God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 926

"It turns out to be fellow Taoists of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!" Upon hearing Xiao Tian's words, Taoist Xiaoyun was about to cast his sights on the many powerful men of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, with a little smile on his face, and said with a serious face: "Old man Taoist Xiaoyun Thanks to the seniors’ importance, as the person in charge of the Xianyu Tianjiao List for the time being, I hope that you will work together to improve the Tianjiao List as soon as possible."

Hearing the words of Taoist Xiaoyun, the powerful people in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

They could clearly see the attitude of Taoist Xiaoyun before, but Xiao Tian just casually mentioned that they are the person in charge of the Nine Heavens and Ten Tianjiao rankings. Taoist Xiaoyun’s attitude towards them has changed drastically, even right. They are worthy of fellow Taoists!

The reason for this change was just a fluttering sentence from Xiao Tian, ​​which shows how much influence Xiao Tian has in the hearts of Taoist Xiaoyun!

"Don't dare to be it, seniors are polite!" Ancient Emperor Xuanwu smiled bitterly and said to Taoist Taoist Chong Xiaoyun: "Senior is fortunate that I don't dislike me and wait for my low strength. Naturally I will do my best for the Tianjiao list. Don't be negligent."

"It's so good," Taoist Xiaoyun nodded, and said with a smile: "There are still a few fellow Taoists who are not rushing back in the Xianyu now. You might as well visit my Xiaoyun Hall and wait until the others. After the fellow Taoists rushed back, they would negotiate the Tianjiao ranking.

The many powerhouses in Nine Heavens and Ten Lands naturally have no opinion on Taoist Xiaoyun's proposal. It just so happens that they also need to use this opportunity to inquire about the intelligence of the fairyland.

When Xiao Tian saw that Taoist Xiaoyun had made arrangements, he didn't say much, his figure flashed and disappeared in Xiaoyun Hall.

He had already ordered the Tianjiao list to go on. He only needed to pay attention to the progress occasionally, and he didn't need to work hard, so he didn't intend to stay in Xiaoyun Palace.

At the same time, in the Big Dipper Star Territory and Xueyang Village, Xiao Tian's projection of the realm of the realm slowly opened his eyes. On top of his head, a three-color lotus flower slowly bloomed, and a gluttonous shadow appeared behind him, swallowing wildly. The aura around the world.

A huge spiritual energy vortex was formed on top of Xiao Tian's projection head of the realm of real immortality, and it crazily poured into the projection body left by Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian's projection cultivation base of the realm of real immortals soared rapidly, reaching the peak of real immortals in an instant, and he was still making an impact towards a higher realm.

However, when the aura of the projection left by Xiao Tian reached the level of the immortal king, countless cracks suddenly appeared on the projection of the real immortal realm. The next moment, the projection broke apart and turned into heaven and earth. The aura is in the air!

Chapter 2277 The reason!

In the depths of the void, Xiao Tian noticed that the projection left by him disappeared, his face changed slightly, and he hurried towards Xueyang Village without any hesitation.

Xiao Tian didn't know why the projection he left behind dissipated, and because of this, Xiao Tian's reaction was so intense.

After all, even though the projection was formed by him casually, it is also a true immortal cultivation base, let alone in the nine heavens and ten places, even in the immortal domain, it is also a top existence!

However, the projection he left behind disappeared inexplicably. How could he not worry?

He didn't care much about the projection he left behind, after all, he could condense the projection of the realm of real immortality at will, and it didn't take much effort from him.

He was worried about Xiao Xian'er and Li Xie!

The projection he left behind dissipated inexplicably, it was probably due to an accident, or it was a mysterious powerhouse who took action and annihilated his projection, but no matter what the possibility, Li Xie who is still in Xueyang Village now Both Xiao Xian'er and Xiao Xian'er may be in danger!

With Xiao Tian's strength, he quickly appeared in Xueyang Village under his full rush. Perceiving the abnormal heaven and earth aura in Xueyang Village, Xiao Tian's eyes condensed, his eyes swept from the surroundings, and the murderous intent rose in his heart.

However, seeing the phantom array he arranged, the Sword of Death and the Dragon of Frost and Cold were all in good condition, Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er, and Ye Li and Xue Wu who did not know when they arrived in Xueyang Village were all in the illusion. During the experience, Xiao Tian was relieved when there were no accidents.

"What happened?"

Xiao Tian cast his gaze to the evil sword sword spirit who was awakened by him not far away from his cultivation state, and said in a deep voice, "Why did the projection I left suddenly disappear?"

"Master, don't worry," Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the Evil Sword and Sword Spirit who was awakened by Xiao Tian from his cultivation state quickly said: "The projection left by the master seemed to have been felt during the deduction of the secret technique. When experimenting with the secret method, the cultivation level quickly improved, and then it disappeared inexplicably."

Hearing Zhu Xie Jian Jian Ling's words, a wry smile appeared on Xiao Tian's face.

He knows the reason why his projection dissipated. Obviously, his projection deduced the method of combining the Sanhua Borrowing Path and the Heaven-Swallowing Treasure Art, and successfully combined the two secret arts together, but this After the fusion, the power of the treasure is too strong, and his projection cannot withstand the sudden increase in power, and this will suddenly dissipate!

"I had known that the projection was condensed a little more firmly back then," Xiao Tian thought a little depressed.

He did not expect that the power of the Three Flowers Borrowing Path and the Heaven Swallowing Technique would be so terrifying after the fusion, so he just condensed a projection of the realm of the realm, and the highest power that the projection can carry is only the peak of the realm.

Before Xiao Tian felt that this kind of strength was enough, even if the two secret arts of Swallowing Sky Treasure Art and Sanhua Borrowing Technique were merged, it would be difficult to exceed the power limit that the projection can carry.

After all, in his imagination, the Heaven-Swallowing Technique is only a supplement to the secret technique of the Three Flowers Borrowing Path, which makes the secret technique of the Three Flowers Borrowing Path easier to perform and lasts longer!

However, even Xiao Tian didn't expect that after the two secret arts of Sanhua Borrowing Dao and Heaven Swallowing Technique were merged, their power would increase dramatically!

The reason why the projection of the realm of true immortality he left behind will disappear inexplicably because the two secret arts after the fusion have caused his own strength to skyrocket, breaking through the peak of true immortality, and the projection he condensed at will cannot carry beyond the peak of true immortal. That’s why it suddenly dissipated!

And as the projection dissipated, the projections he left behind for the two secret arts of Swallowing Sky Treasure Art and Sanhua Borrowing Techniques also dissipated invisible. It can be said that he missed an opportunity for nothing!

Apart from helplessness, Xiao Tian was also faintly pleased.

He did not expect that the two secret arts of Sanhua Borrowing Dao and Heaven Swallowing Art would have such terrifying power after the fusion, but it was also because of this that Xiao Tian would be delighted, because before that, he only regarded Heaven Swallowing Art as a The supplement to the secret technique of Sanhua Borrowing Dao did not expect how much power would increase after the fusion of the two secret arts. The qualitative change after the fusion of the two secret arts was unexpected. Such news was undoubtedly a surprise for Xiao Tian!

"It seems that before the system integrates these two secret techniques, I can only rely on me to deduct it!"

Xiao Tian thought to himself in his heart.

He didn't know how far the two secret arts would be after fusion, so he didn't plan to condense projections to deduce those two secret arts.

After all, even if he spends some effort, he can only condense the projection of the peak of the true immortal, and the power that can be carried can not reach the level of the immortal king. Otherwise, he does not need to go to the immortal domain to help the peak powerhouse of the immortal domain. Break through to the realm of the fairy king!

He can completely condense a large number of immortal king-level projections, relying on those projections to find the fragments of the immortal domain scattered in the void!

It is precisely because he can't do this that he chooses to help the powerhouse of the fairyland break through!

Therefore, if he continues to use projections to deduce those two secret arts, it is still possible that his projection cannot bear the power raised by the secret arts and dissipate!

At that time, you are really doing useless work!

Shaking his head, Xiao Tian temporarily left the distracting thoughts behind, and then cast his gaze into the illusion array.

He had left for a few days. During this period, Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er had been practicing in the illusion formation. Xiao Tian was also a little curious about what level the two had reached now.

Under Xiao Tian's gaze, the scene in the phantom array quickly emerged before his eyes.

Xiao Xian'er is now in an ice and snow, surrounded by monster corpses. The slightly immature face is full of tenacity at this moment. Obviously, Xiao Xian'er has not grown up during this period of phantom array experience. less!

As for Ye Li and Xuewu, they were suppressed by their opponents, and they were about to lose. Xiao Tian didn't care too much about the two of them, his eyes were swept away, and then he stopped paying attention.

In the end, Xiao Tian's gaze was fixed on Li Xie. After all, he really had to count, Li Xie was the only disciple in this world who had the status of a master and apprentice!

As for Xiao Xian'er, although he taught Xiao Xian'er many things, in fact, he and Xiao Xian'er only have the real name of a teacher and apprentice, and Xiao Xian'er is really worry-free. , He didn't need to spend too much effort on Xiao Xian'er, so Xiao Tian was naturally concerned about Li Xie!

It's just that Li Xie's state at the moment is not good. What he faces is the hell powerhouse simulated by the illusion formation. Among them, there are many masters of the great saint level, and there are even a few quasi-emperor powerhouses.

Under the siege of everyone, Li Xie already had a lot of scars on his body. If he continued to fight, he would be beheaded and eventually sent out of the phantom array forcibly!

Chapter 2278 Xiao Tian training apprentice!

"This kid's obsession with hell is really deep!"

Xiao Tian looked at Li Xie in the illusion and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

He did not expect that in the original hell battle, the draw between Li Xie and hell god son Xue Yan would have such a great impact on him, and even the opponents that Li Xie simulated in the illusion were based on the original hell. The illusion formed!

How did Xiao Tian know that the pressure on Li Xie's body has always been not small, or that anyone with such an invincible master, I am afraid that the pressure he has to bear is not small.

After all, as a disciple of Xiao Tian, ​​Li Xie didn't know how many people were staring at him. As long as he didn't do a good job, it would attract countless people's criticism. There are countless geniuses secretly gearing up and trying to use him as a stepping stone. Shi, relying on the gimmick of defeating Li Xie made his reputation resound in the stars!

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