God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 975

Lin Jingyu's voice was not loud, but with an inexplicable majesty, people could not afford to refuse.

"The city owner can rest assured, we will do our best," a Fengyun City expert said with a serious face.

Lin Jingyu nodded and said faintly: "In this case, you guys who want to design ambush me and seize the golden seal of the city lord, let it go. As long as you don't violate the laws of Fengyun City, I will not trouble you. "

After finishing speaking, Lin Jingyu waved his hand and directly sent those creatures out of the city lord's mansion, leaving no one behind.

He is showing his strength and standing in front of those strong in Fengyun City!

Otherwise, even if these Fengyun City powerhouses were afraid of Xiao Tian and respected him, they would not be able to use them as instructing them. Only when these people truly feared him could he calmly command these people.

And this is why his master Xiao Tian will leave here!

He knew very well that Xiao Tian brought them to the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms in order to train them to become strong people on their own, and to become the master of the realm city in charge of one power is undoubtedly one of the ways to become a strong one, so Lin Jingyu also Understand that in the process of taking charge of Wind and Cloud City, Xiao Tian will provide him with extremely limited help, and he needs to solve it more often!

After sending the creatures away, Lin Jingyu turned his attention to Dragon Kwai Zixuan and the others, and said with a smile: "Senior brother Lin Jingyu, I have seen a few senior brothers and sisters, and haven't asked for the names of any other seniors?"

"My name is Dragon Kwai," Dragon Kwai nodded softly, and said softly: "Next to Sister Zi Xuan, you should have seen her cultivation and fighting methods. The other two are the Six Demon of our world. Respect Lou, the other is Xiaokui's brother, Long Yang."

"My name is Xiao Li," the Dragon Kwai voice fell, and Xiao Li on the side said: "As for the two people I brought, one is my brother Xiao Yan and the other is my younger sister Xun'er."

Lin Jingyu nodded when he heard the words, and smiled: "Senior brothers and sisters, let me go to the backyard. There are many good things in the things sent by all parties this time, which are of great use to the brothers and sisters. As for me, But those things are no longer needed.

After becoming the City Lord of Fengyun City, although I still practiced the Nine Ranks of Immortal Body taught by Master, the way to improve my cultivation was changed from absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to the power of absorbing air luck!

If I want to break through to a higher level, I can only make Fengyun City more prosperous!"

Hearing Lin Jingyu's words, the other people who wanted to find a chance to take charge of a realm city because Lin Jingyu only took control of a realm city and then broke through to the holy realm also quickly dispelled their thoughts.

Becoming a Jiecheng City Lord has many benefits, but in a sense, it is bound to Jiecheng. Although they do not reject this kind of cultivation method, this kind of cultivation method that is both prosperous and prosperous is still They are not willing to choose this path lightly.

After all, as Xiao Tian's disciples, their cultivation techniques were all top-notch. Relying on the aura of heaven and earth in this ten thousand world battlefield, it was only a matter of time before they broke through the holy realm, so naturally they didn't need to take this risk.

Nowadays, only Lin Jingyu cultivates the way of Qi Luck. They can also help Lin Jingyu develop Fengyun City and threaten other world cities, but if they also control a world city, then they will face Lin Jingyu. , How should they choose?

Therefore, after Lin Jingyu mentioned his current cultivation method, other people used their own minds to dispel the idea of ​​becoming the master of the world city!

Lin Jingyu saw everyone's expressions, but didn't say much. The cultivation method of Qi Luck is a bit weird, but the increase in strength is huge, but it is difficult to break through to the peak!

Under Lin Jingyu's leadership, everyone quickly reached the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion, only to find that after Xiao Tian had appeared in the backyard for some time, he was lying dormant on a pillar in the pavilion.

"Is it all done?" Xiao Tian's voice suddenly rang in the ears of Lin Jingyu and others. Everyone looked at where Xiao Tian was, but found that Xiao Tian had opened his eyes for some time, and looked calmly. Against them.

"Master, it has been resolved," Lin Jingyu nodded and said seriously: "I told those creatures that the previous grievances and grievances have been cleared up. As long as they abide by the rules of Fengyun City, I will not attack them."

"Well," Xiao Tian nodded lightly and said lightly: "Although it is not the way I imagined to deal with it, it is not bad. Although those people are planning to seize the Golden Seal of the City Lord in your hand, they still did not make a move. Look on the wall, so there is no direct conflict with you.

What's more, if all of these people are caught in one go, it will not be a small blow to Fengyun City's strength, and it will not help you improve your cultivation.It is indeed a good way to beat them to wipe out the previous grievances and let them be honest with their tails."

Having said this, Xiao Tian's gaze fell on Lin Jingyu and said lightly: "As for your future cultivation direction, you should have some ideas, right?"

"The ranking of the Hundred Cities Conference and the luck of eating other cities!" Lin Jingyu said without hesitation.

He obtained information about the Hundred Cities Conference from the Golden Seal of the City Lord. It can be said to be a grand event in the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms. If you can achieve a good result in the Hundred Cities Conference, based on the current ranking of Fengyun City, The power of Qi Luck it carries will skyrocket in an instant, and it is even more possible for him to directly break through to the middle or even late stages of the Holy Realm!

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded slightly, and then said, "But you still forgot one."

"Master, please give me some advice!" Lin Jingyu said immediately upon hearing this.

"Simple, that is to cultivate enough amazing geniuses!" Xiao Tian said with a smile: "Geniuses also have great luck, and because they are cultivated by Fengyun City, they are born with the brand of Fengyun City. Those geniuses use Fengyun. The power of the city grows, and the power of its growth is to feed back Fengyun City, which is completely a mutually beneficial thing!"

"Jing Yu understands!" Lin Jingyu is also an exquisite mind, and soon understood the key points, then rubbed his hands, looked at Xiao Tian, ​​and said with a look of expectation: "That...Master... …Speaking of cultivating geniuses, isn’t this Master’s old line? Or is it your old master..."

Chapter 2352 Go alone!

"I won't help you," Before Lin Jingyu finished speaking, Xiao Tian shook his head and said lightly: "There is no genius in Fengyun City that can come into my eyes. If it is a genius who is amazing enough, The teacher can give you some pointers. As for other people, you senior sisters, senior brothers and sisters, it's not that you don't have the ability to teach disciples, and there are many top masters in Fengyun City. Why should you stare at being a teacher?"

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Lin Jingyu's heart moved and his eyes fell on Baguio.

He has the closest relationship with Baguio. If he asked for something at this moment, he naturally found Baguio.

"Look at what I'm doing?" Baguio laughed when he heard the words, and said with an aura: "I am not Junior Sister Yu Yan, let me teach you the genius of Fengyun City, and you are not afraid of ruining good seedlings."

"Senior Sister, you don't have to say so much between you and me?" Lin Jingyu said helplessly: "Senior Sister, I still don't know the details of your younger brother? It's just a genius who gives advice to Fengyun City. You can do it easily with your abilities. To."

Baguio nodded reluctantly when he heard the words, and said with an aura: "Well, then I will help you once, but just give you some advice. I will not stay in Fengyun City for a long time."

Lin Jingyu was also overjoyed when he heard this, and then turned his attention to other people.

"Brothers and brothers, sisters and sisters, what the master said before..."

Lin Jingyu, the new Fengyun City Lord, rubbed his hands, and cast his eyes on his fellow door, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

"Jing Yu, I will bring Yu Yan back. See if you can persuade Yu Yan to point you to Fengyun City's geniuses. As for other people, don't hit their minds." Xiao Tian's voice suddenly sounded, carrying A little helpless: "You brothers, sisters, and younger brothers and sisters are not suitable to be teachers. Let them point out those geniuses. On the one hand, they are overkill, and on the other hand, they may delay those geniuses and affect the development of Fengyun City."

"Thank you, Master!" Upon hearing Xiao Tian's words, Lin Jingyu quickly said with joy on his face.

Xiao Tian was a little helpless when he saw this, but he didn't say much, and instructed in his heart: "System, bring Wang Yuyan, Azhu and Xiaolongnv to this city lord's mansion."

This is a new function opened by the system after he entered the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield, that is, to receive disciples into the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield, but this function is only for those disciples who have broken through the limits of the world, so Xiao Tian can't control Li Xie now. Wait for someone to take it over.

As Xiao Tian's voice fell, three dark vortexes emerged out of thin air. The next moment, Wang Yuyan and the three walked out of the vortex and appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Master/Senior Xiao!"

As soon as the three of Wang Yuyan appeared, they said respectfully to Xiao Tian, ​​and then they looked around, with surprise in their eyes.

"Jing Yu, you can tell your junior sister about this world city," Xiao Tian casually ordered, then turned his eyes to Dragon Kwai, Zi Xuan and others, and said: "Xiao Kui, Zi Xuan and Yao'er, you The three of them follow me."

After that, Xiao Tian flew directly outside Fengyun City. Although the Baguio trio were puzzled, they didn't ask much. Their figures flashed, and they also followed Xiao Tian towards the outside of Fengyun City.

On an island outside Fengyun City, Xiao Tian's figure appeared out of thin air. Baguio and the three of them followed closely behind. However, the faces of the three of them were a little pale and their auras became disordered, obviously in order to catch up with Xiao Tian. , The three of them have already urged their body skills to the extreme, which has also led to excessive consumption of spiritual power in their bodies.

"Master, you brought us out, but what's the matter?" Baguio quickly adjusted her aura and asked with some doubts.

"There is a chance hidden here, which was left by a strong man in the holy realm, but the chance left by the strong man in the holy realm is indeed only inherited by women. I brought the three of you here to see you Is there such a chance," Xiao Tian said calmly after hearing this.

This news was discovered when he was in the backyard looking at the gifts sent by many strong people in Fengyun City, so after Xiao Tian got the news, he brought the three Baguio people here.

"Opportunity left by the strong in the holy realm?" There was joy in the eyes of the three Baguio, but Solanum could not help asking: "Master, do you really need to bring Sister Yuyan with the opportunity here?"

As for Azhu and others, Dragon Kwai did not care. After all, those people and her weren't really the same people. Although she was clear-headed, she couldn't spread her chances everywhere, so that everyone had the opportunity to get such opportunities.

The reason why Wang Yuyan is mentioned is because Wang Yuyan is Xiao Tian's true disciple, and she is the same school in the true sense.

"That girl Yu Yan has a different way, she doesn't need the chance here," Xiao Tian smiled, calmly said: "The three of you will see how much chance you can get. You have three months. After March, No matter how much you have enlightened, you must return to Fengyun City."

As he said, Xiao Tian raised his hand a little, and a sword formation instantly formed, covering the island.

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