God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 333

"The lord handles the affairs of the sect in the hall, and the uncle is attacking the 95th-level spirit power in retreat. Do you need your nephew to inform them for the second uncle?" Tang Long respectfully said.

"No need," Tang Hao waved his hand and said lightly: "I can find my father and eldest brother by myself."

After speaking, Tang Hao took A Yin and the four people towards the Haotian Sect.

Tang Long turned a blind eye to this, joking, and even ordinary Clear Sky School direct disciples brought relatives into Clear Sky School without interrogation, let alone Clear Sky Douluo of Clear Sky School?

Although he hadn't returned to the Haotian School for several years, Tang Hao took A Yin and the four people to find Tang Tian and Tang Xiao who were dealing with the affairs of the sect.

"Is it Tang Long? What do you want to say?" Tang Tian said without looking up when he heard the footsteps.

"Father, it's me," Tang Hao said quickly.

Tang Tian heard the movement of his hand, raised his head, saw Tang Hao and others, a deep joy appeared on his face, and then he seemed to think of something, the joy on his face faded away, and he coldly snorted: "You kid I still know to come back!"

Tang Hao scratched his head in a half-hearted manner, even though he was the youngest titled Douluo in the mainland, his strength was unfathomable, but facing his father, he was still a little frustrated.

"Huh!" Tang Tian snorted coldly when he saw it, and then glanced over Ah Yin and the others, his eyes condensed, and he said solemnly: "What are these people?"

He probably had some guesses about the identity of Tang San and A Yin, but he was a little confused about the master and Xiao Wu, especially Xiao Wu. Tang Tian could only see through her identity at a glance. One hundred thousand year soul beast!

"This is A Yin, your daughter-in-law, Senior Xiao Tian's apprentice," Tang Hao pointed to A Yin who was aside, and smiled flatteringly at Tang Tian.

Chapter 761 Identity!

He believed that with the intelligence ability of the Haotian School, Tang Tian must know that Ah Yin's true identity was the human form of a 100,000-year soul beast, and he might even have heard of Xiao Tian.

Therefore, he didn't conceal the slightest bit of concealment, and directly revealed that A Yin was Xiao Tian's disciple.

"Oh? Xiao Tian?" Tang Tian got excited when he heard the words, and asked, "But Xiao Tian, ​​the mysterious master who defeated Qian Daoliu twice?"

It’s not a secret that Qian Daoliu fought against Xiao Tian in the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest for the first time in Title Douluo’s circle. Although the two did not decide the outcome at the time, it was in the eyes of people like Tang Tian. , Qian Daoliu has lost.

After all, Qian Daoliu had already used the Angel Sacred Sword at that time, but Xiao Tian didn't even use Martial Soul.

As for the second time Xiao Tian defeated Qian Daoliu outside the Star Dou Great Forest, he forced Qian Daoliu to exchange the soul bone of a hundred thousand year soul beast for the freedom of Qian Xun Ji.

Although this news was tightly sealed by the Spirit Hall, there is no impermeable wall in the world, not to mention the Haotian School is the world's largest school, and its intelligence capabilities are not weak, so Tang Tian naturally knew a lot about it.

"Yes, it is Senior Xiao Tian," Tang Hao nodded, then pointed at Tang San, and said with a smile: "This is your grandson, Tang San."

Tang Tian's face was a little bit more joyful, and he waved to Tang San, and said warmly: "Little San, come, let Grandpa take a look."

Tang San obediently stepped forward and looked at the Sect Master of the Haotian Sect who had moved the world.

"This eyebrow is really like your father when he was a kid," Tang Tian's smile was even worse, making Tang Hao uncomfortable for a while.

Since he was sensible, he had never seen his father so gentle, even if Tang Hao was hailed as the unborn wizard of the Haotian School, he praised him much before his grandfather Tang Chen disappeared.

But he was often beaten by his own father when he was a child, and his elder brother Tang Xiao was the same. The current Xiaotian Douluo, the future Sect Master of the Clear Sky School, was also beaten as a child.

"Then, what about these two?" Tang Tian quickly reduced the smile on his face, and his eyes fell on Xiao Wu and Yu Xiaogang, and asked.

"This girl is called Xiao Wu, and she is a one-hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast soft-bone rabbit cultivating adult," Tang Hao pointed to Xiao Wu, and smiled: "At the same time, she is also the goddaughter accepted by A Yin. It is your goddaughter."

"You bastard," Tang Tian sighed and said helplessly, "Isn't there enough people who have cultivated with a one-hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast? Bring this little girl around again, why, is it not enough to attract the wind?"

"Not afraid," Tang Hao said calmly: "A Yin is the disciple of Xiao Tian's predecessor, Xiao Wu is the disciple of Xiao Tian's predecessor, those who know that Xiao Tian exists, dare not rashly attack A Yin and Xiao Wu. Knowing that Senior Xiao Tian exists, I can solve it easily."

Hearing this, Tang Tian shook his head helplessly, his eyes fell on Yu Xiaogang, and he said in a deep voice, "If I feel right, this one has the breath of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Martial Spirit. Who is it?"

Although the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and the Clear Sky Sect belong to the same three sects, the relationship between the two is not too harmonious. When the disciples of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon family and the direct disciples of the Clear Sky Sect are outside, it does not happen rarely. friction.

Therefore, Tang Tian's attitude towards Yu Xiaogang is extremely unfriendly, as long as Tang Hao can't give him an explanation that satisfies him, he will make people send Yu Xiaogang out of Haotian Sect!

Chapter 762 Awakening Martial Soul!

"Father, you should have heard of him," Tang Hao smiled, and said casually: "This is the master who has published the top ten martial arts competitiveness. He is also the younger brother of A Yin and another of Senior Xiao Tian. Disciple."

"Master?" Tang Tian was taken aback for a moment, and then he was surprised and said: "It is because of the mutation of the martial spirit that Yu Xiaogang, who was removed from the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family?"

Hearing Tang Tian's words, Tang Hao couldn't help but twitching, his father's habit of speaking straight and straight still remained unchanged.

If it was before, it would be fine, even if the master was considered a celebrity in the Wuhun world, it was really nothing to a person like Tang Tian.

But right now, the master is the disciple of Xiao Tian's predecessor. If the master alienates the Clear Sky School because of this, it would be a loss to the Clear Sky School!

Fortunately, Yu Xiaogang didn't care about this, so he bowed to Tang Tian and said respectfully: "Junior Yu Xiaogang, I have seen Sect Master Tang."

"Since you are out of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, don't think too much," Tang Tian shook his head and said to Chongyu Xiaogang: "You and the stinky boy Ahao came to the Clear Sky Sect, you are the distinguished guest of my Clear Sky Sect. If there is something, just tell the disciple in the clan directly."

"Thank you Sect Master Tang for his kindness," Yu Xiaogang's expression softened a little, respectfully.

"Okay, I know you too, brat, let's talk, what are you going to do when you come back this time?" Tang Tian's eyes fell on Tang Hao, not in a good mood.

He was too aware of his second son's temper, and would rather live in seclusion than return to Clear Sky School. Obviously he didn't want to take over the affairs of Clear Sky School. He had some complaints before.

But since Tang Xiao took over the affairs of the sect and took care of the affairs of the sect in an orderly manner, he didn't bother to say anything.

"Xiao San and Xiao Wu are both at the age to awaken the spirit of martial arts," Tang Hao laughed: "Even though Xiao Wu is a 100,000-year soul beast cultivator, she does not need to awaken the spirit of martial arts, but she still needs to walk through the scene to cover up."

"All right," Tang Tian nodded, and said in a bad tone: "Just a few days later, when the younger generation of disciples in the clan awakens the spirit of martial arts, let Xiao San and Xiao Wu awaken with them."

Tang Hao nodded, and immediately led Tang San and others to leave, staying in the Haotian Sect.

Three days later, all the younger generations of Haotianzong gathered on the Haotianzong martial arts field. A huge crystal ball stood solemnly on the martial arts field. In front of the crystal ball, there was a six-pointed star formation formed by six black stones.

An elder of the Haotianzong stood beside the crystal ball, and said in a deep voice: "Tang Yi, Tang Xuan, Yang Lin, you first come up and awaken."

As the voice of the Haotianzong elder fell, three children dressed in the costumes of Haotianzong disciples stepped into the martial arts field and entered the six-pointed star formation one by one.

The six-pointed stars flickered, and the huge crystal ball shone brightly.

"Tang Yi, Martial Spirit: Clear Sky Hammer, Spirit Power: Level 9!"

"Tang Xuan, Martial Spirit: Clear Sky Hammer, Spirit Power: Level 9!"

"Yang Lin, Martial Soul: Soul Breaker, Soul Power: Nine and a half levels!"

The elder Haotianzong said with a smile on his face.

Although the strongest innate soul power among the three disciples is not the two direct disciples of the Clear Sky School, but Yang Lin from the Po Clan, the single attribute four schools have not left the Clear Sky School. Yang Lin is also Hao Tianzong. Tianzong disciple.

The elder of the Clear Sky School was unreasonably upset that such a disciple with amazing talents could appear under his sect.

After calming down, the Haotianzong elder looked at the list in his hand and said loudly: "Tang San, Xiao Wu, Tai Xiong, come up for awakening!"

Chapter 763: Congenital Full of Soul Power!

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