God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 609

"Where did the ants dare to destroy the body of the god!"

As the last bit of carrion on the suture monster was scraped off, the dark bones of the demon god seemed to come alive, and crimson runes appeared on the skeleton, imprinted on the bones.

At the same time, in the hollow eye sockets, two groups of enchanting blood-colored flames ignited, beating constantly, giving people a terrifying oppression.

"Devil Slaughter?" Xiao Tian frowned, his voice was exactly the same as the Demon Slaughter he had encountered before on the Kunlun Mountains!

"Ants, you have some knowledge!" The chin of the dark demon god's bones opened and closed, and a dull voice sounded from above the sky: "Yes, this god is the great slaughter god!

Offer your body as a container for the rebirth of the god, and the god will give you eternal life!"

A flash of cold light flashed in Xiao Tian's eyes, the Broken Star Sword trembled slightly, and coldly said, "By you?

A so-called demon god who has fallen for so many years, and lingers on his breath with a trace of consciousness, dare to say that he will live forever?"

Before the words fell, the Broken Star Sword slammed out, and stars phantoms exploded above the sky, and sharp sword lights appeared, standing on the dark bones of the Slaughter Devil.

The scarlet rune on the pitch-black skeleton quickly emerged, surrounding the skeleton, stopping Xiao Tian's attack.

"Stupid boy, do you want to hurt the great slaughter demon?" The dark flame in the eyes of the black skeleton beat twice, and the sound of mockery resounded above the sky.

"Try to see if you don't see it?" Xiao Tian yelled coldly, and rushed directly towards the bones of the Slaughter Demon God. The Star Broken Sword in his hand was cut out one after another, and sword lights appeared and fell on the Slaughter Demon God's skeleton.

"Stupid ants!" Seeing Xiao Tian's actions, the ghostly fire in the eyes of the Slaughter Demon Shadow Shadow beat twice again, and then the ghostly fire suddenly became blazing, and a group of black shadows flew out of the bones and slammed into Xiao Tian. past.

A gleam of light flashed in Xiao Tian's eyes, and he rushed directly to the dark shadow.

Soon, a phantom of the Slaughter Demon God appeared in Xiao Tian's Consciousness Sea, and Xiao Tian was suspended in front of the Slaughter Demon God's bones, and his consciousness was immersed in the Consciousness Sea.

"Ant, you are so courageous, how dare you let this god enter your sea of ​​knowledge!" The Slaughter Demon looked at the incarnation of Xiao Tianzhi in front of him, and laughed wildly: "Dedicate your body, and this god will give you eternal life!"

"Haha~" Xiao Tian incarnation let out an unexplained laugh, then his eyes condensed, and he said coldly: "Kneel down and surrender, I can still consider letting you go!"

"The arrogant ant!" When the Slaughter Demon God Void was furious, a pitch-black sickle in his hand quickly formed and slashed towards the incarnation of Xiao Tian!

Chapter 1488 Mission Complete!

"In my sea of ​​knowledge, you can't help being presumptuous," Xiao Tian's consciousness incarnation smiled coldly and lightly tapped his right hand.

The pale gold Sea of ​​Consciousness churns up quickly, and a series of water arrows shoot out from the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and hit the phantom of the Killing Demon God. At the same time, in the sky of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, countless tribulation clouds accumulate, forming a slowly rotating huge vortex.

It was precisely the method used by the system to extinguish the consciousness of the killing demon on that day-the eye of the sky!

Although the phantom of the Slaughter Demon God is strong now, it is not even worse than the incarnation of the Slaughter Demon God that Xiao Tian encountered on the Kunlun Mountain.

This sky eye was only created by Xiao Tian's method of imitating the system, and it actually seemed to put a lot of pressure on the Slaughter Demon God Xuyingmo.


Xiao Tian gave a light squeak, and the eyes of the sky above quickly stopped spinning. A golden light broke through the darkness and fell directly on the phantom of the Slaughter Demon God. It was as if the sky opened his eyes, ruthlessly overlooking the world!

"What the hell is this?!" The Slaughter Demon Phantom roared, slashing with the pitch-black sickle in his hand, seemingly intending to smash the golden light.

"Naturally it is a means to kill you!" Xiao Tian's consciousness incarnation showed a sneer on his face, and pinched a seal with his right hand.

The Sea of ​​Consciousness was turbulent, and a large number of golden light spots flew out of the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Xiao Tian, ​​condensing into a burly figure that seemed to exist and seemed not far from Xiao Tian's consciousness incarnation.

And if you look closely, you will find that the figure formed by the golden light spots is exactly the same as the ghost of the Slaughter Demon God!

This is the ability derived from Xiao Tian's Sea of ​​Consciousness after absorbing the light spot transformed by the consciousness of the Slaughter Demon God that day. It can use his handprints to force the remnants of the Slaughter Demon God hidden in the Sea of ​​Consciousness to deal with those souls who rush into the Sea of ​​Knowledge.

The Slaughter Demon God Phantom naturally knew such a method. After all, the Slaughter Demon God didn't know how many years it had existed. Even the bones after the fall were able to make a shocking movement, just imagine how powerful it was during his lifetime.

However, because of this, the Slaughter Demon God Void suddenly became furious, and the bloody light in his eyes was full, and he desperately killed Xiao Tian's consciousness incarnation.

The golden light from the eyes of the sky moved continuously with the phantom of the Slaughter Demon God, slowly breaking it into countless light spots.

However, the phantom of the Slaughter Demon God didn't seem to be aware of it. A dark blue flame ignited on the pitch-black sickle in his hand.

Seeing that the pitch black sickle was about to smash the incarnation of Xiao Tian's consciousness, a pale golden sickle was handed out from the diagonal stab, and stopped in front of Xiao Tian, ​​capable of stopping the attack of the Slaughter Demon Phantom.

The one who stopped the phantom of the Slaughter Demon God was naturally the Remnant Soul of the Slaughter Demon God!

"You--!" The eyes of the Slaughter Demon God Void stared big, and he glanced unwillingly at the remnant soul of the Slaughter Demon God, and finally turned into countless light spots and fell into the sea of ​​Xiao Tian's knowledge.

The pale gold color of Consciousness Sea became more intense, and the remnant soul of the Slaughter Demon God quickly disintegrated and merged into Xiao Tian's Consciousness Sea.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully beheading the remains of the demon god who invaded China. The special task [seeking help] is completed, rewards 50000 reputation, 50000 teacher points, and three chances to draw prizes!"

Just after the remnant soul of the Slaughter Demon God completely disintegrated, the system prompt echoed over the sea of ​​Xiao Tianzhi.

Hearing the system prompt, Xiao Tian's consciousness incarnation also slowly dissipated, and Zhihai quickly returned to calm...

Chapter 1489 Immortal weapon falling snow!

Above the sky, Xiao Tian slowly opened his eyes, his body exuded terrifying pressure.

The remains of the Demon God in front of him lost their brilliance, and the originally pitch-black bones quickly turned gray, and finally slowly crumbled under the gaze of Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian looked at the demon god's remains slowly shattering in front of him, with a smile on his face, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

The five sacred beasts phantom also quickly disappeared, turning into five streams of light to fly under the sky and fall into the five sacred beasts.


Outside Zhending County, Si Yunya, Xiao Mansion.

Xiao Tian's figure appeared in the backyard of Xiao Mansion. The spiritual energy in the courtyard was agitated, but no one was seen. Xiao Tian was suspended above the backyard, and with his amazing vision, he could see many people slowly climbing Si Yun Cliff.

Smiling and shook his head, Xiao Tian returned to the backyard of Xiao Mansion, lying on the recliner, and said lightly: "System, lottery."

After solving the remains of the Demon God, complete the special task [Request for Help], and the system rewarded three lucky draw opportunities. Xiao Tian had nothing to do at the moment, and simply used up the three lucky draw opportunities.

As soon as Xiao Tian's voice fell, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. After he recovered, he appeared in the sky of his consciousness.

There was a pale golden sea of ​​consciousness at the foot, and countless stars suddenly lit up in the originally chaotic sea of ​​consciousness, and a huge star wheel quickly formed over the sea of ​​Xiao Tian.

On the roulette, various items were listed. Xiao Tian only glanced at him and saw the elixir of immortality that could make mortals live forever, as well as a divine spirit fruit that directly allowed ordinary people to reach the realm of heaven.

In addition, the magic soldiers of the format appeared in groups, and Xiao Tian's eyes were hot.

Without system prompts, Xiao Tian knew what to do, looked at the star roulette in front of him, and said lightly: "Start."

Before he finished his words, Xiao Tian's Sea of ​​Consciousness was turbulent, and the huge star wheel seemed to be being pushed by an invisible hand, spinning quickly.

Soon, the items on the Star Roulette were no longer clear. Xiao Tian pondered for a moment before he whispered: "Stop!"

The Star Roulette stopped at the sound, and the pointer pointed to a long sword exuding icy chill.

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