God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 960

Chapter 2326 Emperor Xiao Tian!

Hearing Taoist Xiaoyun's words, Xiao Tian just shook his head, with an unpredictable smile on his face.

Taoist Xiaoyun’s guess was wrong. If he did not get the last level of the Nine Ranks of Immortal Body, then even if he defeated the death demon Enubis, Xiao Tian would at best only stabilize the realm of the immortal emperor and officially stepped from the realm of the pseudo-immortal emperor. Enter the realm of the immortal emperor.

But under the influence of the Nine Ranks Immortal Body and the surging spiritual energy of the Ultimate Ancient Land, Xiao Tian easily reached the peak of the Immortal Emperor, that is, the true peak of the entire Zhetian Plane!

"I have been away as a teacher for more than half a year. How did you explain your task before?"

Xiao Tian's eyes fell on Li Xie, with a calm expression on his face.

"Since the first battle in the Northern Plains, only the bandit leader Li Yan has escaped. His power also collapsed and completely disappeared on the northern plains. It's just that the bandit leader Li Yan, but the disciples did not find him... …"

Li Xie was a little embarrassed when he heard the words: "As for the ranking of Tianjiao, Miss Murong, Saint Xiaoyun and others are among the dragons and phoenixes, and Tuer is not yet sure to defeat them."

Li Xie's tone seemed a little low, Xiao Tian only gave him two tasks in total, one was to destroy the Thirteen Thieves of the Northern Plains, and the other was to win the Tianjiao list.

However, he had not completed these two tasks. Although the task of destroying the Thirteen Thieves of the Northern Plains could have come to an end in a certain sense, the bandit leader Li Yan's departure made this task less perfect after all.

As for winning the top of the Tianjiao list, it goes without saying that although he is now in the late stage of True Immortal, he is only one step away from being able to reach the peak of True Immortal, but his ranking on the Tianjiao ranking has just squeezed into 20.

All the geniuses in front of him are the existence of the peak of true immortals, and he is sure to defeat the geniuses who rank in front of him, but if it is against the top ten geniuses on the list, he will not Dare to say that you are sure to win.

Therefore, he stayed in Xueyang Village for this period of time, and continuously improved his strength with the help of the phantom array in Xueyang Village.

Hearing Li Xie's words, Xiao Tian's expression remained unchanged, but the immortal emperor pinnacle's divine consciousness instantly spread, directly covering the entire Big Dipper star domain and still spreading towards the depths of the starry sky at a very fast speed.

Soon, Xiao Tian found Li Yan on a broken ancient star. The bandit leader of the 13 thirteen bandits in the Northern Plains had already cut the foundation and sealed himself in the source of the gods. He didn't know when he planned to be born. But it is foreseeable that at least during the period when Li Xie, Xiao Xian'er and others are still in the nine heavens and ten places, the thirteen thirteen bandit heads of the Northern Plains who have traveled across the northern plains and left a terrifying reputation on the northern plains are It will never be born!

"Then Li Yan proclaimed himself in the source of the gods and buried himself on an ancient star, so I don't need to pay attention to him anymore," Xiao Tian's gaze fell on Li Xie and said lightly: "I asked you to deal with Beiyuan Ten. The three big thieves are just trying to find you a sharpening stone. With your current strength, Li Yan, don't worry about it. Your next task is to get the top spot on the Tianjiao list as soon as possible, understand?"

"Yes! Master!"

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Li Xie replied with an awe-inspiring expression.

Although Xiao Tian's tone did not fluctuate in any way, he still felt great majesty from it, and Xiao Tian's words were like edicts that he could not refuse!

This is not because of Xiao Tian's identity, but because of the laws of heaven and earth, he can't refuse!

Not only Li Xie, but after hearing Xiao Tian's words, many powerful people around him were secretly awe-inspiring, and shocked their eyes.

Because as soon as Xiao Tian's words were uttered, they clearly felt that inexplicable power appeared in the heavens and the earth, affecting their hearts, so that they could not afford any rejection in their hearts!

That is to say, Xiao Tian did not target them this time. If Xiao Tian opened his mouth to let them commit suicide, perhaps under the influence of that inexplicable force, even if they resisted in their hearts, they would end their lives without hesitation!

"Speaking arbitrarily, verbalizing Tianxian?!"

An immortal domain giant exclaimed, this kind of power that is almost legendary, even the immortal king giant has not mastered it, I am afraid that only the strong who set foot in the realm of the immortal emperor have this ability!

"Is this the ability possessed by the powerhouse of the Immortal Emperor Realm?"

Standing in the crowd, Murong Qingcheng muttered in a low voice with shock in his eyes.

She is now in the realm of the true immortal pinnacle, and has touched that threshold, and it will not be long before she can step into the realm of the fairy king, but even so, she still has no confidence in setting foot in the realm of the emperor.

That realm is too illusory, just like a legend. For countless years, I don’t know how many strong people have attacked that realm one after another. But in the end, they can set foot on that realm. On the bright side, only the Huangtian Emperor who ruled forever and now Xiao Tian!

Even if there are secretly those who have stepped into the realm of the Immortal Emperor that they don't know about, but since the time of Emperor Fall to the present, the number of strong immortal emperors will not exceed one hand at most!

Not only Murong Qingcheng, but Li Xiaoyun on the side also had many geniuses from the Immortal Territory as well as the geniuses of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

They are of extraordinary origin, and their forces even have terrifying families that have been passed down from the Immortal Ancient Era to the present. However, even the records of their clan records only record the realm of the fairy king, and only leave the realm above the fairy king. A few words were left, as if that realm only exists in the illusory!

Now Xiao Tian has truly stepped into this realm, reaching a peak that no one has been able to reach for countless years in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and Xianyu!

"I have seen Emperor Xiao Tian!"

At this moment, a frenzied monk rushed out from nowhere, respectfully bowed to Xiao Tian, ​​and shouted.

Hearing the monk's words, everyone around him also recovered, looking at Xiao Tian's gaze a little stranger.

The term Tiandi has almost become a taboo in Jiu Tian Shi Di and Xian Yu.

Except for the original Huangtian Emperor, no one dared to call himself the Heavenly Emperor. Not only that, even the Heavenly Court seemed to have been cursed. Even the desolate ancient Heavenly Court established by the Huangtian Emperor was destroyed in the passage of time. Not to mention the heavenly court established by the emperor of the later generations and the heavenly court, one of the three major killer dynasties of nine heavens and ten earths that has long since disappeared in the long river!

"I don't know if this person will take over the name of Emperor Xiao Tian, ​​and whether he will follow the example of Emperor Huang Tian and set up the heaven to suppress the two realms..."

Among the crowd, a cultivator had some expectation in his eyes, and said excitedly: "If this man really sets up the heavenly court, I must find a way to enter the heavenly court!"

Chapter 2327 Children's play!

"Emperor Xiao Tian?"

Hearing the monk's words, Xiao Tian twitched the corner of his mouth, then he shook his head and said lightly: "I don't plan to establish the heavenly court, this is the name of the heavenly emperor.

He doesn't care about these false names, not to mention that he will leave this world after the immortal domain is completed, and at best he will only leave the orthodoxy in this world.

However, there are Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er, and there is no difference if he leaves the orthodoxy. The time flow of the main plane and the obscuring plane are not synchronized. When Li Xie and others break through the world limit, I am afraid that the sky will be obscured. The plane has already passed, I don’t know how long, when his inheritance can be carried forward by Li Xie and Xiao Xian'er, there is no need for him to devote himself to establishing a heaven!

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the cultivators around had different thoughts, but they did not speak.

With Xiao Tian's current state, no one can influence his every move. If he wants to establish the heavenly court, even the way of heaven cannot stop him, but if he doesn't want it, no one can force him!

"Big Brother!" As soon as Xiao Tian's voice fell, Xiao Xian'er's clear voice rang from the side.

Xiao Tian looked for her reputation, but found that Xiao Xian'er was looking at herself expectantly with her eyes wide open.

"Why, do you want to establish a heavenly court?" Xiao Tian noticed Xiao Xian'er's gaze and said softly with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

He suddenly remembered that on the original world line, this future female emperor in white once claimed to be the Nanling Heavenly Emperor for a lifetime, and she has created many secret arts and profound arts.

Although Xiao Xian'er today is so different from the original experience on the world line, it is precisely because of this that Xiao Xian'er today has a more detached personality. With her temperament, even if she is really fun that day And establishing the Heavenly Orthodoxy, Xiao Tian would not be surprised!

"Hmm!" Xiao Xian'er nodded hurriedly when she heard the words, her eyes flashing with expectation.

It’s a lot of fun to establish the Heavenly Court or something, just thinking about it, she’s also the cultivation base of the real celestial mid-term, and her strength is not inferior to the ordinary true celestial peak powerhouse, even if the Heavenly Court is established in nine heavens and ten places, there is no one. What would you say more!

And when she set foot in the realm of the fairy king, with her strength, she was able to establish the heavenly tradition in the fairyland!

Xiao Tian was a little bit dumbfounded, but he did not directly refuse. After a moment of indulgence, Xiao Tian said: "You want to establish the heavenly court, I will not stop you, but before that, you have to defeat my incarnation. Yes, otherwise, even if this heavenly court is established, it will only increase the laughter. I, Xiao Tian, ​​cannot afford to lose this person!

Although he and Xiao Xian'er did not have the name of a teacher and apprentice, no matter whether it was the monks in Xianyu or Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, he knew that Xiao Xian'er and him already had the real master and apprentice. In a sense, Xiao Xian'er and Li Xie both represent Xiao Tian's face!

If the heaven that Xiao Xian'er had set up was destroyed by someone soon, then Xiao Tian's face would also be dull!

Therefore, although Xiao Tian did not prevent Xiao Xian'er from establishing the Heavenly Court, he still gave a restriction, that is, defeating his incarnation!

Hearing what Xiao Tian said, Xiao Xian'er hesitated, and finally nodded and agreed.

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