God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 616

Chapter 1503 Fu Demon God Light Array!

Passing through the light gate, what appeared in the sight of Xiao Tian and Old Immortal Nanhua was an ancient stone gate, and in the open space in front of the stone gate, a large number of robbery clouds hovered.

Unlike the thunder tribulation that Xiao Tian had encountered before, what loomed in the tribulation cloud was not the thunder, but the rays of different colors!

"This third level is really to test the strength of the physical body!" Seeing the glow in the clouds, the old Nanhua immediately said: "This should be the magic light left by the third generation of our master.

Every ray of sunshine is heavy, once it is smashed, ordinary human beings and even earth celestial beings will be broken and fractured, and they will fall on the spot!"

"I will try it first!"

After listening to Old Immortal Nanhua, Xiao Tian's figure flashed and appeared in the open space in front of the stone gate, with a faint golden light glowing all over his body.


A golden glow fell from the sky and fell on Xiao Tian accurately.

The golden light on Xiao Tian's body suddenly flourished, pushing the glow away, and the golden glow falling on the ground beside Xiao Tian, ​​smashing into a bottomless pit.

"It's interesting," Xiao Tian's eyes flashed, and then he made an action that stunned Old Immortal Nanhua.

I saw Xiao Tian dissipate the golden light from his body, and ran into it directly against a falling purple glow!


The purple glow bombarded Xiao Tian with an astonishing blast, and a burst of air spread towards the surroundings, rolling up the gravel on the ground, and tumbling towards the surroundings.

Xiao Tian's figure appeared beside Old Nanhua, with some abnormal flushes on his face, and his expression solemn.

Without resorting to the Nine-turn Indestructible Body and the Phaseless Armor, the purple glow actually made his internal organs a little toss, and even his muscles were vaguely numb, and his movements stiffened a lot!

"The power of this glow is not weak," Xiao Tian looked at Nanhua Old Immortal, and said in a deep voice, "I can only resist about five rays of glow without the help of the magic weapon and the power of cultivation. More will hurt."

"Of course, if the exercises are operated and the magic weapon in my body is stimulated, these rays of light won't hurt me a bit."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Tian looked at Nanhua Old Immortal and asked, "I wonder if fellow Nanhua Daoist plans to break through the level with me, or wait for me to break through the third level and enter the forbidden area directly?"

"I'll just sit and watch Fellow Daoist Xiao break through," Old Immortal Nanhua groaned for a moment, then said slowly.

He believed that he did not have the tyrannical body of Xiao Tian, ​​and he did not have Xiao Tian's profound arts and magic methods and various shocking magic weapons.

Now that Xiao Tian has this thigh to hold, he naturally won't ask for trouble.

Xiao Tian didn't say anything when he heard the words, the formless armor covered his whole body, and at the same time, a faint golden light shrouded his whole body, rushing directly towards the Jieyun above!

The rays of sunlight bombarded down, either shattered by the golden light on Xiao Tian's body or offset by the Phaseless Armor. The power was reduced to the extreme, and it could not have any effect on Xiao Tian!

"Boom-boom-boom -!"

A large amount of sunlight fell into the sky, bombarding the ground, making a dull explosion sound, and smashing bottomless pits on the ground.

Old Immortal Nanhua took a few steps back quickly, for fear of being affected.

He doesn't have the strength of Xiao Tian's. If he has one or two lights of the devil, he can barely deal with it, but if there is more, he will have to suffer a bit!

Chapter 1504 Sudden Change!

Fu Mo's divine light didn't last long, Xiao Tian easily blocked all Fu Mo's divine light by relying on the Phaseless Armor and the Nine Ranks Immortal Body.

Compared with the second level, Xiao Tian spent much less effort in the third level.

After Fu Mo's divine light dissipated, the closed Shimen slowly opened. Xiao Tian looked at Nanhua Old Immortal and said with a smile: "Please invite Nanhua Daoist friends first. After all, it is something left by your teacher."

Old Immortal Nanhua nodded and quickly walked towards the Shimen, and soon disappeared.

Xiao Tian didn't hesitate when he saw this, his figure flashed and broke into Shimen.

Just after Xiao Tian entered the stone gate, the stone gate that had originally opened was slowly closed, and the surrounding scenes changed for a while, turning into a sea of ​​corpses.

The original stone gate was transformed into a huge skull, and the place where the stone gate was located was the left eye socket of the skull!


After Xiao Tian and Old Immortal Nanhua passed through the stone gate, they appeared in a somewhat dim stone room, surrounded by a large number of bookshelves, and each of them was filled with books.

Taoist rhymes radiated from the book, making the stone room filled with a lot of heaven and earth aura, and even vaguely seen golden lines emerging in the void, turning into petals and falling.

Where the two of them walked, golden lotus blossoms appeared on the ground, and then quickly disappeared.

"The sky is falling chaotically, and the ground is springing up with golden lotus!" Seeing this scene, Nanhua Old Immortal couldn't help but lose his voice.

In his master book, there are records of such a vision. It is a vision that can be triggered by a technique that allows people to cultivate to the realm of Jinxian or a technique that can make people use Jinxian's combat power. !

In this stone room, the ceiling continued to rise, and the golden lotus appeared on the ground, which is enough to explain how many golden immortal level techniques and secrets are stored in this stone room!

Xiao Tian couldn't help being a little bit stunned. It was indeed a force that was inherited from the ancients. After several great changes in the world, he still has this kind of heritage.

If it weren't for the treasures left by Nanhua's old immortal since the great change of heaven and earth, he didn't have the strength to unlock the treasures left by the division's entrance gate.

Even the Alien Species who invaded China are definitely not the opponents of Nanhua Old Fairy!

"Friend Xiao Dao, look for the method of soul separation you need," said Old Immortal Nanhua looking at the bookshelves around him, suppressing the excitement in his heart, and said to Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian was not welcome, and walked straight to a bookshelf, picking up the top booklet casually.

"No!" At the moment when he picked up the booklet, Xiao Tian's expression changed, he quickly pulled out the fairy artifact hanging from his waist and shouted at the old Nanhua immortal at the same time: "Friend Nanhua, get out of here, this place is not right! "

"Haha, it's late!" A bloody phantom emerged from Nanhua Old Immortal, rushing towards Xiao Tian, ​​and sneered: "This god has been lurking in this wasteful sea of ​​knowledge for so long, and finally he has waited for a suitable physical body. !"

"Taking you away, this god will be able to refine this world and find revenge for those old men!" The scarlet figure let out a depressed roar, and at the same time a monstrous hatred from the self-learning figure exudes.

"The Slaughter Demon God?" Xiao Tian's eyes condensed, and the immortal weapon in his hand was fluttering with snow, and the red light had already disappeared into his mind.

A blood-colored figure appeared on Xiao Tian's Consciousness Sea, who was it instead of the Slaughter Demon God?

"The Sea of ​​Consciousness has completely transformed into a golden color! Hahahaha! God help me!" The Slaughter Demon God looked at the golden Sea of ​​Consciousness below, with a frantic smile on his face.

"Haha, Slaughter Demon God, don't be too happy too early," A slightly mocking voice rang out over the sea, and then Xiao Tian's incarnation of consciousness appeared not far from Slaughter Demon God, his eyes full of sarcasm in his eyes. .

Chapter 1505 Who Counts Who!

Seeing Xiao Tian's expression, the Slaughter Demon God smiled suddenly, and his eyes looked at Xiao Tian a little more solemn.

He has lurked in this world for endless years, has been hiding in this forbidden place, and built such a world with his head as the foundation.

It is to find a suitable object to seize the house.

For this reason, even when his heart and bones penetrated the barriers of the world and appeared in this world, he resisted the urge to appear and stayed in this forbidden area, waiting for people who met his conditions to come.

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