God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 482

"I said how could these grass bandits have a weapon like a rhubarb crossbow in their hands, it turns out it's you the thief!"

Zhao Yun glared at Li Yi with a cold expression: "It is true that the county lieutenant will not do it, but he has become a dog for a group of grass bandits!"

The moment Li Yi appeared, he guessed how the rhubarb crossbow in Fenglong Shanzhai's hand came from.

He also did not expect that a Li Yi who was crushed to death by Xu Fusu, who was similar to the furnishings, was able to secretly send the rhubarb crossbow out of the city and also to the bandits, but this did not prevent him from treating Li Yi. Killing!

"Don't say it so awkward," Li Yi smiled as if he didn't see Zhao Yun's cannibalistic expression: "I am the master of the Three Villages of Fenglongshan Mountain Village. I do something for my brothers. Normal thing?"

Chapter 1162 I'm Sorry!

Hearing what Li Yi said, Zhao Yun's expression changed, and he gritted his teeth and said: "So you are the mysterious Sanzhai master of Fenglongshan!"

Zhao Yun is still less than twelve years old now. Although he has studied with Xiao Tian for three years, he has not yet been able to develop his humorous and indecent ability, not to mention that the title of the master of the three villages of Fenglong Mountain Village is indeed very good. It is easy to bring shock to people.

Because five years ago, there was an appalling incident of bandit massacre. In a small village of more than 30 households, nearly two hundred people were slaughtered. The corpses were piled up in the center of the village and the bandits were slaughtered. The village is the owner of the Three Villages of Fenglong Village!

"It's me," Li Yi smiled with a distorted expression. "After I slaughtered Zheng Village, I separated from my brothers and sneaked into Zhending County.

At that time, Xu Busu had just taken office and needed a puppet to take over for him. So I bought one of his confidants, and finally became Zhending County Lieutenant with Xu Busu’s support..."

Li Yi paused when he said that, then stretched out his tongue and licked his lips. His expression looked very permeating: "I originally planned to use Xu Busu's power to cultivate my own power in secret, and find a chance to win the county seat. .

It's a pity that Xu didn't doubt that the old fox also had some skills. He suppressed me for five years and failed to make me develop my own power.

However, although he could not cultivate his own strength, with the status of Zhending County Lieutenant, it was not difficult to get a dozen rhubarb crossbows for the brothers in the stockade."

"So that's it," Zhao Yun took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice: "You told me this, maybe not to show off your great achievements, right?"

"Smart," Li Yi laughed, with a very sick grin on his face. Looking at Zhao Yun, he said every word: "I'm telling you this, it's just because you are a dying person. Be a guilty ghost, so that you won’t be kept in the dark when you see Lord Yan!"

As he said, a paper bag suddenly appeared in Li Yi's hand, which was crushed hard by him, and a large amount of white powder flew up, covering Zhao Yun.

"I am enveloped by my soft tendons, even if the inner energy is great, the strength of the whole body will have to go by 80%, a small junior with a small inner energy, there is only one way to die..."

Li Yi turned his head and smiled at Lord Du Zhai: "Boss, this kid will be handed over to you."

"Third brother, don't worry," Master Du Zhai nodded, Weng said: "This kid is like this now, if I still can't help him, then I don't have to continue in the green forest!"

While talking, Lord Du Zhai held the Ghost Head Knife in both hands and swept directly towards the place covered by the soft tendons.

The Lord Du Zhai was born tall, and his use of this style to sweep the army is even more powerful. The Guitou Knife brings up the sharp wind of the sword and blows away the soft tendons that enveloped Zhao Yun a lot.

Lord Du Zhai did not take it to heart. He knew very well how powerful the soft tendons that Li Yi had prepared by himself. It is no exaggeration to say that once a warrior like Zhao Yun has a small internal energy, once he was hit by the soft tendons. , Then it can only be slaughtered!

As if seeing the scene where Zhao Yun was severed by his own ghost knife, a grinning smile appeared on Du Zhailor’s face full of flesh, as if an evil spirit had come to the world. If a timid person saw his smile, he could not say so. Not necessarily scared!

And at this moment, a sharp spear light suddenly bloomed out of the soft tendons that enveloped Zhao Yun...

Chapter 1163 The Fall of Fenglong Mountain Village!

Lord Du Zhai is indeed the leader of Fenglong Shanzhai, and he has a bit of real skill in his hands to be able to sit firmly as the master of Fenglong Shanzhai.

As soon as he saw the spear light, Lord Du Zhai slammed the ghost knife in his hand, and dangerously stopped the long spear that pierced his throat.


The Guitou Knife and the spear collided with each other, making a crisp metal sound, and the strong wind spread to the surroundings, completely blowing away the soft tendons that enveloped Zhao Yun, revealing Zhao Yun who was full of energy.

"How is it possible?!" Li Yi saw that Zhao Yun hadn't been affected at all, his expression changed suddenly, and he lost his voice.

This soft tendon was prepared by him, and he knew exactly how powerful it was. Even the master Du Zhai, who had a strong internal energy, would quickly lose his combat effectiveness under the effect of the soft tendon. It was impossible to be like Zhao Yun. , Still looks like a okay person!

"What's impossible?" Zhao Yun waved the spear in his hand, and the tip of the spear whizzed, piercing Li Yi's throat like a poisonous snake.

Li Yi also had two brushes, and he stepped back a few steps. Although a little embarrassed, he still avoided Zhao Yun's attack.

After he forced Li Yi back, Zhao Yun looked at Li Yi in his spare time, and said with disdain, "Just because of your trash, you can't even hurt your grandpa Zhao!"

What a joke, what he cultivated was the "Nine Turns of Immortal Body" taught by Xiao Tian!

Although the spiritual energy needed for breakthroughs is massive, this technique has given him the ability to be invincible while laying the foundation firmly!

Not to mention the soft tendons prepared by a bandit, even the poisons in the royal secrets hidden in the Chang'an Palace can't affect him at all!

Upon seeing this, Li Yi and Lord Du Zhai looked at each other, and then the two made a decision that surprised everyone. They saw that they had left the other bandits and rushed out directly to the rear before disappearing into Zhao Yun. In sight.

They were also decisive, knowing that they weren't Zhao Yun's opponent, so they gave up the remaining bandits and fled.

When Zhao Yun saw the two of them so decisive, he couldn't help but froze for a while, then smiled bitterly and dealt with the remaining bandits.

Not to mention that he is surrounded by bandits now, and he can't spare the energy to chase after Li Yi and Du Zhaizhu. Based on the two people's familiarity with the cottage, Zhao Yun doesn't think he can find them two in a short time.

Perhaps even when he was still looking for it foolishly on the mountain, Li Yi and Du Zhaizhu had quietly left Fenglong Mountain through the secret road in the cottage!

In Zhao Yun’s view, it’s not a big deal to let Li Yi and Du Zhai master go, so he didn’t bother to chase him, and simply rushed around in the cottage, forcing the remaining bandits to drop their weapons. All the thieves were driven out of the cottage, and at the same time, the Fenglongshan cottage was burned to white ground.

After disposing of the Fenglong Shanzhai, Zhao Yun escorted the bandits in the village to the valley where the Fenglong Shanzhai was ambushed before, planning to join the Zhending County defenders who had stayed there waiting for him to return.

At the same time, Lord Du Zhai and Li Yi appeared in a hidden cave below Fenglong Mountain, looking at the flaming cottage, a fierce killing intent appeared in their eyes.

"Zhao Zilong--!" Lord Du Zhai's face was pale, and he gritted his teeth and said: "This hatred, I'm going to report it sooner or later, Du Yuan!"

"Big brother, what should we do now?" Li Yi looked at Du Yuan and whispered: "Should I find another cottage or do I?"

Chapter 1164 Return to City!

In fact, he had already made a decision in his heart. At this time, asking Du Yuan was just a gesture. If Du Yuan disagrees, he would find a chance to glance at Du Yuan, and act alone.

As for killing Du Yuan, he had no such idea.

For one thing, he and Du Yuan are brothers for many years, and he can't do it for a while;

Secondly, he was hurriedly evacuated from the cottage. The poison he deployed could not be carried with him because of panic. Without the help of poison, he was not Du Yuan's opponent at all with his strength!

If you rush into trouble and fail to kill Du Yuan with a single blow, then it will be Li Yi who will die by that time!

Hearing what Li Yi said, Du Yuan took a deep look at Li Yi, with a strange light gleaming in his pupils, and Li Yi was shocked when he saw Li Yi, always feeling as if he had been seen through.

"My third brother, do you have any thoughts?" Du Yuan looked at Li Yi with a calm tone and could not hear the joy or anger.

Li Yi's heart shuddered when he heard the words, and then he said in a deep voice, "Big brother, since the cottage has been destroyed, we might as well go to the second brother and join the great mentor!"

Du Yuan thought for a while, then slowly nodded, and then said: "The second child is doing well under the great mentor. With his care, our treatment should not be bad. In this case, we will go to Jizhou City to find Second child!"

After speaking, Du Yuan and Li Yi disappeared into the cave...

On the other side, Zhao Yun also pressed Fenglongshan's bandit and met Zhao Laosan who brought people to meet him.

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