God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 498

At the beginning, on Mount Tai, Xiao Daoyou was no more than the peak of Returning to the Void Earth Immortal, and there was still some distance to go before the breakthrough. I didn’t expect that not long after this had passed, Xiao Daoyou was already hitting the realm of Jietianxian..."

Speaking of this, Nanhua Old Immortal couldn't help smiling a little more on his face, and said with a light smile: "It's okay, my limit is approaching. If Xiao Daoyou breaks through to the Heavenly Crossing Immortal, the Shenzhou Continent will not be unprotected."

At the same time, Yizhou, Jinping Mountain.

Master Zi Xu was refining the pill in the cave, his hand suddenly stopped, and the fire below the pill furnace not far in front of him quickly rose, burning all the medicinal materials to ashes.

"It's a pity that this hearth nourishing soul pill," Master Zi Xu sighed, and then looked in the direction of Changsha County, and said in a low voice: "The vision of a breakthrough can be noticed by me even after thousands of miles away. I'm afraid someone is attacking the realm of Jietianxian...

It should be Senior Xiao who is most likely to hit the realm of Crossing Jietian Immortal now. Maybe I should go to see you and send a gift by the way..."

Thinking of this, Master Zixu's figure flashed and disappeared directly into the cave...

Chapter 1206 Change!

In addition to Old Immortal Nanhua and Master Zixu, Yu Ji, who was traveling around at this moment, also noticed the movement of Xiao Tian's breakthrough. After hesitating, Yu Ji hurried towards Changsha County.

Similar to Master Zixu's thoughts, Yu Ji also wanted to congratulate Xiao Tian, ​​and then give a gift to make a good bond.

Compared with Nanhua Yuji and Master Zixu, Zuo Ci, who was practicing medicine in Zhangjiacun, directly dropped what he was holding and hurried towards where Xiao Tian was.

After Zuo Ci arrived, he discovered that a lot of people had gathered here. Even Huang Zhong was standing far away with his big bow on his back and the sword in his hand.

"Huang Zhuangshi, I heard from the genius doctor Zhang that the hidden illness of Lord Ling has been cured. Why did Huang Zhuangshi come here if he is not at home to accompany him?" Zuo Ci walked over to Huang Zhong and laughed.

After Zhang Zhongjing returned to Zhangjiacun, he informed Zuo Ci of Huang Xu's condition, so Zuo Ci also knew that Huang Xu's condition had been resolved by Xiao Tian and Zhang Zhongjing.

Huang Zhong pointed to Xiao Tian who was floating in the air, and smiled bitterly: "Seeing such a big movement here, I thought it was a strange treasure. I plan to see if I can make a chance for Xu'er. Who knows? It is Mr. Xiao who is breaking through!"

Zuo Ci couldn't help being dumb when he heard the words, looked at Xiao Tian, ​​and muttered: "Take this step, you will be able to walk away in the world..."

There is another sentence Zuo Ci didn't say, that is, Xiao Tian broke through to the realm of Cross Jietian Immortal, and the alien species outside the sky that was sealed in Mount Tai couldn't turn up any storms.

He can also feel relieved, and he doesn't need to worry about when the Alien Species will break the seal that day.

With so many people gathered around, Xiao Tian wouldn't be unaware of it, but he didn't care too much.

Not to mention that the people gathered in the surroundings pose no threat to him. Zuo Ci and Huang Zhong alone are enough to make those who have some crooked minds drink a pot!

What's more, he can't spare much energy to care about the people around him now, because he also didn't expect that he wanted to break through to the realm of Crossing Jietianxian, even if he wanted to fight the yoke of the world!

In Xiao Tian's perception, an invisible chain quickly emerged around the long river of spiritual energy, shooting towards him.

The strength carried on each chain is enough to cause serious injuries or even fall to the strong man in the realm of return to the virtual world, and at this time, there are more than a hundred invisible chains shooting at him?

That is to say, he practiced "Nine Revolutions of the Immortal Body", and his strength is far superior to that of the same level. If he is replaced by another person, under the attack of this invisible chain, he may not even be able to survive the first wave, and he will fall on the spot. !

But because of this, Xiao Tian didn't dare to be careless. An Chenjian didn't know when he appeared in his hands, and then a series of sword qi appeared out of thin air, flooding his radius of ten meters, rounding him ten meters. The scope turned into a sword field!

"Friend Zuo Ci, Brother Han Sheng, please bother you two to evacuate the surrounding people for me, so as not to be accidentally injured by me later!" Xiao Tian radiated his perception towards the surroundings and shouted at the same time.

Although Zuo Ci and Huang Zhong were puzzled after hearing this, they did not hesitate to ask the people around them to leave.

Under the deterrence of Zuo Ci's cultivation in the immortal realm, the people around did not even dare to complain, and immediately walked towards the distance.

Chapter 1207 Reason!

While Zuo Ci and Huang Zhong were helping Xiao Tian drive away the people around, Xiao Tian had already handed over the invisible chain.

Under the control of Xiao Tian, ​​a large amount of sword energy slashed towards the invisible chain, and for a short while, Xiao Tian burst into countless flames from his body.

In the dazzling flames, a large amount of sword qi could be seen shattering and disappearing, and at the same time, in Xiao Tian's perception, it could also be found that the chains that attacked him had been offset a lot.

It's just that Xiao Tian didn't relax, even his face faintly became a little gloomy.

Because although he canceled out a lot of invisible chains, in his perception, there were more invisible chains around him quickly forming!

"Damn it!" Xiao Tian couldn't help cursing secretly: "Isn't it just breaking through to Heaven Du Jie Tian? As for making such a big battle?"

When he broke through other planes, he didn't encounter this kind of problem. Xiao Tian guessed that the situation this time should be related to the special plane he was on.

But before the final confirmation, he did not dare to jump to conclusions.

Shaking his head, putting aside the distracting thoughts in his heart, Xiao Tian held the Anchen sword, his eyes gradually sharpened, and at the same time a majestic sword intent rose naturally.

On the other side, Zuo Ci, who had driven out the onlookers around him, realized that there was something wrong, and said in amazement, "How can Daoyou Xiao break through the shackles of heaven and earth, and even the shackles of heaven and earth can't help Xiao Daoyou?!"

He and Yu Ji didn't encounter this situation when he and Yu Ji lost their cultivation and forcibly sent Nanhua Old Immortal to the realm of Cross Jietian Immortal. Nanhua Old Immortal was restricted by the chains of heaven and earth, and that was also after his breakthrough.

At that time, Old Immortal Nanhua was already Cross Jietian Immortal, but he could still only bow his head in front of the chains of heaven and earth. Now Xiao Tian is nowhere near the pinnacle of the earth and immortals, and he has not broken through. He even dared to face the chains of heaven and earth. This really surprised him!

"It should have something to do with Alien Species," Zuo Ci said in a deep voice before the voice fell.

I saw Old Immortal Nanhua appearing next to Zuo Ci at some point, looking at Xiao Tian, ​​with a solemn expression: "A few days ago, Friends Xiao Dao and I went to Mount Tai to deal with the alien species outside the sky. The breath of the alien species outside that day is on his body. Will not attract the attention of the shackles of heaven and earth.

What's more, Xiao Daoyou already had the power to cross Jie Tianxian before. If he breaks through to the realm of Cross Jie Tianxian, his strength may be enough to destroy the Shenzhou Continent, and the chains of heaven and earth will intervene to prevent Xiao Daoyou from breaking through. It is not a strange thing."

At the moment when Xiao Tian was besieged by the chains of heaven and earth, Old Fairy Nanhua had some guesses in his heart, and he was helpless in this situation.

If Xiao Tian can break through smoothly, there will undoubtedly be an invincible guardian god in the Shenzhou Continent, but the reaction of the shackles of heaven and earth makes him a little afraid.

In case Xiao Tian breaks through and fails under the intervention of the chains of heaven and earth, it will undoubtedly be a huge loss for the mainland of China!

"No, I have to help Daoist Xiao Tian!" Thinking of this, the old Nanhua looked down and said in a deep voice: "I am close to my limit. Daoyou Xiao is the future hope of the Chinese mainland. If it can break through smoothly, it will be the Chinese mainland. Fortunately, you can't let the chains of heaven and earth interfere with Xiao Daoyou's breakthrough!"

Before he finished his words, the old Nanhua immortal flickered and appeared behind Xiao Tian. He pointed out the quinoa stick in his hand and swept away the invisible chain that had pierced Xiao Tian.

Chapter 1208 Successful breakthrough, Tianxian Xiaotian!

Because of the joining of Old Immortal Nanhua, Xiao Tian's pressure was reduced, and the sword intent radiated from his body was accumulated to the extreme, and the Anchen sword slammed out.

A dark purple sword beam crossed the sky, and the hazy dark purple brilliance spread towards the front. The moment when all the invisible chains in front of Xiao Tian touched the dark purple brilliance, they quickly dyed a layer of coquettish purple, and then a large number of cracks appeared on it. , Quickly broke apart!

"Friend Xiao Dao, take this opportunity to rush through the barriers, I will protect the law for you!" Seeing this scene, the old Nanhua couldn't help showing joy, and said quickly.

As he spoke, the quinoa stick in his hand was tapped one after another, and the invisible chain that flew towards him behind Xiao Tian was deflected.

He didn't expect Xiao Tian to be so tough that even the invisible chain that he was helpless at the beginning would be like a newborn baby, easily crushed by him!

But this is also good. Although the invisible chains formed by the chains of heaven and earth are endless, after being defeated by Xiao Tian this time, it will take some time for the next wave of invisible chains to condense and take shape.

And with his strength, he was completely able to stop the only invisible chains that existed for a period of time.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Xiao Tian was able to break through the bottleneck of the peak of Returning Void Earth Immortal, and step into the realm of Transmitting Heaven Immortal in one fell swoop!

"There is fellow Dao Nanhua," Xiao Tian also knew that the matter was urgent, and there was nothing polite, taking advantage of this opportunity to quickly plunder the spirit of the world around him.

The river of colorful spiritual energy that had disappeared due to his actions and the intervention of the shackles of heaven and earth reappeared again, and was absorbed into the body directly by Xiao Tian like a whale absorbing water!

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