God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 946

But the wood demon in front of him is different. Although its intelligence is not high, it is almost the same as ordinary people. He wants to deal with the wood demon in front of him with the methods he used to deal with the wood demon, but it is a little foolish. !

"Brother, should I use the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array to refine this Wood Demon?"

Xiao Xian'er hesitated after hearing Li Xie's words, and whispered.

This skyscraper is perilous. If she uses the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array, she is likely to alarm some powerful beings. Although the two of them are strong, they don't have much power to fight back in front of those powerful beings. Once they are alarmed. , They can only exit the skyscraper and give up the many opportunities in the skyscraper!

So when it came to using the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array, Xiao Xian'er also hesitated and couldn't make up his mind for a while.

"I'll try again," Li Xie said to Xiao Xian'er after hearing Xiao Xian'er's words.

He also knew the consequences of rashly using the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array. According to what he had seen before, there were no less than ten spheres of light falling into the skyscraper. If possible, he naturally wanted to include other spheres of light.

Therefore, Li Xie didn't want to alarm the powerful existence in the Sky Cliff too early.

Xiao Xian'er nodded obediently when she heard this, but even she didn't think that Li Xie could successfully snatch the three balls of light from the wood demon's defense.

After all, it is impossible for Li Xie to use some powerful secret techniques, otherwise, with Li Xie's strength, even if he can't kill the wood demon, he can still snatch the three light balls from the wood demon!

Taking a deep breath, Li Xie was faintly surging with spiritual energy, a large amount of sword energy gathered behind Li Xie, and finally formed a divine sword, directly submerged in Li Xie's body.

Tianxing Sword quivered slightly, and even through the scabbard, he could feel the hidden edge in it.


The next moment, as the sound of the sound of the sword sounded, the Tianxing Sword in Li Xie's hand was unsheathed, a ray of sword light bloomed in the valley, and countless stars appeared out of thin air, and then merged into the Tianxing Sword in Li Xie's hand. Jianmang splits the space with an impotence, and shoots away at the Wood Demon!

"Unexpectedly, this kid has realized this level of star-drawing swordsmanship. It is a bit unexpected," Xiao Tian noticed Li Xie's movements in the sky above Xianyu. His brows were raised slightly, and his face was a little more relieved.

Chapter 2306 Point Star Sword Art, Xiao Tian Chongguan!

Star-pointing sword skill is a sword skill he once created, but with Xiao Tian's current strength, even if this sword skill has been modified many times by him, and it incorporates many amazing sword skills, the point-star The power of sword drawing still couldn't keep up with his needs.

But because this sword skill has accompanied Xiao Tian for a long time, it is also difficult for Xiao Tian to give up this sword skill. He simply can't keep up with his needs when he teaches the secret technique of Li Xie Gong. His sword skills were passed on to Li Xie.

At the beginning, Xiao Tian only intended to use Star-Pointing Swordsmanship as an excessive sword skill used by Li Xie. He did not think about how deep Li Xie would comprehend this sword skill. However, what Li Xie is now showing is in Point-Star The attainments in sword-drawing are beyond Xiao Tian's imagination!

Even if Li Xie's comprehension of star-drawing swordsmanship is not as good as Xiao Tian, ​​Li Xie's comprehension of star-drawing swordsmanship is not something he can easily achieve in his current realm!

"What kind of sword skill is this?" In the Sky Cliff, Li Xiaoyun, who was hidden in the dark, saw a sword cut by Li Xie. Even his knowledgeable son of Xiaoyun Temple, his face could not help but appear at this moment. The color of surprise.

This kind of sword skill is too amazing. What shocked him the most was that Li Xie's sword was too concealed. Although he clearly saw Li Xie cut this sword, as long as he closed his eyes, he felt it There is no more trail of this sword!

You must know that when he reaches his level, he is more dependent on perception in battle than his eyes. It can deceive the attack of perception. If supplemented with false moves, it is enough to make his existence at this level a headache!

"Pointing the stars to draw swordsmanship," Xiao Xian'er's voice sounded near him as soon as Li Xiaoyun's voice fell. Li Xiaoyun's expression changed, and when he looked in the direction of the sound, he saw Xiao Xian'er had appeared before him. Earlier, there was an undisguised pride on his little face: "This is the sword skill created by the elder brother, but the star-drawing swordsmanship that the elder brother currently uses should be much stronger than the point-star-drawing swordsmanship performed by the elder brother. "

"Do you want to draw swordsmanship?" Li Xiaoyun nodded gently, and then asked: "When did you find me?"

Judging from Xiao Xian'er's reaction, she had clearly noticed her existence a long time ago, which really surprised Li Xiaoyun.

He is the saint son of Xiaoyun Temple, and his strength naturally does not need to be said. In addition, the dense fog in this skyscraper has the ability to block the line of sight and affect perception, and it allows him to easily hide his body shape.

However, looking at Xiao Xian'er's performance, she had clearly discovered his existence a long time ago. How could this surprise him?

"I didn't find it," Xiao Xian'er shook her head when she heard the words, then pointed at the wood demon who had been cut off several wood thorns by Li Xie's swordsmanship, and said crisply: "It was the wood demon who told me. mine."

"Wood demon?" Li Xiaoyun was stunned when he heard the words. Xiao Xian'er's answer made him somewhat unacceptable. If Xiao Xian'er discovered him by his own strength, he would not say much, but Xiao Xian'er told him Was he because the wood demon told Xiao Xian'er where he was?

It's not that he hasn't fought against the wood demon, he naturally knows the characteristics of this strange creature, but because of this, he does not think that the wood demon can be able to tell the truth!

"I have fought a wooden monster," Xiao Xian'er explained Li Xiaoyun's expression casually: "I have killed a large number of wooden monsters in the phantom array arranged by my big brother, this kind of strange creature. Although he cannot move, he is extremely sensitive to danger.

Once found that something is wrong, the wood demon will pretend to be an ordinary tree, trying to avoid the crisis, and when this wood demon encountered us, it did not show any abnormality, if it weren't because the brother moved the three lights. The ball, the wood demon won't move either.

This behavior was too abnormal. After all, my brother and I were within the attack range of the wood demon at the time. Although our strength was strong, it was not enough to make the wood demon dare not attack us. Therefore, at that time, I had something in my heart. Doubt it."

"So that's it," Li Xiaoyun was also a little depressed.

He didn't expect that he was exposed because of the wood demon's willingness. As for Xiao Xian'er and others after knowing that someone was stalking secretly, it was undoubtedly a very simple thing to guess that the person was following him, Li Xiaoyun naturally would not Then ask why Xiao Xian'er knows that he is the one who is following and not others.

In the sky above Xianyu, Xiao Tian also shook his head when he saw this scene, and immediately looked away, no longer paying attention to Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er.

With Li Xiaoyun here, it is unlikely that Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er will be in danger in the Sky Cliff, so there is no need for him to continue paying attention!

In addition, the star-drawing swordsmanship that Li Xie used just now is enough to prove Li Xie's current strength. In this case, Xiao Tian only needs to separate a ray of mind and pay attention occasionally, without having to focus his energy like before. They were all concentrated on Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er.

"The first stage of Xianyu's fusion is about to be completely completed. When the second stage of fusion starts, I can also try to fuse the incarnation of the Primordial God to attack the realm of the Emperor..."

Looking at the two merging worlds below, with his amazing insight, Xiao Tian could easily perceive that the fairyland and the world evolved from fragments of the fairyland had entered the final juncture of the first stage of fusion.

Once the world of the fairyland and the fairyland fragment evolution successfully completes the first stage of fusion, the next second stage of fusion is a matter of course, and there is no possibility of failure.

And the fairyland will slowly change during the second stage of fusion, giving birth to some strange places, and the upper limit of the strong ones that can be carried will also increase.

Therefore, the second stage of fusion is not so much the fusion of the two worlds, but rather the time required for the transformation of the fairyland after the successful fusion!

Under Xiao Tian’s gaze, the world transformed by the fragments of the fairyland was completely integrated with the fairyland. At the moment when the two worlds completely overlapped, everyone in the fairyland seemed to have a shock. Everyone couldn't help but stop the action in their hands!

Countless mysterious runes appeared in the sky above the immortal realm, and instantly concealed into the void. Masses of heaven and earth auras seemed to be born out of thin air, flooding between the heavens and the earth, which also contained massive amounts of undead matter.

The gap that Xianyu once had was also instantly wiped out. The originally broken Xianyu became complete in an instant. Although compared with the fairyland in its heyday, today's Xianyu is still somewhat inadequate, as the fairyland is filled, The strong in the fairyland don't have to worry about the undead matter and the air of heaven and earth in the fairyland, causing the situation in the fairyland to continue to deteriorate!

And as the fairy domain twelve fairy kings find more fairy domain fragments and the fairy domain fusion and complete part of the fairy domain autonomously attract the fairy domain fragments from the chaos void, the fairy domain will gradually return to the original most in the future The heyday!

And at the moment when the worlds transformed by the fairyland and the fragments of the fairyland successfully overlapped, the incarnation of Xiao Tian's soul suddenly appeared behind Xiao Tian, ​​with a pale golden flame burning on his body, directly ramming into Xiao Tian's body!

Chapter 2307 All parties shake!

The reason why Xiao Tian chose to hit the Immortal Emperor Realm at the moment of fusion of the world transformed by the fairyland and the fragments of the fairyland was also because of his own considerations.

Because in the process of the fusion of the two worlds, in addition to numerous opportunities will be born, the moment when the two worlds are completely integrated is also the time when the law is most vulnerable!

At this time, if you can hit the realm of the immortal emperor, if you can succeed, it is likely to promote the evolution of the laws of the immortal domain. Even if the laws of the immortal domain cannot evolve, after Xiao Tian breaks through the immortal emperor realm, even if the immortal domain still cannot carry the immortal emperor strong Therefore, Xianyu’s rejection of him will be much reduced!

Xiao Tian didn't want to be rejected by Jiutianshidi and Xianyu at the same time after he broke through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

As the incarnation of the primordial spirit crashed into Xiao Tian's body, Xiao Tian's body also burned with a faint golden flame. At the same time, Xiao Tian's breath became ethereal, and a huge phantom appeared in the starry sky. You can see Xiao Tian's huge projection in nine days and ten places or in the fairyland.

In the fairyland, the twelve fairy kings saw Xiao Tian's phantom, their expressions became a little serious.

They don’t know what Xiao Tian intends to do, but they also understand that Xiao Tian will not do meaningless things. Now Xiao Tian suddenly made such a move when the fairyland and the fairyland fragments were successfully merged, which made them Also had to guess Xiao Tian's intentions.

But more people looked at the huge phantom that covered the sky and the sun, with horror in their eyes.

Although Xiao Tian's name has spread throughout the two worlds, not many people have actually seen Xiao Tian, ​​so few people can recognize the identity of that huge phantom in the first place.

Precisely because of this, the projection made by Xiao Tian caused quite a stir in the two realms, making people think it was a god descending into the world!

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