God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 72

"In any case, I must step into the martial art golden core realm!" Xiao Feng looked solemn.

"Me too!" Wang Yuyan waved her small fist and said seriously.


Xiao Tian naturally didn't know what happened after he left. Now he has returned to the rental house in Nanjiang City, lying lazily on the sofa.

"Huh-a long-lost breath," Xiao Tian stretched out and rolled over on the sofa.

Although it's not bad to stay on the plane of Heavenly Dragon, after fifteen years, he misses modern life very much.

Even according to the time flow of the real world, only fifteen days have passed!

He clicked on the attribute panel and looked at his current attributes, Xiao Tian smiled a little bit on his face——

Name: Xiao Tian

Race: Terran

Cultivation: Budo Jindan

Techniques: "Happy Wind" and "Ten Styles of Real Dragon"

Teacher's point: 2247

Reputation: 148000

Disciple: Yang Guo, Xiao Feng, Wang Yuyan

Saint Master’s exclusive skills: [Shien], [Shiwei]

"The system, the prestige value is all replaced by the teacher's favor point," Xiao Tian thought for a while and told the system in his heart.

The 148000 prestige value was quickly cleared, and the original teacher's point of 2247 points became 3727!

"I'm a rich man, right?" Xiao Tian thought happily, looking at the four-figure teacher's point.

Chapter 142 Lottery!

But when he opened the system mall, the joy on Xiao Tian's face quickly faded away, replaced by a deep sense of frustration.

After he stepped into the realm of martial arts gold core, the system mall also added a few more products. Because of Xiao Tian's request, all the products that Xiao Tian could purchase appeared in the system mall.

But even so, Xiao Tian quickly understood what the word "Qianbi" meant!

Budo Jindan Realm Experience Pack: Contains a large number of martial arts Jindan pinnacle masters' lifetime combat experience, the price is 1888 teacher's points!

Qiu Shui Wuhen Sword: The long sword should tell Qiu Shui, quite a lot of Wuhenfeng, the price is 2000 teacher's points!

Gold Molten Sunset Knife: The red training plate is always waiting for the sunset, the iron pine molten stone breaks the gold stone, the price is 2000 teacher's points!

Wanhesong fan...

Random martial arts plane permission unlock: 500/time

Random Xianxia plane permission unlock: 1500/time


Xiao Tian gritted his teeth and looked at his 3727 points of faculty. He still bought the martial arts golden core realm experience package first.

The entire net worth shrank by half in an instant, but it had to be spent.

Compared to getting acquainted with the martial art golden core realm by himself, the combat experience and insights carried in the experience pack are enough to save him a lot of detours!

"System, how many more chances do I have to draw?" Xiao Tian closed the system store after buying the experience pack. Anyway, most of the things couldn't be bought, so I saw it for nothing.

"The host has six random lottery chances left, and one chance to unlock the random plane permissions," the system's voice soon sounded.

"Select a random plane first," Xiao Tian said with a look of expectation, rubbing his hands.

Even unlocking a martial arts plane requires 500 faculty points, no matter which plane is drawn, he will not suffer!

A light quality dice appeared in front of Xiao Tian, ​​and the picture continued to flow. After a while, he was frozen on a high mountain. Xiao Tian could faintly see countless monks with flying swords flying around the mountain.

Flying sword!

Xianxia plane!

A deep joy appeared on Xiao Tian's face. You must know that unlocking a Xianxia plane requires a full 1500 faculty points. He can draw it right now, which undoubtedly saves a lot of money!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, unlocking the authority of the Zhuxian plane!"

The sound of the system sounded, making Xiao Tian's face a bit of joy again.

Compared with other Xianxia planes, Xiao Tian has undoubtedly more knowledge about the Zhuxian plane, which means that he can get benefits from the Zhuxian plane at a lower cost and can save a lot of teacher's points!

"System, lottery draw! Direct draw!" Xiao Tian calmed down quickly, focusing on the six lottery opportunities, and instructed the system in his heart.

Six brocade boxes suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Tianman, then confidently opened them, and then a series of system prompts sounded——

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for earning 188 points from the teacher!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a pot of the best spirit root culture medium (small)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a bottle of Bigu Dan!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a pot of the best spirit root culture medium (large)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a pot for a thousand years!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword (Imitation)!"

As the system prompt sounded, a few white lights suddenly appeared on the stone table in front of Xiao Tian.

After a while, the white light dissipated, and two golden gourds, one large and one small, appeared on the far left of the stone table. A small gray porcelain bottle and an exquisite hip flask appeared in the middle of the stone table. Then a slightly exaggerated sword box fell directly on the stone table. In Xiao Tian's hands!

Chapter 143 The old friend calls!

Xiao Tian first put the sword box on the stone table, and then took a small golden gourd from his arms and placed it next to the sword box. It was the best spiritual root culture solution he had drawn when he was drawing a lottery on the plane of the dragon.

Then Xiao Tian directly picked up the small gray porcelain bottle and looked at it carefully.

There is nothing special about the small gray porcelain bottle. When I opened it, there were ten gray-brown pills lying quietly inside, which was obviously what the system called Bigu Dan.

"System, how long can this bigudan manage?" Xiao Tian thought for a while and asked in his heart.

Needless to say the role of bigudan naturally, but Xiao Tian doesn't know how long the bigudan provided by the system can last.

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