God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 914

"I didn't see the two of them either," Li Xie shook his head, saw Xiao Xian'er's slightly solemn expression, smiled and comforted: "Don't worry about them, Brother Ye is very good, and Sister Xuewu is even better. Part of the inheritance of Master and the true biography of Senior Yi Qingshan are obtained. Such powerful blews are not enough to threaten them."

Chapter 2260 Chaos original stone!

"Ahem, Brother Li was right, I'm fine," Ye Li walked out of the smoke in a awkward manner, nodded to Xiao Xian'er, and said with a smile.

When Yuan Husheng blew himself up, he and Xue Wu were not in the center of the battle circle, so although they did not react, they were not affected much except by the aftermath.

"I'm fine," Xue Wu flew out of the smoke and dust with a bright white sword. Her clothes were a little damaged, but her complexion was very good. Obviously, although the previous explosion had some influence on her, it was not As for making her too embarrassed.

Seeing that Ye Li and Xue Wu were safe and sound, Li Xianxuan's heart was also let go, his face looked a little ugly as he looked at the smoke and dust not far away.

"If Big Brother knows, I'm afraid you will have to be scolded, Brother," Xiao Xian'er knew what Li Xie was thinking, and when she saw Li Xie's expression, she tilted her head, a bit of gloating.

Li Xie rolled his eyes when he heard the words, the expression on his face was a bit bitter.

He was too negligent this time, Yuan Husheng almost blew himself up in front of him, but he didn't react!

With the character of his master Xiao Tian, ​​he really inevitably scolded him this time, and with the means of his master Xiao Tian, ​​it was even easier to find out what happened here!

"It's fine if you know!" Just as Li Xie was thinking about it, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Li Xie's face changed, and he quickly turned his head to find that Xiao Tian had appeared behind him at some point, looking at him facelessly!

"Master, Master, why are you here?" Seeing Xiao Tian's sudden appearance, Li Xie also felt a little guilty in his heart, and he said nonchalantly.

Xiao Tian was also a little helpless when he heard this, and said with no good air: "If you don't come as a teacher, how much will you have to suffer to keep your memory?"

He originally planned to go directly to the Immortal Territory, but seeing Li Xie's performance in this battle through the Profound Light Mirror, he temporarily changed his mind and directly descended to the Big Dipper Star Territory.

Although Li Xie's strength has improved a lot, he still lacks a lot of combat experience.

This is also related to Li Xie's rapid increase in strength. Everyone else is able to steadily break through step by step, experiencing countless battles, even those talents, no one can be an exception.

However, Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er were different, their strengths increased extremely fast, far surpassing their peers Tianjiao.

It’s just that Xiao Xian’er’s comprehension is amazing. The Nine-turn Immortal Body has been comprehended by her to a very high level, and all the secret arts taught by Xiao Tian to Xiao Xian’er have been thoroughly penetrated and even improved on this basis. .

Therefore, although Xiao Xian'er's strength increased faster than Li Xie's, Xiao Xian'er was easily crushed when facing opponents, so she didn't need much combat experience at all!

Although Li Xie's talent is not bad, it is far behind Xiao Xian'er. While improving his cultivation, it is difficult for Li Xie to comprehend all the methods he has mastered to an extreme like Xiao Xian'er. Advanced level.

This also caused Li Xie to be far less capable than Xiao Xian'er when facing opponents of the same level!

In this case, combat experience is extremely important!

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Li Xie subconsciously scratched his head, looking embarrassed.

"In the next half month, stay honestly in Xueyang Village for me. I will lay down a magical formation. You can accumulate combat experience in the magical formation! Of course, if you can break the magical formation, you want to do it. I won't stop you from anything."

Xiao Tian groaned for a moment, then said sharply: "It happens that I use this time to perfect the secret technique you created for you."

"Thank you, Master!" Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Li Xie couldn't help showing joy.

With Xiao Tian’s realm and strength, if he perfected the Three Flowers Borrowing Path for him, this secret technique would probably be improved qualitatively. In contrast, it was just a half-month battle in the illusion, and Li Xie was fundamental I didn't take it to heart!

After all, the phantom formation is a phantom formation. Even the phantom formations that existed and arranged like Xiao Tian still have flaws to be found. What's more, with his cultivation base, Xiao Tian is just to train him, and he may not be able to deploy too powerful formations. This also gave him a way to break the game!

At that time, he can completely try to crack the illusion, without staying in that illusion!

Seeing Li Xie's expression, a faint smile flashed across Xiao Tian's eyes, but he didn't say much.

After Li Xie enters the illusion, he will find out how ridiculous he is now!

"Okay, go back to Xueyang Village first," Xiao Tian said with a big wave of his hand, patted a soft shot to lift up Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er, and flew the two towards Xueyang Village.

As for Xue Wu and Ye Li, Xiao Tian did not take them away, because the top of the Immortal Sword Sect was rushing here. As long as the top of the Immortal Sword Sect were not fools, they would arrive with Ye Li and Xue Wu soon. There is no need for Xiao Tian to waste his energy in Xueyang Village!

In the realm of the immortal king at the peak of Xiao Tian, ​​even if his strength in the nine heavens and ten earths is suppressed by the laws of heaven and earth, he can only exert the strength of the immortal king in the early stage, and he arrived at Xueyang Village with Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er in no time. .

The Xie Xie Sword left by Xiao Tian in Xueyang Village sensed Xiao Tian's breath and flew directly out of the snow, making a crisp sword sound.

The evil sword sword spirit appeared on the long sword, his face was full of joy: "Master, are you back?"

"Yeah," Xiao Tian nodded, and then flipped his wrist, and a stone exuding chaotic aura appeared in his hand. This was a chaotic rough stone he obtained when he was in Jiehai. This magic weapon is a big supplement.

"Refined as soon as possible," Xiao Tian said indifferently, throwing the rough chaotic stone in his hand to the sword spirit of the evil sword.

The Evil Jade Sword is only an imperial soldier. With his current cultivation base, the Evil Jade Sword cannot play any role in his hands. Therefore, Xiao Tian will bring back such a chaotic rough stone to see if he can let the Evil Sword Transformation, not to mention the promotion of the evil sword to the magic weapon of the immortal king, but at least the evil sword of the evil sword must be promoted to the real fairy weapon to be useful!

"Yes! Master!"

Zhu Xie Jian Jian Ling said respectfully when he heard the words.

He was able to perceive that the energy contained in the original chaotic stone had a great effect on him, and it might even cause him to transform. Therefore, the evil sword sword spirit did not hesitate. As a result, the original chaotic stone directly began to absorb the chaotic energy contained in it. Come!

Seeing that the sword spirit of Zhu Xie sword started to absorb Chaos Qi, Xiao Tian nodded, then cast his gaze to Li Xie, and said in a deep voice, "I will set up a magical array in the next half a month. Inside, you just stay in the magic array!

After half a month, I will test your abilities. If you can't meet my requirements, let alone my Xiao Tian's apprentice in the future, I can't afford to lose this person!"

Chapter 2261 Deduction of the three flowers borrowed way!

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Li Xie looked awe-inspiring. He could hear that Xiao Tian was not joking, but serious!

If he fails to meet Xiao Tian's requirements in half a month, even if Xiao Tian will not expel him from the teacher's sect, he will never be able to regard himself as Xiao Tian's disciple!

Taking a deep breath, Li Xie looked solemn and said with a serious face: "Master, rest assured, I will definitely meet the requirements!"

Xiao Tian nodded lightly when he heard the words, and did not say much. With a little bit of his right hand, a flash of light flew from his hand and fell on the ground, forming a mysterious formation.

A series of formation patterns loomed around the big formation, and a large amount of heaven and earth aura gathered from all directions, making the big formation look extremely mysterious!

Wave into formation!

This is a method that can only be mastered by some strong people with extremely high Array Dao attainments. Even some peerless great emperors who are proficient in Array Dao and created countless stunning formations can hardly achieve the level that Xiao Tian is now!

When Li Xie saw this scene, his heart was shocked, but he didn't say much, and directly stepped into the formation.

As soon as he entered the formation, Li Xie noticed a change in the scene before him. When he recovered, there was already a bright starry sky in front of him.

Under his feet, stepping on a dead star, the sky full of yellow sand enveloped the star, confining Li Xie's sight to a very small area.


Just when Li Xie wanted to explore the surroundings, a rush of footsteps suddenly came from all around, Li Xie's expression was frozen, just about to take action, there was a sudden panic in his heart, Li Xie did not hesitate, stepped down, and turned to the side. He took a few steps, and at the moment Li Xie left, a long sword fell from the sky and landed where he stood before.

When Li Xie saw this scene, his heart was even more afraid. If he slowed down a half step, I am afraid that he would have been penetrated by that long sword now!

"Huh? Why is it him?" Li Xie's gaze swept across the long sword, his gaze fixed on the owner of the long sword, his eyes were a little bit more surprised.

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