God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 450

And Chihiro Ji's figure appeared in the middle of the red light, with an incredible expression on his face, and lost his voice: "Impossible! My third spirit ability can make me move several tens of meters in an instant, how could it be possible to stay in place? !!!"

"Nothing is impossible, let's make you understand. Fatty's ninth spirit ability is called Phoenix Overlord Arrow. This spirit ability is divided into two stages..."

Seeing Qianxunji's horrified expression, Dai Mubai said lightly: "The first stage is the current Phoenix Purifying Spirit Formation, which has a purifying and imprisoning effect...

Under the shroud of the Phoenix Pure Spirit Formation, even the defense formed by the ninth spirit ability will be instantly purified. At the same time, the confinement effect of the Phoenix Pure Spirit Formation can ban any displacement-type spirit ability!"

When Dai Mubai said this, the disdain on his face was even stronger. When they were running together before, they had tried Ma Hongjun's ninth spirit ability, but Zhu Zhuqing couldn't break away even when the space of the eighth spirit ability was flashing. The imprisonment effect of the Phoenix Pure Spiritual Formation, let alone the third spirit ability that Qian Xun Ji used?

"As for this second stage..." Dai Mubai looked at Qianxunji, not without pity: "You will soon see that after the guidance and improvement of Senior Xiao Tian, ​​this stage is more powerful than the original one. The spirit power that the nine spirit rings gave the fat man is more than that powerful, I hope you can stop it..."

Chapter 1074 Unexpected Events!

Hearing Dai Mubai's words, Qianxunji's face changed wildly, but before he could make any response, the phoenix suspended in four directions above him suddenly made a crisp phoenix sound, and then the blazing phoenix flames gathered in one place and melted. Make a dark red long arrow burning with flames.

Then, in the horrified gaze of Chihiro Ji, the dark red long arrow fell from the sky and directly penetrated him. The crimson phoenix flame burned from Chihiro Ji's body, quickly turning him into a pile of ashes, leaving only Several soul bones exuding different colors were left in the ashes.

Pope Qian Xun Ji in Wuhun Temple, has fallen!

The four fire phoenixes in mid-air gathered again, and then Ma Hongjun's figure fell from the sky. When he was about to fall to the ground, Tang San threw a Blue Silver Emperor to catch him and landed safely.

Ma Hongjun looked at Qian Daoliu turned into ashes with a pale face, and said weakly, "Although this ninth spirit ability is domineering, the demand for spirit power is really too great. Once it is used, it will directly emptied all the remaining spirit power in the body. ...

I don't know if there will be a chance to reduce the spirit power consumption of the ninth spirit ability in the future, otherwise it would be like this every time, it would be too uncomfortable."

"Senior Xiao should have a way," Ning Rongrong said suddenly: "When I practiced distraction control, Senior Xiao taught me a method to reduce the consumption of soul power, but I don't know if you need it or not. on."

"Wait to go back and ask Master if it's all right," Xiao Wu smiled, eager to try: "Now Chihiro Ji has been killed by us, and the Pope's Palace has also been burned by us. It is better for us to overthrow the Elder Palace together. "

"Xiao Wu," Tang San quickly grabbed Xiao Wu after hearing the words, and said helplessly: "We had a battle before, and the consumption of soul power was not small. Burning the Palace of the Pope is enough. If we go to the Palace of the Elders, in case we encounter Qian What about Daoliu?"

Tang San was still very jealous of Qian Daoliu. After all, he was one of the three long-established Ultimate Douluos. Before Xiao Tian appeared, he was even said to be invincible in the sky. Even his great-grandfather Tang Chen only relied on the chaotic cloak. Only by surprise did Fa narrowly defeat Qian Daoliu.

With their current state, the odds of winning against thousands of Daoliu are extremely slim.

What's more, they just killed Chihiro Ji. If they really encounter Qian Daoliu, it is difficult to guarantee that Qian Daoliu under the rage will surpass his limit. At that time, they will really be left here. Inside Wuhun City!

"Little San is right," Oscar nodded and said with a serious face: "Xiao Wu, we are not in a very good state now. If we encounter a strong enemy again, it is difficult to guarantee that we can retreat all over the body. Let's withdraw from Wuhun City first. Anyway, our task has been completed.

As for the elder hall, after a big deal, there will be a chance to beat Wuhun City again, and then take advantage of the situation to overthrow the elder hall."

Xiao Wu nodded a little unwillingly when she heard the words. She was not an improper person. She had just seen the situation before, and suddenly such a thought arose in her heart.

Since Tang San and the others were against it, she naturally wouldn't make trouble unreasonably, and forcibly ask everyone to attack the Elder Palace together.

"Retreat first," Tang San looked at the eight elders of the Elder Hall lying on the floor outside the Pope Hall, flung out a few Blue Silver Emperors to tie them together, and then said to Xiao Wu and the others.

The group of ten people did not hesitate, and immediately walked in the direction they came.

However, before they could take a few steps, a sword light slashed out from where the Elder Hall was, and at the same time a cold female voice sounded——

"When I come to my Wuhun City, do you want to leave easily?!"

Chapter 1075 Tang San and Dai Mubai!

Perceiving the tingling sensation coming from behind, Tang San's expression changed, the Clear Sky Hammer appeared in his hand, and nine spirit rings of more than one hundred thousand years attached to the Clear Sky Hammer, slammed out suddenly.

The air seemed to vibrate for a while, and the Clear Sky Hammer was glowing with a strong black light, slamming heavily on the sword light flying behind him.


Tang San shuddered like a thunderous collision. He stepped back five or six steps, with a trace of blood flowing down the corner of his mouth, and the left hand holding the Clear Sky Hammer cracked the tiger’s mouth, and a drop of blood flowed along the Clear Sky Hammer. Slipped to the ground.

"Brother!" Xiao Wu's expression changed, and she looked in the direction where Jian Guang was flying, with an astonishing killing intent flashing in her eyes.

"Xiao Wu, step back!" Tang San said to Dai Mubai without looking back while holding the Clear Sky Hammer, "Boss Dai, you take Xiao Wu and they go to the teacher first, this time a big guy came. Maybe we have to explain here."

"Then you be careful." Dai Mubai knew the seriousness of the situation and didn't procrastinate. He nodded and said in a deep voice, "Dugu Goose and Zhu Qing, you two watch Xiao Wu, take her away, and the others follow closely. Zhuqing and Dugu Goose, I will break the queen for you."

Oscar gritted his teeth, and together with Ma Hongjun led the remaining few people towards Yu Xiaogang's direction, but Dai Mubai stood still, the white tiger spirit instantly possessed, and the third spirit ability, the white tiger king Kong, became harmonious. The fifth spirit ability, the White Tiger Demon God Transformation, was released, standing in front of Tang San, looking at the direction the sword light flew.

"Boss Dai?!" Tang San saw Dai Mubai's movements and said anxiously, "What are you doing here?!"

"Joke, when the eldest brother, how can he leave his brother behind to fight hard, but he escaped?" Dai Mubai said without turning back, "Looking at how you behaved so badly, maybe you know the strength of the man?

Is it a master who has broken through the 100th level, or is it..."

Dai Mubai was silent for a while, and said with a solemn expression: "Is a deity here?"

He knew Tang San's temperament very well. If the person who came was just a titled Douluo, even if it was a level ninety-nine limit Douluo, Tang San would not behave so badly, because facing the limit Douluo, even if they could not consume it now Small, but it may not be without a chance under the desperate fight.

The ability to make Tang San not even be able to fight for his life could not be promoted. The strength of the person who directly caused everyone to flee for their lives can be imagined.

"The person here should be Qian Renxue. Judging from the blow just now, she has already broken the 100th level. As for whether she has inherited the angelic god's position, I don't know," Tang San shook his head, his tone a little bitter. .

He didn't expect that Qian Renxue would break through the barrier so quickly. Before coming to Wuhun City, he already knew that Qian Renxue was conducting the Nine Test of Angels.

When he was in the Clear Sky School, Qian Renxue's spirit power was only two levels higher than him. Later, he had a series of adventures, and his spirit power advanced by leaps and bounds. He originally thought that Qian Renxue's spirit power should be far inferior to him, so even if he knew Qian Renxue was doing the nine angel test, and he didn't care too much.

After all, everyone in Shrek Academy's spirit power is not lower than Qian Renxue. Even Dai Mubai, who used to be the highest spirit power level, and Zhu Zhuqing, who is now the highest spirit power level, have not completed all the tests given by the gods, even Qian Renxue has The blessed Seraphim Martial Soul would not be able to complete the Nine Trials of Angel so quickly.

"It should be Qian Daoliu who sacrificed herself, so that Qian Renxue can quickly complete the nine angel test," Dai Mubai thought for a while and said in a deep voice.

Chapter 1076 Wanyang Lingtian!

As the prince of the Star Luo Empire, especially after being selected by the God of War, Dai Mubai was able to learn more secrets that the world didn't know.

For example, before Xiao Tian appeared, the world thought that there were only three Extreme Douluos with ninety-nine level spirit power. Originally, Dai Mubai believed in this.

It wasn't until he defeated Davis in the Advanced Soul Master Competition and returned to the Star Luo Empire to become the prince of the Star Luo Empire. He didn't know that in the Star Luo Empire imperial family, there was also an Extreme Douluo with a ninety-nine level of spirit power sitting in town. !

Only that Xtreme Douluo stayed in the secret room deep in the Xingluo Empire Palace and rarely appeared. Only the Prince of the Xingluo Empire and the emperor of the Xingluo Empire were qualified to know the existence of this Xtreme Douluo.

The Ultimate Douluo is the leader of the War God inheritance. After Dai Mubai completed the Eighth Test of the God of War, the Ultimate Douluo once told Dai Mubai himself that he could sacrifice himself so that Dai Mubai could quickly complete the first test. Nine tests were only rejected by Dai Mubai.

Therefore, Dai Mubai only thought for a while, and then guessed why Qian Renxue had completed the Angel Nine Test so quickly.

"You guessed it right," Dai Mubai's voice just fell, Qian Renxue's figure appeared in front of him and Tang San, a golden angel costume lining her white skin like the first snow, and three pairs of white angels behind him The wings flapped lightly, and from time to time there were light spots spilling out of the angel's wings.

A faint appreciation appeared in Qian Renxue's star eyes, and then quickly turned into a deep killing intent.

"Forced into Wuhun City, burned down the Pope's Palace, and killed my father..." Qian Renxue looked at Tang San and Dai Mubai, and said every word: "In any case, I can't let you go! Cut first! If you two are gone, go and cut the remaining people away!"

With that, a round of golden sun appeared behind Qian Renxue, and at the same time the angel holy sword in his hand was raised high, the golden flame burned on the sword, and the raging heat wave spread to the surroundings, igniting the fallen leaves on the ground.

"It's your honor to die under this trick!" Qian Renxue screamed, instantly splitting into countless clones, each of which held an angel holy sword in his hand, and a golden sun shining on the world behind him.

"Dari·Angel·Wanyang Lingtian!"

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