God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 505

Originally, he was still thinking about befriending Zhao Yun and seeing if he could take the opportunity to catch Xiao Tian's line, but now he can't care much anymore.

After all, behind him, there is still a chasing Hades who is desperately chasing him, and Zhao Yun's actions are undoubtedly pushing him to death!

"I Zhending City can't tolerate you who deceive the teacher and destroy the ancestor!" Zhao Yun held guns in both hands and looked at Tang Zhou, who was quickly approaching Zhending City, and shouted angrily: "Get away!"

While talking, Zhao Yun's spear was used as a stick and smashed towards Tang Zhou. The barrel of the spear made of fine iron was bent out of a very small arc, which shows how powerful Zhao Yun's blow is!

"An ant with a powerful internal energy, dare to shoot at me!" Tang Zhou shouted angrily, and directly shot Zhao Yun with a palm. A purple thunder light shot out from his hand and shot towards Zhao Yun.

Even when he was angry, he retained a bit of reason and didn't kill Zhao Yun. After all, if Zhao Yun had any accident, he could not guarantee that Xiao Tian would not attack him because of this.

If he provokes Xiao Tian, ​​even if he escapes Zhang Jiao's pursuit, there is only a dead end!

Zhao Yun's expression condensed, avoiding this purple thunder light, and then unreservedly released his aura. At the same time, a little bit of his feet turned into a stream of light and greeted Tang Zhou. The spear in his hand was even more like a roaring angry dragon. Shaking out countless afterimages, covering Tang Zhou!

"you wanna die!!!"

Perceiving the horns that were getting closer and closer to him behind him, Tang Zhou couldn't care much anymore. At the same time, a lot of thunder light appeared in his hands, and then he shouted: "Thunder light jealous!"

A large amount of purple thunder fell from the sky, covering Zhao Yun. From time to time, thunder light struck the ground, leaving deep holes in the ground.

Taking this opportunity, Tang Zhou's speed quickly increased, and he rushed in toward the north gate of Zhending City.

As long as he can enter Zhending City, he will be able to get rid of Zhang Jiao's chase, and he will have time to resolve today's suspicion with Zhao Yun!

However, Tang Zhou hadn't rushed far, Zhao Yun actually broke through the blockade of the Leiguang Jiao Prison in an instant, and then quickly walked outside the city gate at a speed he had never before, and the spear in his hand stabbed him again!

"Zhao! Son! Dragon!"

Tang Zhou's eyes were blood-red, and Zhao Yun's eyes were full of fierce killing intent.

Zhao Yun's actions meant that he wanted to kill him!

Perceiving the horns getting closer and closer behind him, Tang Zhou's face suddenly appeared mad, and he laughed wildly: "Since you want me to die, let me bury it! And the grass folks around here, also follow. Let me go to see Lord Yan together!!"

During the speech, Tang Zhou exuded violent internal energy fluctuations, and the exposed skin quickly turned blood red, looking quite oozing!

Chapter 1226 Water Curtain Sky!

Seeing Tang Zhou's abnormal state, Zhao Yun's face suddenly changed, and the killing intent in his eyes became more fierce.

He never expected that Tang Zhou would make such a crazy move!

In his opinion, Tang Zhou's current situation is not a desperate situation. Fighting may not have the possibility of escape, but Tang Zhou chose the craziest and most influential method-self-destruction!

With the cultivation base of Tang and Zhou people's fairy realm, detonating one's internal energy, its power is so powerful that it can even destroy Zhending City!

Even if Xiao Tian took the shot in time, these people near the North City Gate would definitely not be spared.

For Zhao Yun, Tang Zhou's actions undoubtedly touched his negative scale!

"You want to explode, have you asked me?!" Zhao Yun's eyes quickly turned blood red, and the spear in his hand shot out like an angry dragon, roaring and crashing into Tang Zhou.

At the same time, Zhang Jiao, who was chasing Tang Zhou, also saw Tang Zhou's crazy behavior, and his face changed suddenly.

"Rebel!!!" Zhang Jiao's murderous intent was boiling, and he shouted sharply: "You're looking for death!!!"

If Tang Zhou successfully blew himself up, it would affect Zhending City, as one of the culprits that forced Tang Zhou to blew himself up, he didn't think Xiao Tian would let him go.

In other words, Tang Zhou's actions undoubtedly pushed him to a dead end. By then, Tang Zhou would be dead, but he was going to endure Xiao Tian's anger!

Thinking of this, Zhang Jiao gritted his teeth, took a handful of talisman from his arms with a painful expression, and threw it directly towards Tang Zhou!

These Talismans were portrayed by him with his own spiritual power. Even with the cultivation base of others in the fairy realm, making one will consume more than half of the spiritual power, even if it is him, he can only make two or three a day at most!

In addition to the rewards given to the top leaders of Taiping Road and the high-levels of some large forces, they all need such talisman. Therefore, his own inventory is not much. After ten years, he only has a dozen of them. .

But this time Tang Zhou blew himself up, but it forced him to use all of the ten Zhang Fulu!

If his eyes could kill people, Tang Zhou would have been crushed by Zhang Jiao long ago!

"Only you have Fulu?" Tang Zhou couldn't help but sneer when he caught sight of Zhang Jiao's movements.

Then he pulled out three talisman talisman that were exactly the same as the talisman that Zhang Jiao threw out from his arms. Under his control, the three talisman talisman quickly burned and turned into a blue sky covering him!

"Good thief!!!"

Zhang Jiao was furious when he saw this. The talisman used by Tang Zhou was originally given to Tang Zhou. How could he not recognize it?

These three Talismans are the Talismans that he made every effort to make for defense, infused with the super defensive spells recorded in the Taiping Yaoshu-Water Screen Sky!

The water curtain celestial flower released by this kind of talisman is enough to resist the indiscriminate bombing of the powerhouses of the immortal realm in a short time!

The superposition of the three water curtains and the sky has already enabled him to take Tang Zhou in a short time without any means!

And taking advantage of this time, Tang Zhou could calmly blew himself up, at least razing the area near the north gate of Zhending City to the ground!

You must know that although the water curtain sky is a defensive spell, it also has a strong offensive ability.

Once the water curtain Tianhua encounters an internal impact, the barrier will instantly collapse, and the remaining energy will turn into the purest energy impact and spread out in all directions!

The energy impact of the water curtain sky and the energy generated by the explosion of the Tang and Zhou Dynasties, I am afraid that even if Xiao Tian shot in time, the area near the north gate of Zhending City would not be able to keep it!

Chapter 1227 Xiao Tian makes a move!

And once the vicinity of the north gate of Zhending City was razed to the ground, and even Zhao Yun was injured in such an impact, Zhang Jiao could already imagine how angry Xiao Tian would be.

At that time, maybe not just him, even Taipingdao will be rooted out by the angry Xiao Tian!

Taipingdao, but the hard work he has finally accumulated, it is his hope and confidence to overthrow the Han Dynasty. Tang Zhou's current approach is undoubtedly cutting his back. How does this make him not angry!

However, no matter how angry Zhang Jiao was, he couldn't do anything to face the three water curtains released by Tang Zhou.

It was a talisman made by him himself, and he knew how strong its defenses were. Even if he shot with all his strength, it would take ten attacks to destroy a water curtain sky.

In the face of three water curtains and Tianhua, he can only solve it in half an hour at the earliest!

Although Zhao Yun didn't know the power of the water curtain sky, but seeing the spear in his hand fell on the water curtain sky, it only caused a layer of shallow ripples, he immediately understood that with his current strength, he wanted to shake the water It's not difficult to smash the sky, but it will take a lot of time to break it!

"The thief!!!" Zhao Yun looked at Tang Zhou, who was shrouded in the sky of the water curtain, his eyes were splitting, his spear in his hand was constantly waving, his hair was loose, and he looked crazy.

A series of attacks fell on the water curtain sky, but they only caused ripples. Even if Zhang Jiao assisted, under the protection of the three water curtain sky, Tang Zhou was as stable as Mount Tai.

"Don't waste your energy!" Tang Zhou saw Zhao Yun and Zhang Jiao's movements, mocking appeared on his face, and said with a sneer: "My good master, you made this'Water Curtain Tianhua' talisman by yourself. You must know how strong the defense is...

Even if I stand here and let you attack, it will take half an hour to break through my defenses, and in this half hour..."

Tang Zhou looked cold, and said gloomily: "Enough for me to blew myself dozens of times!"

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