God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 967

He was also extremely curious about what Xiao Tian said, and he wanted to see what made Xiao Tian jealous, what was so peculiar!

"The two juniors have gone, naturally I can't escape." Baguio said suddenly, with a faint smile on his face, his tone very relaxed.

It seemed to her that what she was going to was not an extremely dangerous and murderous Jedi, but to go outing with Xiao Tian and others.

"Feng'er is willing to follow her foster father," Xiao Feng nodded as well, looking serious.

Xiao Tian treats him like a master, and now Xiao Tian is in need of him, so naturally he cannot escape.

"As for Junior Sister and Ah Zhu, they are not strong enough, so it's better to stay in this heaven and wait for us to come back."

Xiao Feng looked at Wang Yuyan and A Zhu with a serious expression on his face.

He left with Xiao Tian this time. He was ready to die. Facing an unknown place, even a region that Xiao Tian considered extremely dangerous, he was unwilling to let Azhu and Wang Yuyan go with him. Go to risk.

"Feng'er is right," Xiao Tian nodded, looked at the three Wang Yuyan, and smiled: "Yuyan, there are also girls Azhu, girls dragon, you three will stay in this heaven, or go through Dengtian Road Go back to the lower realm and wait for us to come back in peace."

Although Wang Yuyan was a little unwilling to hear that, she nodded obediently. As for Azhu and Xiaolongnu, they also agreed with Xiao Feng and Yang Guo's eyes.

After arranging everything, Xiao Tian immediately instructed the system in his heart: "System, open the channel to enter the battlefield of ten thousand realms."

As soon as Xiao Tian’s voice fell, a dark whirlpool appeared in front of him, and a dark portal was formed in a moment. Through the dark portal, one could vaguely see an endless continent on which there were countless creatures. , There are shouts of killing and monstrous evil spirits coming from the dark portal, which shocks people.

"Yao'er, Feng'er, Jingyu, then, you follow me," Xiao Tian settled down and stepped directly into the dark portal.

Behind Xiao Tian, ​​Baguio, Lin Jingyu, Xiao Feng and Yang Guo did not hesitate, and followed Xiao Tian into the dark portal.

After the five of Xiao Tian left, the dark portal disappeared instantly, leaving only the three of Wang Yuyan, Azhu, and the Little Dragon Girl.

The three of them glanced at each other, then under the leadership of Wang Yuyan, they returned to the lower realm via Dengtian Road, and returned to the manor that Xiao Tian left in the depths of Wuliang Mountain...


The Battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, as a strange land above the sea of ​​heavens, countless geniuses enter this place every moment, and more geniuses fall.

It can be said to be the tomb of geniuses here. I don't know how many peerless Tianjiao are bleeding in this ten thousand world battlefield.

And in the northwest of the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield, among the mountains, a dark portal suddenly appeared. The next moment, the five figures of Xiao Tian stepped out of the portal and appeared in the Ten Thousand Realms battlefield.

"What a strong evil spirit!"

Baguio just walked out of the dark portal and couldn't help but say.

Although she had already felt the astonishing fierce aura in the battlefield of the ten thousand worlds when she was in the sky, Baguio realized that the evil aura they felt through the dark portal was only It's just the tip of the iceberg!

The evil spirit in this ten thousand world battlefield is extremely astonishing, if the strength is insufficient, I am afraid that it will be eroded by that evil spirit in an instant, completely losing his mind, and becoming a walking dead without any thinking ability and only fighting!

Yang Guo and the others were also awe-inspiring. They practiced the Nineth Rank Immortal Body, and they didn't worry about being affected by the evil spirit, but the strong evil spirit in the air still made them a little uncomfortable.

"First figure out the situation around here," Xiao Tian glanced from the surroundings, Chong Baguio and the others ordered: "Yao'er, you and Guoer Jingyu stay here, Feng'er, you come with me."

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Baguio and the others didn't say much. They quickly divided into two groups. Baguio Lin Jingyu and Yang Guo stayed in place, holding weapons, slowly clearing the surrounding area, planning to create a resident.

However, Xiao Feng walked to the side of Xiao Tian, ​​and then the two swept towards a high mountain not far away.

"Foster father, what kind of place is this place? Why is there such a strong evil spirit in the air?"

On the way, Xiao Feng looked at Xiao Tian and couldn't help but said, "Although the evil spirit here is strong, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is much stronger than that of heaven. I don't know where it is?"

"This place is called'The Battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms,'" Xiao Tian didn't hide anything, and roughly said the news about the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms.

"Foster father meant that this is a place where the geniuses of the heavens and all realms meet, and it is even possible to meet themselves from other worlds here?"

After listening to Xiao Tian's words, Xiao Feng couldn't help but said with excitement, and an astonishing fighting spirit emerged in his eyes.

As for the news that the strength of the opponent he was going to face might be extremely terrifying, but he no longer knew where Xiao Feng, who was learned that he could fight against the geniuses of the heavens and worlds, was lost!

Seeing Xiao Feng's expression, Xiao Tian couldn't help shook his head, but didn't say much.

Xiao Feng's ability to maintain such an astonishing battle intent may be more suitable for the battlefield of ten thousand realms. Perhaps he, the only righteous son on the battlefield of ten thousand realms, may get a result that makes him look at him!

Soon, Xiao Tian and Xiao Feng appeared on the nearest mountain peak. In the distance, a vast ocean came into their sight, and above the sea, there was a huge city, in which you could see vaguely Figure...

Chapter 2338 Final main line!

The huge city that Xiao Tian and Xiao Feng saw was suspended above the sea, and below the city was a piece of land with strange patterns. It didn't look like land, but the back of a strange creature!

"Foster father, could that city be located on the back of some kind of creature?" Xiao Feng looked at the city in the distance, a color of surprise flashed in his eyes, and couldn't help asking.

Looking down from the mountain, the land under the city is clearly the back of a giant tortoise!

"The battlefield of the Ten Thousand Realms is so weird, but I don't know much." Xiao Tian shook his head when he heard the words, looked at the city not far away, pondered for a moment, and said: "Feng'er, go back and take your juniors The younger sister will bring it together, let's go into the city and have a look."

Now that they have reached the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, before they know the situation, it is better to find a place to stay. The giant city on the sea is a good place to rest. At least Xiao Tian has not been in the giant city yet. Feeling too strong aura in Zhong, even if there is any trouble, he should be able to deal with it with his strength.

The most important point is that the city is relatively close to the channel opened by the system. Although the channel opened by the system to enter and exit the battlefield of the ten thousand realms has been hidden, if Xiao Tian wants to leave the battlefield of the ten thousand realms, this channel will It instantly appeared that the giant city that was still on the road was relatively close to the channel opened by the system, and even if there was an accident, he could evacuate from the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Worlds through the channel opened by the system in time. Therefore, Xiao Tian naturally would not give up close and seek far, and chose to rest elsewhere.

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Xiao Feng nodded, and then his figure flashed, he jumped off the mountain and went to the place where they came to look for Baguio and others.

After Xiao Feng left, Xiao Tian asked in his heart: "System, what is the origin of this ten thousand world battlefield?"

Although he knows a lot of information about the battlefield of the ten thousand worlds, he does not know the origin of the battlefield of the ten thousand worlds at all, or even if he is a strong man who has fought on the battlefield of the ten thousand worlds and does not know how many years, he probably does not know the How did the world battlefield appear!

"The Battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms was independently created by the will of the sea of ​​heavens, and the host can also regard the Battlefield of Thousand Realms as another world opened by the sea of ​​heavens, which is different from the ordinary world," the system's cold and mechanical voice was in Xiao Tian's mind. There was no emotion in it.

"Did the heavens and seas opened up independently?" Xiao Tian narrowed his eyes and muttered, "It looks like things are much more interesting than I thought!

However, this battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms is too vast, so let’s talk about it first. In addition, the rest of the disciples may soon reach the limit of the world. First prepare a place to stay, so that they won’t even have a place to land after breaking through the limit of the family. Too shabby!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Tian's gaze was cast on the giant city in the sea. Although he didn't know what the details of that giant city was, if he could take it down and serve as a stronghold, he would be considered in the battlefield of ten thousand realms. Get a firm foothold!

Almost this thought just emerged in Xiao Tian's mind, and the cold and mechanical voice of the system sounded in Xiao Tian's mind——

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering the final main mission: The Name of the Holy Master!

Ask the host to gain a reputation on the battlefield of the ten thousand worlds, let the name of the host saint master completely resound in the heavens and ten thousand worlds, and let every world in the sea of ​​the heavens proclaim the host's name!

Task reward: Eternal Heart!"

Hearing the system prompt, Xiao Tian's mouth twitched slightly. This task was too broad, and it was definitely not an easy task for him now. It would take a lot of time to complete this task.

After all, this Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield does not know how many planes of Tianjiao have gathered, and there are even other planes of "self". If you want the heavens and all realms to extol your name, you must be in the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield. It’s a great fame!

Even this is not enough. After all, I don’t know how long the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms has existed, but the world that knows the existence of the Sea of ​​Heaven and the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms only occupies a part of the endless world in the Sea of ​​Heaven. In part of the world, the creatures in it don't even know the existence of the sea of ​​heavens and the battlefield of ten thousand worlds!

In other words, if Xiao Tian wants to complete the system task, he must project the heavens so that there is a'Xiao Tian' in the heavens and all realms before he can continue to make plans!

Before that, Xiao Tian must step into the realm of the only true self!

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