God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 46

What about your foster father's unfathomable martial arts?

In front of my many masters in Shaolin, what storms can you make?!

"I don't know how Abbot Xuanci plans to deal with my three masters and apprentices?" Xiao Tian couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard Huiming's words, jokingly.

When Huiming heard Xiao Tian's words, he immediately said angrily: "Bold! The abbot's name is also you can..."

"Huiming shut up!" Huiming was halfway through, but was interrupted by Abbot Xuanci.

Turning his head somewhat suspiciously, Huiming found that a layer of sweat appeared on the forehead of the abbot, who had always been happy and angry.

"Abbot Xuanci is so majestic," Xiao Tian said lightly as he looked at Abbot Xuanci with no joy or anger on his face.

Huiming clearly saw the abbot trembled unconsciously after the white-clothed man uttered these words, and the beads of sweat on his forehead grew more and more.

Then Abbot Xuanci saluted the man in white with Huiming’s unbelievable gaze, and then respectfully said: "Senior is joking. It is my honor for the senior to visit my Shaolin Temple! The disciples in the temple have offended me, please. Forgive me, senior!"

After that, the abbot Xuanci gave Huiming a fierce look and scolded: "I still don't apologize to senior!"

Hearing the words of Abbot Xuanci, Huiming looked at Xiao Tian incredulously. He couldn't believe that this young man who looked a few years older than himself was actually treated respectfully by Abbot Xuanci. Senior master!

But under the gaze of the abbot Xuanci and the elders in the temple, he could only bite the bullet and salute Xiao Tian to the end, respectfully saying: "Huiming has no eyes, offended the predecessor, please forgive me!

Chapter 89 I heard that Da Huan Dan tastes good!

Xiao Tian waved his hand like a fly, then cast his gaze on Abbot Xuanci.

In his capacity, if you care about Huiming, it would be too bad!

"Huiming retreat," Abbot Xuanci would be overjoyed when he saw Xiao Tian's movements, and quickly scolded.

Huiming retreated into the team unwillingly, even if he gave him a little more courage, he did not dare to provoke Xiao Tian and the others.

"I don't know what happened to the senior who came to my Shaolin Temple?" When Huiming returned to the team, Abbot Xuanci looked at Xiao Tian and asked seriously.

He knew how terrifying Xiao Tian was. At the beginning, outside Yanmen Pass, Xiao Tian had shown strength far better than him. Later, it was rumored that Gusu Murong was beaten to the court by a mysterious person.

Abbot Xuanci is naturally not difficult to guess who is making trouble with Gu Su Murong.

I am afraid that Murong Bo's strength is slightly better than himself. Even so, he is also not Xiao Tian's opponent. Fifteen years have passed, and to what extent Xiao Tian has reached, Abbot Xuanci dared not think about it!

Innate Polar Realm?

Or higher?

At the same time, Abbot Xuanci also had some doubts. With Xiao Tian's strength, there should be nothing in Shaolin Temple that could make him look good. Then, why did Xiao Tian come this time?

He didn't think that the Buddhist scriptures and martial arts secrets in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion could gain the sight of Xiao Tian!

"I heard that your Shaolin Temple's Great Huan Dan tastes good, so I'm here to ask for some to serve my apprentice." Xiao Tian raised his left finger and pointed at Wang Yuyan, who was holding his right hand, and smiled to Abbot Xuanci.

Abbot Xuanci naturally wouldn’t believe Xiao Tian’s nonsense. He immediately turned his gaze to Wang Yuyan, and then said softly, "It turns out that it is Jiuyin Juemei. No wonder the seniors will come to this temple. Although this temple’s Dahuandan can’t be cured completely Jiuyin Juemai, but it can last for a while."

Abbot Xuanci was able to sit as abbot of Shaolin Temple. Whether it was martial arts or vision, he was the best choice. Not only that, abbot Xuanci himself also dabbled in medical skills, so he could see Wang Yuyan's situation at a glance.

"Continue life?" Xiao Tian shook his head, but didn't say anything.

After I cured Wang Yuyan's Jiuyin Juemai, Abbot Xuanci would naturally not say anything.

"Since the predecessors came forward in person, although the big return pill is precious, this temple has no reason to cherish the broom." Abbot Xuanci saw Xiao Tian not talking, smiled and took out a delicate small porcelain bottle from his arms, and handed it to Xiao Tian with some pain. .

The Shaolin Great Return Pill is the exclusive secret medicine of Shaolin Temple. Even the Abbot of Shaolin can only consume one in his life. This Great Return Pill was carried by him close to his body, just to prevent accidents, but now it is in the hands of Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian took the porcelain vase, without looking at it, handed it to Wang Yuyan, and then looked at Abbot Xuanci, and said, "This time I come here, asking for a big reward is one of them, and there is another thing that requires the help of Shaolin Temple. Power."

"Senior, please tell me," Abbot Xuanci respectfully said.

Not to mention that Xiao Tian just has one more thing, even if there are still ten or a hundred, he still has to find a way to complete it!

"I plan to create a list of the secrets of heaven, including the world's masters, and arrange a ranking by the way," Xiao Tian looked at the abbot Xuanci in a flat tone.

Xiao Tian's words fell in the ears of Abbot Xuanci, but they were nothing but thunder.

We must know that even if Shaolin Temple is the leader of the Central Plains martial arts, the abbot Xuanci did not dare to think like this.

Even if the Shaolin Temple is famous, Abbot Xuanci doesn't think he can influence the martial arts of the Central Plains, let alone the creation of a list of heavenly secrets. You must know that there are many people who are stronger than him.

What kind of list he hastily made, in the eyes of those seniors, is tantamount to a joke!

At the moment, Xiao Tian said so plainly, it can be seen that he did not see the hidden seniors in his eyes!

How confident is it to be able to say this?!

Chapter 90 The Sweeper Appears!

"This... please let me think about it, senior," Abbot Xuanci hesitated and said seriously.

Although he was shocked by Xiao Tian's great handwork, this kind of event that could shake the Central Plains martial arts was not something he could casually decide.

We must know that once the secret list comes out, the Central Plains Wulin will surely make waves.

We must know that most martial artists are unwilling to admit defeat. Those who are not on the list will naturally not convince those who are famous on the list, and those who are on the list will also break the blood for ranking!

"You really can't make a decision about this, go and invite the one in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion," Xiao Tian nodded, not embarrassing Abbot Xuanci.

Although Abbot Xuanci is the current helm of Shaolin Temple, the one who speaks the most weight in Shaolin Temple is obviously hidden in the Buddhist scripture pavilion, which is completely called the sweeping monk of Dinghai Shenzhen of Shaolin Temple!

"Senior, please wait a moment," Abbot Xuanci nodded respectfully when hearing Xiao Tian's words, and said.

After speaking, he turned and rushed towards the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, leaving only a group of unidentified monks here. Look at me and I look at you.

The existence of the sweeping monk is also secret in Shaolin Temple. Apart from the abbot Xuanci, there are only a few Supreme Elders who know that the sweeping monk exists.

"Anyway, I have nothing to do now, Yu Yan, take the Great Huan Pill, for the teacher to dissolve the medicine for you," Xiao Tian saw Abbot Xuanci leave, and the group of Shaolin monks stood not far away like dumb gooses. , Simply cast his eyes on Wang Yuyan and smiled.

Wang Yuyan nodded, poured a green pill from the small porcelain bottle, and stuffed the pill into his mouth without hesitation.

The elders of Shaolin Temple who remained at the gate of the mountain saw Wang Yuyan's movements, and felt that his heart twitched fiercely, and his breathing became a little short.

This great return pill is the secret pill of Shaolin Temple, even the abbot can only consume one in his life, and they are even not qualified to connect and touch!

Right now this precious pill was swallowed by a little girl as if eating jelly beans, and the expressions of the elders of Shaolin Temple were somewhat complicated.

The entrance of Dahuandan melted, Wang Yuyan only felt a warm current slid down her throat into her belly, and then her body gradually became dry and hot. The cold air that was originally filled in her body by the backlash of Jiuyin Juemai seemed to be swept away. air!

"Sit down cross-legged, intending to guard the dantian, and run the mindset that I taught you a few days ago!" Xiao Tian shouted, raised his hand on Wang Yuyan's back, and a wisp of innate vitality entered Wang Yuyan's body to get through her body Odd Meridian and Eight Meridians.

On the way to Shaoshi Mountain, Xiao Tian had already taught Wang Yuyan all the Nine Yin Scriptures, but because of his weakness, he did not practice.

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