, very few soul beasts dare to break into this place," Xuedi's figure appeared not far in front of Xiao Tian, ​​his flawless pretty face with a bit of sullenness. The voice is also a little cold.

As the ruler of the extreme north, he was forced to compromise by a strong human, and even had to open the frozen forest for Xiao Tian to search.

If it hadn't been for the fear of the imminent catastrophe, she would have been separated from Xiao Tian!

"That's it," Xiao Tian didn't take Xuedi's tone to heart, nodded lightly, and his eyes fell on a small mound not far away.

On the top of the mound, there is a throne of ice crystals. Not far in front of the throne, a strange spirit grass with nine leaves and a faint blue body is slowly swaying. From time to time, there is amazing aura from that plant. The blue spirit grass was uploaded.

"Nine Profound Tongluo Cao!" Xiao Tian's eyes condensed, his face a little bit of joy.

He had never expected that he could find the trace of Nine Profound Tongluo Grass so easily!

"Just because of this weed, let me tell the soul beasts in the far north not to get close to the frozen forest?" Xuedi's expression was a little ugly, and he glared at Xiao Tian, ​​saying every word.

Originally, she thought that what Xiao Tian was looking for was some amazing spiritual grass, but she didn't expect that what he wanted was this weed that was not useful for anything other than decorations!

And just for such a weed, Xiao Tian almost forced her to fight against the catastrophe, and share life and death with Xiao Tian!

Thinking of this, Xuedi had an urge to vomit blood. She had known that Xiao Tian wanted a weed, and she was too lazy to face it!

"Weeds?" Xiao Tian shook his head with a strange expression. As a soul beast, Emperor Xue should be sensitive to such treasures as Nine Profound Tongluo Grass.

Even if Emperor Xue didn't know the function of Nine Profound Tongluo Grass, it was impossible to treat it as a weed?

"Why, you are weird?" The Snow Emperor flashed, appeared on the Ice Crystal Throne, and said lightly: "What Nine Profound Tongluo Grass you are talking about, although the energy contained in it is huge, it cannot be absorbed.

For countless years, there have been many daring soul beasts sneaking into the depths of the frozen forest, swallowing this so-called Nine Profound Tongluo Grass, do you know what their ultimate fate is?"

Xiao Tian glanced at the Snow Emperor above the Ice Crystal Throne, and said calmly, "Those soul beasts that swallow the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass, I'm afraid they are all exploded by the majestic energy of the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass, right?

But after bursting out those soul beasts, the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass was re-condensed and formed intact, and once again fell in front of your Ice Crystal Throne, right?"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Tian looked at Xuedi with such a calm expression, but his eyes were a little bit of mockery that was hard to detect.

Chapter 758 The characteristics of Nine Profound Tongluo Grass!

As for the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass, Xiao Tian couldn't understand it better. This kind of spirit grass, like the Ten-headed Sun Snake in the city of Slaughter, was a legacy from the ancients and possessed amazing power.

However, if you don’t understand the characteristics of the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass, and rashly swallow it, even a limit Douluo of the level of Qian Daoliu will be burst by the terrifying aura contained in the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass!

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