God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 584

Hearing Sun Ce's words, Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai's hearts jumped. Before they had time to speak, Sun Ce swept over with a shot, and the flame rose above the tip of the gun, pushing Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai back.

"Even if you can beat Zhao Zilong?" After pushing back Jiang Qin Zhoutai, Sun Ce didn't pursue it. Instead, holding the Phoenix spear, looking at the two of them, he said indifferently: "With Senior Xiao's short temper, if Zhao Zilong comes forward for help, It is impossible for Senior Xiao not to take action."

"I didn't see what Gong Jin said before, so I don't know if it is true.

But last night on the Yangtze River, I saw that Senior Xiao Tian waved a hand and slew a dragon beast at the peak of the earth immortal and a dragon at the realm of the heavenly immortal!"

Sun Ce looked at Jiang Qin Zhoutai, and said lightly: "Can your brothers join forces, can you compare to a dragon beast at the pinnacle of the earth?"

Jiang Qin Zhoutai's expression stagnated when he heard that, let alone a flood beast at the pinnacle of the earth immortal, even a flood beast that had entered the realm of earth immortality was enough to crush the two of their brothers!

As for the dragons in the Heavenly Immortal realm, even if they swell, they dare not stroke the tiger's whiskers that exist.

However, this kind of existence that they seemed invincible to defeat was actually beheaded by the legendary Xiao Senior?!

They don't think that Sun Ce has the need to deceive them. You must know that Sun Ce has had the upper hand now. Their life and death are tied to Sun Ce's thoughts. In this case, Sun Ce can't deceive them!

Chapter 1425 Blooming on Both Sides!

Seeing Jiang Qin Zhoutai's silence, Sun Ce shook his head and said lightly: "Let's go, I think you still have a bit of arrogance, unlike the three of Zhu, Zhang, and Gu, this time let you make a living. Right, I won’t be soft!"

After speaking, Sun Ce waved his phoenix spear and slew towards the water village below.

At this moment, the water village has become shaky in the successive attacks of the two thousand water bandits under the command of Zhou Yu. Sun Ce's participation is undoubtedly the last straw that crushes the camel, and the water bandits in the water village instantly lose their resistance. heart.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai were silent for a while, and fell back into the water village, and said to Sun Ce: "If we surrender, can we find a future for the brothers in the water village?"

Sun Ce glanced at Jiang Qin who was speaking, and said lightly: "If you are not the most evil person, you can let it go."

"Can you decide?" Zhou Taiwu couldn't believe it, and said in a deep voice: "We are the rebels who raised the flag to rebel. The court can't wait for us to be slashed. Just relying on your empty words, I'm afraid it won't work?"

"My words are really useless," Sun Ce nodded and said calmly.

"But Zhao Zilong can determine your life and death!" Before Jiang Qin Zhoutai could speak, Sun Ce said lightly: "You don't even know the affairs of Senior Xiao Tian, ​​I am afraid you don't know what Zhao Zilong's identity is now.

Then let me tell you, now Zhao Zilong is a great hussar general. He is on a fake festival and is patrolling the world on the order of the emperor. Officials under two thousand stones can beheaded first, and officials under four hundred stones can be appointed and removed by themselves!"

Seeing a look of shock on Jiang Qin Zhoutai’s face, Sun Ce curled his lips and continued: "If this is not enough, then I will tell you again. Now Huang Xu, who is now the leader of the army in Liangzhou, who is confronting Dong Thief, is Zhao Yun’s younger brother. !

The big man prince Liu Bian who sits in Luoyang is also Zhao Yun's junior. With this status, do you think what he said has any weight?"

Jiang Qin Zhoutai stopped talking after hearing this. Regardless of the identities of Zhao Yun mentioned by Sun Ce, whichever one of them is taken out is enough to be valued, let alone all the identities of Zhao Yun?

"We are willing to surrender!" Jiang Qin Zhoutai glanced at each other, put down the weapon in his hand, fell to the left, and said solemnly.

"Tell General Zhao the news here," Sun Ce smiled when he heard the words and ordered a water bandit.

The water bandit nodded and hurried to Qu'a Harbor.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu walked into the water village under the leadership of Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai, and were familiar with the various layouts in the water village...

At the same time, Wu Juncheng's battle has also come to an end.

Originally, the strength of Zhao Yun and Wang Yue would surpass the four celebrities of the Zhu family and the Zhang family. In addition, the four celebrities of the Zhu family and the Zhang family had a big fight with each other, with injuries on their bodies, and soon They were taken by Zhao Yun and Wang Yue, tied together and left outside the north gate of Wu Jun.

Afterwards, Zhao Yun and Wang Yue joined forces to help a thousand water bandits destroy the stubborn defenders in the city, and then Zhao Yun ordered Zhang Bang Anmin to occupy the prefecture.

After occupying the prefecture, Zhao Yun dismissed all the officials in it, and then selected a few more meritorious water bandits from the water bandits to temporarily serve as the county officials to help him stabilize Wu Juncheng.

"Finally, I have a foundation in this Jiangdong land," Zhao Yun thought in his heart as he sat in the Wujun County Shou's Mansion, looking at the bamboo slips in his hand.

Chapter 1426 The strange egg on Kunlun Mountain!

At the same time when Zhao Yun took Wu Jun, Xiao Tian had already ascended the Kunlun Mountain.

To his surprise, there was no demonized alien beast at the top of Kunlun Mountain, only a strange egg covered with various runes fell on the top of Kunlun Mountain, constantly releasing devilish energy toward the outside.

Xiao Tian's expression condensed, the Broken Star Sword trembled abruptly, and when he raised his hand, a sword aura slashed towards the strange egg.

The sword qi tore the air, and brought out a slender sword mark on the ground, which fell directly on the strange egg.


The sound of golden and iron symphony sounded from the quiet Kunlun mountain peak, and the dazzling fire burst out, dispelling a lot of demon energy around.

"System, what the hell is this?" Xiao Tian asked the system in his heart looking at the unharmed strange egg.

The previous demonized beasts are nothing more than that, although it is difficult to deal with, he can still hurt those demonized beasts after all, even without the restraint of the five holy beasts, he can kill them.

But the strange egg was left in place, but he couldn't even shake the strange egg, which made Xiao Tian feel a little speechless.

"This is the same thing as the strange stone that fell in this world three hundred years ago," the voice of the system soon sounded in Xiao Tian's mind.

Xiao Tian twitched the corners of his mouth twice when he heard that, did you tell me that the strange stone outside the sky is an egg?

"How can I obliterate this thing?" Xiao Tian remained silent for a while before continuing to ask.

He has three disciples in this plane, and now he doesn't know how to take Zhao Yun and the others away from this plane, so he can only be affected to solve the hidden dangers of their planes for the disciples.

"Wear!" The system's voice sounded again, giving Xiao Tian an almost no answer.

"All right," Xiao Tian sighed, and again swung the Star Breaking Sword. In the blink of an eye, countless sword lights appeared and fell on the strange egg.

The devil energy around it decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye, but compared to the devil energy that almost enveloped the entire Kunlun Mountain, it was very small.

"It would be great if the Five Spirits Formation Blueprint was in his hands!" Seeing this scene, Xiao Tian couldn't help muttering.

Relying on the amplification effect of the Five Spirits Array Blueprint, he was completely able to directly release the large-scale attack that enveloped the entire Kunlun Mountains.

When the time comes to cover the nest, even if this strange egg is resistant to fight, after the devilish energy is exhausted, I am afraid it should be abandoned!

Shaking his head, throwing away the distracting thoughts in his heart, Xiao Tian flipped his left hand, An Chen sword appeared in his hand, and the sword domain was released.

Now the strange egg seemed to be beaten passively, so Xiao Tian didn't have any scruples. He immediately turned on his firepower, and the sky was full of sword light like raindrops on the strange egg, annihilating the devilish energy around it.

But immediately, a large amount of devilish energy gathered from all around to the strange egg, making Xiao Tian had to continue to attack.

After trying this attack for a while, Xiao Tian finally gave up.

Because he found that this method is too poor!

After being silent for a while, Xiao Tian's eyes lit up, and he sat cross-legged not far in front of the strange egg, turning his Nine-turn Immortal Body!

A layer of pale golden light emerged from Xiao Tian's body, and at the same time the demon energy around him was absorbed by Xiao Tian along with the spiritual energy, and submerged in Xiao Tian's body.

As the devilish energy was absorbed, Xiao Tian only felt that a tyrannical meaning suddenly surged from the bottom of his heart, and his eyes gradually turned red.

Xiao Tian knew that this was a sequelae of absorbing devil qi. Even if he had the rank nine indestructible body, he was hardly affected by devil qi, but it would take time to refine devil qi.

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