God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 86

I saw him pushing with both hands, and the endless bloody light rolled towards Xiao Tian like a mountain whistling and a tsunami!

Xiao Tian didn't dare to neglect, the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword traversed a mysterious trajectory in the air, thousands of sword shadows gathered together, turned into a huge divine sword, and slashed towards the black-hearted old man!

Facing the huge divine sword, Scarlet Ray was cut into a gap in an instant, and then the divine sword cast its momentum unabated, slashing on the right arm of the black-hearted old man, instantly crushing the thin right arm!

Although Xiao Tian cut away the bloody light, the remaining attacks still fell on him, causing the blood in his body to boil.

"Old stuff, what do you do?"

Xiao Tian's expression changed for a while, and soon calmed down, disdainfully said.

Although the black-hearted old man's attack is also considered powerful, he has only resurrected after all, and his strength has been greatly damaged, so Xiao Tian insisted on taking this attack, but it was only slightly injured!

"Junior, I admit that I am not your opponent now, but don't forget, this is Necropolis!" The black-hearted old man's face rose a little madly, and laughed: "Let's die together!"

As soon as the voice fell, the black-hearted old man's thin body seemed to be inflated, swelling rapidly, and then suddenly exploded!

The strong impact smashed several tall pillars in the Necropolis, and countless broken stones fell from the sky, as if to bury Xiao Tian and others alive in the Necrosphere!

"Run down!" Xiao Tian drank to Baguio, pinching the tactics with both hands, and the true energy inside his body surged like a flood of opening gates, turning into a huge blue-gold Tai Chi picture above his head, stopping the gravel!

"Master, how do you leave?" Baguio saw Xiao Tian's movements, and a strong white light appeared in the sad flower in his hand. In a moment, it turned into a huge light wheel and flew towards Xiao Tian!

"There is a way for the teacher to get out, hurry up, you will only distract me here!" Xiao Tian's face became a little pale, even with his cultivation base, supporting a defense of this scale for a long time, it would be more difficult. !

Chapter 171 Lin Jingyu's Changes!

Baguio gritted his teeth when he heard Xiao Tian's words, and then no longer hesitated, jumped directly underneath the Necropolis!

When Xiao Tian saw Baguio leave, his expression loosened, and the huge Tai Chi diagram shrank quickly, covering a piece of his head, and at the same time, the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword in his hand kept cutting upwards.

When the sword fell, a huge sword mark appeared!

When Jin Ping'er and the others saw Xiao Tian shrinking their defenses, they didn't hesitate to jump down the Necropolis.

From their point of view, since Xiao Tian dared to let Baguio jump off, he was obviously certain.

Right now they couldn't expect Xiao Tian to show mercy and protect them by the way, they could only take a gamble!

Soon, most people jumped out of the Necropolis, and only one handsome young man with a blue long sword still stood in place, looking at Xiao Tian with a gloomy expression.

"Boy, don't leave yet? Do you think I will protect you?" Xiao Tian's gaze fell on the long sword in the young man's hands, and he instantly guessed the identity of this person, and said coldly.

"Junior Lin Jingyu, I've seen seniors," the handsome young man held the blue long sword upside down and made a sword salute to Xiao Tian, ​​respectfully.

"Who are you and what does it have to do with me?" Xiao Tian snorted coldly, and the Qixing Longyuan Sword waved, and the biting sword aura smashed a huge stone.

"Junior wants to worship senior as a teacher!" Lin Jingyu said astonishingly. Xiao Tian was used to seeing the wind and waves. When he heard this, his hand movement stopped and he was almost hit by a falling rock.

"Boy, are you serious?" Xiao Tian looked at Lin Jingyu and said in a deep voice, "I am the master of the demon girl in your eyes!"

Xiao Tian always felt that Lin Jingyu had taken the wrong medicine. He was clearly on the side of the Ghost King Zong. He, the Qingyunmen disciple, actually planned to worship himself as a teacher?

"Junior knows," Lin Jingyu nodded, and said seriously: "There is dirt and dirt in the Qingyun Gate, which is no different than Demon Cult! Now the younger generation just wants to become stronger, and then avenge the folks in Caomiao Village! "

When Lin Jingyu said this, an astonishing killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Originally, he had always thought that the people in Caomiao Village were members of the demon sect, but when the Seven Meridians were meeting martial arts some time ago, he accidentally discovered that among the people in black who had appeared in Caomiao Village, there was his present one. Master Cangsong Taoist!

"If you can survive, you can go to Huqi Mountain to find me. At that time, I will consider whether to accept you as a disciple." Although Xiao Tian was surprised at Lin Jingyu's changes, he didn't show any signs on his face. Tao.

"Thank you, senior!" Lin Jingyu was slightly disappointed when he heard Xiao Tian's words, but fortunately, Xiao Tian did not directly reject him. Seeing that the surrounding rocks had become denser, Lin Jingyu no longer hesitated, and jumped down into the Necropolis. .

Seeing Lin Jingyu leave, Xiao Tian shook his head without delay, and quickly flew towards the bottom of the Necropolis.

Although he was surprised at Lin Jingyu's changes, he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, he was used to this kind of thing.

His appearance is a variable for the plane of Zhuxian. In this case, it is not realistic to expect the plane of Zhuxian to develop according to the original world line!

As Xiao Tian left, the last bit of light on the Necrosphere was annihilated, and countless broken stones fell, burying all the foundations of the blood refining hall.

Eight hundred years ago, the black hearted old man established the blood refining hall here. Eight hundred years later, the blood refining hall finally interrupted the inheritance by the resurrected black hearted old man.

Chapter 172 Ruthless Seaside!

Baguio fell on the shore of the ruthless sea, and a burst of white light appeared in the sad flower in his hand, illuminating the whole body.

Not waiting for any action from her, the surface of the Ruthless Sea suddenly set off a huge wave, the black water mysterious snake burst out of the water, and the huge snake pupil stared at Baguio with a trace of fierce intent.

When Baguio saw the black water mysterious snake appear, she didn't dare to neglect the slightest, pinched with both hands, the sad flower turned into countless white flowers around her body, a pair of cut water autumn eyes locked on the black water mysterious snake with solemn expression .

This Black Water Profound Snake is an ancient demon. She doesn't have the skills of Xiao Tian. If she is careless, she might die in the belly of the snake!


The Black Water Profound Snake spit out a scarlet snake letter, the murderous intent in his pupils became more and more intense, the snake head lowered, ready to attack at any time!

"Damn! Forget about this monster underneath!" Suddenly a frustrated voice rang from the top of Ruthless Sea. Zhang Xiaofan and others appeared by the side of Ruthless Sea, speaking with Zeng Shushu.

"Idiot!" Baguio's expression suddenly changed when he heard Zeng Shushu's words.

Almost at the same time Baguio responded, the huge head of the black water mysterious snake bite at Baguio, its sharp fangs glowing with a green light!

The huge head of the black water mysterious snake hit the ground, and the venom oozing out of its fangs corroded a large piece of the ground!

"Sister Baguio, let's join hands!" Jin Ping'er saw the Black Water Black Snake launch an attack, and hurriedly withdrew a few steps from behind. The purple blade appeared in his hand and shouted at Baguio.

Baguio nodded, and the sad flower flew towards the black water black snake, bringing out bursts of strange fragrance.

When Jin Ping'er saw this, he also hurriedly shot, the purple awn's blade was flourishing, and a sharp purple awn swept across the sky, slashing towards the black water mysterious snake.

After launching the attack, Baguio and Jin Ping'er retreated in unison, ignoring Heishui Black Snake for half a minute!

The sad flower fell on the black water mysterious snake, quickly turning into white petals, and then gathered in one place, flying towards Baguio at a faster speed.

The purple light cut out by Jin Ping'er quickly dissipated when he was about to hit the black water mysterious snake!

From the very beginning, the two of them had never thought of fighting the Black Water Profound Snake head-on. The reason for launching an attack was not to force the Black Water Profound Snake back!

It's just that Baguio and Jin Ping'er retreated decisively, but suffered the only remaining Hehuan disciples and the people of Qingyunmen and Tianyin Temple.

As for Yan Hui and Monk Killing, the two of them moved closer to Baguio's place when they landed. Seeing that Baguio hadn’t been in love with each other and withdrew, Yan Hui and Monk Killing did not hesitate to follow Bigui Yao flees towards the distance behind him.

"Damn devil!" Qi Hao saw the movements of Baguio and Jin Ping'er, how could he not know that he and others were used as shields, and immediately gritted his teeth.

Lu Xueqi's expression was cold, and the Tianya sword was unsheathed, carrying a brilliant blue light, and cutting it towards Baguio, Jin Ping'er and others!

Zeng Shushu and the others have done what they have learned, and will also sprinkle attacks on Baguio and others!

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