God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 535

As for the others, I am afraid that at most they will be able to draw a tie with Zhao Yun. It is even harder to beat him!

What's more, there is a truly invincible being standing behind Zhao Yun. If anyone does not hurt Zhao Yun with his eyes, it will attract the angry shot, let alone the Yuan family, even if the world’s family members work together Can only stare!

In addition to Zhao Yun, there are two thousand Changshuiying soldiers stationed outside the city. Once things change, even if Yuan's hands and eyes are open to the sky, and the city of Runan Junan can be sealed off, two thousand Changshuiying only needs one drum. Then you can break into the city.

At that time, the army was overwhelmed, and the Yuan family couldn't make any waves anyway!

So after Liu Bian and Shi A rested at the post house for a day, and after meeting with Huang Xu who had already arrived in Runan County, Liu Bian went straight back to the room and fell asleep.

On the contrary, Zhao Yun, who went to the government office to urge grain and grass, was the last one to rest because he wanted to send grain and grass to Changshuiying camp.


There was no word for a night. The next day Liu Bian, Huang Xu and Shi A got up early, and after meeting with Zhao Yun who had come from Changshuiying Camp, the group of four rushed towards Yuan’s old house. .

"His Royal Highness, according to the survey these days, there are no less than ten masters of internal energy in Yuan's old house.

Moreover, since Yuan's collusion with Taiping Dao, it is difficult to guarantee that Zhang Jiao did not help Yuan's masters in catalyzing the realm of inner Qi, so your Highness still needs to be cautious."

On the way, Huang Xu whispered to Liu Pian some news he had discovered these days.

"Zilong, are you sure?" Hearing Huang Xu's words, Liu Bian's expression couldn't help but become a little dignified, and he turned his head to look at Zhao Yun and asked in a low voice.

If Zhao Yun is not sure, he intends to mobilize the Changshui Camp. When the time comes, the army will enter the city and surround the Yuan family's old house. Even if the Yuan family has some immortal powerhouses in town, he will definitely not dare to make a mistake!

"Junior Brother, have you ever played against Yuan's inner strength master?" Zhao Yun thought for a while, looked at Huang Xu, and asked.

"I have played against each other," Huang Xu nodded slightly and smiled: "I broke through to the inner qi master a few days ago, and the itch went down and threw a market in the Yuan family, and I met several Yuan's inner qi masters. A few tricks.

With their strength, even my sword shadow barrier could not be broken in a short time, so it was not a concern."

"But..." Huang Xu hesitated for a while, and said softly: "If it was the ugly Yan Liangwen that you fought against the brother last time, I guess it will be choking. I shouldn't be afraid of them when I'm alone, but once they join forces , I will definitely lose!"

Hearing Huang Xu's words, Zhao Yun had a little bit in his heart, and immediately smiled: "If this is the case, then don't worry, I just happened to be about to break through recently. There is really no way I can do it. Then I will drag Yuan Shi The master of your inner qi is going to cross the calamity with me!"

As Xiao Tian's direct disciple, Zhao Yun has learned a lot from Xiao Tian in recent years, but his temper has become increasingly dark.

If it were placed in the past, Zhao Yun would never have done this kind of thing that dragged others through the catastrophe together.

Chapter 1301 Yuan Feng is embarrassed!

Hearing what Zhao Yun said, Liu Bian must have said in his heart, and immediately smiled: "If this is the case, then Gu is not worried, Zilong, Shi A, the safety of Gu is left to you."

"His Royal Highness, don't worry, as long as Yun still has a breath, no one can hurt Your Highness!" Zhao Yun patted his chest with a self-confidence.

According to Huang Xu's description before, as for the Yuan family's powerful masters, he can beat ten!

After all, he was cultivating the "Nine Revolving Immortal Body" taught by Xiao Tian, ​​and his spear skills were also passed down from his third uncle's ancestor, and he could be called first-class in the world.

What's more, his control of the two domains has reached the point of perfection. By means of domain implantation and dual domains, he has a realm of inner strength, and he really does not have many opponents!

Although he has not played against the famous Lu Bu Lu Feng from Jiuyuan in Bingzhou, he is confident that even if he is against Lu Bu, he has a five-point chance of winning!

"I have a son and a dragon for help, I can really sit back and relax!" Hearing Zhao Yun's words, Liu Bian couldn't help laughing, and at the same time quickened his pace and rushed towards the Yuan family's ancestral house.

Soon, a group of four people arrived outside the Yuan family's ancestral house. To Liu Bian's surprise, Yuan Feng and a group of Yuan family children stood respectfully on both sides of the Yuan family's ancestral house gate, and lined up to greet them.

At first he thought the Yuan family would close the door tightly, forcing him to break in!

"Criminal Yuan Feng, I have seen your Highness!" Seeing Liu Bian's appearance, Yuan Feng hurriedly stepped forward two steps, walked up to Liu Bian and said respectfully.

"Yuan Sikong doesn't need to be polite," as the saying goes, he did not hit the smiley person with his hand, and when he saw Yuan Feng coming up, he put on such a posture. Liu Bian didn't have any troubles, so he nodded to Yuan Feng and said lightly.

Instead, Shi A and Zhao Yun stood beside Liu Bian, looking at Yuan Feng with vigilance, for fear that Yuan Feng would suddenly attack Liu Bian.

Seeing the actions of Zhao Yun and Shi A, Yuan Feng was also a little angry, but who caused the Yuan family to be put on fire now?

Yuan Feng could only pretend to be indifferent, nodded to Zhao Yun and Shi A, and smiled: "Presumably these two are the rumored Changshan Zhao Yun, Zhao Zilong, and the disciple of the sword god Wang Yue, the sword master history Right?"

Zhao Yun and Shi A nodded expressionlessly. Yuan Feng couldn't help being even more angry when he saw this. In his capacity, even a state governor would be respectful in front of him. Zhao Yun and Shi A are just two juniors. Dare to ignore him so much!

I really don't know the etiquette!

But no matter how fierce the anger was in his chest, Yuan Feng did not dare to break out, for fear that because of his own anger, he would bring the disaster of extermination to the Yuan family!

"Haha, Yuan Sikong, I don't like to go around in a solitary way. I guess Yuan Sikong has also guessed what happened this time."

Liu Bian looked at Yuan Feng and said indifferently: "As long as Yuan Sikong gives Gu an explanation, if you can satisfy Gu, the old thief Yuan Kui intends to murder Gu, you can just expose it, but if it can't satisfy Gu... "

When Liu Bian said this, he paused for a while and turned his attention to Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun understood that the gun domain was directly released by him, and it instantly enveloped a radius of several meters, and at the same time the terrifying coercion attacked Yuan Feng.

Unprepared, Yuan Feng was directly forced to retreat by Zhao Yun's coercion four or five steps, staggering for a while, barely standing firm.

Seeing Yuan Feng's embarrassed appearance, Liu Bian sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said in a deep voice: "The arrogant soldier under the lonely commander will never sit back and watch the lonely thief get away with it!"

Chapter 1302 Abnormal Changes Sudden!

"Feng understand," Yuan Feng steadied his figure, the anger in his eyes was fleeting, and he immediately said with a smile: "Feng has set a banquet at home to apologize to His Highness.

Regarding Feng's fourth brother Yuan Wei's intention to murder His Royal Highness, at the banquet, Feng will naturally give His Royal Highness an explanation and ask His Royal Highness to enter the house."

The Yuan family disciples around saw Yuan Feng being so humble, and their faces couldn't help showing humiliation.

Think of the three masters of the Yuan family for many generations. As a disciple of the Yuan family, who doesn't take a high look when they are away from home?

Now that the Yuan family has been bullied to come to the door, they can only swallow their anger and even have to laugh, which is really useless!

But thinking of Liu Bian’s identity, many of the Yuan family disciples did not dare to hate Liu Bian, and could only turn their anger on Zhao Yunshi and Huang Xu. If their eyes could kill people, I am afraid that Zhao Yun, Huang Xu and Shi A would have been slashed a long time ago. Up!

Zhao Yun smiled faintly when facing the eyes of the Yuan family disciple who seemed to be eating people.

He is very clear about the purpose of Liu Bian’s trip, and he also understands that it is difficult to bow to Liu Bian for a family like the Yuan family. By then, the Yuan family will probably become the dead souls under his gun. Now he won’t be stared at. Whatever the loss, he also went to those Yuan family disciples.

Huang Xu's thoughts are similar to those of Zhao Yun, especially since he has been in Runan County for a while, and he knows the behavior of the Yuan family well.

Yuan Feng might be able to lay down his face and want to fool Liu Bian, but Yuan Cheng had an out-and-out hot temper. Liu Bian came to question in public. He already rubbed the face of the Yuan family on the ground. Yuan Cheng If you can bear it, then there will be a ghost!

I'm afraid that after they enter the Yuan family's ancestral home, Yuan Chengcheng will get into trouble!

Thinking of this, Huang Xu unconsciously put his hand on the ring-shaped knife around his waist, and his eyes flicked around, not daring to relax a little bit.

Shi A also noticed something was wrong, resting his right hand on the hilt, and a sword intent appeared on his body.

Only Liu Bian and Zhao Yun seemed to be unaware of the surrounding atmosphere. They were still defenseless and walked towards the interior of the Yuan family's ancestral house under the leadership of Yuan Feng...

Just as Liu Bian stepped into the Yuan family's ancestral house, a crossbow bolt glowing with purple lustre suddenly shot out from the corner and attacked Liu Bian's throat!

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