God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 971

Because of this, no one is willing to bet that the strong will not be willing to shoot for the black sheep!

After all, this battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms is not another place. If you make a mistake, it will be forever. Therefore, although many people coveted the control of Fengyun City, they finally suppressed the thoughts in their hearts.

Of course, apart from the black sheep that made those people dispel their thoughts, the coercion that Xiao Tian released was also one of the reasons why these people gave up!

The astonishing pressure, they had never felt on the three powerful masters in the late stage of the Hunyuan realm in Fengyun City!

In other words, Xiao Tian might have surpassed the Hunyuan Realm and stepped into the Holy Realm!

We must know that on the battlefield of ten thousand realms, the strong of the holy realm can already be regarded as the overlord of one side. Even the strong who has just entered the holy realm has a lofty position on the battlefield of ten thousand realms. It is not clear about Xiao Tian Before, they were not willing to take risks!

Chapter 2344 Cangxuan, Yaoji, Youlong!

Somewhere in Fengyun City, in a magnificent mansion, the white-robed old man was sitting in front of a small lake, holding a bamboo pole in his hand, and a fishing line gleaming with faint fluorescence hung into the small lake in front.

Suddenly, the white-robed old man seemed to have noticed something, and didn't turn his head back: "It's all old friends. Since they are here, why hide in hiding?"

The white-robed old man's voice was not loud, but it reverberated in this mansion. Even if he was in this mansion, he could hear the white-robed old man's voice.

"Old Ancestor Cangxuan really has a leisurely sentiment," a slightly mocking voice sounded, and then a figure of a woman in her thirties with an enchanting atmosphere appeared out of thin air, looking at the white-robed old man's eyes. With a bit of disdain.

On the other side, a tower-like strong man also stepped out of the void. If you look closely, you can find that there are countless small scales on the strong man’s arms. Obviously, this strong man is not a human race. It's a strange creature that doesn't know where the world comes from.

Without looking back, the white-robed old man said indifferently: "Demon Ji, You Long, aren't you two in retreat and attacking the holy realm? Why are you in the mood to come to me as an old man?"

As he said, the bamboo pole in the hands of the white-robed old man quivered twice, and real ripples appeared on the calm lake surface. It seemed that something was pulling the fishing line downwards, but no matter how the fishing line and the bamboo pole changed, Bai The old man in the robe did not tremble in his hand holding the bamboo pole, and there was a lot of motionless mood in it.

"Maybe you Cang Xuan didn't know what happened in Wind and Cloud City?" The brawny man called'Youlong' said impatiently, "You are not tempted to be the City Lord of Wind and Cloud City? I don’t know which world the junior came from to get the golden seal of the city lord. Then we will all have to listen to the command of a junior, can you Cang Xuan remain indifferent?"

"So what?" Cang Xuan still didn't look back, gently lifting the bamboo pole in his hand, and a golden carp jumped out of the lake, bringing up the crystal water.

As the three powerful late stage masters in Fengyun City, who really stood at the top of Fengyun City overlooking the sentient beings, how could he not know what happened in Fengyun City?

Although Cang Xuan was also a little jealous in his heart for Lin Jingyu's passing the test of the boundary monument and the opportunity to take charge of Fengyun City, he knew exactly how terrifying the existence of Lin Jingyu called the'Master'!

Even if he just took a peek in the air, the terrifying aura exuding from his body seemed to be able to shatter his soul!

Therefore, Cang Xuan could easily guess how terrifying Xiao Tian's strength really was, and it was definitely not something he could contend with as a powerful late-stage Hunyuan realm.

However, Yao Ji and You Long are different from him. Although these two people are also in the late stage of the Hunyuan realm, they have only set foot in this realm for less than a hundred years. However, he has truly stood at the apex of the Hunyuan realm, as long as he can catch that. A glimmer of light is to be able to step into the holy realm and truly become the top existence in this ten thousand world battlefield!

It was for this reason that Cang Xuan was far more aware of Xiao Tian's horror than You Long and Yao Ji, and he was indifferent to Lin Jingyu's passing the test of the boundary marker and even the chance to become the Lord of Wind and Cloud City!

"So what?" Demon Ji had a bit of disdain in her eyes, and coldly snorted: "Well, it seems that you won't make a move anymore. In that case, wait until You Long and I kill the junior and take it from him. When walking the city lord’s golden seal, don’t put your hand in it!"

Although she also felt that Xiao Tian's breath was a little unfathomable, the feeling that Xiao Tian gave her was the same as Cang Xuan's feeling, so she subconsciously believed that Xiao Tian was also a powerful person in the late Hunyuan realm with them. , I was not too worried about Xiao Tian.

As long as Xiao Tian didn't break through the Hunyuan realm and stepped into that realm, she would be confident that she would protect herself under Xiao Tian, ​​and she would not worry about Xiao Tian's revenge after beheading Lin Jingyu.

The expression on the side of Youlong is similar to that of Demon Fairy. He is the same as Demon Fairy. He only entered the late stage of the Hunyuan Realm not long ago, unlike Cang Xuan. They were already strong in the late stage of the Hunyuan Realm when they entered Wind and Cloud City. Moreover, a hundred years ago, there were even rumors that Cang Xuan had touched the threshold of that realm. It was from that time that Cang Xuan sat on this small lake and fished and never left.

From You Long’s point of view, the newcomer who entered the city was only the late stage of the Hunyuan realm. Even if he was stronger than him, he was enough to protect himself. The reason why he would look for Cang Xuan and want Cang Xuan to make a move was just because he wanted to. Things are easier.

Now that Cang Xuan didn't make a move, he had never suffered any loss. It was nothing more than spending some effort to escape from Xiao Tian's subordinates after beheading Lin Jingyu, hiding for a few years before returning to Fengyun City to take control of Fengyun City!

Cang Xuan turned his back to Youlong and Demon Fairy, took off the golden carp from the fish hook without hesitation, threw it into the small lake in front of him, and threw the fishing line into the lake again, only his face But there was a touch of mockery.

Although Youlong and Demon Ji and him are called the three pinnacle masters of this Wind and Cloud City, if he makes a full shot, even if Youlong and Demon Ji join forces, they will not be his opponents, and the new creatures entering the city But it gave him a very strong sense of oppression, and even made him feel that he only needs a face-to-face, Xiao Tian can easily pinch him to death, and that Xiao Tian's strength naturally does not need to be said!

If You Long and Yao Ji really didn't have long eyes to find Lin Jingyu's troubles, then the best fate would be to be killed by Xiao Tian casually, and maybe even become Xiao Tian's servants!

not to mention……

Cang Xuan's right hand holding the bamboo pole started to tremble at some point. Although he didn't look back, he felt an extremely vast aura appearing out of thin air in the mansion where he was. He believed that as long as he dared to have it. Any change, the owner of that breath will kill him!

Yao Ji and You Long were far inferior to Cang Xuan in strength, but they didn't notice anything abnormal. Seeing that Cang Xuan really didn't intend to make a move, the two looked at each other and turned around to leave.

With their strength, under their joint hands, no one in this Fengyun City can stop them, even the Cang Xuan who is said to have touched the threshold of the Holy Realm!

They didn't believe that they could not deal with an outsider who had just entered Fengyun City!

However, Youlong and Yaoji had just turned around, and found that there was a figure wearing a moonwhite robe in a pavilion not far behind them. That person was holding a wine gourd, a golden wine gourd. Covered most of the person's face, but revealed a pair of cold eyes!

Chapter 2345 Strength!

The figure seemed to appear out of thin air. Neither Demon Fairy nor You Long had noticed. The only Cang Xuan who noticed some clues was still facing the small lake, seeming to be focusing on fishing.

But if someone is standing in front of Cang Xuan at this moment, you can find that Cang Xuan’s left hand hidden under the sleeve has been squeezed into a fist for some time, and is trembling, even the right hand holding the bamboo pole is slightly The trembling showed that the veteran top powerhouse of Fengyun City was in fear at the moment.

"Who is your excellency?" The eyes of Yao Ji and You Long also appeared a little wary of the white robe figure that appeared strangely.

Demon Ji couldn't help putting her right hand on her waist, seeming to be groping for something.

Both Demon Fairy and Youlong’s expressions are a bit nervous, because the two of them didn’t notice how the white robe figure appeared, and even if the white robe figure appeared in front of them like this, they were not there. Perceive any breath from above the white robe figure!

There is only one possibility for this situation, and that is that the strength of this white robe figure is far superior to them!

The two of them are already powerful in the late Hunyuan realm, and their strength is still above them. The white robe figure is at least the same level as Cangxuan, and may even have broken through that barrier and stepped into it. The legendary realm!

"Didn't you have guessed it?" The white robe figure slowly lowered the wine gourd in his hand, revealing an overly youthful face, who is not Xiao Tian?

"Are you the new person to the city?" Yao Ji looked solemn, with a mysterious light passing by in her eyes, and whispered.

"You guessed it well, and I advise you to dispel your thoughts," Xiao Tian said as he looked at Yao Ji with an indifferent expression: "Even if I stand here and let you do it, the dagger in your hand can't even hit it. Once you hit me, even if you sneak attack while I'm distracted, you won't have the slightest chance of success."

Demon Ji's face became stiff, and her right hand stopped where she was. In her hands, a small and exquisite dagger appeared in her hands. The edge of the dagger was faintly covered with a deadly black light. The dagger happened to be covered by the dark skirt on Demon Ji's body. Covered by A, ordinary monks can't detect the existence of that dagger at all.

Now that Xiao Tian broke her mind, Demon Ji couldn't help but feel a little bit of jealousy. Even Cang Xuan and Youlong are the three strongest powers in Wind and Cloud City for the first time. When facing himself, he also suffered a small loss on this, but Xiao Tian could easily see his own details, which undoubtedly made Demon Ji jealous.

The dragon on the side was even more unbearable. The finely fragmented dragon scales on both arms stood up, and a cold light appeared under the refraction of the sun, but the demon girl who was familiar with the dragon knew that this was the dragon facing the huge Subconscious reaction when threatened!

She still had Cangxuan and Youlong fought for no less than a hundred times, and she had never shown Youlong in such a posture. Only when a weird beast suddenly appeared in the endless sea below fifty years ago invaded Fengyun City, Youlong Only then showed this absolutely defensive fighting posture!

According to Youlong, this fighting stance is a unique talent of his clan, it will automatically activate when facing a life-and-death crisis, and can increase its own strength.

Now the white-clothed man just leaned on a pillar of the pavilion, without the slightest movement, or even the slightest aura leaking, but it made Youlong, a powerful man in the late Hunyuan realm, directly show a fighting posture, which shows Xiao How terrible the sky is!

"This senior, we shouldn't offend you?" You Long looked at Xiao Tian cautiously with a respectful expression.

He didn't know the details of Xiao Tian, ​​naturally he didn't want to be an enemy of Xiao Tian.

After all, no one who can enter the battlefield of ten thousand realms is good, Xiao Tian is too mysterious, he really doesn't want to fight against such a strong man.

"Aren't you two preparing to take action against this senior's disciple?" At this moment, Cang Xuan's flat voice sounded in the mansion: "Now the Lord has come to the door, but you don't know him anymore?"

After that, Cang Xuan quickly got up, gave a respectful salute to Xiao Tian, ​​and said with a serious face: "Cang Xuan has seen Senior, and I don't know if Senior is coming here. If you miss it, please forgive me."

"It's okay," Xiao Tian waved his hand and said faintly: "You are still acquainted, but this time I didn't want to trouble you."

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