God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 553

"Why are you here?" Seeing Mohua Qiongqi trapped, the white tiger's body flashed light and turned into a white-clothed man with sword eyebrows and stars, looking at Suzaku and Xuanwu, frowning and said.

"Why, can't we come?" Suzaku said with no anger when he heard the words: "This girl kindly came to help you. You still don't appreciate it, right?"

"You know what I didn't mean," the white-clothed man shook his head and said with a blank expression: "I know your situation too. Why, Xiang Liu and Bi Fang were resolved by you?"

"Yes," Xuanwu nodded slightly, pointed at Xiao Tian, ​​and said with a smile: "It all depends on this Daoist Xiao's help. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'm still at a stalemate with that Xiangliu, and Zhuque is probably still fighting with the other side. Compete."


Hearing this, the man in white finally felt a little bit more surprised on his unchanged face.

Then he turned his gaze to Xiao Tian, ​​and took a closer look, before he said seriously: "Unexpectedly, when I was in this deep valley for hundreds of years, the outside world actually gave birth to a strong man like Your Excellency."

"Venerable White Tiger is too acclaimed," Xiao Tian nodded to Bai Hu, and then bluntly said: "Xiao Tian came to look for Venerable White Tiger this time, hoping to get a drop of Venerable White Tiger's blood."

Chapter 1346 Demonization of Qiongqi!

"Yes." Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the white-clothed man nodded, and then said: "But my blood and blood will not be donated at will. To get my blood and blood, I must meet my conditions."

"Venerable White Tiger, please speak," Xiao Tian said immediately after hearing the words.

"It's not difficult," said the white-clothed man with a calm face, and said lightly: "After I and Suzaku Xuanwu work together to solve this poor strange, you can pick me up with three moves."

"Just according to Venerable," Xiao Tian nodded and smiled.

He didn't expect that Bai Hu's request would be so simple. With the protection of a phaseless armor, even if Bai Hu's attack is strong, it will be weakened a lot when it falls on him.

Although with his current strength, even with the help of the Phaseless Armor, fighting with the white tiger would still lose more and win less, but if only to take the white tiger's three moves, it would be a breeze!

Seeing Xiao Tian's promise, the white-clothed man couldn't help but admire him a little bit more. Then he looked at Zhuque and Xuanwu, and said lightly: "Let's do it. After solving this poor strangeness, it is good to help Qinglong and Qilin."

Although Suzaku had an offensive temperament, he still distinguished the priority. After hearing Baihu's words, Suzaku did not hesitate and showed his body directly.

A firebird shaped like a phoenix hovered over the valley with a sky full of flames, and its narrow eyes stared at the demonized Qiongqi below, with cold eyes in his eyes.


Suzaku's voice resounded through the valley, and then opened his mouth to spit out, and a pure white flame flew from Suzaku's mouth, flying towards Demonized Qiongqi with a terrifying temperature.

This is the true fire of Suzaku's life-Nanming Lihuo, and it is also Suzaku's most terrifying trick.

Nanming Lihuo burns nothing. Except for Xuanwu and Bi Fang, who is completely immune to flames, I am afraid that no one can restrain Suzaku's Nanming Lihuo!

Facing the Nanming Lihuo ejected by Suzaku, a solemn color flashed in the eyes of Demon Hua Qiongqi. Its defensive ability was not much worse than that of Xuanwu, and coupled with its tyrannical self-healing ability, it could easily hold the white tiger.

Although it is difficult to cause damage to the white tiger, the attack of the white tiger also cannot cause any impact on it.

However, it was different when facing Suzaku. Its defense was similar to that of paper in front of Suzaku's Nanming Lihuo, not to mention that Suzaku's flame also had a strong restraint on its self-healing ability.

"Damn! Bi Fang's trash, why did Suzaku pull away to support Baihu? And Xuanwu, wasn't he dragged by Xiang Liu in Jizhou?!"

Demonized Qiongqi looked at the approaching Nanming Lihuo and the ice wall that trapped it, and couldn't help cursing in his heart.

Whether it is a Suzaku or Xuanwu, they are extremely restrained. In fact, among the five sacred beasts, except for the white tiger, it has only one way to defeat the other four sacred beasts!


Nanming Lihuo collided with the ice wall arranged by Xuanwu, and in the blink of an eye, the ice wall was burnt into steam, and then he cast off his momentum and fell directly on Demon Huaqiongqi!


The sound of the flame exploding sounded in the valley, and Mohua Qiongqi was soon covered with flames, turning it into a torch.

At this moment, the sky above the valley suddenly darkened, Xuanwu and Suzaku looked towards Xiao Tian subconsciously, only to find that he had already pulled out the Duanchen sword at some point, and the sharp and sharp sword power radiated from him. , It makes people stand upright.

Chapter 1347 Surprised White Tiger!

"Huh?" Perceiving the sword power emanating from Xiao Tian's body, Bai Hu couldn't help but cast his gaze on Xiao Tian, ​​a little more surprised.

Before, he heard Xuanwu say that Xiao Tian helped them solve Xiangliu and Bifang, but Baihu didn't take them to heart because he knew the strength of Xuanwu and Suzaku.

Xuanwu is not good at attacking, and has the same attributes as Xiangliu. It is normal that Xuanwu cannot be solved by means of Xuanwu. Xiao Tian only needs to take action and love with Xuanwu's help. It is easy to solve Xiangliu.

And Bi Fang is even more so. While he is immune to all fires, Bi Fang's defensive ability is also terribly low. As long as there is a way to penetrate the flames surrounding it, an ordinary earth fairy can kill it!

The reason Suzaku was unable to do anything about it was simply because Suzaku's own attack ability was too weak, and it was naturally a little weak in the face of Bifang who was immune to the fire.

But with the help of Xuanwu, trying to suppress the flames on Bi Fang's body was really simple. In this case, even if Xiao Tian helped solve the problem, Bi Fang could not explain the problem.

And this is why he had previously set Xiao Tian to pick him up three moves before he was willing to hand over the blood to Xiao Tian.

However, after detecting the sword power on Xiao Tian, ​​Bai Hu had a somewhat unclear premonition in his heart. He seemed to underestimate Xiao Tian. Judging from the sword power emanating from Xiao Tian, ​​Xiao Tian’s strength was better than others. Don't give up too much!

Although he is confident that he will win more against Xiao Tian, ​​but if he defeats Xiao Tian within three moves, it is undoubtedly a fantasy!

"I miscalculated..." Bai Hu murmured while looking at Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian didn't know what Bai Hu was thinking, Anchen sword swung fiercely, and countless stars suddenly appeared in the sky above the valley, and then the stars shattered, and countless sword lights fell like raindrops, covering the wonder.

Broken Stars!

When Xiao Tian dealt with the demonized Xiangliu, he realized a sword move. Unfortunately, before he had time to try the sword, the demonized Xiangliu was already beheaded by him. Only when he faced the demonized Bifang, he had a small sword test. Cut the demonized Bifang into countless pieces!

Now facing the demonized Qiongqi with amazing defensive power, Xiao Tian once again offered this type of sword trick.

The sword light fell, and Nanming Lihuo on Demonized Qiongqi's body seemed to have general spirituality, and at the moment the sword light fell, it had already converged as much as possible to prevent it from affecting Xiao Tian's attack.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Tian's eyes flashed with approval, and then his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Demon Hua Qiongqi, with the unparalleled strength of the Dark Chen sword in his hand, cutting down with the sky full of sword light!

"Puff puff--"

The sound of the sharp blade entering the meat continued to sound, and a large amount of blood spattered from Demonized Qiongqi's body, and a hideous blood hole appeared on Demonized Qiongqi's body. In the blood hole, the rapid growth of granulation could be vaguely seen.

"Venerable Xuanwu, Venerable Vermilion Bird!" Xiao Tian shouted when he saw this scene.

Xuanwu understood, a large number of ice cones condensed in his hand, covering the demonized Qiongqi.

Both Suzaku's flame and his profound ice have a strong restraint on Demon Hua Qiongqi's self-healing ability. Now Demon Hua Gongqi is injured by Xiao Tian, ​​Xuanwu naturally knows what to do.

Suzaku's movements were not slow at all, swiftly waving its wings, and flames seemed to be spiritual, avoiding the ice cone shot by Xuanwu, and fell on Demon Huaqiongqi.

Chapter 1348 Information about Qilin and Qinglong!

Under the concerted efforts of the three, Demon Hua Qiongqi let out an earth-shattering roar, and before it could respond, Bai Hu quickly condensed a golden light in his hand and slashed towards Demon Hua Qiongqi!

Demonized Qiongqi, who had become weak because of Suzaku's Xuanwu and Xiao Tian's attacks, was cut into two pieces before Baihu's screams were cut, and his vitality was cut off.

After that, half of the body that was cut into two parts by Demonized Qiongqi was frozen in ice, and the other half was burned to ashes by the fire south of Suzaku. No matter how strong it has self-healing ability, it will never die again. And resurrection.

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