God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 594

Seeing the Pseudo Pangu Heart floating in front of him, Xiao Tian took a deep breath, and then swung the Star Breaking Sword, and a large amount of sword light erupted, destroying all the walls of the Xiao Mansion, and at the same time the sword energy smashed into the ground. A deep hole was left in the backyard.

Xiao Tian smiled when he saw it, and glanced at the people in Zhending City who had been evacuated by Zhao Laosan and Zhaojiacun villagers outside, and directly waved Pangu Heart into the deep pit in the backyard of Xiao Mansion.

Pangu's Heart was immersed in the soil, and quickly merged with the surroundings. The deep pit in the backyard of Xiao Mansion disappeared. Then, in the horrified eyes of the onlookers, the earth and rocks splashed, and Xiao Mansion was actually moving slowly upwards. Fly away.

Seeing this scene, the people of Zhending City understood what the sword energy that had previously cut the ground around Xiao Mansion was for.

Soon, Xiao Mansion was completely separated from the ground, leaving only a big hole in the original location of Xiao Mansion.

The Xiao Mansion was suspended about ten feet above Zhending, and there was no wall that had been reinforced many times above Zhending.

But this is so, the people of Zhending City have opened their mouths, as if witnessing the birth of a miracle.

Those spies hiding near Zhending and those who tried to run into luck in Zhending City to see if Xiao Tian could admire them. The martial artist who gave a few words was even more horrified, looking at Xiao floating in mid-air. Mansion, his eyes are full of fanaticism.

Standing in the Xiao Mansion, Xiao Tian captured the expressions of the people below with his amazing eyesight, shook his head, Xiao Tian's expression became serious, his hands quickly pinched the tactics, and a series of sword qi emerged from behind him, forming a A huge array of sword energy.

The sharp sword intent radiated from Xiao Tian, ​​and the sword intent was actually the saber that drew all the warriors in Zhending City, and flew towards Xiao Mansion under the attraction of the sword intent!

"Take your sword and use it, and then I'll be rewarded!" Xiao Tian's voice resounded above Zhending, and then everyone witnessed that the huge number of swords actually pierced directly into the earth and rocks below Xiao Mansion. , Leaving only the hilt exposed.

Then a large amount of sword aura seemed to have found the target, injected into those sword hilts. After a while, the sword aura circling above Xiao Mansion disappeared, and replaced by a Xiao Mansion exuding a biting sword intent!

Chapter 1450 Xiao Tian performs martial arts!

"With the protection of this sword formation, even if the immortal comes and can't break through it, but this sword formation is too strong to be opened for a long time." Feeling the sword energy surrounding Xiao Mansion, Xiao Tian nodded in satisfaction. .

He is now a profound immortal cultivation base, although it is slowly declining, but the means of arrangement is by no means that the immortal can contend.

After pondering for a while, Xiao Tian once again took out five things exuding shocking fluctuations from Na Jie. It was the Vermillion Bird Yan Feather, Xuanwu Spirit Armor, White Tiger Silver Teeth, Qilin Golden Horn and Azure Dragon that the Five Holy Beasts presented to Xiao Tian. Ni Lin these five sacred beast remains!

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Tian waved his hands again and again. In front of him, countless lines emerged, finally forming a mysterious formation, which is exactly the five spirit formation that Xiao Tian once used with the five spirit formation blueprint!

It’s just that the Five Spirits Array Blueprint is of great use to Xiao Tian. After the Alien Species’ issue is resolved, Xiao Tian will leave with the Five Spirits Array Blueprint over Shenzhou, so this large array in Xiao Mansion can only rely on Xiao Tian built it by referring to the Five Spirit Formation.

Fortunately, he has a lot of experience in using the Eight Desolate Profound Fire Arrays and various sword formations. Although the Five Spirits Array that Xiao Tian imitated is much worse than the large arrays arranged by the Five Spirits Array blueprints, it is different in other places. It's exactly the same!

Then the five sacred beast remnants flew into the Five Spirits Formation arranged by Xiao Tian under the control of Xiao Tian, ​​and finally merged into Xiao Mansion with the great formation.

In the front yard of the Xiao Mansion, a stone sculpture of a unicorn appeared silently behind the screen wall in the front yard, with a touch of agility in his eyes.

And a white tiger stone sculpture appeared quietly in the backyard of Xiao Mansion, lying next to the martial arts field.

On the eaves of the main hall of the Xiao Mansion, a stone sculpture of a Vermilion bird spreads its wings, and a stone sculpture of a blue dragon hovering on the pillar in the hall.

As for the basalt stone sculptures, they appeared in the pool in the front yard of the Xiao Mansion, exuding a touch of aura.

"With the protection of this five-spirit formation, plus the five sacred beasts as the eyes, this formation is probably only broken when the five holy beasts come."

Perceiving the abnormality in Xiao Mansion, Xiao Tian smiled, and then flew out of Xiao Mansion, floating in the air.

"I just borrowed your sabers, and now I will return you a swordsmanship. How much you can comprehend depends on your good fortune!"

Xiao Tian held the Broken Star Sword in his hand, his eyes swept across the people below, and smiled.

After hearing the words, everyone below quickly got up and turned their eyes to Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian smiled when he saw it, his expression became solemn, and all the swordsmanship he had practiced in the past came to his mind, and then it turned into a simple straight stab and stabled forward.

Different from the magnificent power that Xiao Tian used to use swordsmanship, Xiao Tian's sword pierced out, and even the sword light did not appear, as if it was a sword that was casually pierced by a young man who learned to use the sword.

However, everyone below seemed to have been caught in an evil spirit, and at the same time, they were stunned, and countless sword lights seemed to flash in their eyes.

"I understand it! I understand it!" After a while, someone suddenly shouted in surprise.

The man couldn't find the saber, he actually took off the scabbard around his waist and used it as a sabre, and in a flash, he danced a set of exquisite swordsmanship.

Even if it was only displayed with the scabbard, when he swung the scabbard, it was also full of sword light, and a sharp sword intent radiated from him.

Countless people cast their enviable gazes at the man, and a complacent look appeared on the man's face. Before he could speak, another one shouted, "I understand it too! I understand it too!"

Chapter 1451 Making Fate!

Everyone hurriedly looked towards the person who was speaking, and saw that the person who was speaking was surrounded by countless dim sword lights flying, and finally fell into the scabbard around his waist.

A large amount of sharp sword aura spurted out of the originally slightly clumsy scabbard, splitting a hard rock not far in front of him in half, and the cut surface was as smooth as a mirror.

"Hiss—" When everyone saw this, everyone around him took a breath, looked at the man with a smug look, and quickly cast their gazes to Xiao Tian, ​​who was trying to understand something from Xiao Tian's actions.

Seeing the movements of the people below, Xiao Tian smiled, his wrists shook, and the surrounding wind and clouds changed color, as if the light from the sky and the earth were concentrated on him, the long sword swept across, without surprising momentum, but it seemed to make the world pale. .

A sword light slowly flew out, quickly spread to the surroundings, and wiped out the surrounding clouds in the blink of an eye!

Everyone’s eyes were focused on the sword light, and they looked fascinated, as if there was some kind of sword doctrine in it, and it seemed that there were countless swords in the exercise. Every blink of an eye can see from that sword light. I felt a different sword technique in it.

Many people subconsciously waved their right hands, seeming to be rehearsing the sword skills they felt from the sword light cut by Xiao Tian. A large amount of pure sword intent radiated from the people below, and the sword intent rushed into the sky for a while. I can detect it!

"These two swords can be regarded as my thanks. How much you can comprehend depends on your chance," Xiao Tian put away the Broken Star Sword, his calm voice echoed over Zhending City.

The two swords just now seemed simple, but they incorporated Xiao Tian's perception of kendo, which contained endless changes. Even with Xiao Tian's cultivation base, he could only cut out these two swords!

The people in the city below who were still immersed in the state of perceiving the sword light continued to perceive, Xiao Tian appeared in the backyard of Xiao Mansion with a flash, and touched his chin and said, "This inner courtyard is a little more open, if I After leaving, Zilong and the others recruited another disciple..."

"Yes," Xiao Tian suddenly flashed a flash of light in his mind, and then looked at the Jinling cinnabar placed in the corner for Zhao Yun's test.

"Leave a few swordsmanship here, and leave it to those who are predestined," Xiao Tian smiled, raised his hand to point out a sword aura, and hit the hard Jinling cinnabar.

Jinling cinnabar shattered at the sound, and was cut back and forth into several pieces by Jian Qi, and the sections were smooth as mirrors.

"The Shura Dragon Slashing Technique must stay," Xiao Tian pondered for a while, and raised his hand to photograph a piece of broken Jinling cinnabar, exuding an awe-inspiring sword intent. After a while, a sword light swept across the sky and finally burned on Xiao. Above the Jinling cinnabar in the hands of the sky.

There was a strong sword intent in the Jinling cinnabar in Xiao Tian's hand. The golden cinnabar was even higher, turned into a small stone sword under the action of the sword intent, and was inserted into Xiao Mansion by Xiao Tian. On the trunk of the big tree in the backyard.

"The next point of star-drawing swordsmanship must be left," Xiao Tian thought for a while, and drew out the broken star sword. For a moment, a dim galaxy surrounded the sky above Xiao Mansion, and finally fell into a piece of golden cinnabar shard at Xiao Tian's feet .

Xiao Tian lifted his foot and kicked the piece of Jinling cinnabar with the sword intent of star-drawing swordsmanship to the side of the steps of the martial arts field. Only then did he take another piece of Jinling cinnabar and inject a strand of sword into it. meaning.

Next, Xiao Tian did the same, storing the sword intent of more than twenty swords in Jinling cinnabar fragments, and throwing them in every corner of the backyard of Xiao Mansion.

Chapter 1452 Immortal Family Wonders, Xiao Mansion!

After doing all this, Xiao Tian smiled, looked around the entire Xiao Mansion, and stomped the ground with his foot. The Xiao Mansion shook a few times, then rose again, finally floating in a position more than a hundred feet above the ground.

"This position is not suitable," Xiao Tian appeared outside the Xiao Mansion, frowned and looked at it, finally set his eyes on a barren mountain not far away, with a little more smile on his face.

"Daoist Qilin, you have to help me out," Xiao Tian thought. Suddenly Xiao Tian's phantom appeared among the five spirits formation blueprints suspended in the sky, and he used the five spirits formation blueprints to maintain the big formation. Said the Qilin.

"What's the matter with Xiao Daoyou?" Qilin asked in confusion when he saw Xiao Tian appear.

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