God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 978

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Zhang Bairen's face couldn't help showing surprise, although Heavenly Court had already established a firm foothold in the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, and even in charge of a realm city, it was considered unparalleled.

But after all, their homeland is hard to leave. After the Antiquity War, they were forced to escape into the sea of ​​heavens, and then tossed into the battlefield of ten thousand worlds. Although they knew their original world was not destroyed, they could not find it back. The only way to do this is to be trapped in this ten thousand world battlefield, looking for a way back day by day!

They don't know how many years have passed. After all, they were allowed to wait until a creature from the original world entered the battlefield of the ten thousand worlds. Zhang Bairen was so excited that naturally it didn't need to say more.

"I wonder if Daoyou Xiao can open the channel to return to the original world?" Zhang Bairen pondered for a moment, and couldn't help but excited: "If Daoyou Xiao can make a move, the gods of the heavens will be grateful. In the future, Daoyou Xiao will ask for it, and the heavens will do their best. !"

Although he has been in charge of the Heavenly Court for countless years, and after entering the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield, he has taken charge of a realm city. The city has long been unfathomable, but in the face of the opportunity to return to his homeland, the Lord of the Heavenly Court could not hold back the excitement in his heart. .

As the Lord of the Heavenly Court, he can make decisions on behalf of the Heavenly Court, not to mention that he believes that the gods of the Heavenly Court will not be too different from him after knowing that they can return to the original world!

Hearing Zhang Bairen's words, Xiao Tian hesitated, then nodded gently, and agreed.

He will rarely return to the main plane in the future, most of the time I am afraid he will stay in the battlefield of the ten thousand realms and the seas of the heavens. In addition, Wang Yuyan, Azhu and the little dragon girl who remain on the main plane are also affected by him. The system was used to lead to Fengyun City, so for Xiao Tian, ​​in the main plane, except for the peach spirit roots in the manor in the human world, there is nothing he cares about anymore. .

Under this circumstance, even if he opens the passage to the main plane for the heavenly court, he will not lose much.

On the contrary, it is a good thing for Xiao Tian to have the help of the heavenly forces that are in charge of Pancheng. After all, he has only entered the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms. Although Lin Jingyu has become the Lord of Wind and Cloud City, it is no matter what the background is. It is impossible to compare with Heavenly Court.

In this case, if he can get help from the heavenly forces, he can also gain a foothold in the battlefield of ten thousand realms faster!

After all, his strength is in the first stage, and it is only in the middle stage of the holy realm. Even if he has the strength to contend or even defeat the strong in the late stage of the holy realm, on this ten thousand world battlefield, although the strong in the holy realm is the top combat power, it does not represent the holy The number of strong realms is scarce, and there is at least one strong realm in every realm city with a master!

The battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms is divided into five realms in the south, east and northwest, each of which contains 100 realm cities. There are probably less than 100 unowned realm cities among these realm cities. In other words, even There is only one holy realm powerhouse in each realm city, and there are no less than 400 masters who have reached the holy realm on the entire ten thousand realm battlefield!

What's more, there are more than one holy realm powerhouses in the forefront world city like Pancheng, so counting, the number of holy realm powerhouses on the entire ten thousand world battlefield can be imagined!

Therefore, although Xiao Tian is extremely confident in his own strength, he does not think that he can quickly lay a foundation in the battlefield of ten thousand realms by his own strength. Now that he can make good relations with the heavenly court, Xiao Tian will naturally not reject the heavenly court. Outside.

After all, if you really want to count it, the heavenly forces can be regarded as his fellow, after all, he is closer to him than the other creatures in the battlefield of ten thousand worlds!

"Then there is Daoist Lao Xiao!" Seeing Xiao Tian's agreement, Zhang Bairen couldn't help but excitedly said, "You should be a newcomer to the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, right? With the strength of Daoyou Xiao's holy realm, he can control a realm city. If Dao Xiao wants to If you become the master of the world city and take charge of one side, Heavenly Court is willing to help Xiao Daoyou win a world city and give the seat of the city lord to Xiao Daoyou!"

If it is an unowned city, only the creatures who have passed the test of the boundary monument can bring the city lord’s golden seal out of the city lord’s mansion and give orders to one side, but the lord’s city is different. As long as the lord can be killed and the lord stays in the city lord If the soul mark in the golden seal is erased, it will be able to take its place and become the city master of the city!

Zhang Bairen said these words, the implication is that if Xiao Tian wants to become the City Lord of Jiecheng, Tianting can help him knock down a Jiecheng City, and then hand over the city lord's golden seal!

Xiao Tian naturally understood what Zhang Bairen meant. He pondered for a moment, and then smiled: "If I guessed correctly, I'm afraid Heavenly Court will face a big battle soon, right?"

After that, Xiao Tian probably recounted the scene he had seen outside the city lord's mansion.

"Friend Xiao Daoist guessed well," Zhang Bairen nodded, and said with a serious face: "You should have seen the creatures of Lei Pingcheng. Lei Pingcheng and several other world cities had already been thinking about playing the city as early as a hundred years ago. , It is normal for the creatures from Lei Punishment City to come in in Pancheng."

"In that case, I will assist Heavenly Court in taking down these world cities, and then open up the channel to return to the original world," Xiao Tian looked at Zhang Bairen, and said in a deep voice, "I don't need the world cities, but I want to get from these worlds A hundred of the city’s geniuses were selected to take away. Besides, I want to copy and take away the classics in those cities!"

Xiao Tian had already made a decision in his heart. He did not intend to occupy too many realm cities. For him, Fengyun City was enough. What he wanted was to make Wind and Cloud City a place on the battlefield of ten thousand realms. Holy land!

Although it is only a boundary city, as long as it is a strong person who walks out of Fengyun City, no one dares to underestimate it!

At that time, as the master of Fengyun City City Master and the creator of Fengyun City Holy Land, his name Xiao Tian will naturally spread throughout the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Realms!

After his fame has completely resonated throughout the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Realms, he can begin to build Fengyun City into the holy land that countless creatures in the heavens and ten thousand worlds yearn for!

Using this method to complete the final main task is undoubtedly much simpler than trying to go around in a daze!

And if Fengyun City is to be built into the battlefield of the ten thousand realms and even the holy place that countless creatures in the sea of ​​heavens yearn for, it needs enough genius and technique secrets as support!

The geniuses in the world cities that were ready to fight the Pancheng controlled by Heavenly Court and the secrets of the exercises in them were Xiao Tian's first goal!

With the help of the power of the heavenly court, he can get what he wants without spending too much money, and the heavenly court has obtained several world cities and found a way to return to the main plane, and the gain is only a lot more than him. In a win-win situation, it is impossible for Heaven to refuse!

Chapter 2357 Secret Talk!

Zhang Bairen was stunned when he heard the words, he hadn't figured out Xiao Tian's thoughts.

If it were in other places, the geniuses and classics that Xiao Tian requested would naturally have a lot of value, but this is the battlefield of ten thousand realms!

It can be said that the least valuable on the battlefield of the ten thousand realms is the genius and the classics of exercises, because who can enter the battlefield of the ten thousand realms, who is not the top genius in their respective worlds?

The same is true for those exercise secrets. For the group of people standing at the top, after they have already walked out of their own way, those exercises secrets can only be used as a reference. Although they have some value, they are comparable to a world city. In comparison, it's not worth mentioning!

And Xiao Tian helped Heavenly Court take down those world cities, and opened up the channel for them back to the main plane, but only for those geniuses and techniques secrets that are of little value on the battlefield of ten thousand worlds. This really makes Zhang Bairen somewhat Can't figure it out.

"Friend Xiao Daoist, are you sure you only want those geniuses and techniques?" Zhang Bairen looked at Xiao Tian and couldn't help but said, "This is the battlefield of ten thousand realms, not the world we are in. Each great power can compete for a disciple with amazing talents. In this battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, the least valuable is the genius!

As for the secrets of the exercises, they don’t have much effect. After all, the geniuses who can enter the battlefield of the ten thousand worlds have already walked out of their own way. Those exercises can only serve as a reference. The value is on the battlefield of the ten thousand worlds. It's not necessarily high."

If you change to someone else, Zhang Bairen will naturally not say so much. After all, this is a trade you wish. Even if you lose, it is your own problem. But now he is facing Xiao who has the opportunity to return to the main plane. Heaven, so Zhang Bairen couldn't help but reminded him, lest Xiao Tian later found out that the value of what he got was much lower than he thought and became dissatisfied with Heaven.

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Thanks to the emperor for reminding me, but those geniuses and the secrets of the exercises have a different purpose for me.

Xiao Tian naturally knew that the least valuable thing on the battlefield of ten thousand realms is the genius and the secrets of the exercises. After all, the secrets of the exercises are willing to turn them away, so as to create stronger exercises. , But the time it takes is also extremely alarming, and the effort is not proportional to the gain.

And those geniuses are even more so. The sea of ​​heavens is connected to the battlefield of ten thousand realms. No one knows whether there will be more amazing geniuses entering the battlefield of ten thousand realms in the next moment. In addition, the battlefield of ten thousand realms has geniuses falling every moment, so The status of geniuses in the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms is also not so high.

But he is different. With the help of the Saint Master System of the Ten Thousand Realms, he can completely consume the points of the master's grace to deduce the exercises, and the efficiency is far superior to other great abilities on the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Realms, and the Nine Turns Immortal Body he cultivates is even more It is a first-class method. Although it is impossible for him to teach the complete Nine Ranks Immortal Body, the simplified version of the Nine Ranks Immortal Body is not an unspoken secret, and he can also transfer the simplified Nine Ranks. The combination of Zhuan Indestructible and other exercises creates a more powerful exercise!

Therefore, for Xiao Tian, ​​he has obtained the many classics treasured in those world cities. It is undoubtedly a good opportunity for Xiao Tian to greatly increase the wealth of Fengyun City. It is also the first place for him to make Fengyun City a holy land for countless geniuses on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Worlds. step!

Even in a sense, those exercises and secret skills are more important than the hundred geniuses Xiao Tian asked for!

"If this is the case, then follow Daoist Xiao," Zhang Bairen groaned for a moment, and then said: "My heavenly classics, in addition to the methods practiced by the masters of the holy realm, you can also copy a copy of the secrets of other exercises and give it to Daoyou Xiao, and then serve as Daoyou Xiao instead We have opened up the thanks for returning to the main plane."

Although Zhang Bairen didn’t know what Xiao Tian was going to do, he felt resentful towards Heavenly Court so that Xiao Tian wouldn’t feel at a loss afterwards. He was even more in charge of Heavenly Court, besides him, as well as several other holy realm powerhouses who practiced the secrets of cultivation techniques. In addition to the techniques, all the secret techniques possessed by the heavenly court were copied, so as to be good to Xiao Tian!

After all, although the secrets of the exercises in the Heavenly Court are precious, they are not unspoken secrets. In fact, if you are not worried about giving the secrets of the exercises of the Heavenly Saint Realm masters to Xiao Tian, ​​it is easy for Xiao Tian to find their weaknesses. , Zhang Bairen intends to give a copy of the secrets of the exercises they practiced to Xiao Tian!

Hearing what Zhang Bairen said, Xiao Tian was overjoyed. He didn't expect that there would be this unexpected joy. He also coveted the secrets of the Heavenly Court, but he was worried that Zhang Bairen’s misunderstanding would be caused by rash suggesting it, so he didn’t raise it. This condition is only to ask for the secrets of the exercises that are treasured in the world cities that the heavens have struck down.

Now Zhang Bairen decided to copy a copy of Heavenly Court's classics as a gift to him. Although it lacks the exercises and secrets practiced by the top sacred masters of Heavenly Court, its value is also incomparable to Xiao Tian. Estimate!

"So, I would like to thank the Emperor of Heaven," Xiao Tian and Zhang Bairen nodded and said with a smile: "If the matter is here, I will not stay here anymore. I will stay in Fengyun City for a long time. Jiecheng took the initiative and sent someone to Fengyun City to find me."

"At that time, I will definitely notify Xiao Daoyou," Zhang Bairen heard that he did not do much to retain, he took out a golden crystal, pushed it to Xiao Tian, ​​and said with a smile: "This is the heavenly book that I promised to give to Xiao Daoyou. How to deal with it is up to Xiao Daoyou to decide, as long as Xiao Daoyou does not fully announce it."

His implication was that even if Xiao Tian placed the classics of the Heavenly Court in the Cangshu Pavilion for disciples to watch the Heavenly Court, he would not interfere. As long as Xiao Tian didn't spread these classics in the battlefield of ten thousand realms or even the sea of ​​heavens, Heaven would not interfere. Would mind!

Xiao Tian naturally understood Zhang Bairen's meaning, took the golden crystal, and then smiled and said, "The Emperor can rest assured that I will put these classics in the library of Fengyun City. Only geniuses who meet the conditions can enter the library to read."

Zhang Bairen nodded when he heard the words. In fact, even if these classics were completely leaked out, he would not take it seriously. The reason why Xiao Tian did not want to spread it was that he did not want to see the heavenly court's exercises being mastered by the heavenly hostile forces. , On the contrary, it was used to deal with Heavenly Court.

Now that Xiao Tian had told him the purpose of these exercises, he would not be too entangled in this issue.

"Let's say goodbye in advance, so I won't disturb the Emperor of Heaven," Xiao Tian said immediately when Zhang Bairen nodded his head, and said no more.

Zhang Bairen nodded slightly, without speaking.

Xiao Tian smiled when he saw it, his figure flashed and disappeared in the city lord's mansion...

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