God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 476

What kind of strength should be able to make Zhang Jiao's existence fearful or even fearful?


Return to the virtual earth?

Or is it the same level as the legendary Nanhua Old Immortal?

Only then did Xu Busu remember that he only knew that Xiao Tian taught such an outstanding disciple as Zhao Yun, but he knew nothing about Xiao Tian's own strength!

Swallowing with some difficulty, Xu Busu whispered to Zhao Yun and asked: "Brother Zilong Xian, Brother Shuyu takes the liberty, I don't know what strength Senior Xiao is?"

"I don't know," Zhao Yun shook his head, seeing Xu Busu's unbelieving expression, thought about it, and said softly: "However, Zhang Jiao can be a junior in front of my master."

Xu Busu was stunned when he heard the words, and then looked at Zhao Yun in disbelief.

Seeing Xu Busu looking at him, Zhao Yun smiled and nodded, indicating that what he said was right.


Upon seeing this, Xu Busu slowly let out a sullen breath, looked at Zhao Yun, and said solemnly: "Brother Yu understands, this thief from Feng Longshan will be dealt with by Brother Longxian."

Zhao Yun has already said it for this purpose. If he Xu Doudou still doesn't understand what Zhao Yun meant, it is impossible for him to sit in the position of Zhending County magistrate for so long.

"This is natural," Zhao Yun nodded slightly, and after sending Xu Busu out the door, he turned and returned to the backyard.

"Since you have just taught you how to recruit and accept the heavenly things, you have been able to grasp it initially, the bandits of Fenglongshan should also be solved," Zhao Yun returned to the backyard and found that Xiao Tian had already sat up from the recliner, his expression calm Look at him.

"Tui'er understands," Zhao Yun nodded, and then took a long spear from the weapon rack beside him, and once again practiced the trick Xiao Tian taught him to inherit the heavenly things.

Unlike Xiao Tian, ​​Zhao Yun had not systematically accepted any swordsmanship before, so his sword power was extremely thin.

Therefore, under the guidance of Xiao Tian, ​​he applied the essence of this type of sky-bearing objects to his marksmanship. Now he uses a spear to perform this type of sword move, and the power is not much weaker than before.

Chapter 1146 Each has his own thoughts!

When the momentum was accumulated to the limit, Zhao Yun shouted, and the spear pierced out of his hand, wrapped in wind and thunder, which was eye-catching.

Different from Xiao Tian's use of this sword move, it was as if the heavens and the earth were crushed by the mighty general trend. After Zhao Yun transformed this type of sword move into the spear technique, he used it again, but it gave people the top of Mount Tai. Overwhelming despair!

The tip of the gun fell on the Jinling cinnabar in the corner, and a ball of sparks exploded violently, and the metal tremor sounded through every corner of the backyard.

The spear came out, Zhao Yun's hands couldn't help trembling, and the red blood oozing out from the tiger's mouth was faintly visible, and on the Jinling cinnabar, there was also a shallow white mark that could not be noticed without even looking.

"Not bad!" Seeing the white seal on the Jinling cinnabar, Xiao Tian smiled a little, looked at Zhao Yun, and said with appreciation.

This Jinling cinnabar is extremely strong, and only a strong person who has stepped into the realm of human immortality can shake it, but if you want to split the golden cinnabar like he did before, it is the strength of the earth fairy.

Zhao Yun's internal energy is not enough now, and he has been able to leave traces on the Jinling cinnabar. Although there are reasons for his cultivation of "Nine Revolving Immortal Body", Zhao Yun's own talent must not be ignored!

Even Zhao Yun himself was a little pleased. It is not the first time that he has used Jinling cinnabar to test his strength since he worshipped Xiao Tian as his teacher, but he has never been able to leave even a little bit on Jinling cinnabar like today. trace!

Xiao Tian taught him this type of sword technique. When he used a long spear and its power was greatly reduced, it could leave marks on the Jinling cinnabar. If it was used with a long sword, the power of this technique would be again How amazing?

"With this trick, it is enough to pacify the thieves on Fenglong Mountain!" Zhao Yun clenched his fists with both hands and laughed.

The bandit bosses on Fenglong Mountain had achieved great internal energy breakthroughs with the help of external forces, and their foundations were unstable. If they were to fight alone, he would be able to win one by one.

It's just that those bandits don't know much about justice, Zhao Yun is not sure that he can kill all the bandit leaders under the siege of the bandits, and this will postpone the extermination of the Fenglongshan cottage.

Now that he has learned this style of bearing things from the sky, Zhao Yun is confident that even facing the siege of the bandit leader on Fenglong Mountain, he can easily kill them all!

"Since you have this confidence, then solve Fenglongshan's bandits as soon as possible," Xiao Tian looked at Zhao Yun, then lay back on the recliner, closed his eyes, and went into a sleepy state.

Zhao Yun didn't say much when he saw it, and walked towards the school ground with a spear.

Soon, the defenders of Zhending County gathered on the school grounds, and then went straight to Fenglong Mountain.

Almost at the same time, a large number of bandits assembled in the Fenglongshan cottage, and then under the leadership of several bandit leaders with great energy, they drove to Zhending County mightily.

Just as the Fenglongshan bandit left the cottage, several figures loomed in the shadows on the top of the mountain behind Fenglong Mountain.

"Five masters of internal qi, even if Zhao Yun is good, he will never be able to stop these bandits. As for the group of wine and rice bags in Zhending County, facing the masters of internal qi, they have no power to fight back."

A slightly thin figure sneered and said, "When these bandits enter Zhending County, you can know if there are any incredible people hiding in this county!"

Chapter 1147 Ambush!

"If it hadn't been for Li Yi's waste that Xu Fusu was suppressed to death, with his identity as a county lieutenant, how could it be so difficult for us to obtain information?" Another person said, and the words were filled with dissatisfaction. .

"When Li Yi comes back, let him raise horses," another person said: "He didn't even know that the great wise teacher went to Zhending County, this kind of waste is not worth reusing."

"I don't know what is hidden in this Zhending County, so that the great wise and mentor can come to such a small county in person."

Someone suddenly spoke with a solemn tone: "I hope we will not cause trouble to the great wise teacher this time."

"Lao Zhou, you just think too much," the skinny figure sneered: "We didn't take any action from start to finish. We just absorbed a few bandit leaders into my Taiping Road and attacked Zhending County. It's also because the interests of these bandits are so heart-warming. What does it have to do with us?"

"I hope so..." Someone sighed softly before disappearing into the back mountain of Fenglong Mountain.

The few remaining people didn't say anything any more when they saw the situation, and they disappeared after a flash.


"Stop," Zhao Yun suddenly stopped in his footsteps outside a valley ten miles outside Zhending City, and ordered the defenders of Zhending City behind him.

"Zilong, what happened?" Zhao Laosan walked out from behind the team and asked Zhao Yun.

"Uncle San, look over there," Zhao Yun pointed the spear obliquely in his hand, the tip of the spear pointed at the dense woods in the distance.

"That direction, Fenglongshan..." Zhao Laosan frowned as he looked at the direction Zhao Yun's spear was pointing, and muttered: "The flying bird can't fall. Obviously someone is hiding in it. Could it be the grass bandit of Fenglongshan who knows? Are we going to attack Fenglong Mountain and set up an ambush there?"

He was born as a hunter, so he didn’t lack these experiences. For three years, he accompanied Zhao Yun to Zhaojiacun and Zhending County. During this period, Xiao Tian didn’t avoid him when he taught Zhao Yun, so he also learned a lot. Now he can also fill up Zhao Yun's vacancies, so that Zhao Yun will not make some experience mistakes.

"It should not be an ambush," Zhao Yun shook his head and whispered, "I decided to attack Fenglong Mountain temporarily this time. It only took less than an hour from the whole army to the departure.

During this period, even if someone whispered the news, it was impossible for Fenglongshan's group of grass bandits to receive the news and set up an ambush in such a short time."

Zhao Yun looked at the flying birds circling in the distance, and smiled: "It is impossible for the grass bandits to set up an ambush there early in order to prevent us. After all, bandits have never been disciplined. Let them lie in ambush for a few days. Their fate!

I'm afraid that the group of grass bandits in Fenglong Mountain can't help it this time. They planned to go down the mountain to fight the autumn breeze, but we happened to hit it!"

"Then us?" Zhao Laosan's eyes flashed when he heard the words, and he asked in a low voice, "Give them a close door to beat the dog?"

Zhao Yun smiled and said in a low voice: "Uncle San, tell my brothers to hide on the spot, listen to my orders and kill them together, and entertain the group of grass bandits!"

Upon hearing the words, Zhao Laosan quickly passed on Zhao Yun's order. After receiving the order, the Zhending County defenders ran quickly toward the bushes and rocks on both sides of the valley, looking for a good place to hide their figures, leaving only Zhao Yun and Zhao. The youngest and the two still stood in place.

Chapter 1148 Meet in a narrow road!

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