God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 529

He had guessed at least what Nanhua Old Immortal wanted to say, just because he wanted him to let go.

It's just that Zhang Jiao's identity is not generally sensitive. Once he takes a shot at Taipingdao, Zhang Jiao, the great mentor of Taipingdao, must be a clear target, otherwise who knows what will happen if Zhang Jiao is left as an unstable factor.

But if he rejects the old fairy of Nanhua and loses this opportunity now, Liu Hong is also a little unwilling.

"Your Majesty, don't worry," Nanhua Old Immortal seemed to see Liu Hong's thoughts, and smiled immediately: "Old Tao can guarantee that as long as Your Majesty is willing to let go of the old Tao's rebels, the Old Tao will strictly restrain him and prevent him from interfering. Things in the world."

Liu Hong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and immediately smiled: "Since the old fairy said so, if Hong doesn't agree, wouldn't it be ignorant to praise? If there is such a day, Hong will put that horn and a horse."

Old Immortal Nanhua nodded and said sternly: "If this is the case, then Old Dao will sit in Luoyang City for Your Majesty and guard the dragon veins of the Great Han."

He is coming soon after his deadline. With the blessing of the Great Han National Destiny, it is also a great help for him to cross the catastrophe, so the old man Nanhua did not hesitate, and immediately nodded and agreed.

In fact, he still has another way to go, that is, to help Zhang Jiao overthrow the big man, and wait until Zhang Jiao establishes a new dynasty, and in his status, he can completely get the blessing of the new dynasty's luck.

It's just that he never thought about this road!

Because he knew very well that although Xiao Tian didn't ask about world affairs, his two disciples, whether it was Zhao Yun or Huang Xu, were deadly loyal to the Han Dynasty.

Once he is opposed to Zhao Yun and Huang Xu, it's fine if he doesn't make a move. Once he makes a move, Xiao Tian's wrath will inevitably come!

In terms of protecting the calf, Xiao Tian is even better than Nanhua!

Now that he got Liu Hong's promise that even if Zhang Jiao failed, he could save his life. He naturally had nothing to worry about, and he took the position of Dahan Guoshi without any pressure.

As for what Zhang Jiao would think after he knew the news, that was beyond his control.

"Since your Majesty has found a candidate to sit in Luoyang for you, Xiao will not leave your Majesty to eat here," Xiao Tian said suddenly and said to Liu Hong.

"Senior Lao Xiao is here to help. Since Senior Xiao spoke, Hong will retire first." Liu Hong was not annoyed when he heard Xiao Tian's words, nodded at Xiao Tian, ​​and left Xiao Mansion with Huang Fu Song and Nan Hua.

After the three of them left, Xiao Tian raised his hand and waved, a mysterious formation flew out of his hand and enveloped Xiao Mansion.

Just after Liu Hong left the Xiao Mansion, they saw Xiao Mansion suddenly disappear, as if it had never existed.

Chapter 1287 Depressed Cai Yong!

"What a clever method..." Liu Hong couldn't help being speechless when he saw the disappeared Xiao Mansion.

Even if he knew that Xiao Mansion was covered by the formation, but with his cultivation base of returning to the virtual realm of immortal realm, he could not even notice the slightest clue, as if there had never been a building here.

Such methods can not be overstated.

"You really can't handle Xiao Daoist's methods with common sense," Nan Hua nodded, and said with a serious face: "Even if the old Dao's cultivation is more advanced than Xiao Daoyou, but if it really fights, the old Dao may not be able to go through the hands of Xiao Daoyou. Ten tricks."

This is the result of his trying hard to think about himself. When Xiao Tian was still returning to the Void Earth Immortal, his strength was almost the same as that of him. Now Xiao Tian is already the Immortal Du Jie Tian, ​​how strong his strength is, it is no longer him. I can imagine it!

"Hey..." Liu Hong sighed when he heard the words, and said with some regrets: "Unfortunately, Senior Xiao is not willing to go out, otherwise, those family members will not be destroyed?"

"Your Majesty, now is not the time to express emotion," Huang Fusong heard Liu Hong's words, his eyes twitched unconsciously, and he whispered.

It’s okay for you to admire Xiao Tian, ​​but there is a Nanhua old fairy here!

What you said just now meant to belittle old Nanhua?!

Although Nanhua Old Immortal admits that he is inferior to Xiao Tian, ​​but you Liu Hong said so, it is difficult to guarantee that Nanhua Old Immortal will not mind!

Hearing Huangfusong’s words, Liu Hong also reacted quickly. He looked at Nanhua Old Immortal and saw that Nanhua Old Immortal still looked as usual. He breathed a sigh of relief and apologized: "Fang Caihong just said casually. Be caring."

"Nan Hua is not a young man," Old Nan Hua shook his head and smiled: "Your Majesty, General Huangfu, let's go back to Luoyang City first."

"Old Immortal is right," Liu Hong nodded, and immediately flew towards Luoyang City. Upon seeing this, Huangfusong and Nanhua Old Immortal hurriedly followed Liu Hong, and the three quickly disappeared within Zhending County. ...


At the same time, Luoyang, Dongguan.

Zhao Yun still stood on the spot, surrounded by scattered book slips and broken wooden frames. Not far from him, Cai Yong knelt and sat on the spot with a depressed expression.

Zhao Yun's consciousness has been trapped by him in that mysterious space for two days. In the past two days, Zhao Yun has often tried out. Although he could not crack the mysterious space he arranged, he has messed up the study!

Now he really regrets letting Zhao Yun test in Dongguan!

Only away from Dongguan, without the support of Dongguan's collection, it is difficult for him to arrange a mysterious space that can trap Zhao Yun.

"Oh..." After sighing, Cai Yong turned his gaze to Zhao Yun again. This is the end of the matter, and it is impossible for him to remove this mysterious space. He can only hope that Zhao Yun will not use any large-scale attacking moves.

Otherwise, this study room really won't be kept!

At the same time, in that mysterious space, Zhao Yun, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes, and a glimmer of light flashed across his narrow eyes.

"That's it," Zhao Yun showed a faint smile on his face, and then he was directly immersed in the state of cultivation.

He had always thought that Cai Yong had sent him to this mysterious space by some kind of teleportation method, but now that he thinks about it, he thinks too much.

Even his master Xiao Tian didn't master the teleportation method, and Cai Yong was just a human being. How could he master those magic arts?

This space is actually just a blindfold arranged by Cai Yong!

Chapter 1288 Please Move Cai Yong!

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

As far as the understanding of the blind eye method is concerned, he is actually not bad. When he was studying art with Xiao Tian in the Xiao Mansion, Xiao Tian often arranged the blind eye method to simulate fighting in various situations for him.

As a result, he was trapped in this mysterious space for so long before he realized it!

If Xiao Tian knew it, it would be another scolding!

A large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth rushed towards Zhao Yun, and in an instant it supported the white space on all sides, riddled with holes, and through those gaps, one could clearly see the roll of bamboo slips spinning continuously.

"Sure enough," Zhao Yun slowly opened his eyes and looked at the looming bamboo slips, with a little smile on his face.

What trapped his consciousness was actually the spinning bamboo slips, and the mysterious space was actually just to conceal the blindness of the bamboo slips!

If he didn't guess wrong, under normal circumstances, at the moment when he completely got rid of the blindfold, there would be a large number of attacks pouring toward him from all around.

He couldn't be more familiar with this method, because when Xiao Tian trained him, that was how it was!

Faced with this situation, he also figured out a set of methods that belonged to him.

The Nine-turn Indestructible Body was running again, and Zhao Yun seemed to incarnate into a bottomless vortex, tearing a large amount of heaven and earth aura towards his location.

Following Zhao Yun's movements, more and more bamboo slips appeared around him, and the mysterious space formed by the blindfold method quickly disintegrated.

Seeing that the space was about to disappear, Zhao Yun suddenly stopped running the exercises and rushed directly towards the bamboo slips in front.


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