God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 513

The other six direct disciples all nodded, and their gazes towards Zhao Yun and Huang Xu were full of killing intent.

"Junior brother, you learned sword and arrow skills. Spear skills are of little use to you. Besides, I can rest assured if you have a junior brother and you will take the battle for me?" Zhao Yun looked at Huang Xu and opened his eyes solemnly. nonsense.

Huang Xu heard the words that he knew that he had no chance to make a move, and nodded sullenly, leaving the martial arts field.

When Zhao Yun saw this, he drew a big gun from the weapon rack on the side, waved it twice, and said to Han Qiong: "Senior Gun King, junior is ready!"

"In this case, let's start," Han Qiong nodded and said lightly: "Competition for martial arts, only when you click, don't hurt your harmony."

As soon as Han Qiong's voice fell, Han Xing and the others who were already ready to go rushed out, each occupying a position, surrounded Zhao Yun, and stab Zhao Yun with a spear in his hand!

When the disciples of the Han family's martial arts hall watched this scene, they seemed to have seen the scene where Zhao Yun was defeated under the siege, and his face couldn't help but feel a little bit of joy.

They have seen the power of Han Xing and others teaming up. When the realm is the same, it is Han Qiong himself, who is surrounded without preparation, and it takes a lot of effort to get out. They don’t think Zhao Yun Comparable to Han Qiong!

Chapter 1246 Disappointed Han Qiong!

Even Han Xing and others are absolutely unbelievable. They were already prepared to be separated by Zhao Yun first, and then broken by each. Who knew that Zhao Yun would stand so stupidly and let them He surrounded!

Surprised to surprise, Han Xing and the others were not slow at all. The spears in their hands pierced Zhao Yun's vitals. If they were hit, even a master like Zhao Yun would have to put some color!

Zhao Yun's eyes condensed, and the spear in his hand was a little on the ground. With this force, the whole person leaped into the air. Immediately, the spear in his hand flew out, and the shadow of the spear appeared in the sky, like snow, covering all the seven people including Han Xing!

"Fast speed!" Han Qiong on the side could not help but be a little surprised seeing this scene.

Even if it was him, he didn't dare to say that he could achieve Zhao Yun's level with only the strength of the small inner energy.

"Sure enough, he is a famous teacher and high apprentice. The disciple who was in Zhending County and taught by the existence of the great sage and mentor is indeed far better than his peers," Han Qiong muttered while looking at Zhao Yun.

The existence of Xiao Tian is not a secret, as long as you inquire carefully, you can know the relationship between Zhao Yun and Xiao Tian.

A few days ago, the great sage and mentor Zhang Jiao slumped in Zhending County, and Zhao Yun took advantage of Xiao Tian's great momentum to slap him, and it has also spread to Jizhou City.

Although Han Qiong lived in Jizhou City in seclusion and devoted himself to teaching his disciples, the news was not blocked, and he naturally heard about these things.

In contrast, his disciples and nephew Han Xing only know how to blindly practice in retreat, and they don’t know as much about the outside world as his bad old man!

He hadn't paid attention to this before, but now it seems that this is undoubtedly a big problem!

"Xing'er and the others are staying in the martial arts gym. It's so easy," Han Qiong sighed as he looked at Zhao Yun, who was still at ease in the siege of Han Xing and others.

In the past, he thought that Han Xing and others were pretty good. Although the level of improvement has been slower, it can be considered steady, especially the marksmanship. Seven disciples have obtained his true biography, and they will surely become a hero in time.

But now look at Han Xing and others, who have become impatient because they have been besieging Zhao Yun for a long time and have been unable to make contributions.

The strength, knowledge, and even character, Han Xing and others are far worse than Zhao Yunlai!

"You can't let Xing'er and the others stay in this martial arts hall anymore. When this happens, let them go out to practice!"

Seeing the performance of Han Xing and others, Han Qiong secretly shook his head, and at the same time made up his mind!

The journey of martial arts is a process of mutual verification and mutual improvement. The situation of "being behind closed doors, if you are out of the way" will never appear in martial arts!

Zhao Yun didn’t know what Han Qiong was thinking. When he was besieged by Han Xing and others, he quickly seized the opportunity. He used his spear as a stick and smashed him on a personal disciple of Han Qiong, directly spitting up blood. Fei, fell into the martial arts range, fainted.

"Sixth Junior Brother!" Han Xing's expression suddenly changed when he saw this scene. At the same time, he stabbed out the spear one after another in an attempt to force Zhao Yun back.

"Ah..." Seeing Han Xing's movements, Han Qiong sighed secretly, disappointed expression on his face.

Chapter 1247 Feeling!

Although Han Xing’s performance cannot be said to be wrong, in this case, the best choice is to switch from offense to defense first.

Although Han Xing could force Zhao Yun back by doing this, it would cause loopholes in their original formation, which could easily be broken by Zhao Yun!

Especially Han Xing is the key to leading the overall situation. What he has to do is more to control, rather than to charge himself!

What's more, Han Qiong doesn't think that Han Xing in this state can force Zhao Yun back!

Shaking his head disappointedly, Han Qiong had already foreseen the next outcome.

Sure enough, Han Xing's furious attack did not hinder Zhao Yun at all, but Zhao Yun took this opportunity to shoot him directly in the chest and sent him out of the martial arts field.

Without Han Xing leading the overall situation, the remaining five people fought each, and they were quickly defeated by Zhao Yun one by one. After defeating the joint efforts of Han Xing and others, Zhao Yun stood in place, his face was not flushed or breathing, obviously. The battle just now did not cause much consumption to him!

"Hey..." With a sigh, Han Qiong took a big gun from the weapon rack on the side, walked to the opposite side of Zhao Yun and stood still, and said in a deep voice: "The old man just said that as long as he can defeat the old man's ineffective disciples. , The old man took the shot himself.

The old man does not take advantage of you. You have just fought, and the old man waits for you to rest for half an hour before we fight again."

Zhao Yun nodded and said with a smile: "That junior thanked Senior Gun King first. Several of your disciples are quite extraordinary. In order to defeat them, the juniors have done their best. Now they really need to rest and adjust their status. "

Hearing Zhao Yun's words, Han Qiong nodded slightly, a hint of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

How can he fail to see Zhao Yun's current state with his eyesight?

It is no exaggeration to say that defeating Han Xing and the other seven is not even an appetizer for Zhao Yun, so how can he use his best and consume too much?

The reason why he let Zhao Yun rest for a while was just to save some face for the disciples under his sect.

And Zhao Yun's words undoubtedly gave him a step, and he naturally admired Zhao Yun.

"It's a pity," Han Qiong looked at Zhao Yun, feeling a little regretful in his heart, "Such a talent, but not my disciple."

For Zhao Yun, Han Qiong was also quite coveted, but thinking that Zhao Yun's master was the existence of even the great and wise teacher Zhang Jiao who would evade Sanshe, Han Qiong immediately dispelled the unrealistic idea in his mind.

Let’s not talk about whether Han Qiong has the ability to dig Xiao Tian’s corner, even if he can dig Zhao Yun under his own door, but the anger of Xiao Tian that comes afterwards, is not his small master with a strong inner energy. Can bear it!

Even the great sage and mentor Zhang Jiao still needs to be respectful when facing Xiao Tian. He is far from Zhang Jiao. If he really provokes Xiao Tian, ​​I'm afraid that people can wave his hand and make him dead!

At the same time, Xiao Tian and Huang Zhong, who were watching Zhao Yun and Huang Xu in the dark, laughed unconsciously when they saw this scene.

"Han Qiong, at this time, I didn't forget to protect the face of the disciple," Xiao Tian smiled at Huang Zhong, and said somewhat jokingly: "That is to say, Zilong has a gentle temper. If you change to Huang Xu, Han Qiong I'm afraid I will vomit blood with anger in a moment!"

"Xu'er was protected too well by me in the early years, and she is indeed far behind Zilong in terms of being a human being," Huang Zhong nodded and smiled: "Let Xu'er stay with Zilong for a while, grinding it. His temper is good too."

Chapter 1248 Han Qiong's calculations!

Xiao Tian nodded when he heard the words, and immediately said: "Next, we will see Zilong's performance. If he can defeat Han Qiong, we can rest assured that we can let them go out for practice."

Huang Zhong pondered for a while, but didn't say much.

Han Qiong has been famous for a long time and is a well-known strong man in the world. He has lived in Jizhou in seclusion over the years. Although his reputation has gradually disappeared, Han Qiong's strength and combat experience are only stronger than before he retired!

If Zhao Yun can defeat Han Qiong, then he really has nothing to worry about.

When Xiao Tian was talking with Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun also finished his rest, holding the big gun in both hands, stood still opposite Han Qiong, and said in a deep voice: "Senior Gun King, junior is ready."

Han Qiong nodded, her expression suddenly became serious, and an aura like Yuansi Yue radiated from him.

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