God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 601

And the master broke up the Earth Tribulation casually, without even appearing in the real body, even listening to his words, just a momentary miss, and broke up the Tribulation that made them fear as a tiger!

"It is true that people are more dead than others, and money is still available," Huang Chengyan, who was in the crowd, couldn't help feeling.

When he thought that he had passed through the immortal calamity, he invited Sima Hui, Mr. Shui Jing, and the public protector of Pound, and even the masters of the Huang family supported him.

Now that Zhao Yun is faced with the more powerful Earth Tribulation, he is still not satisfied after passing through easily?!

Xiao Tian didn't care about these people's thoughts. Seeing Zhao Yun nodded, Xiao Tian Xuying raised his hand and moved towards the place where Zhao Yun was.

A vortex of Heavenly Tribulation slowly took shape, but compared to the previous Heavenly Tribulation, the Heavenly Tribulation Cloud formed by Xiao Tian looked even more powerful.

It was like the merciless eyes that the heaven opened, ready to kill all beings in the world at any time!

Eye of the sky!

At first, it was a short-lived moment when the consciousness of the demon god was wiped out in the sea of ​​knowledge of Xiao Tian. Later, after Xiao Tian broke through the realm of Xuanxian, according to the impression of the eye of the sky in his mind, he could barely imitate it with the magic sword of the thunder. One or two points of charm.

But when it comes to power, I don't know much.

After all, the Sky Eye of the system could easily wipe out even the Demon God consciousness, and the Sky Eye that Xiao Tian arranged could only deal with the strong in the realm of Heavenly Immortal.

"This trick contains my understanding of Thunder and Lightning. How much I can realize depends on your ability," Xiao Tianxu smiled at Zhao Yun, her voice resounding everywhere.

"Friend Xiao Dao, I don't know if the old Dao can try this catastrophe?" Old Immortal Nanhua couldn't sit still when he heard Xiao Tian's words, and immediately flew out of the crowd, looking at Xiao Tian Xuying, and said with a serious face.

The Jieyun that contains Xiao Tianlei Ting's sentiment, if it can be carried down, even if it is for him to cross Jietianxian, it will be of great benefit, Nanhua old immortal will naturally be moved by it!

Chapter 1468 Eye of the Sky!

Hearing the words of Old Immortal Nanhua, Xiao Tian was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

He didn't expect that Old Immortal Nanhua would suddenly appear, and he was interested in the Eye of Heavenly Tribulation he arranged.

"It seems that the profound light technique is still flawed!"

In the Xiao Mansion, Xiao Tian leaned halfway into the light mirror created by Profound Light Technique and muttered, "Although the phantom can display part of my strength, my perception has been weakened to the limit.

I don’t know if there is any way to improve the mysterious light technique, otherwise, under the condition of limited perception, the effect that the phantom can play will be a little less..."

Just as Xiao Tian was thinking about how to solve the flaws of the profound light technique, Old Immortal Nanhua flew up to Zhao Yun and looked up at the eyes of the firmament that slowly rotated above the firmament.

"Senior Nanhua, are you also interested in this mighty tribulation?" Zhao Yun glanced at Old Nanhua with a strange look and asked.

Back on Mount Tai, he had also seen Nanhua Old Immortal make a move with the blood of the Five Holy Spirits, changing his fate for Liu Bianni.

Although Heavenly Tribulation was blocked by Xiao Tian at that time, the strength displayed by Old Immortal Nanhua should not be underestimated.

In Zhao Yun's mind, with the strength of the old Nanhua immortal, in the face of this mighty tribulation, even if he coveted the sentiment of thunder in it, he could not surrender himself.

The old Nanhua smiled awkwardly when he heard this, and said helplessly: "Zilong, not everyone is like your master, the strength is the best in the world, and his own talent is even more extraordinary!"

"This thunder has always been mysterious, and even in my peace-keeping skills, I have to call the wind and call the rain. Although there is a technique to drive thunder and switch off electricity, its power is not satisfactory."

Old Immortal Nanhua looked at Zhao Yun and explained: "If I can get in touch with Xiao Daoyou's perception of the way of thunder, maybe I can make a breakthrough in thunder."

"So that's it," Zhao Yun nodded, and immediately stopped saying anything. Holding the bright silver gentian gun, he stared at the slowly rotating sky eyes.

At the same time, a few more figures walked out of the crowd who heard the conversation between Zhao Yun and Nanhua Lao Xian, and appeared below Zhao Yun and Nanhua Lao Xian, looking at the sky above, as if looking at a treasure.


Zhao Yun glanced at the few people below his eyes and was about to speak, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted sharply.

The eyes of the sky stopped spinning, and a golden thunder fell from the sky, like sunshine shining all over the earth, quickly falling on Zhao Yun and Nanhua Old Immortal and the people below.

The ground quickly disintegrated, and a large amount of earth and rocks splashed around. Zhao Yun and the few people under Nanhua Old Immortal were directly hit by the golden thunder, vomiting blood and flying out.

On the contrary, Zhao Yun and Old Immortal Nanhua, who were first hit by the golden thunder, were still floating in the air, looking relaxed and free.

Soon, the golden thunder dissipated, and the sky above the eyes slowly revolved, and the silver thunder snake danced wildly in the cloud vortex, as if the end was coming.

"The power of this blow is probably equivalent to a full blow by a master at the pinnacle of Earth Immortal," Nanhua Old Immortal looked at a deep pit that suddenly appeared on the ground and said with emotion.

Even this kind of appetizer is the level of an all-out blow by a master of the earth fairy peak, how terrifying is the power of the thunder behind it?

Just as Old Immortal Nanhua sighed, a few celestial bones suddenly appeared around him again, surrounding him and Zhao Yun, looking at the eyes of the sky slowly circling above...

Chapter 1469 Kirin asks for help!

Perceiving the appearance of those figures, Zhao Yun and Old Immortal Nanhua were both taken aback. They looked at them, only to find that they were all familiar faces.

"Friend Zuo Ci, Dao Yu Ji, Dao Zi Xu, Dao Shui Jing, why are you here?" Old Immortal Nanhua looked at the few people and couldn't help wondering.

"How can we miss this big movement made by Xiao Daoyou?" Zuo Ci looked at the eyes of the sky hovering in the sky, and smiled: "What's more, I'm also very interested in the way of thunder that Xiao Daoyou felt."

He also used the technique of wind and thunder in the "Book of Dun Jia Tianshu". If he could obtain Xiao Tian's perception of the way of thunder from the eyes of the sky arranged by Xiao Tian, ​​it would undoubtedly be of great benefit to him!

"I'm almost the same," Yu Ji smiled similarly. There is no means of driving wind and electricity in his practice.

But for him, if he could understand Xiao Tian's way of thunder, he might be able to create his own thunder method.

By that time, his strength will skyrocket.

If the Alien Species arrived today, they, once the old-brand powerhouses, can still crush those people who rely on the Alien Species to break through, but if they are replaced by those geniuses, they will not have any advantage.

It is also a good thing for him that his strength can skyrocket.

Master Zi Xu and Sima Hui both had the same thoughts as Yu Ji, so after Yu Ji spoke, Master Zi Xu and Sima Hui nodded immediately, with a little smile on their faces.

"If this is the case, then let's try how strong this tribulation cloud is planted by Xiao Daoyou," Old Nanhua didn't ask more when he saw it. He raised his head and looked at the eyes of the sky above, and the true energy in his body unconsciously fluctuated.

Seeing the movements of the old Nanhua immortal, the others did not dare to neglect, and quickly deployed their defenses to protect themselves.


The eyes of the sky slowly rotated, and a purple thunder fell from the sky, directly enveloping Zhao Yun and others...

In Xiao Mansion, Xiao Tian couldn't help having a faint smile on his face when he saw this scene, jokingly: "This wave is not so easy to pick up..."

The power of this wave of thunder thunder is actually not strong, but there is a mystery in it. If you can't find it, I am afraid that even the old Nanhua will not be able to withstand the third wave of thunder thunder.

However, as Xiao Tian continued to watch, the Qilin phantom suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Tian, ​​with a solemn expression: "Friend Xiao Dao, there is a big guy here, we probably need your help!"

Since Xiao Tian buried the remains of the Five Saints in the Xiao Mansion with the formation method, the Five Saints were able to condense an incarnation in the Xiao Mansion with the help of the power of the formation and formation method, which is most suitable for conveying news.

"You can't even deal with fellow Qilin?" Xiao Tian asked, startled.

The five sages are all the cultivation bases of the peak of crossing the Jietian Immortal, and the Qilin has once reached the realm of Xuanxian, and with the help of the five spirit formation blueprints left by him, the Qilin still needs to ask him for help?

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