God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 407

Seeing Yang Lin's movements, Dugu Goose was also unwilling to show weakness. With long dark green hair flying, the two-headed Bi-Phosphorus Snake King phantom appeared behind her, and at the same time, dark green patterns appeared on her white jade skin. Looks coquettish and deadly.

Then the second spirit ring behind Dugu Yan lighted up, and a dark red poisonous mist spread out in all directions centering on her, enveloping the entire ring.

Double-headed Jade Snake Emperor's second spirit ability-Poison Cloud!

Release a cloud of poisonous mist covering a space of ten meters in a radius of oneself, increase the power of all toxins by 10%, and poison all those who step into the area covered by poisonous mist.

Seeing the actions of Dugu Yan and others, Zhu Zhuqing looked cold and disappeared into a black shadow on the ring.

After a while, behind the Blue Lightning Academy team, behind the only auxiliary soul master who was not the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Martial Spirit, a few shadows suddenly appeared behind him.

Before others could react, the Blue Electric Academy's auxiliary spirit master shot out countless sparks from his body. The heavy armor on his body was instantly torn, and blood flowed from the cracks in the armor, instantly turning that auxiliary spirit master into The blood man!

Nether Cat's fourth spirit ability-Nether Shadow clone!

Transmute multiple afterimages to attack the target at the same time, and the afterimage attack power is 50% of the body!

The second spirit ability of the Nether Cat-Nether Hundred Claws!

A hundred attacks burst out in an instant, the faster the speed, the stronger the attack power!

After the Blue Electric Academy's auxiliary soul master fell to the ground, Zhu Zhuqing's figure flashed and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"What a strong agile attack soul master!" In the audience, the soul master watching Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but admire.

The greatest role of the agile attack type spirit master in the battle is to use the advantage of speed to attack the weakest point of the place, and Zhu Zhuqing just moments ago, the Landian Academy auxiliary department soul master, then walked away from that scene indifferently, which is completely called a textbook demonstration. !

Even Xiao Tian couldn't help but nod slightly, and Tang Hao and the others who rushed to the side smiled: "This girl Zhuqing is indeed a born agile spirit master. Give her a few more years. With her talent, she can become The strongest agile attack type spirit master on the mainland in a hundred years."

Chapter 953: Easily Win!

"Senior Xiao is so optimistic about Zhu Qing's girl?" Tang Hao asked with some curiosity: "As far as I know, among Shrek Academy students, Zhu Qing's talent is the worst, right?"

"As far as cultivation talent is concerned, Zhu Qing is indeed the weakest one, her innate soul power is only ninth level," Xiao Tian nodded and said calmly: "But her temperament and fighting talent are stronger than others, so Only Xiao San and Xiao Wu can stabilize her."

"But it's too early to say this. Let's watch the game first." Xiao Tian said suddenly, his eyes fell on the ring below, and said lightly: "Dean Fu, you said Ma Hongjun's little fat guy can solve it with a few tricks. Drop that Yutian Heart?"

Flender pushed his glasses, pondered for a moment, and said, "Hong Jun’s spirit is no less than that of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, and he has an advantage in spirit ring matching, plus the advantage of being able to fly. , If he can grasp the opportunity, I am afraid he can defeat Yu Tianxin within three moves!"

In fact, the three moves are the most conservative judgments in Flender's mind. Having seen Ma Hongjun's terrifying fourth soul ability, he even felt that Ma Hongjun could directly defeat Yu Tianxin with one move!

As long as he can seize the opportunity to activate the fourth spirit ability in one fell swoop!

Just as Flander was talking with Xiao Tian, ​​Ma Hongjun spread his wings on the ring and flew towards Yu Tianxin, and at the same time the fourth spirit ring suddenly lit up.

Before Yu Tianxin had time to react, a faint phoenix shadow emerged from behind Ma Hongjun, making a crisp phoenix ming, and then invisible ripples appeared in the air, instantly enveloping Yu Tianxin.

Yu Tianxin's action was a pause, the whole person was still in place, Ma Hongjun's face showed a touch of disdain, and his hands were lifted, a dazzling phoenix fire pillar rushed out from Yu Tianxin's feet, directly covering Yu Tianxin!

"Fatty, don't kill anyone," Dai Mubai frowned when he saw Ma Hongjun's movements, and shouted in a deep voice.

He doesn't care much about accidentally killing opponents in the game, but this time he is playing against them after all the disciples of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus. After all, Yu Xiaogang comes from the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Sect, and he gives them more pointers. If it is not necessary, Naturally, they will not kill the students of the Blue Electric Academy.

Hearing Dai Mubai's words, Ma Hongjun shook his head helplessly, and dissipated the second blow of the Phoenix Flame in the second phase of Feng Wu Xiaotian.

However, even so, Yu Tianxin, who was directly hit by the Phoenix flame, lost his combat effectiveness unpreparedly, and fell to the ground with multiple burn marks on his body.

After the only auxiliary soul master and the team leader lost their combat effectiveness, although the remaining five members of the Blue Electric Academy were willing to resist, they faced the terrifying attacks of Dai Mubai and Yang Lin, plus Dugu Goose released from the side. Poisonous fog, the remaining five people in Blue Electric Academy didn't even last a minute, so they all fell to the ground.

After the battle, the referee stepped onto the ring and announced loudly: "In the first round of the second round of the qualifier, Shrek Academy played against Blue Electric Academy and Shrek Academy won!"

Unexpectedly, after the referee's voice fell, there was indeed silence in the auditorium. In the area where Wuhun Hall and others were located, some people's expressions were extremely pale!

Because the game ended so quickly, they were almost unable to analyze the strength of everyone in Shrek Academy from this game. The only thing that can be determined is that of the seven players in Shrek Academy, except for Ning Rongrong and Tai Xiong. Besides, the personal strength of the other five people is terribly strong!

Chapter 954 Angry Xiao Tian!

Dai Mubai and others didn't know the thoughts of the group of people in the Spirit Hall. After the referee announced the result, they all got off the ring and walked towards the Shrek Academy rest area.

Seeing Dai Mubai and a few people leaving the venue, Xiao Tian smiled, got up and left the auditorium, and took Yu Xiaogang, Dugu Bo and Lu Kai to the rest area.

"Zhu Qing did a good job with the Blue Electric Academy this time," Xiao Tian smiled as he looked at the people in front of him in the rest area of ​​Shrek Academy.

A slight smile appeared on Zhu Zhuqing's face, but he did not speak.

For her, getting Xiao Tian's recognition made her even more happy than defeating the Landian Academy.

After all, in her opinion, Landian Academy is not even a stumbling block, but Xiao Tian is the only hundred-level deity in this world, and there is no need to think about which is more serious.

"As for the others," Xiao Tian couldn't help but shook his head and laughed when he saw Zhu Zhuqing's expression. Then his eyes fell on Dai Mubai in a calm tone: "Mubai's arrangement cannot be said to be problematic, but after all, it is still too simple.

It is natural to deal with opponents like Landian Academy, but if facing opponents of the same level, this arrangement will obviously become a breakthrough for the opponent."

Speaking of this, Xiao Tian paused, looked at Dai Mubai, and said solemnly: "I know what you are going to say, you know the strength of the Landian Academy, so you made such an arrangement. You don't want to waste time, right? "

Dai Mubai hesitated, then nodded gently.

"Nonsense!" Xiao Tian's face suddenly sank, and he said every word: "Dai Mubai, you must know that you are the captain! Any decision you make is related to the entire team, and any negligence you make may be right. The team brought irreversible losses!

I know that the strength of the Landian Academy is not good, and it is not even qualified to pose a threat to you, but the more you do this, the more you can see if you are a qualified captain!

I don't want to say too much, just give you a word, the lion fights the rabbit with all your strength, and you can think about the rest."

After speaking, Xiao Tian's eyes fell on Ma Hongjun, without speaking.

Seeing Xiao Tian's expression, Ma Hongjun felt a sudden in his heart and whispered, "Senior Xiao, I..."

"I really want to behave, don't you?" Xiao Tian said suddenly, with no sense of joy or anger in his tone.

Hearing the words, Ma Hongjun shook his head and looked at Xiao Tian eagerly.

"You are the only soul master in the team with the ability to fly," Xiao Tian looked at Ma Hongjun, and said in a deep voice: "Your task should be to cooperate with your teammates. First clean up the other members of the Landian Academy. What are you doing? went?"

Before Ma Hongjun could speak, Xiao Tian continued: "Your fourth spirit ability, the first stage is a powerful field control skill, what did you use it for?

With you as the center, within a radius of ten meters, such a large control range, you only control Yu Tianxin alone?!"

"That is to say, this is a competition. You are facing a team that is not so well-coordinated and not strong enough. If you face those experienced mercenary groups, you will not be able to release the fourth spirit ability in the second stage! "

Xiao Tian looked at Ma Hongjun and said with no aura: "I think you can reflect on yourself. You are the only soul master in the team with the ability to fly. This is the case now, and it is the same after you step into the Titled Douluo realm.

Your martial arts characteristics are destined to rely on you to break the deadlock many times. If you are still like today, then you have no need to stay in this team. I would rather kick you out and find another Gu Quan The spirit master of the overall situation comes in, even if his martial arts and talent are not as good as you!"

Chapter 955 Why?

For Xiao Tian, ​​Dai Mubai and others made too many mistakes in the previous competition between Blue Electric Academy and Shrek Academy.

Although when everyone in Shrek was on the field, he did not behave at all, and he even discussed with Flender and others about how the Shrek Academy would defeat their opponents.

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