God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 361

Not to mention that Tang San's two ten thousand year spirit rings really shocked them. They knew very well that Tang San's trump card was not these two ten thousand year spirit rings at all, but the twin spirits he had never revealed before!

"As long as the child of Xiaosan can grow up smoothly, in time, I will definitely make the mainland tremble because of the existence of Xiaosan!"

Haotianzong Grand Elder Tang Ao stroked his beard and said with a smile.

Ever since Clear Sky School took office as the lord and the disappearance of the first generation of Clear Sky Douluo Tang Chen, the prestige of Clear Sky School has been inferior to one year, and now even the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has dared to make small moves in secret.

Before Tang Chen disappeared, even if he gave the Blue Electric Overlord Sect ten courage to the old dragon, he wouldn't dare to do it again!

Now in Tang San's body, Tang Ao faintly saw the shadow of the first generation Haotian Douluo who crossed the world.


Tang Ao looked at Tang San with a little more expectation in his eyes, and said in a voice that only he could hear: "Perhaps, this child, Xiao San, can surpass the uncle..."

After all, when Tang Chen was at Tang San's age, he didn't have a twenty-seventh level of spirit power, nor two ten thousand year spirit rings.

Tang Ao wasn't worried about whether Tang San could grow up smoothly, because as long as the Senior Xiao Tian didn't have an accident, the people in the Spirit Hall and the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect would not dare to attack Tang San clearly!

As for the secret means...

The Clear Sky Sect was able to sit firmly on the mainland's first sect, but not only was it relying on the strength of the Clear Sky Hammer spirit, but also with some secret methods, the Clear Sky Sect was also not bad!

It's just that these things are not easy to publicize.

The disciples of the Haotian School underneath didn't think as much as Tang Ao. For them, Tang San was able to have such achievements at such a young age, and this alone was enough to make them look up to.

What's more, Tang San also repelled the people from the Spirit Hall and the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, saving the face of the Clear Sky Sect.

That night, the Haotian School was brightly lit, and the kitchen delivered all kinds of treasured meat and wine to the banquet. Only this time, almost one-third of the Haotian School's food inventory was emptied.

It's just that no one said anything, whether it was the steward in charge of the kitchen, the elder of the Clear Sky School and other disciples.

But after the banquet, Yu Xiaogang quietly left Haotianzong with Tang San and Xiao Wu, heading for the Holy Soul Village.

Except for Tang Hao A Yin and the elders of Tang Tian and Haotianzong, everyone didn't know that Tang San had quietly left Haotianzong. They thought that Tang San was practicing in retreat, attacking 30th-level spirit power.


Five days later, Shenghun Village, Houshan.

Xiao Tian dressed in white, sat cross-legged under a big tree, with his eyes closed, like an old monk who had settled down. The leaves fell one after another, but when he was about to fall on Xiao Tian, ​​he was pushed by an invisible force. Turn it on and fall to the ground spinning.

Not far from Xiao Tian, ​​Yu Xiaogang, Tang San, and Xiao Wu were also sitting on the ground, faint spirit power fluctuations spread from the three of them, lining up the fallen leaves on the ground.

Chapter 832 Xiao Tian's Arrangement!

After a long time, Xiao Tian let out a sigh of breath, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the three people not far away, with a little smile on his face.

As early as two days ago, Tang San and the three rushed to Shenghun Village.

After imparting the "Nine Changes of True Dragon" and the improved "Xuan Tian Gong" to Yu Xiaogang and Tang San, Xiao Tian spent another 1,000 teacher's points to buy a practice suitable for Xiao Wu from the system. .

Except for Tang San, who had practiced the exercises a long time ago, Xiao Wu and Yu Xiaogang's savvyness were also pretty good, and they had already seen the way without much time.

"Okay, stop first," Xiao Tian suddenly said as he looked at Tang San and the others.

Before Xiao Tian spoke, Tang San and the others interrupted their cultivation, slowly opened their eyes, and looked at Xiao Tian with a puzzled expression.

"Master, what's the matter?" Xiao Wu tilted his head, and became alive.

"There are indeed some things," Xiao Tian glanced at Xiao Wu and said with a smile: "As you know, I am used to being lazy. Now, you have all started with your exercises, and I have nothing to teach you...

Should you go a little further and stop bothering me here?"

Xiao Wu drooped her face instantly when she heard the words, and complained: "Master, do you think Xiao Wu is annoying?"

"Don't pretend to be pitiful with me," Xiao Tian glared at Xiao Wu, and said with an aura: "In this Holy Soul Village, there is not even a place for experience, how quickly can your strength increase?

What's more, the Spirit Hall also knew that I was sitting here, and the people sent to target you would not dare to enter the scope of the Holy Spirit Village, but although these flies are not in the way, keeping them is quite annoying."

"Master, what do you mean?" Tang San hesitated for a while and asked, "Want us to clean up the Wuhun Temple disciples against us?"

"Otherwise?" Xiao Tian asked back, "Could it be possible that you still plan to let me wipe your ass?"

Xiao Wu was stunned for a while, and then said: "It seems to be the same, but Master, since the Wuhun Palace has sent people to target and even kill us, how could it only send some fish out?"

Xiao Tian couldn't help but shook his head and laughed, pointing to himself, and said helplessly: "You regard me as a decoration? The Wuhun Hall will send out strong soul king level at most, and even the four ring soul sect.

If a spirit master above the spirit emperor level dared to appear, it would be blatantly provoking me, and they were also afraid that I would hit the spirit hall.

After all, the old fellow Qian Daoliu couldn't stop me."

Xiao Tian's words were extremely domineering, but Tang San and the others couldn't refute it.

After all, Xiao Tian defeated Qian Daoliu twice, and the actual record is here, even Wuhun Palace could not raise objections.

"If it's just the soul king, the teacher is now a four-ringed soul sect and possesses a golden sacred dragon martial arts soul, so there is no need for us to act."

Xiao Wu tilted her head and said wittyly: "Master, if you don't let the teacher and brother clean up the people in the Spirit Hall, I will stay in the Holy Spirit Village."

"You just want to be lazy," Xiao Tian glared at Xiao Wu angrily, and snorted coldly, "No!"

This time, let Tang San and the others clean up the disciples of the Wuhun Temple arranged near the Saint Soul Village, originally intended for Tang San and the others to accumulate combat experience.

Although Xiao Wu is a 100,000-year soul beast, and has no shortage of combat experience, but she likes to be lazy, Xiao Tian does not intend to get used to it.

What's more, Xiao Tian will definitely arrange for Tang San and Xiao Wu to enter Shrek Academy in the future, and have a good relationship with the remaining Shrek Five Monsters. If Xiao Wu gets used to being lazy now, how can he integrate into the new group?

Chapter 833 Xiaotian Cultist!

You must know that the other five monsters in Shrek, apart from Oscar and Ma Hongjun who lack a little background, whether it is Ning Rongrong, Dai Mubai or Zhu Zhuqing, the energy behind them should not be underestimated.

Since Xiao Tian planned to train Tang San and Xiao Wu, he would naturally also consider letting them have a group of party members so that they could take care of each other.

You can't let him be the master of everything, right?

What's more, the dean of Shrek Academy was Flanders, one of the golden iron triangles. Xiao Tian also wanted to know that after Yu Xiaogang’s martial spirit transformed into a golden sacred dragon, the golden iron triangle once again released martial arts. What kind of scene will it be when the soul fusion skill is!

On the original world line, a Seven-ring Soul Sage Flander, a six-ring Soul Emperor Liu Erlong, and a two-ring Great Soul Master Yu Xiaogang, the martial soul fusion skills of the three have already been activated. Able to challenge Dugu Bo and other titled Douluo.

Even if the Golden Triangle loses in the final corner, he can use his martial spirit skills to contend with Title Douluo with the highest strength than Soul Sage.

For this alone, the Golden Iron Triangle will be above the dragon and snake!

What's more, today's Yu Xiaogang martial spirit has transformed into a golden sacred dragon, and it has reached the level of a four-ringed spirit sect.

In addition to the first two hundred-year spirit rings, the third and fourth spirit rings all surpassed the maximum age of the spirit ring that can be absorbed at this level, reaching the ten thousand year level.

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