God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 965

The disciple of Yuxu Palace who tried to no avail finally gave up to continue climbing the road to the sky, but the road to the sky was opened. The mysterious powerhouse Xiao Tian brought a group of disciples, as well as the palace lord of the Yuxu Palace and the fairy Jiang Yueqing through the ascent to the sky. The news of Lu's entry into the heavens spread to all the cultivating forces within a short period of time, causing a sensation...

But these things have nothing to do with Xiao Tian and others who entered the legendary heaven through Chengxianmen...


In the heavens, brilliance flashed across an abandoned teleportation array. The next moment, Xiao Tian and others emerged from the teleportation array, appearing in the heavens that no one has entered since the ancient times.

"This is the legendary heaven?" Yang Guo looked around, his eyes were a little dignified: "It looks like the heaven is almost destroyed..."

During the months he spent on Kunlun Fairy Island, he had already learned a lot of information about the main plane, and he also had some understanding of the heavenly court in ancient legends.

Baguio and the others also have a solemn look. In their sight, there are ruined walls, and there are many dry bones on the ground. A large number of weapons and armors that have long lost their spirituality are scattered on the ground, indicating that the ancient times experienced a battle here. What a tragic battle!

And in the distance, there seemed to be a heavenly court standing above the clouds, but the court that day was already broken, and with the eyes of Xiao Tian and others, we could vaguely see the half-collapsed heavenly gate before that court.

"Feng'er, Jingyu, you two will search around to see if you can find anything," Xiao Tian muttered for a moment, and said to Xiao Feng and Lin Jingyu.

Among the disciples he brought to the heavens, Lin Jingyu and Xiao Feng were the most stable. Therefore, Xiao Tian considered for a moment before handing this task to Xiao Feng and Lin Jingyu.

"Yes! Master/Foster father!"

Lin Jingyu and Xiao Feng immediately agreed upon hearing this, and then the two quickly searched around.

"Yao'er, Guoer," after Lin Jingyu and Xiao Feng left, Xiao Tian's eyes fell on Baguio and Yang Guo, and he said solemnly: "You two are the strongest, stay here to protect Yuyan and the others. "

Baguio and Yang Guo also nodded, in this unknown heaven, they did not dare to neglect.

Seeing this, Xiao Tian also relaxed a little, waved the bitter bamboo and bamboo branches in his hand, and after leaving a sword formation in place, Xiao Tian flew directly towards the looming heavenly palace in the distance.

The court seemed to be very close to the place where Xiao Tian and the others were, but even with Xiao Tian’s strength, it took a long time to fly there, and Xiao Tian didn’t see any signs of existence on the way. Desolate.

"The Battle of the Ancients was really tragic..."

Soon, before Xiao Tian arrived at the Heavenly Court, thinking of what he saw on the way, Xiao Tian couldn't help sighing, his tone of voice was a little bit sigh.

In the ancient records of the Yuxu Palace, the heavens were so strong in the ancient times. The heavenly courts swayed the first life. There were no less than five strong holy realms. There were even more powerful ones in the Hunyuan realm. However, this is the ultimate heavenly court. But it ended up as it is now, how could this make Xiao Tian not embarrassed?

"I don't know if we can find some clues in this heaven..."

Xiao Tian looked at the heavenly court ahead, pondered for a moment, and then stepped into the heavenly court.

Just stepping into the heavenly court, what you see is the collapsed huge heavenly gate. A golden armored god will be leaning against the pillar of the heavenly gate. On the ground next to him, two giant hammers are scattered, and on the chest of the golden god general , A spear exuding fierce aura penetrated it and nailed it into the pillar behind.

Obviously, this was the god general who guarded the heavenly court in the past, but in the end he was penetrated through his chest by a powerful enemy with fierce soldiers, and he was nailed to the heavenly gate!

Xiao Tian took a deep breath, and the bitter bamboo branches appeared in his hands and walked directly into the heaven.

Along the way, Xiao Tian saw the corpses of many celestial generals. All the celestial generals were pierced through their chests by the murderous soldiers, obliterating their spiritual knowledge. Even Xiao Tian saw a hand-held exquisite in a square. The golden armored god of the pagoda was nailed to death, and I don't know if it was the legendary King Tota.

Soon, Xiao Tian appeared in front of the High Heaven Hall, but the original magnificent High Heaven Hall had already become a ruined wall. Half of the High Heaven Hall collapsed, and the plaque of the High Heaven Hall was broken into two halves. , Fell on the ground, and as the years passed, it was covered with a thick layer of dust.

In Xiao Tian's sight, a blue bull fell down in the High Heaven Hall, with numerous wounds on his body, and every wound exuded an astonishing suffocation. Next to the body of the blue bull, there were half black arms. There are hideous scales on that arm, and I don't know what creature left it.

And this is also the only corpse remains of the legendary gods and gods in the ancient heaven that Xiao Tian has seen along the way!


Slowly exhaling a foul breath, Xiao Tian settled down and stepped directly into the High Heaven Palace.

As soon as Xiao Tian stepped into the High Heaven Hall, countless golden runes rose from around the High Heaven Hall and turned into a golden light curtain covering the High Heaven Hall. Xiao Tian's expression changed slightly, and the bitter bamboo and bamboo branches in his hands trembled gently. , Ready to shoot at any time.

But soon, Xiao Tian relaxed and stared at the golden light curtain with a little bit of surprise in his eyes.

Because in the golden light curtain is reflected the tragic battle on the Lingxiao Palace!

It's just that the two sides fighting are not the ten great demon gods and ancient heavenly gods that cut off the road to the sky as Xiao Tian imagined, but a group of Buddha arhats with Buddha's light on their bodies, and the hideous Asura evil spirits and heavenly gods are desperate. Fight!


Xiao Tian looked at the picture reflected on the golden light curtain and couldn't help but feel a little more puzzled.

He originally thought that the destruction of the ancient heavenly court was the masterpiece of the ten great demon gods, but now it seems that things are different from what he imagined. Did the Buddha and Arhat take the initiative to rebel, or were they controlled by those demon gods, or because For other reasons, is this facing the heavenly gods?

Soon, the golden light curtain disappeared. Recalling the scenes he had seen in the golden light curtain, Xiao Tian pondered for a moment, and walked directly towards the Long Shuan at the top of the Lingxiao Palace.

On the Dragon Book Case, there was a broken seal, which was the Great Seal of the Emperor of Heaven, but it was broken in that battle and had already lost its power.

However, if the information in the golden light curtain is not wrong, there is still a ray of spiritual consciousness remaining in the broken Great Seal of the Emperor of Heaven. If that ray of spiritual consciousness has not dissipated, perhaps Xiao Tian can get some ancient wars from it. Information!

Chapter 2335 Heavenly Emperor Projection, the Sea of ​​Heaven!

Xiao Tian had just stepped onto the imperial stage and walked to Long Shuan. A hazy light flashed in the seal of the Emperor of Heaven that had long been shattered. The next moment, a figure dressed in a golden robe with majestic eyes Appeared in Xiao Tian's sight.

"Unexpectedly, after thousands of years, there are still human races able to enter this high heaven treasure hall," the figure looked at Xiao Tian, ​​with a slightly surprised look in his eyes: "Junior, what cultivation level are you now, why? Can't see through your strength?"

"Who is your excellency?"

Xiao Tian didn't answer, his gaze fell on that figure, he looked up slightly, and said lightly.

He already had guesses about the identity of the person in front of him. Except for the ancient heavenly emperor who ruled all living beings, I am afraid that no one else would be dressed like this.

"I am the Lord of the Heavenly Court, dominating the Three Realms." The figure in the golden robe looked at Xiao Tian with a bit of arrogance in his tone, but soon the arrogance disappeared, replaced by a deep wry smile. Obviously, he also realized that the Heavenly Court today is no longer the oppressive Three Realms in the ancient times, but the Heavenly Court of the Holy Land of the Three Realms!

Today's heaven is just a ruined wall!

"The Emperor of Heaven?" Xiao Tian was not surprised by the identity of the figure in the golden robe. After a moment of indulgence, Xiao Tian continued to ask: "What happened in the ancient times and why did the heavens look like this? The demon gods join forces to isolate?"

"You know the top ten demon gods?" Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the golden robe figure was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly said, "Yes, the road to the sky has long been cut off after the First War of the Ancients. Open the road to the sky, the power that blocks the road to the sky is the power left over by the ten great demon gods, you have already seen it if you want to come."

"Since you can get through the road to the sky, if you don't use the power of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, you have reached the holy realm, otherwise you will definitely not be able to break through the power left by the ten demon gods, and the ancient battle, the spiritual roots of heaven and earth have long been destroyed. Seven or eighty-eight, after the road to the sky was cut off, the lower realm was lacking in spiritual energy, and it was impossible to support the restoration of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

Although I don’t know how you stepped into the Holy Realm, since you have reached the Holy Realm, you are qualified to know what happened back then..."

Having said this, the figure in the golden robe sighed slightly, with a bit of coldness in his tone, and bitterly said: "You should have seen the previous scenes. Things are almost the same as what you saw. The aliens invaded, Buddhism. However, it was at a critical moment to turn back and join forces with the demon god outside the territory, which led to the destruction of my heaven!

Hearing what the Emperor said, Xiao Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't speak.

Although the light curtain that covered the Lingxiao Temple before, it was indeed shown that countless Buddhas, Arhats and Asura evil spirits joined forces to attack the heavenly court, and fought against the many powerful men in the heavenly court.

But Xiao Tian didn't dare to guarantee that this picture would not be false. The truth of the Ancient World War I had long been annihilated in the dust. It is still open to question whether the golden robe figure in front of him is credible.

"I know that you still have doubts in your heart." Seeing Xiao Tian's expression, the Jinpao figure didn't know what he was thinking, and shook his head gently, before continuing: "In the first battle, Heavenly Court suffered heavy losses. , But not the entire army was annihilated. At the beginning, my five great sacred masters in the heavens joined forces to open up the passage of the heavens and seas, and brought some of the powers of the heavens into the heavens and seas. With your strength, you have been able to enter the heavens. Hai, you will naturally know the truth of the Ancient War."

The sea of ​​heavens!

Hearing the words of the golden robe figure, Xiao Tian's heart was even more shocked.

This is not the first time he has heard of this place. At the beginning, the Death Demon God Enubis also unintentionally mentioned the sea of ​​the heavens, but the Death Demon God was also inexplicable, and Xiao Tian also He only knew that there was such a place, and that the sea of ​​heaven and the world seemed to be connected to the battlefield of ten thousand worlds, but Xiao Tian was not clear about whether there was any cause and effect.

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