God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 490

Xu Busu didn't believe that an existence like Xiao Tian would only teach martial arts and give up other things when he taught Zhao Yun. After all, if only martial arts were by his side, he would end up being nothing but a reckless man.

With existences like Xiao Tian, ​​if their disciples enter the world, they must be able to leave the world and be the pillars of the country.

Thinking of this, Xu Doudou stared at Zhao Yun, and said with a serious face: "Brother Yu knows what Zilongxian is worrying about, so don’t worry, virtuous brother, as long as the virtuous brother temporarily assumes the position of the magistrate, everything in this city will be left to Zilongxian. The younger brother is determined, and the virtuous brother does not have to take into consideration the agreement that Brother Yu had made with the city hero."

For Xu Budou, Zhao Yun is a good investment target. Whether it is his own strength or his status as a disciple of Xiao Tian, ​​it is enough for Xu Buyu to show his favor to Zhao Yun at all costs!

Xu Busu sees it very clearly. With Zhao Yun's talent and potential, as long as he encounters an opportunity, it will definitely become a pivotal existence on the court. He only needs to build a good relationship with Zhao Yun. When Zhao Yun rises, it will be Xu Xu. No doubt about harvest

In contrast, these tycoons in Zhending County are nothing but fat sheep with a bit of money. Zhao Yun will be slaughtered if he is slaughtered. Xu Budou will not feel any heartache at all!

Hearing Xu Buyu's words, Zhao Yun was a little moved right away, and Xu Buxu's words as a guarantee, which means that even if Zhao Yun messed up Zhending County, Xu Buyu would eventually come and clean up the mess.

What's more, he is only targeting the illegal tycoons in the city. If these worms can be removed, most of the people in the city will clap their hands and applaud.

After hesitating for a while, Zhao Yun nodded without doubt, and smiled: "Since the elder brother can value the Fool, the Fool will temporarily take the position of the magistrate."

"Brother Zilongxian is refreshed!" Xu Busu couldn't help laughing when he heard the words. He accidentally affected the wound on his abdomen, grinning with pain.

Without waiting for Zhao Yun to speak, Xu Buyu beckoned to the servants who served on the side, and ordered: "Go and get my seal, and let Zilongxian take the charge for the time being."

Chapter 1185 Zhao Yun, the magistrate of the Zhending County!

Hearing this, the servant hurriedly respectfully responded, and then walked outside. Not long after, the servant who had just left came in with a brocade box and handed it respectfully to Zhao Yun.

"Open it and take a look," Xu said with a smile when he saw Zhao Yun taking the brocade box.

Zhao Yun didn't hesitate, and gently opened the box. In the brocade box, there was a small bronze seal lying quietly, which represented the official seal of the magistrate's authority.

"Brother Zilongxian, this is Zhending County, Brother Yu will leave it to you," Xu Busu patted Zhao Yun on the shoulder and said in a deep voice.

"Brother rest assured, the foolish brother will definitely live up to his trust," Zhao Yun nodded his head, then pondered for a moment, and asked, "I don't know who hurt the brother, did the assassin ever escape?"

Xu Bugui couldn't help smiling bitterly when he heard the words, his expression was quite embarrassing, and after a while, he whispered: "Don't hide the virtuous brother, Yu brother can't see the assassin's appearance clearly.

"But Brother Yu guessed that the assassin and Taipingdao should be inseparable," Xu thought for a while, looked at Zhao Yun, and said in a deep voice: "The assassin who attacked me has achieved great internal energy, but it's just empty. With cultivation base, strength has not reached this level."

Xu Bugui paused when he said that, and then firmly said: "I am not the strength of a small inner qi. If a master with a great inner qi attacked me, I would never survive!"

Hearing Xu Busu's words, Zhao Yun flashed a cold light in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Although it is not ruled out that someone is secretly instigating and trying to completely push us against Taipingdao, according to what my brother said, he is most suspicious at the moment. The one is the thief of peace!"

He has had several dealings with people of Taipingdao, and he has also heard Xiao Tian talk about some methods of Taipingdao, and his understanding of Taipingdao far exceeds Xu Busu and others.

Judging from what Xu Busu said, the person who attacked him was probably a pseudo-inner qi master that was forcibly spawned by Taiping Dao with a talisman. He did not master the domain, his realm was unstable, and his strength was difficult to improve.

Although this kind of pseudo-inner energy master sacrificing growth space, if used as a dead man, it can still play a great role.

After all, although the pseudo-inner qi master has no domain, it is far stronger than the martial artist with a small inner qi. A master who is a master of the inner qi, is stared at by more than ten pseudo-inner qi masters. Lost his life in negligence!

And this kind of method is also the favorite of Taipingdao today, as long as it is an object that has a rift with Taipingdao, it will be attacked by the pseudo-inner qi masters spawned by the Taipingdao!

The situation of Xu Buyu's assassination was too similar to the style of Taipingdao's actions, so Zhao Yun and Xu Buxu immediately targeted Taipingdao.

Although it cannot be ruled out that other forces are trying to take advantage of the peace, but this possibility is really too low, because Xu Buyu and Zhao Yun have some weight in Zhending County, but if you look at Changshan County, Xu Busu and Zhao Yun are simply not ranked!

There would be no forces that would take great pains to target Xu Busu and Zhao Yun, and then try their best to blame Taipingdao.

To put it harder, Xu Buyu and Zhao Yun are not qualified yet!

"I don't know if the assassin escaped from Zhending City," Zhao Yun said with a gloomy expression, and said angrily: "If I catch it, he will definitely regret sneaking into Zhending City!"

Chapter 1186 Martial law in the whole city!

Xu Buyu didn't say anything when he heard it. Zhao Yun didn't say anything when he saw it. After handing over the affairs of Zhending County with Xu Buyu, Zhao Yun and Zhao Laosan left.

After Zhao Yun left, Xu Busu waved back and fell asleep faintly on the bed.

He was originally seriously injured, and this time handing over Zhending County affairs with Zhao Yun cost him a lot of effort. No one is disturbing at the moment, so he naturally wants to take a good rest.

On the other side, Zhao Yun quickly left the back office and came to the county office lobby, letting Zhao Laosan gather all the officials in the county office.

Because of the single-handed sweep of Fenglongshan, Zhao Yun was still quite prestigious in Zhending County. Hearing Zhao Yun summoned, the officials in the county government quickly assembled in the lobby.

When they entered the lobby, they discovered that Zhao Yun was already sitting in the place where the county lord usually sits. There was a bronze seal on the case table in front of him, which was the seal of the magistrate of Zhending.

"The news of the county's assassination must be known to everyone."

As he spoke, Zhao Yun glanced across everyone, and found nothing unusual. Then he nodded and continued: "The county lord needs to rest.

Therefore, during the next period of time, I will temporarily take the post of Zhending county magistrate. I hope that you can do your best to keep Zhending County organized with me."

"Follow the orders of the county honorable!" Hearing Zhao Yun's words, the officials in the lobby also said wittily in unison.

Zhao Yun nodded, then looked at Zhao Laosan, and said solemnly: "Uncle San, please lead the guards in the city to martial law, but all the people who enter and leave the city gate must be strictly investigated, and you must not neglect!"

This was Zhao Yun's plan when he heard about Xu Busu's assassination. Even if he did not have the position of temporarily acting as Zhending county magistrate, he would issue orders as Zhending county lieutenant to strengthen the guard in the city.

He still had some scruples before, but now he is in charge of the Zhending magistrate's big seal, and Xu Buyu endorses it. Naturally, he did not hesitate to issue such an order directly!

Because Zhao Yun knew exactly what Zhang Jiao’s purpose was, and now Taiping Dao suddenly shot Xu Fusu, Zhao Yun couldn’t guarantee whether Zhang Jiao wanted to test Xiao Tian’s reaction, or the people below Taiping Dao would act against Zhang Jiaoyang. , I want to make some profit.

But no matter what the reason is, this is not an easy matter for Zhending County. A little negligence may cause Zhending County to fall into a situation where it cannot be recovered.

Especially now that Xiao Tian is not in the city. If something happens, Zhao Yun alone can hardly guarantee that the people of Zhending County will be safe and sound.

So even if he knew that martial law in the city would cause complaints and even panic, Zhao Yun still gave such an order without hesitation.

"Zilong, don't worry, Sanshu has a sense of measure," Zhao Laosan nodded slightly, his expression serious.

He followed Zhao Yun and Xiao Tian to study art for three years. Although Xiao Tian did not teach him alone, he was not too shy when teaching Zhao Yun, so he also knew a lot of secrets.

As for Zhang Jiao's ambition, Zhao Laosan also knew very well, so he immediately understood the reason why Zhao Yun had ordered martial law throughout the city.

Zhao Yun nodded, Zhao Laosan was still very relieved to do things.

Zhao Yun then turned his gaze to others, and said solemnly: "I know you are puzzled or even opposed to the order I just made, but I also ask you to cooperate fully. As for the reason, you will naturally understand by then!"

Chapter 1187 Order!

Although everyone had doubts about Zhao Yun's order in their hearts, this was after all the first order issued by Zhao Yun as the county magistrate, and no one jumped out to object.

After all, there are three fires for the new official, and no one wants to provoke Zhao Yun at this time, causing the fire to burn.

Anyway, in their opinion, after Zhao Yun's martial law has been enforced for a few days, the order of martial law will have to be revoked after the people's grievances have raged. Why should they jump out and be the wicked at this time?

Although they are only Cao Lun, a small clerk in the county, except Cao Lun who ranks four hundred stones, the others are simply incompetent officials, let alone in Dahan's officialdom, there are only a few in Changshan County. The county's Cao Yun barely had some status, and the young official didn't have the right to speak for him.

But this did not prevent them from developing the ability to protect themselves wisely, so Zhao Yun's order was quickly passed on. A large number of defenders walked out of the school grounds and boarded the city wall. At the same time, the defenders responsible for guarding the city gate were also in Zhao Laosan's. Under dispatch, it has tripled, and people who enter and exit the city gate are strictly investigated.

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