God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 478

"Brother Tiger?" Old Xu glanced at Leihuo with some doubts, and asked, "Why did you stop suddenly? Didn't you say that the kid must go back to Zhending for defense? Stopping now is not a delay?"

"Look at this place," Thunder Tiger snorted coldly, "If there is an ambush on both sides of the valley, and we will come out when we enter the valley, I don't need to say what will happen."

Old Xu Wenyan's expression was stagnant. He knew very well what the bandits they led were, not to mention being ambushed, but when they were caught in a fire with other villages, some bandits would smear their feet and sneak in. Run behind.

If they are really ambushed, I am afraid that these more than 600 bandits will be scattered in an instant!

"Let the two brothers go to both sides of the valley to explore," Thunder Tiger thought for a while, and ordered the cronies behind him.

Soon, two bandits walked out of the team, one left and the other went along the valley to search.

Zhao Yun, who was hiding behind the boulder, was slightly relieved to see this scene. The place where he had made the Zhending County defenders ambush was not on both sides of the valley, but among the rocks and bushes at the end of the valley.

As long as these two bandits didn't search the entire valley thoroughly, it would be difficult to find the Zhending County garrison with less than a hundred people.

With two bandits, it would take at least a few hours to search this valley thoroughly. These bandits would not have such good patience.

In fact, Thunder Tiger was more impatient than Zhao Yun imagined. Before the two bandits reached the top of the valley, Thunder Tiger gave an order: "It seems that there is no ambush. Everyone hurry up and go directly to Zhending City. , Let you grab property and women!"

Chapter 1151 Thunder Tiger with Overwhelming Sense of Superiority!

"Brother Tiger, what do you mean?" Hearing Leihuo's order, Lao Xu approached him and asked with a calm face: "You said just now that there might be an ambush, so be careful. As a result, how long you have been investigating now, you are sure No ambush?"

Although under the pressure of Zhending County, they had to gather together in Fenglong Mountain to keep warm, but no matter how many bandit leaders like them were once gathered together, they couldn't be willing to become others.

Before, because of Thunder Tiger’s strength, they were not easy to raise questions, but now Thunder Tiger speaks contradictory to himself. Naturally, Lao Xu couldn’t help taking this opportunity to get into trouble!

Not only Lao Xu, but even the remaining three bandit leaders couldn't help looking at Thunder Tiger, with suspicion in their eyes.

"Stupid!" Leihuo glanced at Lao Xu, disdainfully said: "Do you know why Lao Tzu is better than you, because Lao Tzu has more brains than you!"

Old Xu's face sank, and as soon as he was about to speak, he heard Thunder Tiger continue to say: "You have dealt with the Zhending County garrison a lot. You still don't know what they are?

If there is really an ambush, when I see me sending someone to investigate, I am afraid that the wine and rice bags will be smashed out, so that the two brothers can swing on it for so long?"

"The defenders of Zhending County are certainly a waste, but Zhao Yun is not a fuel-efficient lamp," a bandit leader couldn't help but argue.

"Zhao Yun?" Leihuo said with a sneer: "When it comes to personal strength, he is still a person, but leading the army, how much can he know about a little boy like him?

Even if he is more talented than ours, but improving his strength may have taken up all his time. Where does he have time to learn how to march and fight?"

After Leihuo finished speaking, he glanced at the remaining four bandits, and said with disdain: "Don't be scared by that Zhao Yun!

The destruction of Kuangfeng Village and Black Bear Village was completely due to the carelessness of the two wastes of Crazy Wolf and Black Bear, which caused Zhao Yun to directly cut his morale. The group of wine bags and rice bags in Zhending County only needs to take advantage of the situation and no command is needed. s method!

We only need to guard against Zhao Yun, don't be attacked by him, just relying on the group of wine and rice bags in Zhending County, it is impossible to pose a threat to us!"

Hearing what Leihuo said, although Lao Xu had the heart to argue, he couldn't find anything to say, because what Leihuo said was true. They did not deal with Zhending County defenders once or twice, knowing Zhending County What is the level of the defender.

As for Zhao Yun, they didn't want to believe that Zhao Yun, while his personal strength was so amazing, also had achievements in marching and fighting.

After all, Zhao Yun was just an eleven or twelve-year-old boy. Only if his strength surpassed them, they could still excuse Zhao Yun's talents, but if they were inferior to Zhao Yun in other respects, wouldn't it mean that they were a bunch of trash?!

Therefore, the remaining few people had no meaning, and they gave orders to the bandits behind them and walked towards the valley.

Hidden behind the boulder, Zhao Yun listened to the discussion of Leihuo and others, with a sneer on his face, and murmured in a low voice: "The grass bandit is a grass bandit after all. In addition to being clever, he has some ability. Up."

Thinking about this, Zhao Yun stepped back slightly, nodding his spear head, and the spear power surrounding him became more intense. In the bushes at the end of the valley, Zhao Laosan unconsciously hid himself behind him, staring not far away. The bandit here is like a tiger eager to fight...

Chapter 1152 Confrontation!

Under the command of the bandit leader, the bandits all quickly entered the valley. Although this valley is not too big, it is still big enough to accommodate more than 600 bandits in a long line.

A large number of bandits were walking in the valley screaming and pushing, and the five bandits were surrounded by bandits and looked equally cozy.

They are not to blame, after all, after a long delay in Taniguchi, they did not see any shadow of the defenders of Zhending County. The bandits naturally relaxed their vigilance subconsciously. What's more, the thunder tiger and others were sitting in town, and the bandits didn't think it was true. The defenders of Dingxian dared to stroke the tiger's whiskers.

Hidden behind the boulder, Zhao Yun kept watching the bandits below. When the bandit troops were about to leave the valley, he suddenly attacked!

A long spear pierced from a high place, with the momentum of piercing the clouds and breaking the moon, and attacked Thunder Tiger like a poisonous snake!

The sound of the wind around seemed to have subsided, everything lost its color, only the tip of the long spear reflected the cold light of the people in the sunlight!

Thunder Tiger's pupils shrank suddenly, and in his line of sight, only the spear stabbed on the face was left, as if Taishan was hitting head-on, making him unable to escape the mind.

Seeing that the spear was about to fall on him, at this moment of life and death, thunder tigers roared in the mountains and forests, and years of experience in fighting between life and death finally allowed him to make the most correct response——

The whole person rolled on the spot and quickly hid himself behind a bandit.

A flash of disdain flashed in Zhao Yun's eyes, his wrist flicked, and the spear was like a poisonous snake, directly changing the target, and the tip of the spear pointed to the throat of the bandit leader Lao Xu, and he touched it.

Red blood gushing out, Lao Xu's eyes widened, his left hand covered his neck unwillingly, and his right hand waved wildly. In the end, he fell to the ground like a jade pillar pushing Jinshan Mountain and a little bit of surprise in his eyes.

He never wanted to understand why Zhao Yun would suddenly come out, and why he would suddenly turn his target to him.

"Zhao! Son! Dragon!"

Thunder Tiger got up from the ground in embarrassment and roared, his voice was like a ghost crawling out of Nine Nether Prison!

Glancing at the old Xu who was too dead to die, Leihuo couldn't help feeling a little afraid.

If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, I'm afraid he is the thunder tiger lying on the ground now!

Thinking of this, the killing intent in Leihuo's heart is even more fierce, and he can't wait to break Zhao Yun's body into pieces on the spot!

As for Lao Xu's life and death, he didn't care, he was just a bandit leader with a bit of strength. There were so many on Fenglong Mountain. As long as he didn't die, what did it have to do with the death of other people?

"The reaction was quite quick, but unfortunately it's just so capable," Zhao Yun glanced at Thunder Tiger, disdainfully said: "A grass bandit is a grass bandit, and a dog can't change eating shit. Brother Paoze will betray if he says to betray."

"Innocent!" Leihuo looked at Zhao Yun and sneered: "It's just that a boy like you will take brotherhood and justice to the world. Grandpa Lei will teach you today. In the face of life and death, these things are all fart!"

With that said, Thunder Tiger waved the big axe in his hand and slashed directly at Zhao Yun!

The axe ripped the air and let out a howling sound like a ghost cry, which made people feel a little frustrated.

"A boring trick," Zhao Yun curled his lips, and the spear in his hand shot out one after another. Several dazzling firelights burst out of the air, and at the same time, the crisp metal symphony sounded like a strike.

Thunder Tiger moved for a while, and the big axe that was slashed sideways, slammed into the ground severely, splashing a lot of dust.

Chapter 1153 Ambush!

The flying dust covered Zhao Yun and Thunder Tiger, only the sound of weapons fighting constantly.

The bandits in the valley were a little confused because of Zhao Yun's sudden appearance. As for Zhao Laosan and others, they were still hiding behind the nearby rocks and bushes, their eyes fixed on the nearby bandits.

Since Zhao Yun became a lieutenant of Zhending County, he has not practiced with much fanfare. These days, he has only taught these Zhending County defenders a word, that is, "Order and prohibit"!

Therefore, even if Zhao Yun has already handed over the bandits, the bandits near them are already a little confused, but all the Zhending County defenders can still hold their breath and hide their figures.

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