God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 402

Tang Feng and Tang Yun were taught by him personally, and their recognition by Xiao Tian is enough to prove that his work over the years has not been wasted.

"But the second team of Wuhun Palace is not a good thing, don't be too happy," Xiao Tian glanced at Tang Hao and reminded.

"Senior Xiao, don't worry, I have another card," Tang Hao smiled and nodded, revealing strong confidence in his words.

Hole cards?

The corners of Xiao Tian's lips curled up when he heard this, and he had a guess in his heart.

Different from the neatness of the Haotianzong disciples, the strength of the second team of Soul Hall appears to be uneven. The weakest in the team is a three-ringed soul, but the leader of the second team of Soul Hall even has the fifth one. Soul ring!

As the two parties released the spirits and spirit rings, there was a burst of exclamation from the audience.

They did not expect that in the qualifier stage, the Five Ring Soul King would already appear!

You should know that in the past, the qualifiers of the Mainland Advanced Soul Master Competition, let alone the Five Ring Soul King, even the fourth ring Soul Sect were extremely rare!

And this time the qualifier has not passed halfway, there are already more than twenty Four Ring Soul Sects appearing!

"Boys of Clear Sky School, it's too late to invest now," the Captain of the Second Team of Spirit Hall looked at the Clear Sky School disciples and said lightly.

His martial spirit is a Qianjun Ant who is famous for his strength. At the same level, except for the disciples of the Li family who specialize in strength, few people can beat him in strength.

In addition, now his soul power cultivation is also the highest among the fourteen people in the arena, so he did not put the Clear Sky School disciples in his eyes.

Chapter 939 Martial Soul Palace, Blood Shadow!

"This man in the Spirit Hall is crazy," in the audience, Tang Hao couldn't help laughing when he heard the words of the second team captain of the Spirit Hall. Anyone who knew him knew that the Vast Sky Douluo was really angry. Up.

"Fifty-sixth-level spirit power, mutant martial soul, he does have the arrogant capital," Xiao Tian glanced at the captain of the second team of the Martial Soul Palace and said lightly.

Since he broke through the 100th rank, no one can block his perception except for some special martial arts. As long as he wants to, he can easily see through a person's martial arts information and soul power level.

"Mutated Martial Soul?" Tang Hao frowned, but didn't say much. Although Mutated Martial Souls are generally better than ordinary Martial Souls, there is no absoluteness in the world. In front of Clear Sky Hammer, there is no Martial Soul that does not mutate. of!

Just when Tang Hao was talking to Xiao Tian, ​​the Clear Sky School disciples on the ring and the Second Team of the Spirit Hall had already handed over. The Clear Sky School team is a wonderful lineup of the Seven Strong Attack Spirit Masters, so no one will attack who The assistant said that each of the seven people was the main attacker, swinging the Clear Sky Hammer to find his opponent.

"This is the result of your teaching these years?" Seeing the movements of the Haotianzong disciples, Xiao Tian twitched at the corner of his mouth and looked at Tang Hao, speechless.

Originally, he thought that Tang Hao had been thinking about it for so many years, even if he did not release a standard team configuration, he still positioned everyone in the team, but the facts told him that he overestimated the Vast Sky Douluo's guidance to the younger generation. ability!

"The Clear Sky Hammer is really only good at offense, and I can't help it," Tang Hao said with a grin.

Although Xiao Tian was speechless, it was useless to say more at the moment, so he was too lazy to talk, and once again focused on the ring.

The second team of the Wuhun Palace is more polarized. In contrast, the disciples of the Clear Sky School are clearly dominant. The leader of the second team of the Wuhun Palace and the auxiliary spirit master of the 30-odd soul power are suppressed by the two brothers Tang Feng and Tang Yun. Hit, the rest of the people also fell in love when facing the Haotianzong disciples.

"Blood shadow, don't keep your hands!" Seeing the Second Team of Wuhun Hall fell into a disadvantage, an old man wearing the costume of the elder of Wuhun Hall shouted sharply in the audience.

He is the leader of the second team of Wuhun Palace, and also the teacher of the second team leader!

A bloodthirsty light flashed in the eyes of the second team leader of the Martial Spirit Hall known as "Blood Shadow", and the fifth spirit ring that had not been used all the time suddenly radiated brightly.

Two balls of light exuding rich black light appeared in the hands of the blood shadow, like the mouth of the blood basin opened by the ancient giant beasts, to swallow everything around.

"Die! Haotianzong's kid!" Xueying shouted angrily, and threw the ball of light in his hand towards the two brothers Tang Feng and Tang Yun.

"Very interesting fifth spirit ability, it's a pity that this kid has a too low level of cultivation. If he can step into Title Douluo, he might be able to rank in the forefront of Title Douluo with this spirit ability alone," Xiao Tian shook. Shaking his head, sighed: "It's a pity that a good seedling was destroyed by the mediocre people in the Wuhun Hall."

"Senior Xiao, what do you mean?" Tang Hao turned his head and looked at Xiao Tian, ​​with a calm expression, as if the two brothers Tang Feng and Tang Yun had no relationship with him who had been forced to dodge by Blood Shadow's fifth spirit ability on the ring. Like.

"It's a pity," Xiao Tian just sighed again without saying much.

But Tang Hao was not a fool, so how could he not guess Xiao Tian's thoughts?

It's just that he didn't reveal it.

Chapter 940: Heaven-splitting Strike!

Ignoring Xiao Tian, ​​who saw Lie Xinxi, Tang Hao cast his gaze on the ring again.

Facing the menacing blood shadow, the two brothers of Tang Feng and Tang Yun still stood calmly in place, with indifference in their eyes.

"Five-ringed Soul King, is it amazing?" Tang Feng sneered and shouted sharply, "Second brother, one blow!"

When Tang Yun heard the words, the four spirit rings shining all behind him, the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand blasted out from an extremely strange angle and hit Tang Feng beside him.

Tang Feng's movements were also not slow, and the four spirit rings behind him were shining brightly, waving the Clear Sky Hammer towards Tang Feng.


The dull sound of thunder resounded in the sky above the ring, and the two brothers Tang Feng and Tang Yun looked a little wilted. In front of them, a giant hammer head that was much larger than the Clear Sky Hammer was suspended in mid-air, always there. Maybe knock it down!

"Martial Spirit Fusion Skill?" Xiao Tian glanced at Tang Hao, his face was not much out of the ordinary.

After Xiao Tian gave a reminder before, Tang Hao-layer said that he had another hole card. At that time, Xiao Tian guessed that there should be people with martial soul fusion skills among the disciples of the Clear Sky School on the ring.

After all, to make Tang Hao so confident, Xiao Tian couldn't think of anything other than martial soul fusion skills.

"Senior Xiao’s eyes are like a torch," Tang Hao nodded and said seriously: "Tang Feng and Tang Yun’s martial arts fusion skills are about the same as those of Dragon Snake, but they are better than Dragon Snake in terms of potential. A lot of dragons and snakes hit together.

After all, the strength gap between the dragons and snakes was too big, and the combined attack of the dragons and snakes could only barely affect the titled Douluo, such as Ju Douluo and Dugu Bo, who had not outstanding personal strength.

And these two boys, as long as they can step into the realm of Soul Douluo, with this spirit fusion skill, ordinary Title Douluo is not necessarily their opponent."

When Tang Hao spoke, his face was full of relief. After all, Tang Feng and Tang Yun were taught by him personally, and he was naturally delighted to have the current strength.

Xiao Tian nodded when he heard the words, his eyes fell on the sledge hammer suspended in the air, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he said lightly: "When the game is over, let these two boys come to me."

"Senior Xiao, would you like to point Tang Feng and Tang Yun to those two boys?" Tang Hao asked quickly when he heard the words with a happy expression.

Five years ago, Tang Tian personally came out, only to get Xiao Tian to agree to teach Yang Lin and Tai Xiong. As for the direct disciples of the Haotian School, apart from Tang San, Xiao Tian had not pointed anyone, and now he heard that Xiao Tian was willing to make an exception. Instructing Tang Feng and Tang Yun, why is Tang Hao upset?

"The martial arts fusion skills of these two boys are a bit interesting, but I just said a few more casually, it is their business to listen."

Xiao Tian looked at the Tang Feng and Tang Yun brothers on the ring below, and said lightly: "In addition, Tang Feng and Tang Yun, the two boys, have nothing to do with me. If something happens to them, don't expect me to act."

Tang Hao just smiled bitterly when he heard that, but didn't say much.

He didn't feel much surprised about Xiao Tian's decision. In fact, if it weren't for A Yin's reasons, he didn't think Xiao Tian would have a good face to him.

It's just that during this period of time, A Yin's retreat hit the 80th-level bottleneck, and he failed to come to Wuhun City to watch the battle. Otherwise, A Yin would come forward and it would be easier to persuade Xiao Tian to give instructions to the Haotianzong disciples.

While Xiao Tian was talking with Tang Hao, the two parties on the ring were not idle either. The giant hammers summoned by Tang Feng and Tang Yun directly locked the blood shadow, and smashed it down with a sense of innocence!

Chapter 941 Swordsmanship!

The strong air wave was centered on the giant hammer, spreading in all directions, and ripples appeared in the air, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

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