God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 484

Tang Zhou looked around at the people around him and sneered: "Don't you think that those who can cultivate to the realm of Return to Void Land are all fools?

If we attack him, I am afraid that he will soon be able to guess our intentions. If he and Mr. Liu Hong encircle and suppress our peaceful road, will we still have a way to survive?"

After listening to Tang Zhou's words, the others in the hall couldn't help falling into silence, and no one spoke for a long while.

After a while, Zhang Jiao said leisurely, and smiled: "Tang Zhou said it well. When I went to Zhending County, I originally planned to bring that person into our camp on Taiping Road and join us in the grand event.

It’s just a pity that like your Nanhua Master, he is an outsider who doesn’t care about the mundane affairs of the world. Therefore, I agreed with that person that there will be no peaceful believers within a hundred miles of Zhending County, and that person Nor will it interfere with my peaceful actions."

"Master, the disciple understands," Tang Zhou Wenyan said with a smile likewise: "The disciple of the disciple and disciple of the disciple of the disciple of the disciple of the disciple of the disciple of the disciple of the disciples of the disciples of the disciples of the disciples of the disciples of the disciples of the disciples of the disciples of the disciples are in Zhending County, I am afraid something will cause trouble..."

Hearing Tang Zhou’s words, Zhang Jiao nodded slightly. What he was most satisfied with his big disciple was his ability to observe words and colors. Before his words were spoken, Tang Zhou had already figured out what he meant, so there is no need for him to repeat them. .

"It's okay, if those believers listen to me honestly and remove the forces near Zhending County, they will naturally be happy. If they think something they shouldn't have, and cause a murder, I won't be able to save them. !"

Zhang Jiao's tone was very calm, but the murderous intent in the words couldn't be hidden!

Tang Zhou stunned deeply when he heard the words, and then respectfully said: "Master, not weak, let the disciple take a trip to Zhending County. If those idiots really provoke the one in Zhending County, the disciple will take Those idiots came to ask for guilt!"

He still had some of his own thoughts in his heart, but he concealed it well in front of Zhang Jiao, and made a look of thinking about Zhang Jiao.

"You have a heart," Zhang Jiao looked at Tang Yiyi's eyes, and did not notice the careful thoughts in the heart of his always loyal disciple. He nodded with relief and said coldly: "If those idiots really did nothing What to do, you know what to do!"

Although a little sorry for the few faithful followers of Taipingdao, for the sake of Taipingdao's grand plan, Zhang Jiao would not have any kindness of women.

If you sacrifice those believers, you will be able to stabilize Xiao Tian, ​​he is naturally happy!

Tang Zhou nodded and returned to the queue, while Zhang Jiao's gaze was swept away from the others, and he said solemnly, "In addition to the affairs of Changshan County this time, there is also about your appointment."

Hearing Zhang Jiao's words, the others couldn't help but prick their ears, and their expressions became concentrated.

What happened in Changshan County before was big or small. The most important thing was that it had nothing to do with them. They would naturally not care too much about Zhang Jiao's handling.

But the appointment Zhang Jiao gave them now is related to their future division of territory, and they will naturally take it to heart.

Chapter 1168 Zhang Jiao's Arrangement!

Zhang Jiao's gaze swept over everyone, and then he said in a deep voice, "Ma Yuanyi."

"The disciple is here!" Ma Yuanyi walked out of the team, his burly body giving people a great sense of oppression.

Zhang Jiao nodded in satisfaction. Among his disciples, the one he was most satisfied with was Ma Yuanyi. Although Ma Yuanyi was born as a bandit, he was not much inferior to the elites who came out of the general family in terms of martial arts and strategy.

In particular, Ma Yuanyi is now a master of internal energy, and is actually relying on his own strength to break through. Although he is only a newcomer into the realm of internal energy, he can also be said to be standing at the top of a military commander!

"You will be in charge of the believers in Si Li," Zhang Jiao looked at Ma Yuanyi, and exhorted: "You must be careful when you act in Luoyang City, and don't reveal your intentions. Liu Bian is not easy to deal with!

Fengxu and Xu Feng in the other ten permanent servants are the eyeliners of the teacher. After you arrive in Luoyang, get in touch with them as soon as possible."

Different from the original world, in this world, although the capital of Han Dynasty is still Luoyang, Liu Hong (Han Lingdi), who is now in power, has been staying in Chang'an City because of the integration of the power of the Han Dynasty and forcibly breaking through the earth. Consolidating the cultivation base, it is the eldest prince Liu Bian who is now in Luoyang!

I don’t know if it was because of the changes in the world that Liu Bian, who was supposed to be born in Xiping five years, was born in the first year of Xiping.

Liu Bian, now nine years old, was trained by Liu Hong as a prince when he was five years old. Although Liu Bian has not been formally established as the prince, Liu Hong has already handed Luoyang to Liu Bian, leaving only a few confidants. And Liu Jiazong's assistant.

The great prince of the Han Dynasty has now been in charge of Luoyang for four years. Although Liu Bian is still young, he has outstanding skills and abilities, and he has handled Luoyang's affairs in an orderly manner.

Although Ma Yuanyi was rough and fine, Zhang Jiao still had no idea in his heart to let him face Liu Bian who was taught by a group of old foxes.

"Master, rest assured, the disciples are measured," Ma Yuanyi nodded and smiled: "What's more, there are ten permanent attendants as internal responders...

Especially now that only five of the ten permanent servants stay in Luoyang to assist Liu Bian, and Zhang Rang and others who we failed to buy are all serving Liu Hong in Chang'an. It shouldn't be difficult for Tuer to sneak into Luoyang."

Zhang Jiao nodded, then looked at the other disciple, and said solemnly: "Tang Zhou!"

Tang Zhou was thinking about other things in his heart. When he was called by Zhang Jiao, he was a little flustered and quickly said respectfully: "The disciple is here!"

Zhang Jiao frowned insignificantly, and then said blankly: "You assist me in taking charge of Jizhou, but before then, the affairs of Changshan County will be handled as soon as possible. I don't want the person in Zhending County at the critical moment. Come out and mess with us!"

Tang Zhou absently responded and returned to the team.

Zhang Jiao looked at Tang Zhouyi deeply, and didn't care too much. He just secretly gave Tang Zhou a little more embankment in his heart. Then he looked at the other person and said solemnly: "Cheng Yuanzhi!"

"The disciple is here!" A strong man in the team who was not much thinner than Ma Yuanyi stood up with a loud voice.

Zhang Jiao nodded, and then said: "You are responsible for..."


Xiao Tian, ​​Zhang Jiao and Taipingdao’s conspiracy, naturally did not know. In fact, even if he knew it, he would not take it to heart. He is more concerned about Zhao Yun's situation now!

Chapter 1169 Zhao Yun's Unexpected Breakthrough!

Originally, Xiao Tian planned to teach Zhao Yun to learn swordsmanship tomorrow, so he left Zhao Yun in the backyard of Xiao Mansion, and went to the nearby mountains to see if he could catch a few suitable beasts to train Zhao Yun.

And when he finally grabbed five tigers and headed towards Zhending County, Xiao Tian, ​​who passed by Zhaojia Village, was attracted by the violent aura fluctuations from the village.

After all, in Zhaojia Village, the only person who can make such a big momentum when breaking through the internal energy is only possible-Zhao Yun!

"Gongong, why are you here?" A few villagers in Zhaojia Village passing by saw Xiao Tian's figure and couldn't help but leaned over, wondering.

Xiao Tian's number of times in Zhaojia Village is very few over the years, so the villagers in Zhaojia Village are also very curious and surprised.

"I was out traveling and I noticed the spirit fluctuations here," Xiao Tian smiled, and said in a deep voice, "It's Zilong who is breaking through?"

The villagers in Zhaojia Village nodded, Xiao Tian stopped saying anything when he saw it, and walked directly towards the village, and soon he was outside Zhao Yun's house.

Although he has worshipped Xiao Tian as his teacher and now has become a Zhending County Lieutenant, Zhao Yun's home has not changed much from three years ago, and it is still impoverished.

"En Gong," Xiao Tian saw Zhao Laosan outside Zhao Yun's house, and Zhao Laosan quickly respected when Xiao Tian appeared.

"What's the situation with Zilong?" Xiao Tian finally couldn't help but ask when seeing Zhao Laosan: "According to my guess, Zilong should have to wait a few days before breaking through. Why is he ready to make a breakthrough today? "

As Zhao Yun's master, he knew all about the improvement of Zhao Yun's strength, not to mention that Zhao Yun only left him not long ago.

Originally, he inferred that Zhao Yun should accumulate for a few days before he had a chance to impact his inner Qi. However, things went beyond his expectation. Zhao Yun unexpectedly entered a breakthrough state today!

"You don't know something," Zhao Laosan said with a smile: "Zilong got a thousand-year-old Ganoderma by chance when he killed the Fenglongshan bandits. After swallowing the thousand-year-old Ganoderma, Zilong ushered in advance. breakthrough."

Xiao Tian nodded after hearing this. It turned out to be like this. He meant that it would take a few days for Zhao Yun's strength to break through. It turned out that he had external assistance.

However, Xiao Tian didn't say much, because Zhao Yun used the Millennium Ganoderma to accumulate internal qi, and only allowed himself to break through faster. The treasures of heaven and earth he took could not force others up like Zhang Jiao's rune water. realm.

Therefore, Xiao Tian didn't have to worry about Zhao Yun taking these natural treasures and causing internal Qi to float.

"I'll go in and take a look," Xiao Tian smiled and nodded to Lao San Zhao, then entered the courtyard and saw Zhao Yun sitting in the courtyard, manipulating the aura in his body with all his strength, and hitting the next realm.

Zhao Yun’s mother didn’t understand the cultivation of internal energy, but she also knew that her son was going through a very important stage, so she just watched from a distance, did not approach, and at the same time controlled her movements, for fear that the louder voice would start Zhao Yun. .

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