God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 469

"Inner strength?!"

Zhao Yun's face suddenly became solemn when he saw that the spear in his hand was pierced one after another, and the air made a crisp crackling sound, and a little silver light quickly emerged in front of him, and then the silver light was connected in a line, and it was pointed at the long sword pierced by Feng Kuan. on.

"Ding ding ding ding..."

The continuous metal clash sounded, and a lot of sparks burst out of the air.

Feng Kuan took a halt, and the momentum of the long sword that was pierced was exhausted, and his face was a little paler, but Zhao Yun took two steps back to stop his figure.

Obviously, Zhao Yun suffered a small loss in the collision just now.

However, what is surprising is that although Zhao Yun had fallen behind in the previous confrontation, instead of seeing the slightest frustration on his face, he was a little bit more happy.

"It turns out that the internal qi is only achieved by external objects. The internal qi is virtual and the realm is unstable. It's not a good idea." Zhao Yun held a long spear and pointed at Feng Kuan with disdain.

"The arrogant kid," Feng Kuan was so remarked by Zhao Yun, his face was a little bit awkward, his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Zhao Yun, his wrists trembling, and an endless sword net was spread out, covering Zhao Yun.

"Your grandfather Feng will let you see and see today, is it true that your grandfather Feng will not be useful!"

Xiao Tian, ​​who was watching the battle secretly, shook his head, with a little pity in his eyes.

Zhao Yun cultivated the Nine Ranks Immortal Body he taught. It has a solid foundation. Leapfrogging battles are like eating and drinking. Zhao Yun suffered a loss before, but it was because Feng Kuan suddenly demonstrated the cultivation of inner energy, which made Zhao Yun unexpectedly. The reaction was a bit slow.

Now that he knows Feng Kuan's fictitious reality, let alone Feng Kuan forcibly breaks through to achieve great internal energy by relying on external objects, the real combat power has not yet reached the level of great internal energy.

Even if he relied on his own cultivation, his strength was fully achieved in his internal energy, and he would never be Zhao Yun's opponent!

Facing Feng Kuan's offensive, Zhao Yun had no sorrow or joy. He pressed down the spear in his hand and pointed the tip of the spear obliquely to the ground. Then, he slowly closed his eyes in the eyes of everyone's surprise.

"Boy, know it's not your grandfather Feng's opponent, do you close your eyes and wait to die?!" Feng Kuan saw Zhao Yun's movements, and an unknown premonition suddenly rose in his heart, but he refused to forgive and sneered.

Zhao Yun didn't answer. He stood there holding a spear, his eyes closed tightly, as if he was asleep.

"Pretend to be a god and play a ghost!" Feng Kuan snorted coldly, his hands moved a bit faster, and the sword light shone down, moving towards Zhao Yun!

Just before the sword came to the body, Zhao Yun opened his eyes abruptly, and the spear in his hand pierced out with impeccable momentum. There was no trick in this shot, it was a simple stab.

However, Feng Kuan felt that he was being stared at by the Primordial Fierce Beast, and what he faced was not a spear head made of fine iron, but an angry dragon roaring with an open mouth, wanting to choose people and eat them!

Chapter 1128 Sweep Heifengzhai!

His pupils shrank slightly, facing the spear that Zhao Yun pierced, Feng Kuan actually had a vague retreat in his heart, and the movement of his hand could not help but slow down.

The original endless sword net created a little gap because of his hesitation, but it was this little gap that became his reminder!

I saw the spear in Zhao Yun's hand directly point to the gap of the sword net, the original splendid sword net quickly fell apart, but Zhao Yun's spear was castration unabated, directly piercing Feng Kuan's heart!

The tip of the gun came out through the body, and blood dripped from the spear tip made of stainless steel.

Feng Kuan looked at Zhao Yun in horror, opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but Zhao Yun's shot had wiped out all the vitality in his body, Feng Kuan's lips moved weakly, his head turned to the side. Wrongly, died on the spot!

Zhao Yun drew out his spear blankly, and Feng Kuan's corpse immediately fell to the ground like Jinshan and Yuzhu.

The dull sound of the collision between the corpse and the ground struck the hearts of the surrounding bandits like a heavy hammer. The bandits surrounding Zhao Yun unconsciously stepped back, and the hand holding the weapon faintly trembled.

"Go to the county government to surrender..."

Zhao Yun pointed the direction of the gate of Heifengzhai with the tip of his spear, and then his gaze swept across the faces of the bandits, and finally fixed on a bandit dressed as a leader, and said lightly: "Or die here."

There was a commotion around the bandits, and then someone suddenly dropped their weapon and knelt on the ground, hurriedly saying: "I am willing to surrender to the county office! I am willing to surrender to the county office!"

Seeing someone start their heads, most bandits dropped their weapons and knelt to the ground, expressing their willingness to surrender to the county government.

Many of them were ordinary people who were carried up the mountain by bandits, and some were refugees from other counties and counties, and they had to become bandits.

In addition, their hands were not stained with blood, and their only role was to give the Shanzhai a strong presence. Therefore, even if they surrendered to the county government, they could still save their lives and be punished as prisoners or slaves at most.

If it were before, they would naturally not choose this path, but after seeing Zhao Yun's fierce power, between death and living, they eventually chose to live.

The rest of the bandits are all brutal and wicked, with human lives on their hands, and even if they surrender to the county government, they will be sentenced to death. It is nothing more than some people beheading, some people beheading the city.

Therefore, even if most bandits gave up resistance, they still held weapons and stared at Zhao Yun, wishing to bite off a piece of meat from him.

"Everything is dead. Killing him may still have a chance. Let's go together and kill this kid!" A bandit dressed as a leader shouted out of the remaining bandits.

"Yes, it's a death anyway, fight this kid!"

"This kid just fought against the master of the second village. It cost a lot, and we consume him too!"

Voices rang from the remaining bandits one after another, and then all bandits who were determined to resist to the end showed fierce light at the same time, holding weapons and forced them towards Zhao Yun.

"A group of mobs," Zhao Yun curled his lips with a look of disdain, and then slammed the spear in his hand, sparking silver light all over his body. All the bandits approaching were hit by the silver light, and they all fell to the ground holding their throats. In the time of breathing, the remaining bandits who were stubbornly resisted were killed by Zhao Yun!

The bandits who gave up their resistance saw this scene and couldn't help but rejoice in their wiseness, and at the same time secretly despised the bandits who had stubbornly resisted.

Zhao Yun took the expressions of the remaining bandits into his eyes, but didn't say much. He just drove the remaining bandits out of the village, and then burned Heifengzhai with a fire, which led the remaining bandits toward Walking towards Zhending County...

Chapter 1129 Big Oolong!

When Zhao Yun got rid of Feng Kuan, Xiao Tian had already left Heifengzhai first and returned to his residence in Zhending County.

When he arrived at Heifengzhai, he had already explored Heifengzhai up and down with his spiritual sense. The strongest was Feng Kuan, who broke through to the realm of inner Qi through external force, and there were some others. Hello, Xiao Tian didn't bother to continue sweeping the battle for Zhao Yun after Feng Kuan gave the lead.

Not long after Xiao Tian returned to the house, Zhao Yun led the bandits from Heifengzhai down the mountain.

Hundreds of people lined up neatly, rushing towards the county seat, and they were still wearing the iconic clothing of Heifengzhai bandits, so that the soldiers guarding the city gate mistakenly thought that Heifengzhai bandits were coming and hurriedly sent people to send the news. Inform the real county magistrate.

The magistrate of Zhending County was even more furious when he received the information, and even ordered the summoning of the defenders in the city to prepare to annihilate this group of people outside of Zhending County!

For the Zhending county magistrate, the Heifengzhai mountain thief is only a disease of ringworm and scabies. He was unwilling to spend too much money to eradicate the black wind because the Heifengzhai mountain thief had stuck to the mountain, and Heifengzhai was easy to defend. Fengzhai, this made Heifengzhai happy to this day.

However, now Heifengzhai has taken the initiative to provoke him. He clearly didn't take him seriously. He has decided to attack Heifengzhai and wipe out this cottage from the vicinity of Zhending County after the gang of thieves have been resolved. go with!

Zhao Yun escorted the Heifengzhai mountain thief to the outside of Zhending County, and saw the Zhending County defenders who were waiting at the city gate and the county magistrate who rushed over. He couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"The county magistrate, and you Ming Gong, there is a lot of misunderstanding about this matter." Zhao Yun walked out of the team, looked at the magistrate of Zhending, and smiled helplessly: "The kid has flattened Heifengzhai, this group of bandits are all former Come to the county seat to surrender."

"You are, Zhao Yun, Zhao Zilong?" The magistrate of Zhending looked at Zhao Yun carefully, and then asked with some doubts.

Although Zhao Yun was well-known in Zhending County and even Changshan County in recent years, he was still just a good junior, so he didn't take Zhao Yun to heart, and he had never met Zhao Yun.

That is to say, Zhao Yun is too young, and in Zhending County, at such an age and good strength, only Zhao Yun is alone, so he can quickly think of Zhao Yun.

"It's the kid," Zhao Yun nodded, and said nothing more.

The magistrate of Zhending swept his eyes from the thief in Heifengzhai behind Zhao Yun. He saw that although all the thief was wearing Heifengzhai costumes, they looked wilted and did not carry weapons. He also understood what Zhao Yun said. Not virtual.

While he was relieved in his heart, the magistrate of Zhending couldn't help glaring fiercely at the soldier who had informed him that Heifengzhai had come.

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