God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 591

Especially Ma Chao, among the Qiang people, has the title of "Shenweitian General". As long as Ma Chao gives an order, Liangzhou Zhuqiang can gather an army of 100,000 people in an instant!

So even if Ma Chao was defeated, he could only lift up and put down gently.

For fear of offending this little ancestor!

But Hua Xiong, as his confidant pulled out with one hand, does not have this worry!

Even if he asked Hua Xiong to die, Hua Xiong would not hesitate, and now he just asked Hua Xiong to come out and bear the blame.

Anyway, as Hua Xiong, even if he was demoted this time because of the crime, he will soon replant Hua Xiong again. This is just to give the soldiers an explanation.

Originally, Dong Zhuo didn't intend to do these useless things. In his opinion, Ma Chao had lost the battle, and the Ma family generals probably had nothing to say.

Don't worry about the generals of the Ma family, if you can't shake his authority with other people alone, why bother to make such a fuss and embarrass your confidant?

It was only after Li Ru persuaded him several times that he reluctantly agreed, and only then did the scene like that before.

"The final conviction!" Hua Xiong didn't dare to say anything more, so he could only bury his head on the ground and said respectfully.

"Very good!" Dong Zhuo nodded when he heard the words, a fierce color appeared on his face, and said coldly: "Since you have convicted, come here, drag this defeated general out and beheaded!"

Two flying bear guard soldiers hurried forward and escorted Hua Xiong out of the big tent.

"My father-in-law calmed down!" Li Ru stood up at the right time and persuaded: "Although General Hua was defeated, it did not damage the soldiers. According to my son-in-law, it is better to let General Hua make up for it!"

Chapter 1442 Incarnate into the enemy camp!

Hearing Li Ru's words, all the generals in Xiliang also went out and said in unison: "I beg the Lord's public network to open a side, Zhunhua General Zhunhua will do his best!"

"Humph!" Dong Zhuo snorted when he heard the words. Then he waved his hand to signal the two flying bear army guards to stop, looked at Hua Xiong, and said coldly: "This time all the soldiers are begging for you, I will save your life. You are guilty and meritorious!

Tonight you led your army to attack the Liangzhou army camp. If you lose again, you will be punished for both crimes!"

"Thank the lord!" Hua Xiong said quickly after hearing the words: "The general will live up to the lord's trust!"

"Li Ru, you assist Hua Xiong and attack the camp tonight. I want to break through the Liangzhou camp and take down Huang Zhong and his son!" Dong Zhuo turned to look at Li Ru, and said in a deep voice.

"My father-in-law, don't worry, my son-in-law has a plan for a long time," Li Ru smiled confidently, "it will let the Huang family father and son not escape!"

"I'll do my daydream later," Li Ru didn't say anything, and suddenly a very calm voice came from outside the army's big tent.

Then Jianguang tore through the big tent, and a dark shadow slowly stepped into the big tent.

"Then my disciples are celebrating their achievements at the moment, so please stay in this camp," the shadow said, holding the big account, holding a dark long sword in his hand.

When Dong Zhuo heard the words, a tyrannical color flashed in his eyes, and he coldly snorted: "Come here, take down this pretending thing!"

"Don't move," the black shadow's voice seemed lazy, as if he hadn't woken up, but the next moment, the entire Chinese army's big tent was flooded with sword light, and the two flying forwards wanted to attack the black shadow. The bear guards were directly torn apart by sword light.

Seeing this scene, Dong Zhuo's expression changed slightly, and he solemnly said, "Who is your excellency? If I remember correctly, I should have not offended you!"

"It doesn't matter who I am," the black shadow sounded, and said lightly: "As long as you don't disturb my apprentice's celebration party."

"You are Xiao Tian?!" Li Ru beside Dong Zhuo seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said: "Today General Mengqi will be defeated by Huang Xu, I am afraid you are secretly tricking him?"

Hearing this, Ma Chao quickly cast his eyes on the dark shadow, his eyes flashing with murderous intent.

"As expected, it is Li Wenyou. He has some ability to help such a wasteful Dong Zhuo as the overlord of Liangzhou in one fell swoop," Soi Ying smiled and said lightly: "I'm just an incarnation, if it's really the body. Now, do you think you can still stand here?"

What he said was not a big deal. He, who was created by Xiao Tian with the help of the mysterious purple beads, knew nothing about Xiao Tian's character.

Now that he is sitting in Liangzhou, unless it is Huang Xu, Xiao Tian is absolutely impossible to appear in Liangzhou.

And once Xiao Tian appeared in Liangzhou, I am afraid that the whole Liangzhou would be bloodied by the angry Xiao Tian!

"Huh! It's just an avatar that dare to be rampant?!" Ma Chao suddenly grabbed the golden spear of the tiger's head on the side and stabbed towards the avatar of Xiao Tian!

The tip of the gun ripped the air, with a harsh sound of breaking wind.

"General Meng Qi's strength is certainly not weak, but it is a pity that he lacks some heat after all," Xiao Tian incarnate raised his hand and pointed on the tip of Hutou Zhan's golden gun, easily defying Ma Chao's attack.

"Although being possessed by the Alien Species has made your strength soar, it is clear that after such a long time, you still have not been able to fully grasp your strength," Xiao Tian incarnation glanced at Ma Chao and said lightly: "If you really It is the pinnacle of Returning Void Earth Immortal, even I have to have a headache."

Chapter 1443 Incarnation Prestige!

As he said, Xiao Tian's incarnation raised his hand and pointed, a large amount of sword light gathered towards Ma Chao, turning into a sword light cage, trapping him inside.

"You can't do a single trick in my hands now," Xiao Tian incarnate looked at Ma Chao, then looked around Dong Zhuojun's Dazhai, and said calmly: "But you are the main body left for Huang Xu to practice. I won't go on my behalf. Now, take away the Alien Species in your body, and my task is complete!"

With that said, Xiao Tian incarnates his hands with seals, and Jianguang passes through the generals of Xiliang and Majia in the big tent, bringing out a lot of black energy.

A stern wailing sound can be faintly heard in the air, and a large amount of black air condenses together, forming a terrifying grimace, biting towards Xiao Tian incarnation.

"A group of bereaved dogs, dare to compete with me?" Xiao Tian's incarnation curled his lips when he saw it, and the sword light in the big tent broke out, directly annihilating this grimace.

After doing all this, the incarnation of Xiao Tian sighed regretfully, and said helplessly: "It's a pity that Huang Xu didn't carry a bag for storing alien species from the outer world, otherwise this group of alien species would be absorbed, and I am afraid he will also reach the realm of earth fairy. It's a waste to be annihilated by me now!"

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the others in Dong Zhuojun's big tent opened their mouths. Before they had time to speak, they heard the calm voice of Xiao Tian's incarnation--

"I took away the Alien Species in your body. Although you will not fall in your realm and your strength will fall back, but you will be weak for a period of time. If you are not afraid of death, please disturb my disciple's celebration party tonight!"

After speaking, Xiao Tian incarnate directly into the darkness and disappeared.

After the incarnation of Xiao Tian left, in Dong Zhuojun's big tent, except for the three of Ma Chaopong and Hua Xiong who could barely stand, everyone else was slumped on the ground, unable to lift a trace of strength.

"Damn it!" Ma Chao cursed secretly. The tiger-headed golden gun, which he used to take advantage of his hands, seems to be extremely heavy. If he hadn't been for his amazing perseverance, I would have been unable to hold the tiger-headed golden gun and fell to the ground. Up.

The other people in the big tent are even more unbearable, and they don't even have the strength to speak, they can only lie on the ground and groan constantly.

At the same time, in Liangzhou Camp, the celebration banquet came to an end, and the generals were gone, leaving only Huang Zhong and Huang Xu in the Chinese army's camp.

"Xu'er, during the day today..." Huang Zhong looked around and found no one else before asking in a low voice, "Is it a means left by Senior Xiao?"

"My child doesn't know," Huang Xu shook his head, and then said in a deep voice: "But apart from Master, I am afraid that no one has this kind of ability to allow people to cross a larger realm of enemies without making a sound. Others can see the flaws."

"Huang Xu said well," Huang Xu just finished speaking, before Huang Zhong could speak, a very calm voice sounded inside the big tent.

Then the shadow behind Huang Xu fluctuated, and the incarnation of Xiao Tian quickly appeared in the big tent.

"Master/Senior Xiao?!" Seeing the incarnation of Xiao Tian, ​​Huang Xu and Huang Zhong immediately lost their voices.

"Don't be so surprised," Xiao Tian's incarnation waved his hand, looked at Huang Xu, and said lightly: "I'm just an incarnation, not the main body.

As for coming to Liangzhou this time, it's just an alien species from outside of Liangzhou. During the day, it just happened to be the meeting, and this will help you secretly."

Chapter 1444 Zhou Yu's Plan!

As he said, Xiao Tian's incarnation looked at Huang Xu and said lightly: "So don't expect me to help you sweep the traitors in Qingliangzhou. This is a task left by the body, and I will not interfere."

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