God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 74


Lu Ning's heart twitched for no reason. Has Xiao Tian already forgotten her?

"Fox, Ning'er, the banquet is about to begin. It won't be possible for you two to be absent."

At this moment, a man in a white self-cultivation suit walked out of the hotel again and smiled at Hu Li and Lu Ning.

His name is Xu Mufeng, and his family is relatively powerful in Shangjing. At the same time, he is also the son-in-law whom Lu Ning's parents like, and Lu Ning's current fiance.

Hu Li frowned, but thinking that today was Lu Ning's birthday, he let the fire down and prepared to return to Chunhua Qiuyuan.

"Um... fox, Ning'er," a flat voice suddenly heard not far away, Hu Li heard the words on his face, and Lu Ning's body was shocked, as if by thunder.

She couldn't be more familiar with this voice, how could she have heard it wrong!

But didn't the fox say that he would not appear?

Turning her head stiffly, a figure wearing a moon white robe appeared in her sight.

Although it was completely different from the previous dress, and the temperament on his body had changed drastically, Lu Ning still recognized the person at a glance.

"Xiao, Xiaotian," Lu Ning didn't know how to face Xiao Tian for a while, and stammered, with a slightly sad expression.

When Xu Mufeng saw this, his face became a little gloomy, and he was also considered open-minded.

But no one can stand his fiancée showing such a sad expression to another man, even if he has long known that the young man in front of him is Lu Ning's first love.

"Want to disrupt the situation? It's just a grassroots. I really think of myself as a character! Man, you have to know your own position!"

Xu Mufeng looked at the young man in front of him, and had to admit that Xiao Tian did carry a somewhat eye-catching temperament, but he had already figured out Xiao Tian's identity, but he was an orphan with no background at all!

With a consistently elegant smile on his face, Xu Mufeng crossed Hu Li and Lu Ning, extended his right hand to Xiao Tian, ​​and said: "Hello, you are Xiao Tian, ​​Ning'er's best friend since childhood, my name is Xu Mufeng, Ning My current fiancé."

Xu Mufeng specially bit the words "now" and "fiance" very hard.

A flash of contempt flashed in Xiao Tian's eyes, he didn't reach out to politely, and nodded indifferently, "Ning'er is a good girl, I wish you happiness!"


Xiao Tian's calm and arrogant expression reminded Xu Mufeng of the disciples from the top families in Shangjing, and he couldn't help being angry.

It's just a grassroots, do you really think you are a dish?!

"Come in a hurry, don't dislike it if you don't have time to prepare any gifts," Xiao Tian handed out a brocade box and smiled.

Lu Ning tremblingly took the brocade box.

"Let's open it," Xiao Tian said calmly.

Lu Ning's heart suddenly burst, opening the brocade box with some difficulty, and a slightly old butterfly hairpin lying quietly in the brocade box.

The moment Lu Ning saw the butterfly hairpin, tears could no longer be restrained and gush out.

Xu Mufeng was angry and angry when he saw the appearance of his fiancee.

Immediately sneered: "Mr. Xiao can come to Ning'er's birthday party, I naturally welcome it, but this Chunhua Qiuyuan is not accessible to everyone! I don't know if Mr. Xiao has an invitation card!"

Xiao Tian smiled faintly as he was about to speak, and a voice full of surprise suddenly came not far away: "Xiao, Mr. Xiao? Why didn't you inform Zhang Lao when you arrived in Beijing? Zhang Lao talked about you on weekdays!"

Chapter 146 Who on earth is he!

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw a young man wearing a self-cultivation suit and a magnificent figure running towards the place where Xiao Tian was with surprise on his face.

Behind the young man, followed by a few guests watching the excitement, Lu Ning's parents and the previous short and chubby middle-aged were among them!

"This is Bai Moyu, the general manager of Chunhua Qiuyuan!" Xu Mufeng's eyes widened, and he shouted wildly in his heart.

"Impossible, impossible, that Xiao Tian is just a poor boy, how could Bai Moyu come here with such a big fanfare!" Lu Ning's mother also saw Xiao Tian and heard the "Mr. Xiao" before Bai Moyu. His face is full of disbelief.

Although Lu Ning's father was relatively calm, his trembling hands still betrayed his heart.

Poor boy?Looking at Bai Moyu's attitude, this Xiao Tian is clearly a piece of invaluable jade!

"Sorry, I don't seem to know you," Xiao Tian frowned, looking at Bai Moyu with a calm expression.

He had a faint impression of this person, as if he had seen him somewhere, but he really couldn't remember it for a while.

When Xu Mufeng heard Xiao Tian's words, there was a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that Bai Moyu had admitted the wrong person.

Lu Ning's mother was even more relieved, her expression became proud, and she muttered in a voice that only she could hear: "It seems that Manager Bai has admitted wrong, so let me just say, he is just a poor boy, why? Maybe Manager Bai treats it respectfully."

"Mr. Xiao, of course you don't know me, but I know you!" To everyone's surprise, Bai Moyu was not angry when he heard Xiao Tian's words, but said naturally.

When Lu Ning and Hu Li heard Bai Moyu's words, they quickly turned their eyes to Xiao Tian.

After a long absence, this best friend seems to be really different!

"Mr. Xiao, don't you remember? A few days ago, Jubaozhai, the young man behind Zhang Lao..." Bai Moyu quickly reminded him when he saw Xiao Tian still not remembering.

"It turned out to be you!" Xiao Tian was stunned when he heard this, and then apologized: "I thought you were Mr. Zhang's assistant or something, but I didn't expect..."

While talking, Xiao Tian looked at Bai Moyu. At first, Bai Moyu followed Zhang Wanshan, as if he was carrying a bag for a big man. He turned into the general manager of Chunhua Qiuyuan!

Chunhua Qiuyuan is a famous Jinjin Cave in Shangjing City, and the energy behind it is beyond imagination at all!

As the general manager of Chunhua Qiuyuan, Bai Moyu's status is no lower than the helm of those small and medium-sized families in Shanghai!

"I'm Lao Zhang's assistant," Bai Moyu laughed. "Mr. Xiao, don't you know, this Chunhua Qiuyuan is Lao Zhang's property. By the way, there are half of Wei Lao's shares!"

"Old Wei?" Xiao Tian raised his eyebrows and asked: "The Wei Hong from Jubaozhai, old man Wei?"

"It's Lao Wei," Bai Moyu said respectfully in awe.

Others were surprised when they heard the dialogue between Xiao Tian and Bai Moyu. It was Wei Hong, one of the three major families in Shangjing City, the helm of the Wei family. This Xiao Tian called him "Old Man Wei" in a grand manner. ?!

We must know that as Wei Hong, none of the younger generation in Beijing dare to be presumptuous in front of him!

Looking at Bai Moyu's attitude, it was obvious that Xiao Tian didn't call Wei Hong that way once or twice.

What is the origin of this person?!

Everyone searched the information in their minds, and there was no way to find a person who fits Xiao Tian's identity.

Chapter 147 Precious Brocade Box!

"Since you are here, Mr. Xiao, you have to go to the third floor with me to meet Lao Wei and Lao Zhang anyway. The two of them were still talking about you just now! If you can appear, they will definitely be very happy!" Bai Moyu said quickly no matter what everyone thought.

If Xiao Tian could appear at the banquet, he would have made a great contribution!

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