God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 618

The classics in these surroundings are all rare things, if they can be taken out, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to him to revitalize the master!

"I suggest that fellow Taoists of Nanhua spread some of these exercises, so that Tianxia Jiao can practice."

Xiao Tian saw the expression of Nanhua Old Immortal, smiled, and said: "If you have enough strong immortals, you might be able to break through the world's restrictions and restore your aura so that this world can carry a large number of profound immortals."

There are only five sacred beasts who know the identity of Xiao Tiantian outsiders. Old Nanhua doesn’t know it, but Xiao Tian didn’t shy away when he said it, because he absorbed the remnant soul of the Slaughter Demon God. Get the news.

Sure enough, when he heard Xiao Tian's words, Old Immortal Nanhua nodded and said sternly: "Just as Daoyou Xiao said."

As for why Xiao Tian knew of such news, Old Immortal Nanhua didn't even ask!

In his opinion, Xiao Tian could easily resolve the terrifying remnant soul of the Demon God, and it was not unacceptable to know these news.

What's more, that demon god's remnant soul is so powerful, it is normal for Xiao Tian to get some information they don't know after obliterating it.

Hearing this, Xiao Tian didn't say much any more, his eyes swept over the ancient books in the stone room, and finally fixed on a volume of incomplete bamboo slips.

"Soul cultivation?" Xiao Tian muttered softly while looking at the incomplete bamboo slips.

Compared with the other classics in the stone room, the name of this [Soul Cultivation] is simply too ordinary. If it is not mixed in a pile of precious classics, I am afraid that it will not even make people look at it!

After groaning for a while, Xiao Tian lifted his right hand lightly, took the incomplete bamboo slips containing the soul-raising technique into his hands, and slowly studied...

Chapter 1508 The magical effect of soul cultivation!

Xiao Tian was quickly immersed in the information recorded on the bamboo slips, with an astonishing look in his eyes.

"This is simply a secret method tailored for me!" Xiao Tian secretly said in his heart.

Soul cultivation is very similar to Tianyi Zhanhunjue, except that it is different from Tianyi Zhanhunjue's forcibly dividing the soul. Soul cultivation is a medium that replaces the soul, and then uses the power of its own soul. , And create an incarnation of the soul!

There is no difference between this primordial avatar and the primordial avatar cultivated by the primordial spirit that Tianyi Zhanhunjue forcibly splits. The only difference is that it takes longer for the soul cultivation technique to condense the primordial avatar!

But for Xiao Tian, ​​what he lacks most is time!

What's more, according to the records of Tianyi Zhanhunjue, after forcibly splitting the soul, if you want to condense the general soul into the incarnation of the soul, it also requires a lot of treasures of heaven and earth, which is not simpler than slowly raising it over time.

Once the soul cultivation technique is successful, after Wen cultivates an incarnation of the soul, Xiao Tian can directly follow the content behind the Tianyi Soul Slashing Jue, and use the twin fruit to assist himself in controlling the soul incarnation, and realize the sharing of cultivation base and synchronization of strength. Boost!

"If you can warm up the incarnation of the soul before leaving this world, you can completely keep it in this world," Xiao Tian said while looking at the bamboo slips in his hands.

With the existence of such a large number of classics, the spiritual energy of this world has greatly increased, and it is inevitable to break the limits of the world today.

A world that can carry a large number of mysterious immortals can completely carry a small number of golden immortals, even the existence of the big Luo golden immortal level!

What's more, many of the exercises and classics in this stone room are directed to the Golden Immortal Avenue. If you don't get it, this world will be elevated to a level that can accommodate a large number of golden immortals!

This is undoubtedly a good follow-up for Xiao Tian!

After all, after the remnants of the Slaughter Demon God appeared frequently, Xiao Tian had guessed what he would face in the future.

In reality, the road to the sky was cut off, affecting the Kunlun Immortal Island, turning Longyue City into a ruin, and even nearly destroying the mysterious power of the heaven and earth's spiritual roots, Huang Zhongli, and the devilish energy of the Slaughter Demon God.

As long as Xiao Tian doesn't give up reopening the road to the sky, he will inevitably confront those who don't know how many years they have existed and are at the same level as the Slaughter Demon God, or even higher than the Slaughter Demon God!

Even with systematic help, Xiao Tian didn't dare to say that he was able to perform easily in the face of such existence.

Therefore, it is necessary to leave a few hole cards and enough backhands for yourself!

After all, it was as good as the Slaughter Demon God who fell before endless years, and he could only rely on some backhands to survive. Xiao Tian didn't think that he had the ability to compare with the Slaughter Demon God in his heyday.

"Friends of Nanhua Daoist, this volume of soul cultivation has many magical uses for me, so I accepted it," Xiao Tianchong said with a smile, who had searched all the classics in the stone room.

"This time, it is all due to Daoyou Xiao's efforts. Even if Daoyou Xiao takes away all the classics, it should be. What's more, Daoyou Xiao just asked for one of the volumes?"

Old Immortal Nanhua smiled at Xiao Tian, ​​and then hesitated for a moment before he said: "However, the old Dao has a merciless request. I hope that Daoist Xiao can agree."

"Oh?" Xiao Tian was intrigued when he heard the words, looked at the old Nanhua immortal, and asked, "I don't know what the Nanhua Taoist fellow said?"

Chapter 1509 Mission Complete and Nanhua Old Immortal's Plan!

"I want to build a Buddhist scripture pavilion on Si Yunya of Fellow Xiao Daoist to store these classics," Nanhua Old Immortal hesitated and said to Xiao Tian.

"This is a good thing," Xiao Tian said with a smile, "How can I refuse it?"

He left Si Yunya Xiao Mansion originally just to leave Zhao Yunhuangxu and the others a life-saving hole card.

But if he could warm up the avatar of the soul before leaving this world, Xiao Tian would naturally leave the avatar of the soul in this world.

In this case, Si Yunya is naturally the safer the better!

Once Nanhua Lao Xian builds the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion on Siyun Cliff, Si Yunya will become more attractive to the world warriors!

At that time, Si Yunya will become a real martial arts holy land!

After all, Si Yunya today is also considered a martial arts holy land, but only the sword skills and various sword intents left by Xiao Tian are sealed inside, which is inevitably a bit monotonous.

If these classics can be supplemented, it will greatly enrich Si Yunya's background!

After receiving Xiao Tian's reply, Old Immortal Nanhua directly handed a storage magic weapon to Xiao Tian, ​​and said with a smile: "All the classics in this stone room are in this universe bag, and there are Taoist friends who have worked hard."

Xiao Tian took the Qiankun bag and nodded, then the two left the stone room and appeared on a sea of ​​blood.

And at the moment when he left the stone chamber, the system prompt sounded in Xiao Tian's mind——

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the special task [Langhuan Blessed Land], rewarding 50W reputation, 3W teacher's point, and a twin fruit!"

Hearing the system prompt, Xiao Tian paused.

"Friend Xiao Dao, what's the matter?" Old Immortal Nanhua couldn't help but wonder when seeing Xiao Tian's movements.

"It's nothing," Xiao Tian said in a deep voice, pointing to the skull of the Slaughter Demon God floating above the sea of ​​blood behind the two of them, "I just think this thing is a bit annoying.

Although the remnant soul of the Slaughter Demon God was wiped out by me, if the sea of ​​blood transformed by the Slaughter Demon God’s Consciousness Sea and the skull of the Slaughter Demon God remain, it would be a disaster..."

With that said, Xiao Tian directly drew out the Floating Snow Sword from his waist, and Old Immortal Nanhua said: "Destroy this, fellow Nanhua Taoist friends should have no objection."

"Friend Xiao Daoist just shot," Old Immortal Nanhua smiled and said.

All the classics in that stone room have been taken away, even if it was the forbidden area left by his predecessors, it would be no pity to destroy it.

What's more, this is transformed by the bones left by a horror demon god.

Thinking of the horror aura exuded by the Slaughter Demon God, Old Nanhua couldn't be sure whether the horrible existence could cause any trouble after the remnant soul was wiped out.

In contrast, destroying it is undoubtedly the safest way.

"Friends of South China, please retreat first," Xiao Tian said in a serious tone: "The next attack will be more powerful, even I can't master it. If it spreads to the friends of South China, it will be bad."

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