God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 448

Therefore, although Yu Xiaogang has broken through the 100th level for some time, his understanding of magical skills is limited to knowing that the magical skills are powerful, and the magical skills that each deity masters are transformed from the soul skills before becoming a god. Come.

Apart from this, Yu Xiaogang had no other understanding of magical skills.

Chapter 1068 Heaven Demon Soul Eater!

Not dare to neglect, Yu Xiaogang immediately ordered: "Luo San Pao, the final form!"

As soon as Yu Xiaogang's voice fell, the spirit power in his body was pouring out like a flood that opened the gate. Even the golden beam of light covering the Golden Triangle became bleak, and Flanders and Liu Erlong's faces became even more pale.

Obviously, this so-called "final form" is undoubtedly a huge cost to them, and it may even be the last hole card!

Luo Sanpao let out a roar, and the pattern on his forehead suddenly lit up, a dazzling bloody light bloomed from Luo Sanpao's forehead, and a strong bloody aura came from Luo Sanpao's body, as if he was in the blood of the dead mountain!

"What a strong bloody aura!" Bibi Dong was secretly surprised. The Rakshasa god was originally an evil-oriented existence among the gods of the gods. After inheriting the Rakshasa god position, the bloody aura on her body can be said that few people can match it. .

But now, the bloody aura radiating from Luo Sanpao's body is not comparable to her, but it is a bit more tyrannical and manic, which makes one dare not to underestimate it.

Luo Sanpao's golden scales were quickly stained with a faint dark red blood mist, and a tyrannical light flashed in the dragon's pupils. The sacred breath that originally exuded from his body quickly disappeared, and replaced by the breath of destruction and killing!

Anyone who knows the realm of the gods knows very well that the current Luo Sanpao has completely changed from the golden holy dragon to the golden dragon king, and even the aura of destruction and killing on his body is exactly the same!

Facing the faint purple lotus that Bibi Dong had cut out, Luo Sanpao’s huge dragon pupils showed disdain, and he opened his mouth and vomited, and a group of golden light with countless spiderweb-like blood-colored lines was spit out by it. It quickly turned into a thick shield.

Bibi Dong's attack landed on the big shield, only causing the big shield to shake twice, other than that, it did not affect Luo San Pao at all.

Seeing this scene, Bibi Dong was not too surprised. When Luo Sanpao easily resolved her tenth spirit ability before, she foresaw that her spirit ability would not have much effect on Luo Sanpao.

After all, the Golden Dragon King can compete with the God King of the God Realm, and the Rakshasa God is only a first-degree god, although the strength of the Golden Dragon King that Luo San Pao transformed is even percent of the Golden Dragon King who ravaged the God Realm in the first place. None of them can compare, but it is enough to deal with the average first-level deity!

The most terrible thing is that although the Golden Dragon King, like the Raksha God, is full of destruction and tyrannical aura, but the Golden Dragon King's attacks are accompanied by sacred attributes, which happens to be the nemesis of a dark god like Raksha God!

Luo Sanpao was originally the Golden Sacred Dragon. After incarnation of the Golden Dragon King, she also retained the sacred attributes. Therefore, to a certain extent, she is now completely restrained by Luo Sanpao!

A look of decisiveness flashed in her eyes, Bibi Dong held the Rakshasa sickle in his hand. Behind her, the phantom of Rakshasa quickly became solid, and then suddenly exploded, the ground was turbulent, and then quickly cracked, and countless ghosts flew from the cracks. After coming out, they gathered into a hideous grimace and rushed towards Luo San Pao and the Golden Triangle!

During the flight, the grimace made a piercing scream, layered on top of each other, like a tide, endless.

Raksha Magic Skill·Demon Eater!

Unlike other Rakshasa magic skills, this trick is specifically for the soul. Once the soul strength is not enough, even if it is a god, facing this magic skill, there is only one way to fall!

Chapter 1069 Heavily Inflicted Bibi Dong!

In Bibi Dong's view, even if Yu Xiaogang breaks through the 100th level, with the blessing of the martial arts fusion technique, the energy contained in Luo Sanpao even exceeds that of ordinary gods, but the soul strength cannot be improved by the martial arts fusion technique.

With the strength of the souls of Yu Xiaogang and others today, there is no resistance at all in the face of the Devourer Soul!

Originally, she didn’t want to use this magical ability, because although this magical ability is powerful, the cost required to activate it is also not small, even if she is now a Rakshasa god, the consumption of activating a demon soul eater will also It made her feel painful.

It is necessary to know that the consumption of activating the Heavenly Demon Soul Eater is not soul power and divine power, but the soul crystallization she obtained from the Asura trial. This kind of thing cannot be condensed at all with her current strength, and consumes one less.

"It's kind of interesting," Xiao Tian, ​​who was hiding in the dark, noticed Bibi Dong's attack and came with a little interest.

Although in his opinion Bibi Dong’s trick is full of loopholes, he has to admit that in the face of such an attack, the Golden Triangle really has no way to deal with it.

Because this is the purest soul attack, and it is a soul attack launched by the soul crystallization of a first-level deity who has been a god for countless years. It is so powerful that even an ordinary first-level deity would not dare to force it.

"Luo Sanpao, come back!" Yu Xiaogang's expression changed first, and then recovered calm, Chong Luo Sanpao ordered.

Luo Sanpao, who had covered a small half of Wuhun City, quickly shrank when he heard the words, and finally turned into a palm-sized mini Golden Dragon King and fell on Yu Xiaogang's shoulder.

And at the same time, the hideous grimace that Bibi Dong summoned also slammed into the golden beam of light!


The earth-shaking collision sounded, the location of the Golden Iron Triangle was obscured by a large amount of smoke and dust, and some fine cracks could be faintly seen on the golden beam of light soaring to the sky.

Seeing this scene in secret, Xiao Tian didn't have the slightest worry on his face, but a faint smile on his face.

Yu Xiaogang made Luo Sanpao avoid Bibi Dong's attack and chose to face the terrifying soul attack. It seemed very stupid, but in Xiao Tian's eyes, this was the most sensible method.

Because Xiao Tian has personally tested that when the Golden Triangle uses the martial soul fusion technique, the golden beam of light that soars to the sky can resist all attacks. Although it is not a perfect defense against attacks that reach the god level, it can turn it into the purest. Soul power competition!

Although Bibi Dong's magical skill was terrifying, as long as the spirit power of the Golden Iron Triangle was exhausted, the magical skill of attacking the soul could not penetrate the golden light beam, and could only be consumed by the golden light beam a little bit.

In contrast, if Luo Sanpao were to force this spirit ability, it would be difficult to guarantee that Luo Sanpao would not be directly damaged by this magical skill, which would lead to the fusion of martial souls. The technique collapsed directly, even biting Yu Xiaogang himself.

Soon, the golden beam of light shattered, and before Bibi Dong’s face had time to show joy, a transparent dragon shadow suddenly flew out of the smoke and hit her with a thunder and thunder, even though she had become a god, she was still caught This dragon shadow penetrated the heart instantly!

Bibi Dong's face was pale, and a deep look of terror appeared on her face. If it weren't for becoming a god, her vitality would be much stronger, she had fallen directly under the transparent dragon shadow just now!

Chapter 1070 The dust is settled!

"What kind of spirit ability is this?" Bibi Dong said with a bitter expression, looking pale in the direction of the golden iron triangle covered in smoke and dust.

The heart was broken, even though she was a god, she wouldn't fall on the spot, but she couldn't exert her god-level strength for a long time.

She has completely lost this battle, because in her perception, the breath of the Golden Iron Triangle has not disappeared, but two breaths have become extremely weak.

This means that two people in the Golden Triangle were seriously injured and dying, but they did not fall. As for who was seriously injured, Bibi Dong knew well.

"The true nature of the holy dragon, you have seen it before," Yu Xiaogang's voice came from the smoke and dust, as calm as ever, but it gave people a great sense of oppression.

"The true identity of the holy dragon?" Bibi Dong looked at Yu Xiaogang, who was supporting the seriously injured Liu Erlong and Flanders, walking out of the smoke, and smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid it is more appropriate to call the identity of the Dragon God or the identity of the Dragon Emperor? "

It’s not that Luo Sanpao’s true identity of the holy dragon has never been seen. Five years ago, when the Golden Triangle blocked the Golden Crocodile Douluo outside the Palace of the Pope, she used the true identity of the holy dragon, but at that time, the true identity of the holy dragon was Qian Daoliu is easily resolved.

The true appearance of the sacred dragon displayed this time, but unexpectedly penetrated her heart directly, without even giving her any time to react, whether it was the speed or the power that was ten times stronger than five years ago?

"Is this important?" Yu Xiaogang asked, looking at Bibi Dong.

"It really doesn't matter..." Bibi Dong closed her eyes with a pained expression on her face. She knew very well that although the eight elders in the Elder Hall were amazing, but Tang San's group of juniors were also the bourgeoisie, even if they could not defeat the Elder Hall. The elders can also guarantee that they will not be defeated by the elders of the Elder Hall in a short time.

Now that she is defeated by Yu Xiaogang, she has lost all her strength in a short period of time. It will take at least one or two days of cultivation before she can barely display the strength of a general Ninety-one Tier 2 Title Douluo, and want to restore her god-level strength. The time required is calculated in months!

But Yu Xiaogang just consumes a lot of soul power, there is no slight injury on his body, and he will soon be able to continue participating in the battle. With Yu Xiaogang's 100-level strength, no one can stop Yu Xiaogang except her. !

It can be said that since she was penetrated by the transparent dragon shadow in her heart, this time the Wuhun Palace had already lost, unless Qian Renxue could break through the barrier in time.

But a god of angels who has just inherited the position of god, without the spirit power completely transformed into the god power, can't be Yu Xiaogang's opponent at all!

What's more, once Qian Renxue became the god of angels, even if her strength just broke through to the god level, she would probably attract Xiao Tian to take action!

Bibi Dong didn't think that Xiao Tian could watch his students be approached by two first-level gods one by one!

She was a little surprised that Xiao Tian didn’t make a sudden move when she fought Yu Xiaogang before. If Qian Renxue became a god and fought against the current Yu Xiaogang with god-level strength, Bibi Dong would find it hard to believe that Xiao Tian would continue. Watching a play on the sidelines.

After all, this is the first deity in 10,000 years on the mainland, but he is notorious for protecting shortcomings!

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