God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 422

It is precisely because of this that Bibi Dong's strength was greatly reduced, and he recovered after more than three years of recuperation. Otherwise, Bibi Dong's talents and talents would have inherited the position of Rakshasa God. How could Wuhun Temple be jealous of Xiao Tian?

It's just that in order to suppress Bibi Dong, he only hesitated for a while and agreed to Xiao Tian's request. After all, the method that Chihiro Ji will keep Bibi Dong in the Wuhun Hall was not glorious, and he did not dare to guarantee that Bibi Dong would not be stronger after being stronger. Will start with Chihiro Ji first.

But after learning that Xiao Tian had broken through the hundredth level, he regretted his reckless behavior, so much so that now there is not even one person in the Wuhun Palace who can compete against Xiao Tian!

Bibi Dong sneered, but didn't continue to struggle with this issue. The grievances between her and Qian Xun Ji had been broken for some time, but now the most important thing was to find a way to solve Tang San's group of people!

"Those from Shrek Academy can't stay," Bibi Dong was silent for a while before suddenly speaking.

"Behind Tang San are Tang Hao and Haotian Sect. The one hundred thousand-year-old soul beast is inextricably related to the Titan Great Ape in the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest and the Sky Blue Bull Python. Ning Rongrong was born in the Seven Treasure Glass Sect. Yang Lin Taixiong belongs to four schools with single attributes. Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing were born in the Royal Family of the Star Luo Empire and the Zhu Family of the Star Luo Empire. Dugu Goose is the granddaughter of Dugu Bo..."

Bibi Dong looked at Qian Daoliu and said lightly: "Among the Shrek Academy group, only Ma Hongjun and Oscar have no background, but the talents of these two are also extremely amazing, and some are willing to recruit them.

Once the Shrek Academy group of people grow up, and the relationship between them and the forces behind it unite, there is probably only one way to destroy the Spirit Hall...".

Chapter 995 Conspiracy in the Palace of the Elders (Part 2)!

"I know all of this," Qian Daoliu sighed, "Except for Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing's origins that are a little daunting, the others are actually not a threat."

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Clear Sky School had been at odds with the Wuhun Temple, especially the Clear Sky School. Because of Tang Hao, although the Wuhun Temple had not turned against the Clear Sky School, there were a lot of frictions in private.

Therefore, Qian Daoliu did not actually take the threats from the Clear Sky School and the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Schools to heart. The sky green bull python and the Titan giant ape behind Xiao Wu are the same. The two soul beast overlords are powerful, but as long as they enter the human realm , Will be besieged by countless spirit masters, and will not pose any threat to the Spirit Hall at all.

In contrast, the threat of the Clear Sky School and the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass School was not as good as the Star Luo Empire royal family behind Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing and the Star Luo Empire Zhu Family.

At present, the Soul Palace and the Star Luo Empire do not have much overlap. Although Dai Mubai defeated Davis and hopes to inherit the throne of the Star Luo Empire, he wants to promote the opposition between the Star Luo Empire and the Soul Palace. , But it is not an easy task.

"I'm worried about Xiao Tian," Qian Daoliu let out a foul breath, and said helplessly: "His strength is too strong. If we act on the Shrek Academy group, it is impossible to guarantee that Xiao Tian will not be involved. None of us Can stop him."

"Since you have taken the Nine Tests of Angels and are a guide to the inheritance of the Angel God, you should have mastered some god-level methods?" Bibi Dong looked at Qian Daoliu with a calm expression.

"Yes," Qian Daoliu nodded and said solemnly, "But I can't guarantee that the means left by the Angel God can stop Xiao Tian. After all, although the Angel God is a first-class god, the Angel God has already traveled to the God Realm for countless times. It’s hard to say how powerful the remaining means are in the year...

What's more, since you have accepted the Raksha Nine Test, you should know that the higher the age of the soul ring when you become a god, the greater the potential after becoming a god. Xiao Tian's current soul ring age is at least 1.9 million years. Fighting power may not be lost to some first-level gods!"

Bibi Dong was silent, and it took a long time to speak: "I have the back hand left by the Rakshasa god in my hand, and with the means left by the angel god, it should not be difficult to keep Wuhun City. Although Xiao Tian is strong, he can only Being able to target us, as for the disciples of the Spirit Hall below, it is impossible to deal with them as Xiao Tian...

As long as the two of us stayed in Wuhun City, Xiao Tian shouldn't attack other people. Without Xiao Tian's intervention, with the strength of the second elders, they would be enough to suppress the Clear Sky Sect and the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect.

As long as the Clear Sky Sect and the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sects do not jump out, the Heaven Dou Empire will have no power to compete with us!"

Qian Daoliu pondered for a moment, then slowly nodded, and said coldly: "Then wait for the Soul Master Competition to finish, and get rid of the Shrek Academy kids! It's impossible for Xiao Tian to stay with the kids anyway. "

"Let the Second Worship take action, with his 98th-level spirit power, it is enough to kill the shrek academy little ghosts," Bibi Dong glanced at Qian Daoliu and said lightly: "The Elder Hall is your diehard. I can't direct the group of elders, you have to arrange it yourself."

After speaking, Bibi Dong turned and left, disappearing outside the gate of the Elder Hall.

Qian Daoliu was silent for a while, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and his figure also disappeared in the elder hall...

Chapter 996: Evil Ghost and Corpse Soul!on)

For the next three days, everyone in Shrek Academy stayed in the rest area to rest. Three days ago, the storm caused by Tang San and others gradually subsided, but Tang Hao, Xiao Wu, and Dai Mubai’s messages were sent to each party. At the helm of the big power.

The reactions of the parties are different, but most of them are nothing more than three. One is to make friends with the people of Shrek Academy, the representative of which is the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect; the other is to get rid of Tang San secretly in preparations like Wuhun Hall. Xiao Wu and others, the representative of this is the Blue Electric Overlord Sect; the last one is to remain neutral and the two do not help each other, and the representative is the lower four of the seven major sects.

In this regard, Xiao Tian and others learned a lot of news through the intelligence network of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, but neither Xiao Tian nor anyone else took it to heart.

Because even if Xiao Tian didn’t make a move, relying on the Golden Iron Triangle and the two titled Douluos of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, it was enough to block all those who plot against Tang San and others, let alone the four titled Douluos of the Clear Sky School. Watching from the sidelines!

In addition to the twin stars of Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, the Haotian School of today also has Tang Tian, ​​a veteran titled Douluo, and Tang Zhen, the second elder of the Haotianzong, broke through a year ago and officially entered the realm of Titled Douluo. There was no announcement to the spirit master world, but some top forces knew about Tang Zhen's breakthrough.

Wuhun City, Shrek Academy rest area.

Tang San and the others were sitting around a round table. In the middle of the round table was the information of the other three teams in the Final Four. To be precise, it was the information of the first team in the Spirit Hall.

The four teams that originally entered the semi-finals were Shrek Academy, Fallen Feather Academy, Tiandou Royal Academy First Team and Canglan Academy, but on the last day of the quarterfinals, Wuhundian First Team challenged Canglan Academy as a seeded team , Kicked this famous academy from the eastern part of the Tiandou Empire from the ranks of the top four.

"According to the information above, the Spirit Hall team is nothing brilliant," Ma Hongjun leaned on a chair and said lazily: "It's nothing more than a higher level of soul power, and then what Shura has broken through the sixtieth level, reaching the sixth ring soul emperor. That’s all."

"Asura is not a concern," Dai Mubai shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "With the strength of the junior, as long as the charge is turned on in advance, even if the Contra comes, it can be eliminated in seconds, and against Asura, there is no need to charge. I can get rid of him. What I worry about is the two five-ringed soul kings-Raksha and Yasha."

"Is there anything wrong with these two people?" Xiao Wu frowned when thinking of the performance of Luo Sha and Pojun when the Wuhun Hall team played against Canglan Academy before, and said softly, "It seems that those two people feel like people. There is indeed something wrong, ghastly..."

"I have seen the martial soul of Rakshasa in the royal classics of the Star Luo Empire," Dai Mubai took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "In addition to my inherited white tiger martial soul, the Royal Family of the Star Luo Empire , There is another kind of martial spirit that inherits-Shagui!"

"Mubai, you mean?" Zhu Zhuqing seemed to have thought of something, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Yes, before the royal family and the Zhu family married, the queen and the prince always chose from the one with the evil spirit martial arts," Dai Mubai nodded, and said solemnly, "It's just that because of the rebellion later, in the end, Liquidated by the royal family..."

Speaking of this, Dai Mubai's face was also a little more solemn, and his voice was low: "According to the records of the royal family records, the original Shagui Wuhun owner should have been cut and killed. I didn't expect the Wuhun Temple to be killed. I can find someone who possesses the ghost spirit!"

Chapter 997: Evil Ghost and Corpse Soul (Part 2)!

Hearing Dai Mubai’s words, Ma Hongjun was immediately puzzled: "Even if the spirit of the Rakshasa is the evil spirit, the spirit level of the martial arts is probably not far from the boss Dai and your white tiger spirit, plus boss Dai, you know This kind of martial arts, then Raksha should be even less threatening, right?"

"If it's just a spirit like Shagui, I wouldn't care about it," Dai Mubai said with a wry smile, "But the problem is, the spirit of Yasha is a corpse soul..."

"Mubai, did you read that right?" Zhu Zhuqing stood up immediately after hearing Dai Mubai's words and lost her voice.

When other people in Shrek Academy saw Zhu Zhuqing's movements, their expressions became solemn, and it could make Zhu Zhuqing who has always been cold and cold so gloomy, that corpse soul and martial soul might not be that simple!

"How could I be mistaken?" Dai Mubai smiled bitterly, "The martial soul fusion skills used by the two martial souls of the corpse soul and the evil spirit almost killed my Dai clan. As a member of the Dai clan, how could I not recognize it? A martial soul like a corpse soul?

Although Yasha deliberately concealed it today and did not fully release the Soul Soul Martial Soul, I can be sure that the Soul Soul is the Soul Soul!"

"If this is the case, the threats of Yasha and Raksha are much greater than that of Shura," Zhu Zhuqing looked solemn, seeing Tang San and the others looking at her and Dai Mubai with doubts, and quickly explained: "You guys. I haven't seen these two martial arts, naturally I feel strange...

In the ancient records of the Zhu family, the two martial spirits, the evil spirit and the corpse soul, have a natural fusion of 100%. You all know the martial arts fusion technique, and you should know what the fusion degree represents."

Tang San and the others nodded. The higher the degree of fusion between the spirits, the greater the power of the spirit fusion skills being displayed. A 100% degree of fusion is enough to increase the power of the spirit fusion skills to an outrageous level. degree!

"Boss Dai, Sister Zhuqing, what kind of corpse soul and evil ghost's martial soul fusion skills are you saying so mysterious, what exactly are the martial soul fusion skills of these two spirits?" Ma Hongjun looked at Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing , Asked.

"The martial soul fusion skill of the corpse soul and the evil ghost is called "Illusory Realm"," Dai Mubai said in a deep voice: "This martial soul fusion skill is centered on the caster, and the caster is within a radius of 20 meters. The creature designated by the caster is drawn into the illusion.

In the illusion world, no spirit abilities conferred by the spirit ring can be used, and those who are drawn into the illusion world will face an illusion guard. Only by defeating the illusion guard can they leave the illusion before the end of the illusion.

The most important thing is that, like the masters and their martial arts fusion skills, during the duration of the illusion, the defensive power of Yasha and Raksha will be increased by a hundredfold, and even Title Douluo may not be able to directly hurt them two!"

"Is there such a disgusting martial arts fusion skill?" Ma Hongjun yelled immediately after hearing this. After Xiao Tian and Yu Xiaogang's guidance, he immediately realized the power of the martial arts fusion skill'Illusory Realm'. Place.

Especially in an arena competition such as the Advanced Soul Master Competition, the people who were pulled into the illusion world could not return to the arena in a short time, and the remaining people might not be able to support it in the face of the opponent's attack.

Among other things, let’s take Shrek Academy as an example. As long as Luo Sha and Yasha used the martial soul fusion skills in time to trap Tang San, Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu into the fantasy world, the remaining four would be hard to say. Will not be quickly defeated by the remaining five people in the Wuhun Palace team.

"Leave these two people to me," Xiao Wu said suddenly: "If you don't know their details, let them display the martial arts fusion skills, but now that they know their details, it will be much easier. "

Chapter 998 Xiao Wu's Way!

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