God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 495

Chapter 1198 I'm Zuo Ci!

Xiao Tian and Zuo Ci also met many villagers in Zhangjia Village along the way.

However, the villagers in Zhangjia Village did not show any surprise or alert for the arrival of Xiao Tian and Zuo Ci. They were not as alert to outsiders as when Xiao Tian went to Zhaojia Village outside Zhending County.

Xiao Tian could also understand this. After all, Zhang Zhongjing lived in seclusion here, and there were often people who came here to seek medical advice. Even the most wicked people would not dare to be presumptuous in Zhangjia Village.

After all, the people who came to Zhangjiacun did not ask Zhang Zhongjing for treatment or to recruit Zhang Zhongjing. No matter what kind of purpose they came, they were not willing to offend Zhang Zhongjing. Therefore, the villagers in Zhangjiacun didn’t have to worry about what outsiders would do to them. heart.

Under such circumstances, the villagers of Zhangjia Village will naturally not be as alert and vigilant to outsiders as the villagers of Zhaojia Village.

As Xiao Tian and Zuo Ci gradually approached Zhang Zhongjing's home, there were more pedestrians along the way, and outside Zhang Zhongjing's home, there were three long lines, many of whom were carrying swords and faintly exuding evil spirits. .

Xiao Tian could see at a glance that the men had a lot of blood on their hands, but these people were so docile and tempered outside Zhang Zhongjing's house that they not only lined up honestly, but did not even complain.

"I miscalculated," Zuo Ci couldn't help smiling when he saw the long queue outside Zhang Zhongjing's house, "I didn't expect that today was the day when Mr. Zhang opened his office."

For him and Xiao Tian, ​​it is not difficult to see Zhang Zhongjing. The difficult thing is how to get Zhang Zhongjing to go to Changsha Juncheng to treat Huang Xu. After all, looking at the long line outside Zhang Zhongjing’s house, I know that this genius doctor might not be able to smoke. Open.

"I see this genius doctor first," Xiao Tian thought for a while, and said to Zuo Ci: "It depends on your abilities, fellow Daoist."

Although he is stronger than Zuo Ci, he is not as famous as Zuo Ci, who has been famous for a long time. Now that he wants to see Zhang Zhongjing, besides queuing honestly, he can only rely on Zuo Ci's name. .

"Don't worry, Xiao Daoyou," Zuo Ci nodded, and then found a villager in Zhangjia Village who had passed by and smiled: "This fellow, please also inform me the genius doctor Zhang, Lujiang Zuo Ci and Zuo Yuanfang ask to see you."

"When you see a doctor, just line up honestly," the villager who was stopped by Zuo Ci turned his head to look at Zuo Ci, and said in a bad mood: "This is the rule!"

Zuo Ci sighed helplessly, and said lightly: "I am Mr. Wu Jiao Zuo Ci."

"I care about you, Mr. Wujiao and Mr. Baijiao. If you want to ask the doctor for medicine, just line up!" The villager who was stopped stared at Zuo Ci, showing no weakness.

Zuo Ci was a little confused when he heard this, and in the face of this situation, he didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, some of the people lining up for medical advice and medicine had heard of his name, and immediately said excitedly: "Is it really Mr. Wujiao in person?"

"Could it be possible that you have seen other people claiming to be Mr. Wujiao?" Zuo Ci glanced at the speaker, not having a good air.

At the beginning, he had hunted down several people who pretended to be his name for thousands of miles, but no one dared to pretend to be his name.

After all, no one wants to be worried about by the terrifying powerhouse who thinks that the realm of human beings, chasing them for thousands of miles, and those who are not afraid of being chased by Zuo Ci, there is no need to impersonate him.

Therefore, even if someone pretends to be an old Nanhua immortal in the Han territory, they will not risk pretending to be him Zuo Ci!

Chapter 1199 Zhang Ji is out!

After Zuo Ci was recognized, he was welcomed into Zhang Zhongjing's house. The legendary Mr. Wu Jiao visited in person, and Zhang Zhongjing also put aside his affairs and came to meet.

After all, Zuo Ci's name moved the Han territory, on the one hand because of his extraordinary strength, and on the other hand, because of his profound knowledge in the art of Qi Huang.

As far as Zhang Zhongjing is concerned, if he can communicate with Zuo Ci, he may be able to go further in his medical skills. Even if he fails to make a breakthrough in medical skills, Zuo Ci will be able to diagnose and treat patients for him, so I heard about Zuo Ci. After coming, Zhang Zhongjing also came in the first time.

"I have heard of Mr. Wujiao's name for a long time, but I have never had any leisure time here. This is the reason why Mr. Wujiao will visit the door in person today. It really makes the house shine!"

In the lobby of the Zhang family, Zhang Zhongjing hurried over and immediately smiled at Zuo Ci.

"Ms. Zhang," Zuo Ci nodded at Zhang Zhong's spot, and then said sternly: "I'm here this time, I'm asking for something."

"Oh?" Zhang Zhongjing couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard the words, and asked, "I don't know what happened to Mr. Wu Jiao?"

Zhang Zhongjing didn't have to wonder, to know that Zuo Ci's strength was far above him, and he was not much inferior to him in terms of medical skills. Zuo Ci asked him for help, most likely it was medical skills.

But he thinks that his medical skills are not much better than Zuo Ci, and even Zuo Ci is helpless to solve the disease, I am afraid he will be difficult to solve.

When Zuo Ci heard that he would briefly talk about Huang Zhong's father and son, he finally looked at Zhang Zhongjing and said with a smile: "I don't know if Huang Zhong has brought Huang Xu to see the great doctor Zhang, but Xiao Daoyou wants to ask the great doctor Zhang to come out. Help, I had no choice but to run this trip cheeky."

While talking, Zuo Ci pointed to Xiao Tian on the side, and said to Zhang Zhongjing: "I forgot to introduce him to Doctor Zhang. This is Daoist Xiao Tianxiao. Daoist Xiao is as strong as Daoist Nanhua."

"It turned out to be Senior Xiao, disrespectful!" Hearing Zuo Ci's words, Zhang Zhongjing quickly arched his hands at Xiao Tian and said solemnly.

There is only one person who can be called "South China Daoist" by Zuo Ci, and that is the legendary Nanhua old fairy!

Faced with Xiao Tian who is not weaker than the old fairy of Nanhua, Zhang Zhongjing will naturally not neglect!

"Doctor Zhang doesn't need to be courteous," Xiao Tian shook his head, and immediately asked: "My intention is also known to Doctor Zhang. I wonder if Doctor Zhang is willing to move to Changsha County with me to treat Huang Xu's child?"

"It stands to reason that Senior Xiao invited, and I shouldn't refuse it," Zhang Zhongjing hesitated after hearing the words, and then replied: "It's just that Senior Xiao also saw it. There are many patients outside the junior's home who came to seek medical advice. Among them, There is no shortage of people who suffer from malaise like Huang Xu.

It is impossible for Huang Xu to ignore other patients because of Huang Xu alone."

"It's simple!" Hearing Zhang Zhongjing's words, Zuo Ci suddenly smiled: "If the doctor Zhang can trust my medical skills, I might as well take the place of the doctor Zhang to sit in and practice, and the doctor Zhang can also take this opportunity to go to Changsha County. Rescue Huang Xu."

"Mr. Wujiao's medical skills are naturally trustworthy in Xia," Zhang Zhongjing said with a wry smile: "Since Ms. Wujiao is willing to take action, there is no reason to refuse in Xia. Two days later, I will take a trip to Changsha County with Senior Xiao in Xia. city."

Zhang Zhongjing paused when he said that, then looked at Xiao Tian with a serious expression: "However, please don’t hold out too much hope, Senior Xiao. I have diagnosed and treated Na Huang Xu and I have some impression of his condition.

Even if Senior Xiao had a way to let Huang Xu absorb the spirit of heaven and earth, I might not be able to cure his hidden illness..."

Chapter 1200 Rescue Huang Xu!

"It's okay," Xiao Tian shook his head and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang is willing to make a move, it is enough. Two days later, I will visit Zuo Ci again."

After speaking, Xiao Tian and Zuo Ci turned and left, quickly disappearing from Zhang Zhongjing's sight.


Two days later, Changsha Juncheng.

Xiao Tian and Zhang Zhongjing entered the city one after another. As for Zuo Ci, they stayed in Zhangjiacun and served as a doctor instead of Zhang Zhongjing.

Under the leadership of Xiao Tian, ​​the two quickly rushed outside the dilapidated hut where Huang Zhong was located, and then the two were directly greeted by Huang Zhong who had been waiting outside the door.

"Senior Xiao, why didn't Mr. Wujiao come together?" Huang Zhong couldn't help asking after entering the cabin.

Although Huang Xu practiced the exercises taught to him by Xiao Tian in the past two days and absorbed some of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, his whole person has improved a lot under the nourishment of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

However, Huang Zhong has never seen Xiao Tian perform medical skills, and he does not know how high Xiao Tian's medical skills are. Compared with Xiao Tian who does not know the foundation, he naturally hopes that Zuo Ci, who is good at Huang's skills, can be on the sidelines. Auxiliary.

"Taoist Zuo Ci went to sit in and practice medicine for the genius doctor Zhang," Xiao Tian pointed to Zhang Zhongjing next to him and said with a smile.

"Senior Xiao asked me to come and treat Young Master Ling," Zhang Zhongjing smiled at Huang Zhong, and said: "Zhuang Zhuang also knows that these days are the days when I sit in the church to practice medicine. In order not to delay the patients who come to seek medical treatment, I will only If I can come up with this, I ask Mr. Wujiao to sit in the hospital for me temporarily, and it's no wonder Huang Zhuangshi is invited."

"Is Huang Zhong an unreasonable person?" Huang Zhong shook his head when he heard the words, and solemnly said: "The doctor Zhang is willing to come to treat children. It is already a child's blessing. How can Huang Zhong dare to ask for too much?"

"Let's diagnose and treat Huang Xu first," Zhang Zhongjing wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Xiao Tian on the side.

"Senior Xiao is right," Zhang Zhongjing also recovered after hearing the words, and smiled at Huang Zhong: "It is important to treat Lord Ling first."

Huang Zhong nodded and stopped talking.

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