God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 486

Before he finished his words, Xiao Tian lifted the Anchen Sword in his hand slightly, and a clear sound of the sword sounded, and Zhao Yun found that Xiao Tian in front of him seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

If the previous Xiao Tian was a restrained long sword, even if the domain was released, it would not show up and hide its sharp edge under a calm appearance.

Then Xiao Tian is a long sword with cold light and full of sharpness!

Even Xiao Tian's domain has undergone tremendous changes in Zhao Yun's perception, countless sword auras pierced from the domain, and it feels like a hedgehog.

"This is the simplest and most superficial field change!"

While talking, Xiao Tian's Dark Chen sword slashed forward slightly, and the sword field enveloped him quickly changed from a hedgehog to an exaggerated giant sword as if he had received some kind of signal. Following Xiao Tian's movements Cut it down together!

Chapter 1173 Zhao Laosan!

There was no sword qi whistling, and no internal qi fluctuation was noticed, but in front of Xiao Tian, ​​a sword mark that was ten feet long and more than several feet wide appeared out of thin air, which was very eye-catching.

Zhao Yun's expression condensed, he was very clear about what Xiao Tian's hand represented, and his silent attack could completely allow him to directly kill his opponent before others reacted!

What's more, compared to the simplest and most direct domain collision, the domain application method that Xiao Tian just used is obviously more advanced, and he can have an advantage in domain collision.

After all, compared to unfolding the entire field without fancy, compared with the collision of people, Xiao Tian's method obviously can concentrate the power of the field, and it is naturally easier to gain an advantage in the field collision.

"You cultivate the Nineth Rank Immortal Body, and your mental power is far stronger than those of the same realm. Then you try to integrate your spiritual power into the realm," Xiao Tian put away the Anchen sword and looked at Zhao Yun with a calm expression.

Zhao Yun didn't hesitate when he heard the words, and he directly released his domain. Compared with Xiao Tian's sword domain covering a radius of ten feet, his domain looked shabby, even shabby.

Under Zhao Yun's full effort, his domain only covered the area of ​​two feet and fours of his whole body, and even because of the initial use of the domain, Zhao Yun's domain was constantly shaking, as if it would collapse in the next moment.

Xiao Tian stood by and watched without speaking. As he said before, he can only play a guiding role in the application of the field. Whether it is the development or use of the field, he can only rely on Zhao Yun to explore on his own .

If he pointed too much, it would restrict Zhao Yun.

After finally stabilizing the domain, Zhao Yun carefully released his mental power and attached it to the domain, but the moment his mental power touched the domain, the domain released by Zhao Yun collapsed like a bubble, and Zhao Yun was also there. Under the backlash of the collapse of the domain, he was slightly injured.

It is not difficult for him to use one mind and two purposes, but it is still a difficult problem for him to maintain the domain while mobilizing his mental power to balance his internal energy and mental power.

You must know that although he is extremely talented, he is still less than twelve years old now. He has only been in martial arts for three years. He is already amazing and amazing to possess the current strength, as well as the "Nine Revolutions of Immortal Body". It's extraordinary!

Xiao Tian smiled and took Zhao Laosan to the side, giving Zhao Yun enough space. The Mao children in Zhaojia Village who were onlookers seemed to realize that Zhao Yun is now at a critical moment, and they all left with interest. And go to do your own thing.

Even if a few children stayed behind, they would subconsciously close their mouths, not letting themselves make any noise.

After Zhao Yun's first attempt failed, he tried two more times. Unfortunately, they all ended in failure. This made Zhao Yun, who had been going well all the time, couldn't help being a little irritated.

"Zilong," Zhao Laosan noticed that Zhao Yun was wrong, and hurriedly shouted, "You forgot how the third uncle taught you? Guard against arrogance and impetuosity, how can you understand that Engong is teaching today? Something for you?!"

Before Xiao Tian accepted Zhao Yun as his apprentice, Zhao Laosan, who was the strongest in Zhaojiacun, did not lessen his children, so even if Zhao Yun's current strength is far better than Zhao Laosan, Zhao Yun is still full of Zhao Laosan. In awe.

So when he heard Zhao Laosan speaking, Zhao Yun's mind quickly came to the sternness of Zhao Laosan when he took them to fight the body, his heart shuddered, and he slowly exhaled a turbid breath, his expression gradually calming down.

Chapter 1174 Domain Implantation!

"Uncle San, you are right. I was really too impatient just now," Zhao Yun said secretly in his heart.

Shaking his head, Zhao Yun slowly closed his eyes, and the scene of Xiao Tian's previous use of the domain emerged in his mind, and his expression was shocked!

He discovered that although Xiao Tian told him to merge his spiritual power with the domain, after Xiao Tian released the domain, he did not have any trace of releasing his spiritual power!

In other words, his previous attempt to merge mental power with the domain after the domain was completely stabilized was wrong!

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun's heart moved, holding a spear in both hands, a trace of undetectable internal energy clinging to him, and at the same time, weak spiritual power radiated from Zhao Yun, and integrated with internal energy.

"Russ can be taught," Xiao Tian was stunned when he saw Zhao Yun's movements, his face was a little more relieved.

With his eyesight, he can naturally see what state Zhao Yun is in. Now Zhao Yun has found the right method. With Zhao Yun’s talent, if nothing happens, he can try again at most once or twice, and Zhao Yun will be able to fully use his mental power. Into the field!

If you want to integrate spiritual power into the field, the most critical thing is the timing of integrating spiritual power!

After the domain is completely stabilized, he wants to attach his mental power to the already stable domain, let alone Zhao Yun, even Xiao Tian can only use his tyrannical mental power to forcefully combine his mental power with his sword domain. Together.

However, in this case, the field of fusion of mental power, not only cannot be commanded like an arm as he used to control the sword field, it even becomes unstable due to the mixing of mental power, and if there is a little external interference, it will instantly collapse !

Only when the domain is released, the spiritual power is integrated into it, so that the constructed domain will not easily collapse, and it can also change with the mind of the domain player.

Previously, when Xiao Tian released the sword domain, he also released his mental power and internal energy at the same time, but because he was far more proficient in the domain than Zhao Yun, so it seemed that he did not have any extra actions to directly release the domain.

Zhao Yun is still a little unskilled in the domain. Although he found the right method, he still failed to release the domain. However, in Xiao Tian's view, this is a great improvement.

What's more, according to Zhao Yun's speed, it is estimated that it will not be long before he can master the field of fusion of spiritual power.

After waiting patiently for Zhao Yun to try another one or two, Xiao Tian stopped Zhao Yun and said with a smile: "Zilong, you have mastered the method of fusion of domain and spiritual power, and domain changes will not be for you. What is difficult, I will not mention more.

Now I teach you another way to use the domain-domain implantation!"

"Domain implantation?" Zhao Yun glanced at Xiao Tian ignorantly. After all, he had only broken through to achieve great internal energy. In addition, his third uncle had already passed away and did not tell him too much information about the field, so Domain Zhi It was the first time he heard of this term.

"The so-called domain implantation is to merge one's own domain into the domain of others, swallow and even assimilate the domain of others!"

Xiao Tian looked at Zhao Yun and said sternly: "And a master of internal qi who has mastered domain implantation can easily deal with dozens of masters of internal qi who have not mastered domain implantation, and his own consumption is minimal!"

Chapter 1175 The Principle of Domain Implantation!

Zhao Yun was a little stunned. He used his own power to fight dozens of masters of the same level, and defeated them. Such a record is also impressive in the world, and it is even more shocking to put this standard in the realm of inner strength!

He has been in contact with martial arts in the past few years. Apart from hearing that Ningzhou Jiuyuan has produced a prodigy, he has killed ten foreign masters with one enemy and ten. He has never heard of anyone with such an amazing record. .

Even the long-famous gun prodigy Tong Yuan, the emperor Wang Yue, and even the great sage and mentor Zhang Jiao whom he hated had never had such a record.

"Master, please teach me!" Zhao Yun quickly recovered, looking at Xiao Tian expectantly.

Although Zhao Yun has a good arrogance and talent, he dare not say that he can explore the method of domain implantation on his own. Based on the technique of "Nine Revolutions of Immortality" alone, he estimates that he can only compete with five masters of the same level at most.

"Release the domain," Xiao Tian looked at Zhao Yun and smiled: "I'm talking about a domain that incorporates spiritual power. Although you are still a little unstable when you show it, you want to perceive the application of domain implantation without the spirit. With the help of strength, that can only be a specious study."

Zhao Yun nodded, took a deep breath, and then released his domain bit by bit, and at the same time, the tyrannical mental power cultivated by practicing "Nine Revolutions of the Immortal Body" attached to the inner Qi and blended with the domain. .

Although it took Zhao Yun an extremely long time to release the domain, and the domain is still unstable, it is undeniable that Zhao Yun has thoroughly mastered the method of integrating mental power with the domain. What is needed next is a long time of practice to be able to retract freely.

A look of admiration flashed in Xiao Tian's eyes, and then his expression was solemn, and the sword domain once again centered on him, spreading in all directions.

Compared with Xiao Tian's sword domain, Zhao Yun's domain was like a candle in the wind, which could be extinguished at any time.

"Domain implantation is difficult and difficult, simple and simple, it depends on whether you can master the method," after Xiao Tian released the domain, his eyes fell on Zhao Yun, and he said in a deep voice, "You look good!"

Xiao Tian lifted his right hand, and in the sword domain, a transparent little sword quickly formed. Through mental power perception, Zhao Yun quickly perceives the majestic mental power attached to that little sword.

"Domain implantation, is it relying on one's own mental power to invade other people's domains, thereby playing a role of swallowing or assimilating?" Perceiving the spiritual power on the transparent sword, Zhao Yun looked at Xiao Tian and blurted out.

"Yes," Xiao Tian smiled and nodded, and said softly: "So I said that domain implantation is not difficult, because domain implantation is fundamentally a confrontation of spiritual power."

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