God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 36

If they work together, they can deal with those masters who have long been famous in the martial arts!

However, when these family members faced Xiao Tian, ​​they had no power to fight back!

"Boy, this city of Gusu is the territory of my Murong family, and the strong dragon still doesn't crush the snake. Even if you have some skills, in this city of Gusu, you should converge!"

Although the middle-aged butler is afraid of Xiao Tian, ​​he now represents the face of the Murong family. If he easily retreats, how do people in the rivers and lakes view the Murong family?!

"Either get out, or I will throw you out!" Xiao Tian frowned and said coldly.

"Do you dare?!" The middle-aged butler glared at Xiao Tian, ​​but his confidence was obviously insufficient.

He knows how many catties he has, let alone Xiao Tian, ​​any famous master in the arena can easily deal with him!

"Do you think I dare!" Xiao Tian sneered forward and grabbed the collar of a family member of the Murong family and threw it out the window.

After the Murong family was thrown out in the same way, Xiao Tian clapped his hands and looked at the middle-aged housekeeper, disdainfully said: "It's not that I look down on your Murong family, but a Murong family has not been seen by me. Qualification in the eyes!"

"Boy presumptuous!" The middle-aged housekeeper roared. Before he could say anything, Xiao Tian grabbed his collar and threw it out the window.

The middle-aged butler fell to the ground with a "puff", and Xiao Tian's voice came from the third floor of the restaurant: "Excuse me, your Murong family is all rubbish!"

In the restaurant before, the middle-aged butler brought this group of people to make a noise, although the noise was not small, but the guests in the restaurant were afraid of the power of the Murong family and did not dare to say anything.

However, now the butler of the Murong family and a group of families have been thrown onto the street. Although the people onlookers are afraid of the Murong family, they are also talking...

Chapter 69 Murong Yan!

"Isn't this the housekeeper of the Murong family? How come they were thrown into the street like a dead dog?"

A square-faced man wearing a coarse cloth looked at the piles of Murong family members and the middle-aged housekeeper lying on top of the piles, and whispered to his companion.

"Speak carefully!" The square-faced man's companion pulled the man's sleeves, and also whispered: "That's the Murong family, they are prestigious!"

"Huh! Shit Murong family, what else can you do other than riding on our people as a prestige? It's because of his Murong family who is still a famous family in the world, I oh!"

The square-faced man did not continue to lower his voice this time, but spit out the middle-aged butler, and said with angrily.

The Murong family has been established in Gusu City for a long time, although there is no shortage of wise patrons who can sympathize with the people's suffering.

However, Murong Bo, the head of the Murong family, indulged the family members and the people of the rivers and lakes raised by the Murong family to behave in Gusu City, which caused the Murong family's reputation in Gusu City to take a turn for the worse.

Right now, in the eyes of the people of Gusu City, the Murong family was not much different from the heinous bully, but because of the Murong family's power, they dare not speak.

"You don't want to die!" The Fang-faced man's companion hurriedly pulled the Fang-faced man back into the crowd, with some fear on his face.

"I don't know if that little boy can be safe, this Murong family's influence in Gusu City is not small," said a young man dressed as a scholar this time.

Looking up from him, you can just see at the window on the third floor of the restaurant, Xiao Tian is holding an exquisite wine glass and drinking himself.

"The little son can throw the housekeeper of the Murong family and this bunch of lackeys out of the inn, martial arts shouldn't be weak, right?" someone next to him started.

"Although this young man is not weak in martial arts, but that old dog Murong is also a well-known master. If he takes the shot himself, how could this young man be an opponent?" The scholar said without looking back.

"But..." someone on the side said, "The little boy looks confident."

"How sure can he be?" Suddenly someone in the crowd said, his voice was slightly hoarse, which made people shudder.

The crowd followed the prestige, only to see a skinny old woman with a hideous scar on her face, who looked like an evil spirit, did not know when she appeared in the crowd.

Seeing everyone looking at her, the old woman immediately sneered: "There are too many famous masters in Gusu City. How many dare to make mistakes? To deal with this kid, there is no need for the master to come forward. kill him!"

"But that kid insulted my Murong family, and the Patriarch will do it himself, and he doesn't need to be too old. Anyway, that kid is also a dying person, just let him live for a few days!"

After the old woman finished speaking, she looked around at everyone, raised her hand and nodded a few people who had spoken before, and sneered: "It's you guys, dare to criticize my Murong family behind your back, you should kill!"

Before the words fell, the old woman's feet were a little bit, and the whole person seemed to pass through the crowd as if a gust of wind passed through the crowd. In the blink of an eye, she appeared in front of the scholar who had spoken before. With dry fingers and claws, she grabbed the scholar's heart!

It's just a "black tiger digging out the heart" on the street. When used by this old woman, it turned out to be very cruel and vicious. With the old woman's hideous face, it really looked like an evil spirit rushed out of hell!

The people around couldn't help but close their eyes. They lived in Gusu City for a long time, how could they not recognize this old woman?

The old woman's name was Murong Yan, she was Murong Bo's nanny, her strength was unfathomable.

Rumor has it that Murong Yan's strength can also be ranked in the top three among the Murong family, only slightly weaker than the Patriarch Murong Bo and another invisible elder!

And that scholar is just a scholar who has no power to restrain him, how could he survive under Murong Yan?

Seeing that the scholar was about to splash on the spot, half of the bamboo chopsticks suddenly flew out of the window on the third floor of the nearby restaurant and hit Murong Yan's palm violently, causing her to go back four or five steps directly.

"You said... can you kill me?" A white shadow leaped down from the third floor of the inn, holding a delicate jade jug in his left hand and holding half of the bamboo chopsticks in his right hand, apparently repelling Murong Yan before. The attack came from this person!

Chapter 70 Completely defeated Murong Yan!

The person who shot is naturally Xiao Tian!

Although he is on the third floor of the restaurant, his internal skills are successful. After entering the innate extreme realm, both his spiritual sense and five senses have been greatly enhanced.

What the scholar and others said before was naturally heard by him.

In addition to being funny in his heart, Xiao Tian also divided his attention, always paying attention to the situation below.

After all, Murong Bo is not a good stubborn, although he does not say that he must be reported, but it is not much better.

As the saying goes, there is such a patriarch in charge of the Murong family. No one knows what scum will come out of the Murong family. If someone angers those people, Xiao Tian is always paying attention to it, and he can help in time.

It's just that Xiao Tian didn't expect that members of the Murong family would be so uncomfortable!

I just got hit on the right cheek by myself, so I eagerly sent myself to the left cheek!

"Boy! Only sneak attacks behind the scenes, what a good guy?!" Murong Yan was repelled by Xiao Tian with half of bamboo chopsticks, and finally stopped the blood tumbling in his body. She was terrified, and she was unwilling to lose the battle. , Immediately spoke out.

In Murong Yan's eyes, even if Xiao Tian was good at strength, at his age, even a Tianzong wizard, his strength was at best equal to his own strength.

The reason why he was able to easily repel himself before was nothing more than taking advantage of his defenselessness!

Right now I have preparedness, even if I can't easily defeat this kid, it is absolutely impossible to lose!

"Sneak attack?" Xiao Tian sneered, and said with disdain: "With your strength, you are also worthy of making me surrender and make a sneak attack?"

After talking, Murong Yan said, she immediately shouted coldly: "Since you think it was a sneak attack, now I tell you my next move to hit you on the left shoulder, I have to see how you block it?"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Tian flicked his right hand, half of the bamboo chopsticks were like a meteor from the sky, slamming against Murong Yan's left shoulder with lightning speed, and the strong force attached to the bamboo chopsticks made Murong Yan back five times. Six steps!

And Murong Yan just put on a defensive posture at this time!

"Sneak attack?" Xiao Tian glanced at Murong Yan disdainfully, his toes hooked on the ground, and a stone bounced off the ground and was caught by him.

Murong Yan's face was blue and white, and she opened her mouth as she was about to speak. Xiao Tian snorted again: "This move hits your right shoulder!"

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