God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 982

After all, there is a strong man who can help the creatures of the Hunyuan realm break through the holy realm and sit in Fengyun Academy. This gimmick alone is enough to make countless creatures smash their heads and want to enter Fengyun Academy.

Not to mention that there are still experts in the Holy Land like him sitting in the Fengyun Academy, personally pointing out the problems in cultivation, plus the vast sea of ​​classics in the Fengyun Academy, once the Fengyun Academy is established, I am afraid that it will not be just a creature of Fengyun City. , Even the creatures in the nearby city will find a way to enter Fengyun Academy!

After all, even those creatures are not interested in the classics of Fengyun Academy, but the opportunity to break through the Holy Realm is Fengyun Academy’s biggest trump card. There is his Cangxuan living sign here. I don’t know how many strong people are trapped in the Hunyuan Realm. Those who will regard Fengyun Academy as a sacred place, try to enter Fengyun Academy!

In the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion, Xiao Tian was sitting in the pavilion, leaning on a stone pillar with a faint smile on his face.

He could say that he knew everything about the situation in Fengyun City. He knew how shocking the news of Cang Xuan's breakthrough to the Holy Realm with his help was. With such a sign here, Fengyun Academy was established. It will attract a large number of geniuses. It can be said that he has successfully made the first step of building Fengyun City into the Eastern Region and even the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Realms, and even the most famous cultivating sacred place in the Sea of ​​Heaven.

Next, we only need to develop step by step, and the reputation of Fengyun Academy will naturally increase. When Fengyun City becomes famous in the Hundred Cities War, the reputation of Fengyun Academy will naturally reverberate throughout the Eastern Region, and even other territories of the Ten Thousand Worlds Battlefield. The creatures of Fengyun Academy will also hear about the name of Fengyun Academy. Once there are a few more holy realm powerhouses born in Fengyun Academy, it is undoubtedly a sure thing that Fengyun City will become a famous sacred place for cultivation in the Eastern Region and even the entire Ten Thousand Worlds battlefield!

Lin Jingyu showed up in the backyard of the city lord's mansion with the creature he had touched, looking at Xiao Tian, ​​who was leaning on the pillar in the pavilion, and couldn't help smiling bitterly.

He believed that with his master's ability, he could easily support Fengyun Academy and make Fengyun Academy famous in the entire Eastern Region and even the entire Ten Thousand Realms battlefield.

It's a pity that his master is used to being chic and comfortable, otherwise, he won't have to spend time talking about those creatures to support Fengyun Academy.

However, with a bitter smile in his heart, Lin Jingyu still did not forget what was going on, and brought the creatures he had touched to Xiao Tian, ​​and respectfully said: "Master, these are the strong men I have invited to support Fengyun Academy. Master, please have a look."

All the creatures behind Lin Jingyu also gave a respectful salute to Xiao Tian, ​​and said with a serious face, "I have seen Senior Xiao!"

It's just that these creatures have a bit of anxiety on their faces at this moment, for fear that they will not meet Xiao Tian's requirements and will not be able to become instructors of Fengyun Academy.

If it was before, they would naturally not care. They were strong in the Hunyuan realm, and their size was considered a human being. They would not be able to live without Fengyun Academy, but it is different now. Xiao Tian helped Cangxuan break through the holy realm. Of course, Cang Xuan has been in the late stage of the holy realm for a long time, and the reason is very solid, but Xiao Tian's role is also not to be underestimated.

Otherwise, why was Cang Xuan stuck for a long time in the late Hunyuan realm, and finally succeeded in breaking through with the help of Xiao Tian?

If they become the mentors of Fengyun Academy, for the development of Fengyun Academy, Xiao Tian will have nothing to do with them, so that their strength can be improved as soon as possible. If they are lucky enough, they may be able to break through to the Holy Spirit under the guidance of Xiao Tian. The environment may also be!

And if they can't become the instructors of Fengyun Academy, even if they can enter Fengyun Academy later as a student, they will get a completely different treatment. If you want Xiao Tian's guidance, it will only depend on luck.

Under this circumstance, these creatures were naturally too nervous, for fear that they would not meet Xiao Tian's requirements and be eliminated by Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian's gaze swept across the sentient beings, and there was no expression on his face.

"The three middle stages of the Hunyuan realm, and the seven early stages of the Hunyuan realm, are not bad," Xiao Tian spoke slowly in the nervous gaze of a sentient being, his tone not fluctuating at all.

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the sentient beings couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although Xiao Tian only said the word'nice', this is also a recognition of their strength. They can be praised by Xiao Tian, ​​and they may not be eliminated. Sex is a lot bigger.

"But..." Xiao Tian swept his gaze over the sentient beings, raising the hearts of the sentient beings again, looking at Xiao Tian nervously.

Xiao Tian didn’t care about the gazes of all beings, and said lightly: “Fengyun Academy is an academy, and naturally aims to teach enough talents. Therefore, what Fengyun Academy values ​​most is not personal strength, but to teach disciples. Ability, as long as they can teach a sufficiently outstanding disciple, mortals can also become instructors of Fengyun Academy."

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, all sentient beings were relieved, just teaching their disciples. Many of them were still ancestors before entering the battlefield of ten thousand realms. These things are nothing to them. Difficult.

Even those creatures who haven't taught their disciples don't take this matter to heart. After all, their cultivation base is placed here, and their vision is far beyond other creatures. If they just give pointers, it is not difficult to do with their abilities.

Seeing the expressions of all beings, Xiao Tian didn’t say much, but calmly said: “When Fengyun Academy is formally established, you will each bring ten students, and you will conduct an assessment every year. score.

I will personally guide the students and instructors with the highest scores for half a month. The students and instructors with the lowest scores will not be punished, but if they score the lowest three times in a row, they will be expelled from Fengyun Academy."

When Xiao Tian said that, he paused for a while, his eyes swept across a group of sentient beings, and said lightly: "Fengyun Academy does not raise waste."

Chapter 2364 The emperor's message and Xiao Tian's decision!

Hearing Xiao Tian’s words, the surrounding creatures looked awe-inspiring. They were different from before. Now they see Fengyun Academy as a holy place. If they are expelled from Fengyun Academy, they will miss the chance. This kind of thing, they naturally don’t. Willing to happen to myself.

For a while, those creatures couldn't help becoming more vigilant in their eyes when looking at other creatures.

After all, when Fengyun Academy is established, they are rivals to each other. Only by winning against others can they get Xiao Tian's guidance. With this, it is worthy of them to use all their skills to teach those who enter Fengyun Academy!

Seeing the reaction of the sentient beings, Lin Jingyu also sighed inwardly.

It took him a lot of effort to invite these creatures with the lord of Fengyun City, the master of the holy realm, but his master Xiao Tian only took a few words to tidy up these creatures and obediently confessed from this point. I can already see how big the gap between myself and Xiao Tian is!

However, Lin Jingyu also knew exactly how terrifying his master was. Even if he had broken through to the Holy Realm now, when he looked at Xiao Tian, ​​he still seemed to be looking at a cloud of mist. It was the reaction of these creatures. It didn't surprise Lin Jingyu too much.

"Jingyu, the matter is left to you, finish the Fengyun Academy's affairs as soon as possible, and recruit geniuses earlier," Xiao Tian didn't care about the creatures, his eyes fell on Lin Jingyu, and said lightly.

Lin Jingyu nodded quickly and agreed. Fengyun Academy's shelf has long been set up. Now Cang Xuan, the newly promoted holy realm powerhouse and this group of Hunyuan realm powerhouses, are available as teachers. He can be established at any time. Fengyun Academy recruits students.

However, Lin Jingyu is not in a hurry. Even if he establishes Fengyun Academy now, he can only attract the creatures of Fengyun City. He intends to wait until Fengyun Academy’s news has been brewing for a period of time before recruiting students. At that time, he might still be able to recruit. Some geniuses from other world cities!

Xiao Tian didn't know Lin Jingyu's thoughts, but he didn't care too much. He had heard from Lin Jingyu a long time ago that the next Hundred Cities War was still more than ten years away.

Although for the creatures on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, ten years is just a snap, but in Xiao Tian’s view, ten years are enough time for the students of Fengyun Academy to undergo reborn changes, so Xiao Tian did not Anxious for a while, just instructed Lin Jingyu to finish the affairs of Fengyun Academy as soon as possible, but did not ask Lin Jingyu to let Fengyun Academy enroll students in the near future.

After explaining the affairs of Fengyun Academy, Xiao Tian was going to see if Baguio and Xiao Feng and others had gained anything these days. However, Xiao Tian hadn't walked far, and the jade pendant on his waist suddenly trembled. Then the ghost of Zhang Bairen, the emperor of the golden clothes, appeared out of thin air in Xiao Tian's sight.

"Friend Xiao Daoist, in three days, Heavenly Court will take action on those world cities that covet Pancheng," Zhang Bairen looked at Xiao Tian and said with a serious face, "I wonder if Daoist Xiao has leisure?"

"Three days?" Xiao Tian nodded lightly when he heard the words, and smiled: "You can set off at any time. I wonder if the Emperor of Heaven has any arrangements?"

The agreement between him and Zhang Bairen was that he would assist Zhang Bairen in taking down those world cities, so he didn't intend to let himself become the dominant one, but chose to assist Zhang Bairen. He only had to attack the corresponding world cities according to Zhang Bairen's arrangement.

"Xiao Daoyou is in the middle stage of the Holy Realm. I don't dare to say the arrangement," Zhang Bairen shook his head when he heard the words, and smiled: "There are a total of five cities that have attacked Heavenly Court this time. They are Thunder Punishment City and Anger Jiao City. , Liufeng City, Lieyang City, and Crouching Tiger City. The lord of each city is in the mid-sacred realm, and there are at least two early-sacred powers sitting in town. The heavenly court will hold the five cities allied forces, and please take advantage of Xiao Daoyou This opportunity will take their lair down!"

Zhang Bairen’s request is not difficult. The five-cities coalition has gathered most of the masters of the five world cities, and at most there is only one holy realm powerhouse and some creatures under the holy realm. .

For the Saint Realm masters, the unsanctified realm is no different from the ants. With the strength of Xiao Tian's mid-stage sacred realm, it is completely possible to take advantage of the emptiness of the five cities to directly take down all the five cities!

Although Xiao Tian couldn't get the golden seal of the city lord and took charge of the five world cities in one fell swoop, the fire in the backyard was enough to shake the spirit of the Five Cities Allied Forces and give Heavenly Court a chance to defeat them in one fell swoop!

Xiao Tian nodded when he heard the words. Zhang Bairen gave him such an easy task, and he was showing him a favor. After all, the Heavenly Court had been wandering in the sea of ​​heavens for a long time. No one knows the cards he has. Since Heavenly Court dared to shake the Five Cities Alliance force this time, it was obvious that he had a hole card. For example, today the Court chose to gnaw off the fleshiest bone of the Five Cities Alliance Army and handed over the easy task to him. It was also full of sincerity.

"If this is the case, then I'll take a trip," Xiao Tian smiled and said to Zhang Bairen.

"There is Daoist Lao Xiao!" Zhang Bairen sternly said, arching his hand at Xiao Tian.

Although even without Xiao Tian, ​​he is sure to win the five world cities, but this way, Heaven’s hole cards will be exposed a lot, but it is different now. Xiao Tian makes a surprise attack on the five world cities, and Heaven only needs to positively contain them. Living in the Five Cities Alliance, and not allowing the Five Cities Alliance to return aid, when Xiao Tian takes the Five Boundary Cities and the Five Cities Alliance Army's heart is disturbed, Heaven will be able to eat the Five Cities Alliance in one fell swoop!

Xiao Tian didn't say a word, recalling the information Zhang Bairen had told him about the five world cities, and soon he made a decision in his heart.

He plans to fix Crouching Tiger City, the nearest to Fengyun City!

On the one hand, he settled Crouching Tiger City’s ability to help Heavenly Court fight against the Allied Forces of the Five Cities. On the other hand, if he frightened the creatures in Crouching Tiger City, he could also take the opportunity to abduct some of the creatures in Crouching Tiger City to Fengyun City.

After all, he wants to build Fengyun City into the battlefield of ten thousand realms and even the most famous holy land among the sea of ​​heavens, so he must have enough creatures to support it!

After he stunned Crouching Tiger City, he was able to attract some potential creatures from Crouching Tiger City into Fengyun City to enhance the foundation of Fengyun City, and because these creatures chose to leave Crouching Tiger City and go to Fengyun City by themselves, neither Affecting his agreement with Heavenly Court, he will be able to select one hundred talented geniuses from these five cities to bring back to Fengyun Academy.

Therefore, Xiao Tian did not hesitate too much, and soon decided to go to Crouching Tiger City, and then consider other world cities after he took it!

After making a decision in his mind, Xiao Tian immediately accelerated his speed, and his cultivation in the mid-sacred realm was fully displayed. After only a short period of time, Xiao Tian appeared outside Crouching Tiger City not far from Fengyun City...

Chapter 2365 Crouching Tiger City, Yun Shu!

Crouching Tiger City, the fifty-seventh ranked world city in the Eastern Region of the Ten Thousand Worlds Battlefield, although it is far less than the Pancheng held by the Heavenly Court, there are also three Holy Realm powerhouses in Crouching Tiger City. In the middle of the Holy Realm, the strength is extremely tyrannical.

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