God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 566

"The final commander!" Hearing Liu Hong's words, the three of Zhao Yun quickly responded respectfully.

Although some of the civil servants were somewhat dissatisfied with Liu Hong's appointment and removal of Zhao Yun, they did not dare to oppose Liu Hong's power.

What's more, those who can still stand on this hall now, few people whose news is blocked, naturally know what kind of great god is standing behind Zhao Yun.

If it really angered that one for targeting Zhao Yun, I am afraid that they and the forces behind them would not be enough to slap that one!

Didn't you hear that even Dang Chao Tian Zi was honored as "Senior Xiao" when he mentioned that person?

This group of them, even Liu Hong is far behind, how dare to offend Xiao Tian?

"If that's the case, you guys go down and prepare," Liu Hong waved his hand, then looked at the old Nanhua immortal beside Wang Yue, and said sternly: "Old immortal, do you know where Senior Xiao is now?"

"I don't know," Nanhua Old Immortal shook his head, and then said in Liu Hong's disappointed eyes: "Actually, even if your Majesty knows the presence of Senior Xiao, he can't invite Senior Xiao. With Senior Xiao's strength, these things are nothing to him. That's it."

Chapter 1379 The impact of Xiao Tian!

Liu Hong couldn't help being a little disappointed when he heard Nanhua Old Immortal's words.

If there is Xiao Tian sitting in Luoyang City, then he will never panic when the sky falls. After all, that person can easily repel the tribulation of the sky. Even if the big man is in chaos, as long as that person is still there, he will never panic. No one dares to invade Luoyang!

It's a pity that Xiao Tian seems to have noticed something. He was unable to escape from the world early. Not only Xiao Tian, ​​but also Nanhua Old Immortal, Yu Ji Zuoci and even Master Zi Xu disappeared. This made Liu Hong plan to recruit. The plan of these strong men to quell the rebellion fell in an instant.

"Zhang Rang," Liu Hong groaned for a while, then looked at Zhang Rang, who was standing beside him, and said in a deep voice: "You lead people to search all the famous mountains and rivers. You must find the trace of Senior Xiao, ask him to come out and help me. The big man put down the rebellion!"

"The minion obeyed," Zhang Rang said quickly and respectfully.

Although he has been an official to a regular servant, he can logically enjoy the treatment of a scholar-official. He no longer needs to call himself a slave like when he was a small eunuch. Instead, he can call himself a minister and even inherit a stepson from the family. industry.

But when facing Liu Bian, Zhang Rang still unconsciously regarded himself as a slave. He also knew very well that his relationship with Liu Hong was the greatest guarantee of his power.

As Liu Hong’s slave, he was born against the noble family. What's more, the eunuch group contributed a lot in the second party’s misfortune, except for the existence of Cai Yonghuangfusong, like the original Yuan family and now Taiyuan The royal family members of the royal family have long hated him to their bones.

"You have to find a way to hug Senior Xiao's thigh," Zhang Rang thought to himself.

To say who is the most popular in the Han Dynasty today is undoubtedly Xiao Tian. As one of the top existences of the Han Dynasty, Zhang Rang naturally does not know the existence of Xiao Tian.

Now in the entire world of Han, whoever is qualified to know the existence of Xiao Tian, ​​who doesn't want to hug this thigh?

No matter how bad they are, they definitely can't offend Zhao Yun, Huang Xu, and Liu Bian. Everyone knows that Senior Xiao protects his shortcomings the most.

Especially before the disappearance of Prince Bian, he was still the Seven Killing Grid, but after the Prince Bian returned to Luoyang again, he had become an ordinary person, and there was no need to worry about being affected by the Seven Killing Grid.

Liu Hong directly decreed that Liu Bian was appointed as the prince. As for the prince of the Association, he was sealed to Lujiang by Liu Hong's edict and became the king of Lujiang.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that unless the prince debate angered the senior Xiao, was expelled from the teacher's school by that senior Xiao, or the senior Xiao suddenly died suddenly, otherwise the prince Xie would have missed the position of prince.

As for those two possibilities, given that Senior Xiao’s strength suddenly died, I am afraid that this world would have to be destroyed, and the other possibility...

How can the prince debate who has been in charge of Luoyang City for many years be a fool?

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the big man is not overthrown, Prince Bian will be the next Han emperor to be nailed down!

And Zhang Jiao and these people raised their troops to rebel, they were just taking advantage of Xiao Tian's absence, holding the plan to sink the boat, trying to destroy the big man before Xiao Tian appeared again, at that time, even if Xiao Tian made another move, he would not be able to reverse the trend.

It’s just that in Zhang Rang’s opinion, the ideas of those in Zhang Jiao are nothing short of idiotic dreams. Even if the senior Xiao Tian can’t escape the world, the remaining three apprentices are rare in the world except for the prince debate. The fierce general, almost no opponent on the battlefield!

With Huangfu Song Zhu Jun and other veterans sitting in town, the Great Han River is as stable as Mount Tai!

Chapter 1380 Alien Species Sneak Into Heaven!

At the same time that Liu Hong arranged to deal with the rebellion in various places, Xiao Tian appeared in the Xuanwu Pagoda in the northern part of Jizhou, and besides him, the other four sacred beasts also gathered here.

"Daoyou Xiao, I invite you to come here this time because I have important matters to discuss," Xuanwu turned into a human form, sitting at the stone table, and said to Xiao Tian.

Beside him, sitting in turn were the red bird, the white tiger, the green dragon and the unicorn in human form.

And Xiao Tian couldn't help but take a few more glances at the sacred beast Qinglong, who was on the predestined side before. The appearance of the Qinglong transformed into a human form was a green-robed Taoist, with a calm expression on his face.

"I don't know what the important thing is that Venerable Xuanwu is talking about?" Xiao Tian frowned and said in a deep voice.

He lived in seclusion in the Kunlun cave mansion, but the basalt armor in Najie suddenly flew out, projecting a basalt phantom, asking him to rush to the basalt pagoda.

Xiao Tian originally planned to refuse, but Xuanwu told him that the matter was of great importance and it was likely to affect Zhao Yun and others. Xiao Tian hurried over from Kunlun Mountain.

Other aspects of the outside world's perception of Xiao Tian may still be questionable, but there is no doubt about the point of protecting shortcomings.

"Let me speak," Qilin said suddenly: "Friend Xiao Dao should know that our five sacred beasts are responsible for guarding the land of China. At the beginning, only strange stones from the sky came, and our five sages worked together to build a barrier to protect the mainland of China. .

However, after the Yellow Turban disaster, the world was in chaos, and the barrier protecting the Shenzhou Continent was also broken. The Alien Species took the opportunity to sneak into the Shenzhou Continent and attached to the Shenzhou Renjie."

"So, Venerable Qilin, you invited me to come, are you planning to let me come forward to subdue the Alien Species for you?" Xiao Tian frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Yes," Qilin nodded slightly, and said with a serious face: "I and the other Four Saints need to rebuild a barrier to protect the Shenzhou Continent, in order to prevent more alien species from sneaking into the Shenzhou Continent.

During this period, we couldn't get away at all, so we had to ask Daoist Xiao."

"The strength of the Alien Species is not weak," Xiao Tian said in an unpleasant voice: "I am alone, and I want to subdue the Alien Species that sneak into the Divine State. I am afraid that I am lack of skills. You won't just put your hope on me?"

"We had already anticipated this," Qi Lin nodded, and said solemnly: "Those alien species possessed by my Shenzhou outstanding person, Xiao Daoyou only needs to defeat those outstanding people from Shenzhou, he will naturally be able to collect the alien alien species possessed by them.

However, due to being possessed by alien species outside of the universe, the strength of the outstanding people from the divine state will also increase by leaps and bounds. I am afraid that a large number of immortals and even earth immortals will emerge in a short period of time. The presence."

"So Venerable Qilin intends to let me dig out all the great people from China and beat them up?" Xiao Tian twitched at the corner of his mouth, a little speechless.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome," Qilin shook his head and explained: "Our five saints worked together to create five magic bags used to collect alien species. As long as Xiao Daoyou hand it over to the heroes you value, they are defeating the alien alien species. After possessing the outstanding person, he can naturally put the alien species outside the day into the bag of law.

As for you, Xiao Daoyou, you must be able to deal with those alien species with Xiao Daoyou's strength, right?"

As he said, Qilin flipped his wrist, and five magic bags of different colors suspended in front of him, and then slowly flew towards Xiao Tian.

Chapter 1381 Five Holy Towers and Five Spirits Formation!

Xiao Tian didn't take the five magic bags, allowing them to float in front of him.

"What are the benefits of collecting alien species?" Xiao Tian looked at Qilin and said lightly: "Five bags, my disciple Zhao Yun will definitely have one. If there is no benefit, I don't care, but what is wasted is my apprentice's time. I will never do something that is not rewarded."

"We have long considered what Xiao Daoyou said," Xuanwu said with a smile: "The five magic bags are inscribed with the refining formation, which can refine the alien species from the outer world, so as long as the alien species can be collected with the magic bag, every time you collect One can refine part of the cultivation base of the alien species outside the day and use it to feed back the owner of the Dharma bag."

Xiao Tian nodded when he heard this, put the five bags of law into the ring, and said lightly: "If this is the case, then I will take this matter."

Before Xiao Tian's voice fell, the system prompt suddenly sounded in his mind——

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully triggering the special task [Exterminate the Alien Species], please help the host to help the Five Holy Beasts eliminate the alien species that sneaked into the Chinese mainland.

Task reward: 1,000,000 reputation value, 20,000 teacher points, five chances to draw a random lottery, and one special item!"

Hearing the system prompt, Xiao Tian's expression was shocked, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

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