God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 958

Not to mention that Xiao Tian now uses secret techniques such as the formless body, even if he does not rely on any secret techniques, he only needs to stay in the sea for a while, Xiao Tian can also easily enter the realm of the immortal emperor.

Therefore, with the help of the huge spiritual power of the death demon Enubis absorbed by the invisible body, Xiao Tian broke through the final barrier in one fell swoop, and formally set foot in the realm of the immortal emperor from the realm of the pseudo-immortal emperor!

"Funny ants!"

Perceiving the change in Xiao Tian’s breath, a look of surprise flashed across the scarlet eyes of the Death Demon God Enubis, and then a grinning smile appeared on his face. The birth of a strong holy realm, it seems that you have a great secret, if you are cut off, maybe the deity can take the opportunity to return to the peak of the holy realm, or even restore to the state of the original peak in one fell swoop!"

As he spoke, a purple flame rose from the huge bone sickle in the hands of the death devil Anubis, and a strong death energy radiated from the huge bone sickle, and under the cover of the purple flame, Scarlet lines appeared on the huge bone sickle, which looked extremely hideous.

"Little ghost, even if you set foot in the holy realm, the power possessed by the deity is beyond your imagination!"

The death demon Enubis let out a frantic laugh, and suddenly the bone sickle in his hand, an exaggerated white bone beast flew out from the bone sickle, and slammed into Xiao Tian with a strong aura of death!

"This is the bones of the world beasts that existed in the battlefield of the ten thousand worlds after their deaths. Even if there is only one part, its power cannot be resisted by a mere sacred world!"

The death demon Enubis laughed wildly: "Even at the peak of this deity, it still took a lot of effort to surrender it. Although now it is unable to exert its full power due to the lack of strength of the deity, it just kills you into and out of the holy realm. The little guy is easy!

Little devil, use your flesh and soul to become a stepping stone to the peak of this respect!Remember the name of the deity, Enubis, the devil of death, can contribute to the restoration of the deity, which is your eternal glory!"

Xiao Tian's heart moved when he heard this. Although the aura exuding from the giant white bone beast was amazing, it was nothing to Xiao Tian. What really made Xiao Tian cared about was the words'Battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms' mentioned by the Death Demon God. !

He also has an unfinished special mission, whose reward is the access to the battlefield of the ten thousand worlds. Now suddenly he heard the death demon Enubis mention the battlefield of the ten thousand worlds, but Xiao Tian was distracted for a moment.

"Boy! I dare to be distracted when fighting against the deity. I really don't know if you should be ignorant or arrogant!"

The voice of the death demon Anubis sounded beside Xiao Tian. The next moment, the death demon surrounded by ghost fire appeared behind Xiao Tian out of thin air, and the huge bone sickle in his hand suddenly cut down, sealing the surrounding space.

The huge bone sickle that was suddenly cut down and the giant white bone beast rushing towards Xiao Tian formed a pinching force, giving Xiao Tian no chance to dodge!

In the next moment, the giant bone sickle and the giant white bone beasts all attacked Xiao Tian's location. The terrifying impact directly annihilated that space, and the chaotic space storm directly shattered the space around the ultimate ancient land, turning it into nothingness. !

"It is your glory to die under this blow! Little devil!"

The rampant laughter of the Death Demon God reverberated over the ultimate ancient land. Obviously, this former Demon God didn't think Xiao Tian could survive his blow.

"what did you just say?"

Before the death demon's words fell, a very calm voice suddenly sounded over this ultimate ancient land. Xiao Tian dressed in white and slowly walked out of the void. The shadow of the three lotus flowers behind him disappeared somehow and replaced it. It is a horrible black hole that exudes a weird swallowing aura, as if even time can swallow it!

Nine-headed hideous gluttonous phantoms surrounded the black hole, and the aura emitted from the body also reached the level of the immortal emperor!

Devour the body!

Xiao Tian’s astounding secret technique created on the basis of the Three Flowers Borrowing the Path and the Heaven Swallowing Technique is not as stable as the phaseless body formed by system fusion, without any side effects, but this type of secret technique is superior in power. Big.

And as the pioneer of this type of secret technique, Xiao Tian had already used the Devouring Magic Body to perfection. Just now, at the moment when the bone sickle and the giant bone beast attacked and landed, Xiao Tian dissipated the Phaseless Magic Body and moved instantly. Swallow the body and swallow all the terrifying attacks!

The shattered space around it was only the consequence of the devouring body being unable to absorb the assimilation level of attack, which caused Xiao Tian to explode the absorbed energy in one breath!

The pitch-black vortex behind Xiao Tian trembled suddenly. The next moment, a piece of gray bone flew out of the black hole. There was no spirituality on it, and it was no different from the bones left by those mortal beasts. To tell the difference, that is that this bone is too huge. It is only a section, it is already several people tall, and I don't know what a bone was taken from a giant beast.

"Is this the skeleton of the so-called Weiliqi Beast?"

Xiao Tian casually clicked on the gray bone and directly turned it into nothingness, and then cast his gaze on the Death Demon God with undisguised mockery.

The Death Demon God Enubis turned extremely gloomy when he saw this scene. He didn't expect that his inevitable blow would be blocked by Xiao Tian. Not only that, this ant-like existence dare to humiliate him so much!

As a noble death demon, even among the demon gods, he has a lofty position. Even the opponents he faced in that battle did not dare to have any contempt for him. Now he is in this wasteland. Among them, was laughed at by an aboriginal kid who didn't know where he came from?!

"Stupid kid!" The death demon Enubis exuded a monstrous death energy, shattering the surrounding space, and the already huge body of the death demon quickly soared, turning into a hideous spur. giant.

Chains of order gods stretch out from the void, seeming to want to restrain the death demon god, but those order god chains have not touched the body of the death demon god, they are shattered by the death energy emanating from their body, and there is no way to deal with them. That death demon will cause any impact!

"Little devil, the power of the devil is beyond your imagination!" The death demon stared at Xiao Tian with scarlet eyes, as if a sea of ​​corpses appeared in his eyes: "You can make the deity show the posture of the devil, devil, you are proud of it!"

Chapter 2324 Mission accomplished!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Tian's expression didn't change in any way, as if the scary figure in front of him that could not be suppressed by the chain of order was indistinguishable from the weeds everywhere on the roadside.

"If this is the so-called Demon God..."

Xiao Tian held the bitter bamboo and bamboo branches in his hand, and stood proudly in the void in white clothes. He exuded an ethereal aura, as if he did not exist in this space.

In the next moment, a little blue light bloomed from Xiao Tian's body, a shocking divine sword broke through the void and slashed towards the death demon with an invincible posture. The divine sword was wrapped with endless purple thunder, and there was a god of order in the void. The emergence of the chain seems to be to not allow this insurmountable force to appear, and to suppress it.

However, those Order God Chains were directly assimilated into the part of Purple Thunder when they first came into contact with the Purple Thunder. The power of the Divine Sword, which was originally very powerful, has been greatly enhanced under the blessing of the Order God Chain!

"If this is the so-called Demon God..."

Xiao Tian's eyes were drooping, and the green light exuded above the bitter bamboo branches in his hand, and the astonishing sword intent spouted out of the bitter bamboo branches, but the void around him trembled.

"That's nothing but that!"

The indifferent voice echoed over the ultimate ancient land, without the slightest emotion, but it seemed to be stating a fact, making people unable to give birth to any thoughts of refutation!

Even the Death Demon God for a while forgot to refute, because the shocking sword that Xiao Tian slashed out already possessed the ability to threaten him!

If he was at his peak, he would naturally not take such an attack in his eyes, but now he has no strength. Facing Xiao Tian's shocking sword, he actually felt the threat of death!

This made this demon god, who was named'death', didn't know how many ancient worlds had been destroyed, and how many blood of the arrogance had been stained on his hands, there was a little fear in his heart!

"how is this possible?!"

The scarlet eyes of the death demon passed the color of horror, and he lost his voice.

In such a wasteland, there still exists such a Tianjiao. That sword has clearly surpassed the shackles of the world. If nothing happens, such a genius may not be able to penetrate the barriers of the world before long and enter the world. In the heavens and seas, they are even qualified to represent a civilization on the battlefield of ten thousand worlds and gain a reputation!

But isn't such a genius hope to be born only if the origin is complete, and there are strong people in the battlefield of ten thousand realms?

Why is such a genius born in such a wasteland?!

Xiao Tian didn't speak, his face was still full of wind and clouds, as if he hadn't cut that shocking sword.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that the divine sword entwined with the purple thunder came closer and closer to him, Enubis, the death demon snake, could not even think about why Xiao Tian was able to cut such a sword. The huge bone sickle in his hand waved, the monstrous devilish air was like a mountain cry. The tsunami generally converges in front of the death demon, turning into a barbed spine shield, trying to stop Xiao Tian's mighty blow!

"A senseless move..."

Seeing this scene, Xiao Tian twitched the corner of his mouth and said coldly.

As he said, Xiao Tian lifted his right hand lightly, and the bitter bamboo and bamboo branches flew out of his hand, piercing the void, and a little green light fell directly on the hideous bone shield. The next moment, the little green light exploded directly, exploding the bone shield. The part was broken, and the divine sword wrapped in purple thunder used this opportunity to instantly break through the void, piercing through the huge body of the demon god of death and the bone shield in front of him!


A terrifying explosion sounded, and the mighty divine sword exploded directly, turning into a sky full of purple thunder to surround the huge body of the death demon god. Above this ultimate ancient land, a sea of ​​thunder took shape out of thin air, as if the end of the world Generally, people feel desperate.

The purple thunder sea does not disperse for a long time. The huge body of the death demon who was submerged by the purple thunder sea is being wiped out at a speed visible to the naked eye. If this continues, it may not be long before the death demon’s body will be purple. Destroyed by the Thunder Sea, the Death Demon God will no longer have any power to resist Xiao Tian's attack!

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