God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 986

A terrifying explosion sounded, and the rubble splashed in the city of Thunder Punishment, and the billowing smoke instantly covered the city of Thunder Punishment, even Xiao Tian couldn't see the scene clearly.

Fortunately, the smoke and dust did not last for a long time, and it didn't take long for the smoke and dust to dissipate quickly, revealing the devastated Thunder Penalty City.

The original majestic city was actually divided into two under the attack of the Qianzhang Divine Sword. The place where the east and west gates were all turned into fly ash, and a deep sword mark replaced the line where the east and west gates were. All the buildings!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Tian also took a sigh of relief. Such an attack is too shocking. You must know that Thunder Punishment City is bombarded by thunder all year round, and ordinary thunder cannot stay on the bricks in Thunder Punishment City. The next trace.

Even the robbery around Lei Punishment City may not be able to shake the bricks in Lei Punishment City.

However, Lei Punishment City is now divided into two, this kind of power is really terrifying!

However, Xiao Tian didn't get too entangled in this matter. He had never thought of occupying Lei Penalty City, so even if Lei Penalty City was severely damaged, Xiao Tian did not take it seriously.

Glancing at the creatures in Lei Punishing City, Xiao Tian's figure flashed before disappearing.

With the tragic situation of Lei Punishment City as a deterrent, many creatures in Lei Punishment City should choose to seek refuge in Fengyun City.

Xiao Tian knew very well that the strong in the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms respected him. Although Lei Punishment City's current tragic situation could not be separated from him, this could show that he was strong enough, and he was sitting in Fengyun City, enough to make those creatures feel at ease.

Therefore, I am afraid that many creatures in Lei Punishment City will go to Fengyun City to see if they can get his shelter!

Therefore, Xiao Tian did not intend to spend more words. The tragic situation of Thunder Punishment City was in front of him. The creatures who did not belong to Thunder Punishment City were able to make a decision soon, and the remaining creatures who were unwilling to leave Thunder Punishment City were also shocked. You can't persuade them in a few words, and Xiao Tian doesn't plan to waste too much time on this!

He also wants to take down the five world cities as soon as possible, and then bring all the classics in the five world cities back to Fengyun Academy, so as to enhance the foundation of Fengyun Academy. If he can take the five world cities a day earlier, he can also Return to Fengyun City one day to take control and cultivate your own power!

Chapter 2370 Disciple's Trend!

Just when Xiao Tian split Lei Pingcheng into two and rushed to the next boundary city, outside Fengyun City, on the small island where the three Baguio were located.

Baguio and Solanum Zixuan sat cross-legged in front of a stone sculpture, exuding a mysterious aura.

On the stone sculptures in front of the three of them, there are stars emerging, and the thick Taoist rhyme surrounds the stone sculptures, making it difficult to see the faces of the stone sculptures.

Not long after, Solanum slowly opened his eyes, looking at the stone sculpture in front of him, he couldn't help feeling disappointed.

"The inheritance of the Star King is really not suitable for me..."

Looking at Zi Xuan and Baguio who were still in the cultivation state, Solanum sighed inwardly and said helplessly.

She is a ghost cultivator. Although she does not look much different from a normal monk because of the techniques taught to her by Xiao Tian, ​​she is still cultivating ghost power in essence, and the star emperor is the most orthodox monk. The exercises inherited from it are also the most suitable for orthodox monks to practice.

Even if she has a good talent, it is too difficult to practice the techniques inherited by the Star Emperor!

"It's true that some of the secret techniques in the Star Emperor's inheritance are worthy of comprehension." Thinking of his own harvest, Solanum was not too disappointed.

Before long, Baguio and Zi Xuan also slowly opened their eyes, their faces also filled with joy.

"Xinghuang is worthy of being a powerhouse in the late stage of the Holy Realm, and the inheritance left by it is indeed very high and profound, far beyond the inheritance of ordinary strong people," Zi Xuan sighed and smiled: "It is a pity that the skills passed down by the Star Emperor Although advanced, but after all, it is not as good as the exercises taught by the master, which is a pity."

"Although you can't practice the Star Emperor's techniques, the secret techniques it left behind are extraordinary," Baguio nodded and smiled, "This time it's not in vain."

"It's been a while since we left Wind and Cloud City, and I don't know if there is any change in the current Wind and Cloud City," Zi Xuan glanced over Solanum and Baguio, and smiled: "It's time to go back and take a look."

Before Zi Xuan's words fell, the sword formation under Xiao Tian's cloth on the island shattered in an instant, and a beast claw burning with pitch black flame protruded from the void and grabbed it at the nightshade!

"Xiaokui be careful!"

Zi Xuan was standing opposite the nightshade, just to catch this scene in his eyes, and quickly reminded.

Solanum was also aware of the movement behind him, without any hesitation, at the point of his feet, the whole person floated directly to the side for dozens of steps like a fluffy cat, and it was able to withstand the attack of that beast claw!


With a bit of fear on Solanum's face, looking at the beast claws that suddenly appeared, he couldn't help asking.

"It should be the world beast that was sealed by the Star Emperor and the Star Devouring Demon Wolf mentioned in the Star Emperor's inheritance?" Baguio said, looking at the beast's claw, with a flash of light in his eyes.

She saw the looming chains around the beast claws, limiting the beast claws to a certain range.

This reminded Baguio in the Star Emperor’s legacy that a world beast was sealed before the fall of the Star Emperor. Originally, Baguio did not take this matter to heart, but she did not expect that the world beast would Break the seal at this time and attack them!

"Is it a sealed world beast?" Dragon Kwai looked at the beast's claws, pondered for a moment, and said, "Fengyun City now has only two holy realm powerhouses, Master and Junior Brother Lin. Junior Brother Lin has only recently broken through, and his strength is still lacking. Master is even more accustomed to idle clouds and wild cranes, and may not be willing to pay attention to things in Fengyun City.

It would be a good thing to be able to subdue this world beast and let it sit in Fengyun City."

Zi Xuan shook her head when she heard the words, and said with a heavy expression: "According to the records of the Star Emperor's inheritance, this Star Devouring Demon Wolf is a realm beast at the peak of the Hunyuan realm, and it may not be its opponent even if it is an ordinary holy realm powerhouse. .

Although we have gained part of the Star Emperor's inheritance and have strengthened a lot, it is not difficult to surrender the Star Devouring Demon Wolf.

Should we go back to Wind and Cloud City first, and ask Master to come and help conquer this Star Devouring Demon Wolf?"

"Senior Sister Zixuan, don't worry," Baguio said with a smile, "Why bother Master with such a small matter? Although the Star Devourer is the pinnacle beast of the Hunyuan realm, it has been sealed by the Star Emperor for so long after all. Some strength is not easy to say.

Coupled with the seal of the Star Emperor, the three of us may not be able to capture the Star Devouring Demon Wolf together.Let's try to subdue this Star Devouring Demon Wolf."

Zi Xuan was silent for a moment when she heard Baguio's words, then nodded.

"Be careful, don't retreat right away," Zi Xuan could not help but exhorted even though she agreed to try to subdue the Star Devouring Demon Wolf first.

Hearing Zi Xuan's words, Baguio and Solanum also nodded. They knew how powerful the world beast was, so naturally they would not take it lightly.

Soon, the three people of Zi Xuan completed the negotiation and ran towards the place where the beast claw was...

At the same time, not far from Fengyun City, on another small island, Xiao Feng, Yang Guo and Xiao Li were trapped in a formation, besieged by countless puppets.

The breath of the three of them was also extremely astonishing. Xiao Feng was already in the late stage of the Primal Mixed Realm, and each palm of Jianglong Eighteen Palm sent a real dragon howling, crushing a line of puppets.

Although Xiao Li and Yang Guo are not as good as Xiao Feng, they have reached the middle stage of the Primal Mixed Realm, and their attacks are equally powerful, but they will directly crush any puppets close to them!

And as a large number of puppets were crushed, the aura emanating from Xiao Feng's trio slowly increased. If Xiao Tian were here, he would be able to find that every time a puppet was crushed, there would be a ray of aura in the puppet. Fly out, submerge into the body of the person who crushed the puppet, enhancing its cultivation.

Although with the current cultivation base of the Xiao Feng trio, a ray of aura can't do anything to them, but the aura gathered by countless puppets is enough to change their cultivation base!

And this formation seems to use the method of mustard seed Nasumi. Although the small island where Xiao Feng and the three are located is not large, the space in this formation is not visible at a glance, and the puppets in it are even more unreliable. Absolutely, as if you can never kill it!

In fact, the three of Xiao Feng had entered this formation as early as half a month ago. However, after fighting for half a month, the three of them have made considerable progress in their cultivation, but the puppets in the space did not seem to be reduced by half!


Yang Guo casually cut out a sword qi and crushed the puppet in front of him. He couldn't help but said, "When will I kill the puppet? Now I feel like vomiting when I see the puppet!"

While speaking, Yang Guo once again smashed a puppet trying to get close to him, with a helpless expression.

"Smash these puppets first, let's talk about it," Xiao Feng looked at the puppets around him, a little helpless, but at the moment he didn't know what to do, so he had to continue to destroy the puppets nearby.

Fortunately, destroying those puppets can increase their cultivation level. Otherwise, Xiao Feng would have left this formation long ago, and it is impossible to continue to suffer here!

After all, he has been facing endless puppets for half a month, even if Xiao Feng's mind is tough, he will inevitably collapse at this moment!

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