God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 442

As early as after he became the Seventh Ring Soul Sage, when he released the first to sixth soul abilities, he no longer needed to recite the soul curse. Besides the more special fifth and sixth soul abilities, several other soul abilities Technology can produce the required number of sausages at once.

After sharing the fast flying mushroom intestines and the hyper pink sausage among the other nine people, Oscar hurriedly stuffed the last fast flying mushroom intestines into his mouth.

The movements of the other nine people were also not slow. Soon, a pair of transparent wings appeared behind them, flapping them quickly.

"I'll go find the way first!" The transparent wings behind Dai Mubai shook suddenly, and his whole body flew towards the head of the Spirit Hall. The person was still in mid-air, and the White Tiger King Kong Transformation and the White Tiger Demon God Transformation were already possessed.

Dai Mubai, who was soaring in size, landed on the top of the city, smashing a not shallow hole directly on the city wall.

Several Spirit Hall Title Douluo directly surrounded Dai Mubai, the spirit ring shining, and various spirit abilities smashed towards Dai Mubai.

However, before these spirit abilities hit Dai Mubai, several rays of light of various colors, accompanied by a dazzling golden light, landed on Dai Mubai first. It was precisely the enhanced spirit ability released by Ning Rongrong and the sacred barrier released by Xiao Wu. !

After the White Tiger King Kong Transformation and the White Tiger Demon God Transformation plus Ning Rongrong’s increase, the five-fold defensive power of the Holy Bulwark was raised to an unimaginable level. The spirit abilities of the titled Douluo of the Spirit Hall fell on Dai Mubai. The body just made him shake twice, other than that, it didn't affect Dai Mubai at all!

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Tang San and several people also ascended to the top of the city, and Ning Rongrong also suspended in the air with the help of extremely fast flying mushroom intestines, while Oscar and Dugu Goose guarded Ning Rong one by one. Beside Rong.

After Tang San and the others ascended the city head, because of the protection of the sacred barrier, a group of people did not even bother about the attack of the Titled Douluo of the Spirit Hall. As long as it was not the eighth and ninth spirit ability, Tang San and the others directly leaned on the sacred barrier. The strong defensive power is hardened.

Coupled with the assistance of Ning Rongrong, the group of people, like a fierce tiger, instantly tore a few gaps in the formation of the Titled Douluo of the Soul Hall. Seven people faced a dozen or so titled Douluo of the Soul Hall, and they were still faint. Have the upper hand!

Outside of Wuhun City, the Golden Iron Triangle, which released Wuhun suspended in the air, couldn't help but feel a little stunned to see this scene.

Flender pushed his glasses, looked at Yu Xiaogang sitting on the back of Luo Sanpao, and said with emotion: "With the strength displayed by Xiaosan and the others, it is estimated that Wuhun Palace has a headache.

Speaking of which, when we were at the age of Xiaosan and the others, we still only had level 20 or 30 spirit power. This group of children had already become Title Douluo, and they were terrifying..."

When Liu Erlong heard the words, he gave Flender a blank look, and said with no good air: "Boss Fred, when we were in the junior third and their age, we didn't have an existence like Xiao Tian's predecessors, and used fairy elixirs to strengthen their roots. Yuan, lay a solid foundation."

Chapter 1052 Flender's emotion!

"Erlong is right," Yu Xiaogang stood up from Luo Sanpao, watching the battle below, with a little smile on his face: "What's more, these children are far better than we thought.

It can be seen that in the past five years, they have not slackened, but have tried their best to improve themselves.

You must know that soul power can be improved through the treasures of heaven and earth, and there are other means, but the combat experience is to be slowly understood from the battles!"

"Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Hong Jun, and Tai Xiong Yang Lin have all triggered the deity's highest level assessment. The little San has been in the killing capital for so many years, how can he not have rich combat experience?"

Flender was speechless after hearing the words: "Even though Xiao Wu is a little slack, she is transformed from a 100,000-year soul beast. With 100,000 years of survival and combat experience, it is far from Xiaosan and the others.

Oscar has been training abroad for these years, and it is estimated that he has not experienced fighting less. I am afraid that only the girl Ning Rongrong has been practicing in the Qibao Glazed Tile School in retreat these years, and has insufficient combat experience."

"But Ning Rongrong, as an auxiliary spirit master, as long as she can protect herself, so although she lacks combat experience, it is not harmful."

Flander paused, feeling a little bit emotional: "Let such a group of little monsters worry about it, and I don't know if it is the luck or misfortune of the Spirit Hall."

"Boss Fu, you are wrong about this," Liu Erlong said with a smile: "It should be said that being remembered by Senior Xiao Tian is the greatest misfortune of Wuhun Palace!"

"Yes," Flender nodded, and sighed: "Except for Senior Xiao Tian, ​​no one in the world can possibly teach such a group of little monsters."

"Boss Fu, don't sigh for now," Yu Xiaogang suddenly said, solemnly: "It's estimated that it won't be long. We should take action. Let's prepare first."

If anyone in Shrek Academy knows the Spirit Hall best, it is naturally Yu Xiaogang, especially now that the person in charge of the Spirit Hall is not Chihiro Ji, but Bibi Dong!

Yu Xiaogang knew very well that it was absolutely impossible for his old friend to be so big and let Tang San and others hit the Pope's Palace!

Because once the Hall of Souls is beaten by a few juniors outside the Hall of the Pope, the Hall of Souls can be said to be discredited. Even if it does not become a last-rate force, it will fall from the super first-rate to a first-rate or even a second-rate force .

Even if there is a deity sitting in the Wuhun Temple, it cannot be changed!

And if Bibi Dong and the group of elders in the Elder Hall secretly attacked regardless of their status, with Tang San and others' strength, even if they could cope with it, they would probably be injured, which he didn't want to see.

Therefore, after seeing the battle situation below gradually become clear, Yu Xiaogang immediately said to Flanders.

"Don't worry," Flander nodded and smiled: "Hong Jun is also under there. Even if I don't care about other people, I will care about the safety of my only disciple."

When Yu Xiaogang heard the words, he said no more, standing on the back of Luo Sanpao, looking towards the direction of the Papal Palace.

"I don't know how you will deal with it next..." Yu Xiaogang looked at the direction of the Pope Palace, with a little more expectation in his heart...

At the same time, the battle below was also nearing completion. Although the dozen or so titled Douluos in the Spirit Hall were superior in number, they were all titled Douluos promoted with the support of the Spirit Hall in the past five years.

The spirit power level is only 92nd level, and only a few people have reached the 94th or even 95th level.

Chapter 1053 Tang San's Terrifying Ninth Soul Ability!

In contrast, among the ten Shrek Academy members, only Oscar and Ning Rongrong who had broken through had 90 spirit powers.

Even Ma Hongjun and Dugu Goose, who have the lowest spirit power, have level 92 spirit power. Yang Lintaixiong and Dai Mubai have level 94 spirit power. Tang San Xiaowu and Zhu Zhuqing have reached level ninety. Above level five.

With all aspects of spirit power level and spirit ring age being crushed, even if the number of Title Douluo in the Spirit Hall was as high as a dozen people, they failed to support Tang San and the others for long.

The auxiliary title Douluo holding the diamond crystal, who was initially responsible for allocating tasks, was stabbed by Yang Lin with a single shot, and was rescued by several Soul Palace Title Douluo desperately, but that title No one knows whether Douluo will survive.

"Withdraw first, and wait for the elders in the elder hall to take action!"

After Ma Hongjun used the first spirit ability conferred by the eighth spirit ring to burn a 91st-level assault type titled Douluo into coke, the remaining resistance of the titled Douluo of the Spirit Hall also collapsed instantly. Gong Douluo shouted immediately upon seeing this.

A group of Wuhun Hall Title Douluo heard the words and quickly retreated towards the direction of the Pope Hall.

Dai Mubai and the others did not pursue them, but looked mockingly at the titled Douluo of the Spirit Hall who were madly running for their lives. Even the Golden Triangle in mid-air couldn't help but shook his head, with a little more on his face. mercy.

"If this makes you run away, then I won't have the face to go back to see Master," Tang San, who had rarely shot before, only occasionally threw out the Blue Silver Emperor to restrict the offensive of the Titled Douluo of the Soul Palace, gently shook his head. , The ninth spirit ring suddenly brightened behind him!

The dazzling golden light was mixed with a faint blood color. This spirit ring, which had reached more than 800,000 years of age, showed its sharp fangs before the world for the first time!

As Tang San's ninth spirit ring lighted up, the ground shook quickly, and rubble splashed, vaguely seeing countless sturdy blue-purple vines spreading in all directions centered on Tang San.

In an instant, a large number of blue-purple vines with golden patterns were like carpets, covering the ground with a radius of hundreds of meters!

Immediately afterwards, in the horrified gaze of the title Douluo in the Spirit Hall, the blue-purple vines that covered the ground came alive at the same time, like twisted mad snakes, directly drawn at them.

The title Douluo in the Martial Soul Palace was just about to release their spirit skills to resist, but they felt that their brains were suddenly hit by a heavy hammer, and the whole person froze in place, allowing the vines to entangle themselves.

It was that Dai Mubai and the others had already seen Tang San's spirit ability, and they still couldn't help but feel a little staggering.

"Brother, your ninth spirit ability is simply against the sky," Ma Hongjun put away the fire wing and landed on the ground, enviously said: "If only Fatty I had such a domineering spirit ability."

"I will kill these people first," Tang San smiled, his expression flat.

While he was speaking, Tang San's ninth spirit ring lit up again, and the vines entwining the Title Douluo of the Spirit Hall seemed to have received instructions. Numerous spikes grew instantly and pierced into the Title Douluo of the Spirit Hall.

At the same time the vines began to shrink, like a giant python entangled in the prey, wanting to hang the prey alive!

Some Spirit Hall Title Douluo finally awoke from the dizziness under severe pain, only to find that their spirit power was completely imprisoned. They didn't need a bit of strength at all, they could only wait and die!

Chapter 1054 Yu Xiaogang makes a move!

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